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为处理钾长石水热制备钾霞石所产生的碱性滤液,本文采用水热法,考察了氢氧化铝溶解时间、晶化时间、晶化温度、水碱比对钾霞石产率和白度的影响,并对合成钾霞石物相进行了表征。结果表明,合成钾霞石的最佳条件为,氢氧化铝溶解时间为1.5 h,晶化时间为4 h,晶化温度280℃,水碱比为1.8。XRD结果表明,产物为钾霞石粉体。傅里叶变换红外光谱表明,Al(OH)3中的Al在水热条件下进入到Si—O骨架中形成了Si—O—Al官能团,从而印证了钾霞石的合成。差热分析结果表明,合成钾霞石具有良好的热稳定性。氮气吸附结果表明,合成钾霞石比表面积为5.18 m2/g,平均孔径为32.98 nm。实现了钾长石水热制备钾霞石所剩碱性滤液的资源化利用,并为钾长石水热制备钾霞石提供了一种母液循环的思路,使水热制备钾霞石工业化成为一种可能。  相似文献   
非传统稳定同位素(Fe-Cu-Zn-Mo)理论与数据相结合提高了科研工作者对地质体系氧化还原过程的理解。本文对这一相对较新的领域进行了综述,包括与氧化还原过程相关的同位素分馏理论和实验约束、时空尺度下的氧逸度以及同位素示踪氧化还原过程。稳定同位素理论预测,Fe-Cu-Zn-Mo同位素应该对氧化还原状态的变化能够做出响应。结果表明,Fe同位素作为岩浆过程、表生过程、俯冲带流体性质"氧逸度计"应用前景广阔;Cu同位素在岩浆、热液、陆地系统可以很好地示踪氧化还原过程;Zn同位素由于络合过程分馏已经被用在许多不同环境中作为含硫/碳流体迁移的敏感示踪剂;Mo同位素作为古氧逸度计可有效重建古海洋-大气氧化还原状态。  相似文献   
目的:基于数据挖掘技术探析全国名中医张奇文治疗癫痫的用药规律。方法:收集1998年9月1日至2019年9月30日张奇文治疗癫痫的医案,对医案中的数据进行规范化处理,构建数据库,应用古今医案云平台V2.3.5对中药使用频次、四气五味、功效归经、关联、聚类等进行分析,并总结临床经验。结果:共筛选出40首处方,中药120味。排前10位的中药分别为全蝎、蜈蚣、僵蚕、炙甘草、麦芽、山楂、钩藤、羚羊角、珍珠、牛黄,药性以平、温为主,药味主要为甘、辛、苦,主要归肝、肺、脾经,功效以通络止痛、攻毒散结、息风镇痉等为主。关联组合支持度高的组合为全蝎-蜈蚣、全蝎-僵蚕、僵蚕-蜈蚣、钩藤-全蝎、钩藤-蜈蚣。结论:张奇文治疗癫痫标本兼顾,治标重视息风,治本重视健脾。  相似文献   
目的:观察三黄通泻合剂灌肠治疗脂源性胰腺炎(HLP)的临床疗效。方法:将60例HLP患者随机分为治疗组和对照组,每组各30例。对照组予以西医常规治疗,治疗组在对照组的基础上加用三黄通泻合剂灌肠治疗。比较2组腹痛缓解时间、首次排便时间,治疗前后的C反应蛋白(CRP)、三酰甘油(TG)水平及平均住院时间。结果:治疗组腹痛缓解时间、首次排便时间、平均住院时间均较对照组短(P<0.05),且2组CRP、TG水平治疗前后组内比较及治疗后组间比较,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:三黄通泻合剂可以快速缓解患者腹痛及便秘等症状,显著抑制炎症反应,快速降低TG水平,缩短住院时间,总体疗效显著,值得临床推广。  相似文献   
The tectonic evolution of the Por’ya Guba segment of the White Sea Rift System began in the late Paleoproterozoic, i.e., soon after completion of the Svecofennian collision. The fracture system that controlled localization of the lamproite dike complex was formed under conditions of horizontal compression combined with shear. Subsequently, this system predetermined the location of a rift-graben segment that formed as a result of simple shear. The reactivation of the rift system in the Middle Paleozoic proceeded in two stages. The first stage, when strike-slip movements along previously formed faults predominated, resulted in formation of quartz-carbonate veins bearing base-metal mineralization. The veins that filled the shear fractures opened owing to local reorientation of the stress field. The second stage fitted the transtension conditions, and the Late Devonian alkaline ultramafic dikes of this stage introded into the already existing fracture system, which was oriented at a roughly right angle to the predominant stress orientation.  相似文献   
