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MODIS沙尘暴判识方法与业务系统   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
郭铌  蔡迪花  韩兰英  梁芸  李民轩 《气象》2009,35(1):102-107
为了利用MODIS资料对沙尘暴的范围和强度进行定量判识,应用2002--2004年多次MODIS资料,通过对沙尘暴、云、雪和沙漠光谱特征的分析,构建了定量判识沙尘暴范围和强度的两个沙尘指数.利用2002-2007年数次沙尘暴过程对沙尘指数的判别效果进行检验,表明构建的两个M()DIS沙尘指数能够有效地监测沙尘暴的范围和强度,且方法简单,适用于业务应用.针对目前西北沙尘暴遥感监测业务服务以定性图像为主,服务产品较为单一的问题,对MODIS沙尘暴判识方法进行业务化,并结合GIS进行沙尘暴影响范围的分析,开发研制了自动运行的MODIS沙尘暴监测和影响评估业务系统.系统具生成沙尘暴MODIS影像图、沙尘暴范围和强度遥感监测图、沙尘暴影响土地类型图、全国各省(直辖市)沙尘面积统计表、全国不同土地类型沙尘暴影响面积统计表、甘肃省各县沙尘暴的影响面积统计表和甘肃省不同土地类型沙尘影响面积统计表等功能,为沙尘暴定量和精细服务提供了丰富的产品.  相似文献   
冬季亚洲大陆年际热力差异与中国气候的关系   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
利用DB16小波对50 a来南亚—东北亚热力差异时间序列进行分析,其周期变化主要集中在3.5 a以下的高频振荡时域内,其次年代际变化也是相对明显的。在此基础上通过尺度分离方法,将亚洲大陆热力差异中的年际和年代际时间尺度进行分离,进一步研究了年际尺度上亚洲大陆热力差异的变化特征及其与中国夏季降水的关系。结果表明年际尺度上亚洲大陆热力差异与亚洲冬夏季风和中国夏季降水同样有一些联系:强(弱)热力差指数年对应的冬夏季风存在差异,中国夏季降水分布类似于第1(3)类雨带。另外,强(弱)指数年夏季东亚季风涌、对流活动分布等的变化均呈现出有利于中国北方降水偏多(偏少)的特征。  相似文献   
范凯波  高玉春  梁丽 《气象科技》2015,43(5):783-787
随着我国新一代天气雷达(CINRAD)的广泛布网,雷达的维修维护工作显得日益繁重。利用虚拟仪器测试系统对雷达重要参数指标测试是一种便捷有效的方式。本文从发射机射频脉冲包络以及其测量方法的介绍出发,搭建一套基于PXI(PCI eXtensions for Instrumentation)模块化仪器的虚拟仪器系统,采用LabVIEW(Laboratory Virtual Instrument Engineering Workbench)软件编程实现参数测试测量功能,通过实验完成了对脉冲包络的重要参数测试。虚拟仪器测试系统与传统仪器对比测量结果,验证了该测试系统的可靠性。  相似文献   
利用GIS基础平台软件的空间数据拓扑操作优势,结合海洋环境质量评价数学模型,实现了海洋环境质量评价过程及结果表达的可视化。提高对海洋环境质量评价结果的科学性、现势性和直观化,为领导的决策提供有力的支持。  相似文献   
INTRODUCTIONTheOkinawaTrough (OT) ,locatednorthwestoftheRyukyuTrenchandtheRyukyugunto ,eastoftheEastChinaSeashelf,isaback arcbasinbulgedtotheRyukyuTrench .TheOTextendsfromKyushuinthesouthwestofJapantotheIlanPlaininthenortheasternTaiwan ,Chinainthesouthwest…  相似文献   
太湖水体氮、磷浓度演变趋势(1985-2015年)   总被引:3,自引:8,他引:3  
戴秀丽  钱佩琪  叶凉  宋挺 《湖泊科学》2016,28(5):935-943
分析了太湖水体氮、磷浓度1985-2015年的演变趋势.结果表明,近30年来,全太湖水体氮、磷指标总体呈先恶化、后好转的波动变化趋势.总氮(TN)浓度年均值在1.79~3.63 mg/L之间,30年平均值为2.62±0.03 mg/L,总磷(TP)浓度年均值在0.04~0.15 mg/L之间,30年平均值为0.086±0.001 mg/L,1996年全太湖TN (3.84 mg/L)和TP (0.15 mg/L)浓度年均值均达历史峰值.氮、磷逐月浓度变化情况显示,TN浓度呈明显季节性变化规律,最高值集中出现在3、4月,概率分别为67%和33%,最低值则分布在8、9、10、11月,概率分别为18%、41%、29%和12%,而TP浓度则没有明显的季节性变化规律.太湖各湖区水体氮、磷浓度变化空间异质性明显,西部水域和北部水域变化幅度大于东部水域、南部水域和湖心区.太湖水体氮、磷浓度的长期变化趋势显然和流域经济发展及各项环保管理措施的实施密切相关,同时也受到重大水情变化的影响.此外,在相对封闭的局部湖湾水体可以通过水利调度等综合治理措施短时期内改善氮、磷指标,但大太湖水质的改善任重而道远.  相似文献   
The hydraulic properties of aquitards are not easily obtained because monitoring wells are usually installed in aquifers for groundwater resources management. Earthquake‐induced crust stress (strain) triggers groundwater level variations over a short period of time in a large area. These groundwater anomalies can be used to investigate aquifer systems. This study uses a poroelastic model to fit the postseismic variations of groundwater level triggered by the Chi‐Chi earthquake to evaluate the hydraulic properties of aquitards in the Jhoushuei River alluvial fan (JRAF), Taiwan. Six of the adopted eight wells with depths of 70 to 130 m showed good agreement with the recovery theory. The mean hydraulic conductivities (K) of the aquifers for the eight wells are 1.62 × 10?4 to 9.06 × 10?4 m/s, and the thicknesses are 18.8 to 46.1 m. The thicknesses of the aquitards are 11.3 to 42.0 m. Under the isotropic assumption for K, the estimated values of K for the aquitards are 3.0 × 10?8 to 2.1 × 10?6 m/s, corresponding to a silty medium. The results match the values obtained for the geological material of the drilling core and those reported in previous studies. The estimated values were combined with those given in previous studies to determine the distribution of K in the first two aquitards in the JRAF. The distribution patterns of the aquitards reflect the sedimentary environments and fit the geological material. The proposed technique can be used to evaluate the K value of aquitards using inverse methods. The inversion results can be used in hydrogeological analyses, contaminant modeling, and subsidence evaluation.  相似文献   
