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We describe organogenesis at a histological level in American shad (Alosa sapidissima) larvae from 0 until 45 days after hatching (DAH). Larval development was divided into four stages based on the feeding mode, external morphological features, and structural changes in the organs: stage 1 (0–2 DAH), stage 2 (3–5 DAH), stage 3 (6–26 DAH) and stage 4 (27–45 DAH). At early stage 2 (3 DAH), American shad larvae developed the initial digestive and absorptive tissues, including the mouth and anal opening, buccopharyngeal cavity, oesophagus, incipient stomach, anterior and posterior intestine, differentiated hepatocytes, and exocrine pancreas. The digestive and absorptive capacity developed further in stages 2 to 3, at which time the pharyngeal teeth, taste buds, gut mucosa folds, differentiated stomach, and gastric glands could be observed. Four defined compartments were discernible in the heart at 4 DAH. From 3 to 13 DAH, the excretory systems started to develop, accompanied by urinary bladder opening, the appearance and development of primordial pronephros, and the proliferation and convolution of renal tubules. Primordial gills were detected at 2 DAH, the pseudobranch was visible at 6 DAH, and the filaments and lamellae proliferated rapidly during stage 3. The primordial swim bladder was first observed at 2 DAH and started to inflate at 9 DAH; from then on, it expanded constantly. The spleen was first observed at 8 DAH and the thymus was evident at 12 DAH. From stage 4 onwards, most organs essentially manifested an increase in size, number, and complexity of tissue structure.  相似文献   
以2014—2015年的GF 1为主、少量OLI影像为基础,参考第二次中国冰川目录等文献资料,修编完成青海省和西藏自治区两省区的现代冰川编目,查明青藏两省区目前共有冰川24 796条,总面积约2624×104 km2,约占青藏两省区区域面积的137%,冰川储量为2027×103~2121×103 km3。调查区冰川数量以面积<10 km2、冰川面积介于10~100 km2之间的冰川为主,其中面积<10 km2的冰川有19 983条,占总数量的8059%,面积介于10~100 km2之间的冰川面积为11 96240 km2,占总面积的4559%;面积最大的中锋冰川的面积达23737 km2。调查区内的山系(高原)均有冰川分布,念青唐古拉山冰川数量最多,其次是喜马拉雅山和冈底斯山,这3座山系冰川数量占调查区内冰川总数量的6333%;念青唐古拉山、喜马拉雅山和昆仑山的冰川面积和冰储量位列前3位,其冰川面积和冰储量分别占总数的6809%和7344%;然而昆仑山和羌塘高原的单条冰川的平均面积大于念青唐古拉山和喜马拉雅山的平均面积。从冰川海拔分布来看,海拔5 000~6 500 m之间是冰川集中发育区域,约占调查区冰川数量和冰川总面积的85%以上。调查区的冰川在各流域的分布差异显著,恒河流域是冰川分布数量最多、面积最大的一级外流区,其数量占冰川总量的47%以上,面积占总面积的52%以上;青藏高原内陆流域的冰川数量、面积次之,其冰川数量占总数量的21%,面积占总面积的24%以上,并且内流区单条冰川的平均面积略大于外流区的平均面积。总体上,西藏的冰川数量、面积和冰储量分别占西藏和青海两省区的8492%、8492%、8668%,单条冰川的平均面积两省区相近。  相似文献   
塔里木陆块西北缘萨热克砂岩型铜矿床构造演化、流体演化与成矿之间具有密切关系,处于一个统一系统中。矿床成岩期方解石中包裹体水的δD值为-65.3‰~-99.2‰,改造成矿期石英包裹体水的δD值为-77.7‰~-96.3‰,成岩成矿期成矿流体δ~(18)OH_2O变化范围为-3.22‰~1.84‰,改造成矿期成矿流体δ~(18)OH_2O变化范围为-4.26‰~5.14‰,指示萨热克铜矿成岩期、改造期成矿流体主要为中生代大气降水及其经水岩作用而成的盆地卤水。矿石中辉铜矿δ~(34)S值为-24.7‰~-15.4‰,指示硫主要源自硫酸盐细菌与有机质还原,部分源于有机硫。构造与成矿流体演化对砂岩铜矿成矿起关键制约作用。盆地发展早期强烈的抬升运动使盆地周缘基底与古生界剥蚀,为富铜矿源层的形成提供了丰富物源,至晚侏罗世盆地发展晚期,长期演化积聚的巨量含矿流体在库孜贡苏组砾岩胶结物及裂隙中富集,在萨热克巴依盆地内形成具有经济意义的砂岩型铜矿床。  相似文献   
