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碳酸岩Sr、Nd、Pb 同位素地球化学研究评述   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
碳酸岩是出露相对较少的幔源岩石,其中Sr与Nd是研究地幔物质组成的主要对象之一。本文统计了世界上主要碳酸岩的锶、钕、铅同位素组成特征;研究显示,碳酸岩源区主要是洋岛玄武岩高U/Pb的HIMU端员和富集端员(EM1或EM2)的混合作用;此外大部分碳酸岩的锶、钕同位素落在大洋玄武岩范围内;这些均表明其成因与地慢柱有密切联系。碳酸岩及与之共生的硅酸岩的同源或独立源区模式部很难充分解释两者同位素组成特征,逭反映碳酸岩的演化模式涉及更复杂的过程。可能是俯冲作用使碳酸岩源区经历不同时间和程度的富集、亏损过程导致地幔源区成分不均一。  相似文献   
澜沧江中游某崩塌堆积体变形空间效应研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
某崩塌堆积体范围内布置有公路、缆机平台、电站进水口等重要建筑物。其变形稳定性直接影响到治理工程设计、施工安全以及电站的运行。因此,文章在对其环境地质条件、物质结构、形成机制分析的基础上,对其变形空间效应作系统的地质分析;并建立了相应的三维地质力学模型,应用FLAC-3D快速拉各朗日差分程序对其空间变形特征进行了详细的分析。结果表明:收口转向及变形收敛特征使得堆积体下部形成一个“支撑拱”,从而阻碍了上部堆积体向下部的变形与位移,利于堆积体的稳定;同时,三维数值模拟结果也表明:堆积体的变形具有明显的空间效应。其位移矢量表现出一定的收敛性,且变形主要分布在1360~1650m高程;变形方式表现出一定的分区特征,表现出后缘压缩固结,中部滑移,前缘受阻压缩的位移特征。纵向具有明显的收口效应;横向上比较来看,也存在变形受阻的收口特征;收口范围主要集中在1330~1440m高程范围。  相似文献   
准确掌握地球大气中的水气分布,了解水气变化趋势对天气现象、全球气候变化、数值预报具有理论研究及实用价值。以无线电掩星技术为基础,利用掩星数据反演大气参数剖面。对原反演模型的不足进行了论证,并给出了反演个例。详细地论述了通过引入MM5先验温度T再通过线性迭代的方法反演对流层下部水汽廓线原理,给出了优化后模型反演个例。并对模型优化后反演廓线中存在的问题进行了分析,提出了下一步优化方向。  相似文献   
Clay fractions in the non-calcareous surface sediments from the eastern Pacific were analyzed for clay minerals, REE and 143Nd/144Nd. Montmorillonite/illite ratio (M/I ratio), total REE contents ((REE), LREE/HREE ratio and cerium anomaly (бCe) may effectively indicate the genesis of clay minerals. Clay fractions with M/I ratio >1, бCe (0.85, (REE (400 μg/g, LREE/HREE ratio (4, and REE patterns similar to those of pelagic sediments are terrigenous and autogenetic mixed clay fractions and contain more autogenetic montmorillonite. Clay fractions with M/I ratio <1, бCe=0.86 to 1.5, ΣREE=200 to 350 μg/g, LREE/HREE ratio (6 and REE distribution patterns similar to that of China loess are identified as terrigenous clay fraction. The 143Nd/144Nd ratios or (э)Nd values of clay fractions inherit the features of terrigenous sources of clay minerals. Clay fractions are divided into 4 types according to (э)Nd values. Terrigenous clay minerals of type I with the (э)Nd values of -8 to -6 originate mainly from North American fluvial deposits. Those of type II with the (э)Nd values of -9 to -7 are mainly from the East Asia and North American fluvial deposits. Those of type III with (э)Nd values of -6 to -3 could come from the central and eastern Pacific volcanic islands. Those of type IV with (э)Nd values of -13 to -12 may be from East Asia eolian. The terrigenous and autogenetic mixed clay fractions show patchy distributions, indicating that there are volcanic or hot-spot activities in the eastern Pacific plate, while the terrigenous clay fractions cover a large part of the study area, proving that the terrigenous clay minerals are dominant in the eastern Pacific.  相似文献   
A remarkable invariance in the ratio of 1,3-dimethylcarbazole (DMC) to 1,6-DMC was discovered in crude oils from the Pearl River Mouth Basin, South China Sea. The remarkably invariant ratio is kept at a constant of about unity regardless of their concentrations, sources or maturities for the sampies. In combination with the molecular structures of 1,3- and 1,6-DMCs, the invariance might indicate that the nitrogen compounds share a common precursor with a skeleton of 1-methylcarbazole and are formed through methylation at C3 and C6 with an essentially identical rate.  相似文献   
