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IINTRODUCTIONEstUariesareprominentcoastalfeatUres.Estuariesareofgreateconomicssignificancetomankind.Attheseareas,manyharborsandwaterchannelshavetobebuiltforeconomicpurposes.ThedesignandconstrUctionofcoastalstrUctUresinestUariesrequireknowledgeofhydrodynamicsaswellassedimenttransportinsuchregions.ThenatUreofestuariesiscontrolledbyvariouscoastalhydrodynamicprocesses.Undertheactionofhydrodynamics,sedimentdepositionsorerosionswilloccurinestuariesornearcoastalstrUCtures.Tomaintainnavigati…  相似文献   
Tolo Harbour has received massive discharges of municipal sewage, agricultural wastes and cottage industrial effluents, via three river systems, in the past two decades before the mid Eighties. The Harbour is almost land locked and poorly flushed. The soft sediment acted as a sink for nutrients and organic pollutants. After a decade of efforts in establishing and enforcing water pollution control legislations and upgrading wastewater treatment facilities, the sediments have turned into sources of nutrients and exert a measurable oxygen demand upon the overlying waters. In vitro measurements showed that the sediments oxygen demand (SOD) was between 17.6 and 54.3 mgo2 · m-2 · h-1. The maximum rates of release of ortho-phosphate phosphorus and ammonia nitrogen were 15.0 and 206.0 mg · m-2 · h-1, respectively.  相似文献   
地震环境噪声互相关广泛用于地球岩石层的高分辨率面波成像。对在地球内部传播的地震体波进行类似观测将为我们打开一扇了解地球深部的窗口。本文介绍了如何利用地幔过渡带的顶部(410km)和底部(660km)间断面反射的P波噪声互相关来观测该地幔过渡带。数据表明,不利用震源也可绘制地幔过渡带高分辨率图像。  相似文献   
传统的孢粉-古气候定量重建评估主要衡量校准集对现代气候状况的模拟结果或化石样品与校准集样品的可比程度,客观上导致特定地点重建气候参数的取舍缺少明确标准.基于国际上通过随机数据开展定量重建显著性检验的新方法,充分利用中国环境梯度大、植被类型丰富、现代表土孢粉数据完善等优势,提出一种孢粉-古气候参数定量重建的新思路:首先确定控制化石孢粉组成变化最主要环境因子,随后通过限制其他环境因子来构造校准集以开展该因子的定量重建,最后完成重建结果显著性评估.将该思路应用于分别位于黄土高原东、西两侧的吕梁山公海和六盘山天池化石孢粉序列,所获得的年降水量P_(ann)定量重建不仅具有统计上的显著性(p0.001),且相互间在共同时段表现出良好、稳定的相关关系,均指示了约3300cal a BP以来的东亚夏季风降水快速下降,显示其具备降低基于孢粉的古气候参数定量重建不确定性的较大潜力.  相似文献   
H.T.LEE 《地质学报》1928,7(2):191-208
In general, geologically speaking, it has been noted that if the formation of coal took place during the Permo-Carboniferous period, its volatile matter will al ways be less than 30% when analized, and the contrary is usually the case for coal created during the Tertiary and Jurassic, these having more than 40%.  相似文献   
区域问题中欧四国和其它发达国家一样存在着一系列区域方面的问题。这四个国家所面临的共同难题是都存在着低收入的边远农业地区的问题。例如,奥地利的东部与高山区,德意志联邦共和国的北部土地贫瘠地区和实际上遍及全国的丘陵地区,德意志民主共和国北部的某些地区以及瑞士的丘陵与山区。这些地区一般的都是地广人稀的。  相似文献   
This study describes an automatic berthing system with mooring lines. It is designed to be berthed by using mooring device on the upper deck of a ship. It is to berth once maintaining parallel with the quay by controlling both forward and aft breast lines. Berthing method is used through length adjustment of mooring lines connected between ship and quay by controlling the angular velocity and the torque of hydraulic motor in mooring device. The study is conducted under three changing conditions of draft, such as even-keel, rise of the gravity center and trim to stern. Variables affecting berthing stability are determined based on the control performance of each condition. Bond graphs method is used to model the system. Controller is designed as PID control method of reference-model algorithm. The control program is composed of synchronous control system based on the equations derived with the numerical analysis. The tank test is conducted to verify the usefulness of the control program.  相似文献   
正引言地震预警系统能快速检测地震的发生并对可能来临的地面震动发出警告。目前,日本和墨西哥已经存在公共预警系统,包括美国西海岸在内的许多其他地区也在发展地震预警系统[1]。在地震预警系统的设计中,调研企业和公众主动利用预警信息的方式是一个至关重要的因素[2-5]。在2011年M9日本东北大地震期间,尽管低估了地震震级,但还是成功地发布了地震警报[6]。为了确定警报的用处,日本气象厅(JMA)进行了公开的  相似文献   
过去对Spitak,Loma Prieta和Guam地震的研究表明,大地震发生之前都会有相应的磁场异常。为了确认这一事实并详细研究超低频(ULF)现象,日本建立了一个超低频磁力仪的监测网络,开展了包括小型台阵在内的网络观测工作。文中同时介绍了在Matsukawa台站观测到的与Iwateken Nairiku Hokubu地震(震级M6.1级,发生在1998年9月3日,震源深度为10km)相关的地磁资料。分析了4.5年的资料,并对获得的结果进行了讨论。在地震前两个星期,水平和垂直分量之间的谱密度比的(极化)变化表现出异常情况。这是在相当长的数据分析中发现的一次独特的变化,它暗示了这种异常变化可能是大地震孕育期间的一个信号。  相似文献   
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