Applying the statistical damage theory based on the Weibull distribution to describe rock deformation and failure processes is an important development in rock mechanics. The shape parameter of the Weibull distribution, m, determines the basic shape of the distribution curve; additionally, it also represents a physical characteristic which can be applied when constructing rock constitutive models. To study the evolution of m during rock failure when applying the Weibull distribution to rock mechanics, uniaxial cyclic loading tests of shale specimens were conducted and previous rock mechanics experiments under different temperatures and loading rates were reviewed. The results indicate that m varied with the accumulation of damage but was almost constant between the volume expansion point and the peak strength point of each specimen. Combined with previous studies about the accelerated failure behavior of rocks, we conclude that between the volume expansion point and the peak strength point, the mechanical behavior of the rock fracture process did not change significantly. Based on the characteristics of m at different damage stages during the rock failure process, ranges of m values at different damage stages are proposed. The conclusions reached in this study may be used as an important reference for theoretical research on rock mechanics.  相似文献   
The evolution of porosity and changes in wave velocity in granite after high-temperature treatment has been experimentally investigated in different studies. Statistical analysis of the test results shows that there is a temperature threshold value that leads to variations in porosity and wave velocity. At a temperature that is less than 200 °C, the porosity of granite slowly increases with increases in temperature, while the wave velocity decreases. When the temperature is greater than 200 °C (especially between 400 and 600 °C), the porosity quickly increases, while the wave velocity substantially decreases. The temperature ranges of room temperature to 200 and 200–400 °C correspond to the undamaged state and the micro-damage state, respectively. The results confirm that there is an important link between the variations of physical and mechanical properties in response to thermal treatment. By studying the relationships among rock porosity, wave velocity and temperature, this provides the basis for solving multi-variable coupling problems under high temperatures for the thermal exploitation of petroleum and safe disposal of nuclear waste.  相似文献   
Cracks appeared on the northern batter at Maddingley Brown Coal Open Pit Mine, Victoria, Australia, on 8 November 2013 and a 2-day rainfall event happened 5 days later. This study models the stability of the northern batter considering the effect of the rainfall event and an emergency buttress using finite element method (FEM) encoded in Plaxis 3D. It is found that the batter tended to lead to block sliding after overburden removal. The observed vertical crack would be a combined action of the overburden removal and groundwater flow. The simulated location of cracks agrees well with the actual location, and the simulated heave of the coal seam is in good agreement with the experience in Victoria brown coal open pit mining. The rainfall accelerated the development of the cracks. With the construction of the emergency buttress, the batter became stable that is in good agreement with the monitored data.  相似文献   
全国地热资源调查评价与勘查示范工程进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
地热作为一种清洁能源,在我国经济发展与能源转型过程中正发挥着越来越重要的作用。“全国地热资源调查评价与勘查示范工程”自实施以来,主要开展了京津冀地区地热资源评价以及东南沿海和青藏高原东部干热岩的勘查等工作。这些工作的开展在获得一系列科研突破成果的同时,也解决了大量地热开发的工程问题,积累了大量成果和经验。该文对工程取得的进展及成果进行了总结,对工作开展中出现的问题进行了探讨,可用于指导我国地热资源勘查开发工作。  相似文献   
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