从辽宁省地震局信息网络建设的实际需求出发,采用层次化设计方法,将通讯线路分为三层:即区域中心、汇聚层和台站。各层之间采用2MSDH传输电路实现层间连接,通过路由器的配置来保证数据流的畅通,实现了全网互联互通。本文介绍了辽宁地震信息网络通讯线路的设计与实施过程。  相似文献   
High‐salinity paleowater from low‐permeability aquitards in coastal areas can be a major threat to groundwater resources; however, such water has rarely been studied. The chemical and isotopic compositions of porewater extracted from a 200‐m‐thick Quaternary sedimentary sequence in the western coastal plain of Bohai Bay, China, were analyzed to investigate the salinity origin and chemical evolution of porewater in aquitards. Porewater samples derived at depths shallower than 32 m are characterized by Cl‐Na type saline water (total dissolved solids [TDS], 10.9–84.3 g/L), whereas those at depths greater than 32 m comprise Cl·SO4‐Na type brackish water (TDS, 2.2–6.3 g/L). Saline porewater is interpreted as evaporated seawater prior to halite saturation, as evidenced by Cl‐Br relationships. Although substantial dilution of saline porewater with meteoric water is supported by a wider Cl? range and δ2H‐δ18O covariance, the original marine waters were not completely flushed out. The deeper brackish porewater is determined to be a mixture of fresher porewater and brine groundwater and had a component of old brine of less than 10%, as indicated by a mixing model defined using δ2H and Cl? tracers. Porewater δ2H‐δ18O relationships and negative deuterium excess ranging from ?25.9‰ to ?2.9‰ indicate the existence of an arid climate since Late Pleistocene in Tianjin Plain. The aquitard porewaters were chemically modified through water‐rock interactions due to the long residence time.  相似文献   
Qie  Wenkun  Ma  Xueping  Xu  Honghe  Qiao  Li  Liang  Kun  Guo  Wen  Song  Junjun  Chen  Bo  Lu  Jianfeng 《中国科学:地球科学(英文版)》2019,62(1):112-134
The Global Boundary Stratotype Sections and Points(GSSPs) for the bases of all seven international Devonian stages have been formally defined and ratified by IUGS till 1996, and nowadays, the main tasks for Devonian stratigraphers include further subdivision of these standard stages, strictly constrained absolute ages for the boundaries, and precise neritic-pelagic and marine-terrestrial correlations using multidisciplinary stratigraphy methods. Establishment of high-resolution Devonian integrative stratigraphy framework and timescale of China would play an important role in improving regional and international correlation, facilitating the recognition of important stratigraphic levels in different paleogeographic settings, and understanding the evolution pattern of biota, paleoclimate and paleoenvironment during this critical interval. Based on well-studied bio-and chronostratigraphy of Devonian in South China and adjacent areas, in combination with recent achievements in carbon isotope stratigraphy, event stratigraphy and radioactive isotope ages, this paper briefly summarize the research history and current status of Devonian chronostratigraphy of China, and for the first time introduce Devonian integrative stratigraphy framework of China.Up to date, few studies have been conducted on the astronomical cyclostratigraphy and high-resolution radioactive isotope dating in Devonian of China, which should be our main focuses in the near future.  相似文献   
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