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Hung-Yu  Wu  Kuo-Fong  Ma  M.  Zoback  N.  Boness  H.  Ito  Jih-Hao  Hung  S.  Hickman  万永革 《世界地震译丛》2007,(1):33-38
台湾车笼埔断层钻探项目(TCDP)钻了2km深的井孔来研究1999年Mw7·6级集集地震中破裂的车笼埔断层的结构和力学状态。在500~1900m的深度进行了TCDP的地球物理测井,包括为了识别地层面的裂缝和剪切区域的双极声学成像(DSI)测井和地层精细成像(FMI)测井。根据钻孔得到的连续岩芯资料,1110m深度的剪切区域被解释为车笼埔断层,位于锦水页岩内,延伸至1013~1300m的深度。整个井孔长度范围内观测到了应力导致的钻孔崩落。这些数据表明总的应力方向(N115°E)基本平行于区域应力场,并平行于菲律宾海板块相对于欧亚板块的俯冲方向。平均应力方向的可变性在不同深度均观测到。特别是在车笼埔断层附近有一个大的应力方向异常。1000m和1310m深度的突然应力偏转接近于锦水页岩的上边界和下边界,表明分层面在集集地震中滑动的可能性。  相似文献   
建立了壳内地震、板间地震、板内地震的峰值地动速度(PGV)和峰值地动位移(PGD)的长周期(5~30s)地震动预测方程(GMPE)。使用了剪切波速大于或等于2 000m/s的层间的KiK-net井下台网台站强地震动数据。这些数据由日本及其周边的20次6≤MW≤9.1的地震构成,包括2011年的日本东北地震。在推导长周期地震动预测方程时运用了两阶段回归分析。尽管附加了诸如震源深度和地震类型这些尽量能够使回归曲线与数据保持一致的因素,但在双线性回归时于MW7.5处产生了弯曲。所建公式表明:壳内地震的长周期峰值地动速度和峰值地动位移要大于板间地震和板内地震。长周期峰值地动速度和峰值地动位移衰减系数随着震源深度的增加而增加。估计的矩震级符合观测的峰值地动速度和峰值地动位移在5~30s周期范围内的长周期地震动预测方程。得到了由KiK-net井下台网台站加速度计记录的23次地震的震级估计,而且这一结果与全球矩心矩张量项目得到的矩震级一致。上述方法对于大地震的矩震级估计是有效的,如果能够获取震源区的信息,就能快速进行矩震级的估计。  相似文献   
通过分析青藏高原东南缘新部署的密集地震台阵的接收函数得到了该区域的地壳各向异性。所测量的接收函数Pms波的分裂时间分布在0.02~0.88s,平均分裂时间为0.28s,这远大于近震S波分裂得到的云南地区上地壳(15km以上)累积的分裂时间,表明研究区地壳各向异性主要来自中下地壳(15km以下)。各次级块体内的Pms波的快波偏振方向与主压应力方向基本一致,在一些大型走滑断裂带附近,如小江断裂带、红河断裂带和澜沧江断裂带,快波偏振方向与断裂带走向基本平行。分裂时间在小江断裂带两侧表现出东侧小,西侧大的特征。在块体内部,由于韧性的中下地壳发生差异运动,从而引起物质沿运动方向排列,产生各向异性。小江断裂带、红河断裂带和澜沧江断裂带附近地壳中分布的低速带、高泊松比和高热流表明断裂带下方可能存在部分熔融,因此在这些深的大走滑断裂带下方的各向异性快波方向沿着断裂带走向分布,主要是由于矿物和熔体在断裂带的走滑运动下发生定向排列引起,说明走滑运动控制着断裂带下方地壳的变形模式。对比Pms波与SKS波分裂模式,本文更倾向于认为研究区地壳与上地幔变形解耦。  相似文献   
为控制和减轻四川省龙门山断裂带地区的潜在地震威胁,建立一套适用并服务于该地区地震预警系统的震级估计模型显得尤为重要。本文利用2008年汶川地震(MW7.9)主、余震和2013年芦山地震(MW6.6)主、余震P波初期部分的信息,研究了最大卓越周期(τ_p~(max))、特征周期(τ_c)和峰值地动位移(P_d)三个预警参数与地震震级的相关性,并建立了对应的震级估计模型。然后将基于四川地区数据所建立的模型与前人所研究的基于其他地区数据所建立的模型进行比较、分析和评价。结果表明,τ_p~(max)参数与所选数据库地震震级呈现分段相关,分别为4.0~6.0级和6.0~8.0级;而τ_c参数在所选数据库整段震级范围内呈现明显的相关,且没有出现震级饱和现象,但是该参数的拟合回归线斜率略低于其他地区;而P_d参数与震级在4.0~6.0级的相关性最好,对于大震级却出现了较为明显的震级饱和现象。值得注意的是,通过增大时窗或缩窄滤波频带可以在一定程度上改善震级饱和现象,但是拟合回归线斜率会有所减小,不同参数所表现出来的差异性以及与其他区域模型的差异应与龙门山断裂带地区的区域特性有关。本研究为我国四川省地震预警系统中震级估计模型的建立提供了参考。  相似文献   
Chin-Jen  Lin  Chun-Chi  Liu  William  H.  K.  Lee  冯静 《世界地震译丛》2010,(2):38-53
2008年3月4日在台湾东北部的N3爆破点实施了两次爆破。第一次3000kg炸药的爆破编号为N3P,第二次750kg炸药的爆破编号为N3。为了记录这两次爆破,我们使用了8个三轴旋转传感器、13个三轴加速度计以及12个装有全球定位系统接收器的6通道24位数据记录仪在爆破前后几小时进行连续观测。这些仪器安装在距离爆破点250m(1个台)、500m(11个台)、600m(1个台)的地方,其中距离爆破点500m的11个台站形成了台站间距约为5m的中心台阵。除一个旋转传感器外,都得到了量程内的记录。尽管N3P爆破使用的炸药是N3爆破的4倍,但是13个台站记录的N3P爆破的平移加速度和旋转速度的峰值却只有N3爆破的1.5倍。在台站间距大约5m的中心台阵的记录中,我们还发现平移加速度和旋转速度变化很大(百分之几十)。N3P和N3爆破的最大峰值旋转速度分别为2.74mrad/s和1.75mrad/s。本文的主要目的是报告台湾这两次爆破的旋转和平移运动记录,并在网上发布以开放访问。Langston等(2009)已经对本次试验的平移加速度数据进行了分析,我们计划未来发表一篇关于分析旋转速度数据的文章。  相似文献   
场向电流在不同的等离子体区之间传递能量、动量和质量,是磁层与电离层之间的关键耦合过程.本文利用CHAMP卫星高精度的空间磁场测量数据,研究亚暴期间极区电离层场向电流的统计学分布特征.研究表明场向电流的大小与所在位置呈现明显的日夜和晨昏不对称性,具体为:(1)场向电流的大小与亚暴极光电急流指数(AL)密切相连,AL愈大,电流愈强,亚暴期间电流强度相对平静期来说可增加约5倍,昏侧和夜侧电流强度与AL指数的相关性较好,晨侧和白天侧两者相关性较差;(2)电流的峰值密度所在位置与AL指数的相关性不高,昏侧电流所处纬度低于晨侧,而夜晚电流所处纬度低于白天侧.  相似文献   
During surveillance on the toxicity of invertebrates such as bivalves inhabiting the coasts of Hiroshima Bay in 2001 and 2002, the carnivorous gastropod rapa whelk Rapana venosa collected in the estuary of Nikoh River, was found to contain toxins which showed paralytic actions in mice; the maximum toxicities (as paralytic shellfish poison, PSP) were 4.2 MU/g (May 2001) and 11.4 MU/g (April 2002). Their total toxicities were 224 and 206 MU/viscera of one specimen throughout the monitoring period. Attempts were made to identify the toxic principle in the gastropod. The viscera were extracted with 80% ethanol