We have mapped three star-forming regions (G265.14+1.45, G269.16?1.14, G291.27?0.71) in the CS(3–2) and C34S(2–1) lines using the 15 m SEST telescope (Chile), and analyzed the relative positions of methanol and H2O masers, IRAS sources, and emission maxima in the CS lines. In most cases, the maser positions are close to those of the IRAS sources. We compared the radial velocities of the maser sources and high-density CS cores, and estimated the CS column densities assuming LTE. The sizes, densities, and masses of the dense core are estimated; the masses obtained in the LTE approximation agree with the virial masses.  相似文献   
在山西霍山七里峪林场,采用间接的光学测量方法对沿着海拔分布的植物群落主要层叶面积指数(LAI)进行了测量,从不同的角度对LAI的垂直分布规律进行分析。结果表明:1.海拔不同,LAI表现出很大的差异,海拔1750m左右的LAI值大于较高与较低海拔的;对LAI和海拔之间的关系进行回归,得到LAI分布的拟合方程:y=b0+b1x+b2x^2+b3x^3(R=0.712,P〈0.01)。2.同一海拔样带,阴坡LAI均大于阳坡,但对同种种群来说,阴坡树种平均胸径并不一定均大于阳坡。3.植被类型LAI比较表现为:低山针叶林〈低山灌丛〈落叶阔叶林〈落叶针叶林〈常绿针叶林;而主要群系LAI比较表现为:油松林(0.38)〈落叶松林(0.78)〈山杨林及其混交林(1.09)〈白桦林(2.00)〈辽东栎林及其混交林(3.73)。4.典型群落LAI值变化分析和人工林与天然林以,比较表明,LAI值在一定海拔达到最大值,这对于山西霍山人工林栽培和丰产林培育等具有重要意义。  相似文献   
针对台湾海峡东岸台湾北部的海岸阶地进行调查研究,并与西岸福建东北部的海岸阶地进行分析比较;着重阐述台湾西北部4个海岸区域阶地的特性(阶序、分布、高度、崖差、构成等)及其变动情况(阶地抬升、变窄、延伸等);通过推断形成年代、测算隆升速率等,探讨研究区域的海岸线变化与构造升降运动,结果发现:台湾岛的海阶变化不仅受到海平面变动的影响,尚受到区域性地壳隆升的控制;福建沿海地区受蓬莱造山运动的影响极小,海岸阶地的形成主要是受到数次海平面变化的影响;福建沿海的隆升速率由北向南逐渐减少,总体上低于海峡东岸台湾岛的隆升率(平均2mm/a).该研究印证了:相对于台湾岛地区,福建沿海地区的地壳活动相对稳定,其海阶发育可能仅受到海平面变动的影响.’  相似文献   
We present classifications, optical identifications, and radio spectra for 19 radio sources from three complete samples, with declinations 4°–6° (B1950, S 3.9 GHz > 200 mJy), 10°–12°30′ (J2000, S 4.85 GHz > 200 mJy), and 74°–75° (J2000, S 4.85 GHz > 100 mJy). We also present corresponding information for the radio source J0527+0331. The right ascensions are 0–24h and the Galactic latitudes |b| > 15° for all the samples. Our observations were obtained with the 6 m telescope from the Special Astrophysical Observatory in the range 4000–9000 Å or 4000–7500 Å and the RATAN-600 radio telescope at frequencies in the range 0.97–21.7 GHz. We obtained flux densities for the radio sources and optical spectra for their optical counterparts. Nine objects were classified as quasars with redshifts from z = 1.029 to 3.212; nine objects are emission-line galaxies with redshifts from 0.172 to 0.546, and one is a galaxy with burstlike star formation at z = 0.156, and one is a BL Lac object with z = 0.509. The spectra of five radio sources were decomposed into extended and compact components. The radio source J0527+0331, identified with a BL Lac object, displays significant variations of time scales from several days to several years. Data on flux variations are presented for 11 radio sources, as well as their spectra at several epochs.  相似文献   
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