传统的河流断面测量方法具有周期长、成本高、外业多等不足,为此提出一种基于机载激光点云的河流横纵断面自动提取方法.首先,使用渐进三角网滤波器从机载点云中分离出地面点,用以构建三角网模型,并将其转化成数字高程模型数据.接着,利用洼地填充、流向分析、流量分析、河流栅格提取、矢量化等水文分析模块,从数字高程模型数据中自动提取出...  相似文献   
由中国地质科学院矿产资源所编制出版的《南岭成矿带成矿规律图(1∶80万)》,是迄今为止矿种最全、资料最新、信息量最大的全面反映我国南岭勘查成果与成矿规律的区带级别(Ⅲ级成矿单元)成矿规律图。该图件研编实现了4大创新点:① 涵盖了南岭已发现的2903处独立矿产地,包括能源、金属、非金属和水气矿产等4大类的76个矿种,实现了南岭成矿带矿种与矿产地的全覆盖;② 归并了地质底图的地层并淡化显示,突出华南岩体、隐伏岩体的特色,使得不同构造—建造层地质单元的分布格局一目了然;③ 实现了矿产地、规模、类型、时代、成矿系列五位一体的综合图例设计,矿产地表达更简洁、直观;④ 综合成矿系列图、表、成矿体系图、剖面图等,以区域规律图编制的新思路和新方法,更集中反映和彰显南岭成矿带最新科研成果。该图件的研编有助于直观展示南岭成矿带矿产的时空分布格局,深入总结成矿规律,科学圈定重要找矿远景区,对于全面指导南岭的地质找矿工作具有重要的意义。  相似文献   
石英脉型钨矿床是中国数量最多的钨矿床类型,但保有储量消耗迅速,迫切需要创新找矿模型,指导找矿突破。文章结合二十余年的找矿实践,通过详细分析扇状成矿矿床实例,构建了石英脉型钨矿床新的找矿模型。该模型强调赋矿裂隙为岩浆动力成因,在花岗岩体顶部呈扇状分布型式,岩浆期后热液恰在裂隙张开时充填其中而形成扇状成矿系统;提出“就岩找矿”、“就矿找矿”、“就矿找岩”的地质、地球化学和地球物理标志,指导矿床尺度的勘查工程部署。截至目前,该模型已在广东禾尚田钨锡矿床、广西珊瑚钨锡矿床、广西社垌钨钼矿床、江西盘古山钨铋矿床等获得了验证,找矿成效显著。  相似文献   
Uncoupling protein 2 (UCP2) is a proton transporter located in the inner mitochondrial membrane, and inhibits the formation of adenosine triphosphate and reacti...  相似文献   
The northwestern sub-basin of South China Sea(SCS) is a unique tectonic unit formed in the early spreading of the SCS. The northwestern Sub-basin has a series of complex geological structures such as seamounts and fault zones surrounded by the Xisha Trough, the Zhongsha Massif, and the Pearl River Valley. These extensional structures and magmatic activity in the northwestern sub-basin are closely related to the lithospheric structure and its deformation. However, details of the deep lithosphere structure are still poorly known. Here, we obtained detailed data of water and Moho depth using sonar buoys,Extended Spread Profiles(ESP), Ocean Bottom Seismometer(OBS), both Multi-beam and land-sea joint seismic surveys in the northwestern sub-basin and its surrounding areas. Then we adopted a thermal isostasy method to calculate the depth of the Lithosphere-Asthenosphere Boundary(LAB) in the northwestern sub-basin of the SCS and its surrounding regions. Results show that the range of LAB depth is ~25–110 km. The shallowest burial depth is 25–60 km occurring in the ocean basin. The depth increases to 60–110 km toward the continental margin. The lithospheric structure on the north and south sides of the Xisha Trough is symmetrical and shows the deep structure and thermal features of aborted rifts. The LAB depth in the Zhongsha Trough and the Zhongsha Massif increased from 60 to 70 km southwestwards, consistent with the trend of surface morphology.The LAB depth to the west side of the Pearl River Valley is 60–80 km, and the thinning of the lithosphere is related to the distribution of faults, depressions and the magmatic activity. The LAB depth in the northwestern sub-basin and the eastern subbasin is less than 60 km with the thinnest part being less than 46 km. Combining ocean drilling, seismic investigation, and seafloor topography, we show that the ocean basin of the northwestern sub-basin of the SCS locates within the 46 km isobath of the LAB. The formation of the rifted valleys and discrete blocks surrounding the ocean basins is both controlled by the regional tectonic movement and the deep thermal state, where their lithospheric structures show strong heterogeneity.  相似文献   
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