acidified with acetic acid, followed by defatting with dichloromethane. The aqueous layer obtained was treated with activated charcoal and then applied to a Sep-Pak C18 cartridge. The unbound toxic fraction was analyzed by high-performance liquid chromatography techniques. The gastropod toxin was rather unexpectedly identified as PSP. It was comprised of high toxic component (gonyautoxin-3; GTX3, GTX2, saxitoxin; STX) as the major components, which accounted for approximately 91 mol% of all components along with C1 and C2, which are N-sulfocarbamoyl derivatives. Judging from their toxin patterns, it is suggested that the PSP toxification mechanism of the gastropod that PSP toxins produced by phytoplankton such as Alexandrium tamarense, are transferred to and accumulated in plankton feeders such as the short-necked clam, and then transferred to this carnivorous rapa whelk R. venosa through predation.  相似文献   
Within the framework of the biointegrator network (RINBIO), 92 man-made cages containing mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis), distributed over 1800 km of the French Mediterranean coast, made it possible to assess chemical contamination by heavy metals (Cd, Hg, Zn, Pb, Cu, Ni, Cr, As) and organic compounds (DDT, PCBs, HAP). The caging technique was adopted to compensate for the scarcity of natural shellfish stocks in the Mediterranean and to enable comparison of the sites regardless of their physicochemical and trophic characteristics. Models linking a biometric parameter (the condition index) to pollutant levels make it possible to adjust raw data on contamination for a reference individual, by making a clear distinction between physiological factors (growth) and environmental ones. The results demonstrate significant levels of pollutants in sites heretofore unsampled; the pollution occurs at limited areas, and the sources have been identified. Moreover, average contamination levels are comparable to those measured in wild species and in other areas. Overall, the research demonstrates the reliability of this methodological approach for monitoring marine pollution, especially in the Mediterranean.  相似文献   
Among six crude oil-degrading yeasts that were isolated from an oil-polluted area in the Persian Gulf, two yeast strains showed high degradation activity of aliphatic hydrocarbons. From an analysis of 18S rRNA sequences and biochemical characteristics, these strains were identified as Yarrowia lipolytica strains PG-20 and PG-32. Gas Chromatography (GC) analysis of the crude oil remaining in the culture medium after 1 week at 30°C showed that the strains PG-20 and PG-32 degraded 68% and 58% of crude oil, respectively. The optimal growth condition and biodegradation of hydrocarbons was in ONR medium with an acidic pH (pH5). These two strains may degrade aliphatic hydrocarbons more efficiently than aromatic hydrocarbons, although strain PG-20 had better degradation than strain PG-32. The two Y. lipolytica strains reduce surface tension when cultured on hydrocarbon substrates (1% v/v). These strains showed a cell surface hydrophobicity higher than 70%. These results suggested that Y. lipolytica strains PG-20 and PG-32 have high crude oil degrading activity due to their high emulsifying activity and cell hydrophobicity. In conclusion, these yeast strains can be useful for the bioremediation process in the Persian Gulf and decreasing oil pollution in this marine ecosystem.  相似文献   
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