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Twenty-two sediment cores raised from the central and eastern parts of the Barents Sea have been studied to reconstruct the evolution of the facies system since the Late Weichselian glaciation. Multiproxy records reveal four lithostratigraphic units, which reflect major development stages of paleoenvironments. Age control is provided by 23 AMS 14C dates for Holocene sections of four cores. Continental moraine deposits of the last glaciation are overlain by proximal glaciomarine facies of the initial deglaciation phase. During this phase, the Barents Sea ice sheet detached from the ground resulting in seawater penetration into troughs, iceberg calving, deposition of IRD and fine-grained glacier meltwater load in newly formed marine basins. The main deglaciation phase is characterized by pulsed sedimentation from various gravity flows resulting in accumulation of distal glaciomarine facies comprising laminated clay and sand sequences with minor IRD. Redistribution of fine-grained suspended matter by bottom currents and brine-induced nepheloid flows combined with biogenic processes and minor ice rafting caused facies diversity of the Holocene marine sediments. The Holocene facies of shelf depressions reflect rather high, but variable productivity responding to climate changes and variations of Atlantic water inflow into the Barents Sea.  相似文献   
A New Data Processing Strategy for Huge GNSS Global Networks   总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2  
In Global Positioning System (GPS) data analyses, large networks are usually divided into sub-networks to solve the conflict between increasing amounts of data and limited computer resources, although an integrated analysis would provide better results. This conflict becomes even more critical with the increasing number of stations, and low-Earth-orbiting satellites and the Galileo system coming into operation. The major reason is that a huge number of ambiguity parameters are kept in the normal equation for sequential integer ambiguity fixing. In this paper, the problem is solved by a special procedure of parameter elimination for both real-valued and ambiguity-fixed solutions, based on an adapted ambiguity-fixing approach where the covariance-matrix of ambiguity parameters is not required anymore. It is demonstrated that, with the new strategy, the required memory can be reduced to one-tenth and the computation time to at least one-third compared to the existing methods, and huge GPS networks with several hundred stations can be processed efficiently on a personal computer.  相似文献   
The bioaccumulation model OMEGA (optimal modelling for ecotoxicological applications) is used to explore accumulation of organotins in the Western Scheldt food chain, consisting of herbi-detritivores, primary and secondary carnivorous fish and a piscivorous bird. Organotins studied are tributyltin (TBT) and triphenyltin (TPT) and the respective di- and mono-organotin metabolites. Empirical elimination rate constants are compared to model predictions for organic substances and metals. It is found that field bioaccumulation ratios are higher than predicted based on elimination kinetics relevant for organic compounds. The results indicate that uptake of organotins mainly occurs via hydrophobic mechanisms, whereas elimination may occur via metal-like kinetics. This results in very low elimination rates, which are comparable to model predictions for metals.  相似文献   
tWe analyse continuous measurements of groundwater level in two deep wells VS-3 and V-28 at the experimental hydro-meteorological station situated on the NE margin of the Bohemian Massif, central Europe, characterized by the weak intraplate seismic activity. The aim of our study is to examine the relationships between changes in the groundwater level and earthquake occurrence. Based on the tidal and barometric response of the water level, we estimated selected elastic parameters of the observed aquifers: the shear modulus G, the Skempton ratio B, the drained matrix compressibility β and the undrained compressibility βu. Using these parameters and assuming the homogeneous poroelastic material, we derived the sensitivity of the wells to the crustal volume strain. During the observation period from November 1998 to December 2005 we detected in the VS-3 well two pre-seismic steps, related to August 10, 2005 (M = 2.4) and October 25, 2005 (M = 3.3) earthquakes. Amplitudes of the recorded precursory changes (+6 cm and +15 cm) are several times higher than the values predicted from the theoretical precursory crustal strain and the strain sensitivity of the well. Therefore, we presume that the observed pre-seismic water level steps can be attributed to heterogeneity of poroelastic material. We consequently propose the hypothesis of the origin of precursory events based on the presumption of a sensitive site, at which the well is situated.  相似文献   
Precise positioning with the current Chinese BeiDou Navigation Satellite System is proven to be of comparable accuracy to the Global Positioning System, which is at centimeter level for the horizontal components and sub-decimeter level for the vertical component. But the BeiDou precise point positioning (PPP) shows its limitation in requiring a relatively long convergence time. In this study, we develop a numerical weather model (NWM) augmented PPP processing algorithm to improve BeiDou precise positioning. Tropospheric delay parameters, i.e., zenith delays, mapping functions, and horizontal delay gradients, derived from short-range forecasts from the Global Forecast System of the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) are applied into BeiDou real-time PPP. Observational data from stations that are capable of tracking the BeiDou constellation from the International GNSS Service (IGS) Multi-GNSS Experiments network are processed, with the introduced NWM-augmented PPP and the standard PPP processing. The accuracy of tropospheric delays derived from NCEP is assessed against with the IGS final tropospheric delay products. The positioning results show that an improvement in convergence time up to 60.0 and 66.7% for the east and vertical components, respectively, can be achieved with the NWM-augmented PPP solution compared to the standard PPP solutions, while only slight improvement in the solution convergence can be found for the north component. A positioning accuracy of 5.7 and 5.9 cm for the east component is achieved with the standard PPP that estimates gradients and the one that estimates no gradients, respectively, in comparison to 3.5 cm of the NWM-augmented PPP, showing an improvement of 38.6 and 40.1%. Compared to the accuracy of 3.7 and 4.1 cm for the north component derived from the two standard PPP solutions, the one of the NWM-augmented PPP solution is improved to 2.0 cm, by about 45.9 and 51.2%. The positioning accuracy for the up component improves from 11.4 and 13.2 cm with the two standard PPP solutions to 8.0 cm with the NWM-augmented PPP solution, an improvement of 29.8 and 39.4%, respectively.  相似文献   
The Kane Transform offsets spreading-center segments of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge by about 150 km at 24° N latitude. In terms of its first-order morphological, geological, and geophysical characteristics it appears to be typical of long-offset (>100 km), slow-slipping (2 cm yr-1) ridge-ridge transform faults. High-resolution geological observations were made from deep-towed ANGUS photographs and the manned submersible ALVIN at the ridge-transform intersections and indicate similar relationships in these two regions. These data indicate that over a distance of about 20 km as the spreading axes approach the fracture zone, the two flanks of each ridge axis behave in very different ways. Along the flanks that intersect the active transform zone the rift valley floor deepens and the surface expression of volcanism becomes increasingly narrow and eventually absent at the intersection where only a sediment-covered ‘nodal basin’ exists. The adjacent median valley walls have structural trends that are oblique to both the ridge and the transform and have as much as 4 km of relief. These are tectonically active regions that have only a thin (<200 m), highly fractured, and discontinuous carapace of volcanic rocks overlying a variably deformed and metamorphosed assemblage of gabbroic rocks. Overprinting relationships reveal a complex history of crustal extension and rapid vertical uplift. In contrast, the opposing flanks of the ridge axes, that intersect the non-transform zones appear to be similar in many respects to those examined elsewhere along slow-spreading ridges. In general, a near-axial horst and graben terrain floored by relatively young volcanics passes laterally into median valley walls with a simple block-faulted character where only volcanic rocks have been found. Along strike toward the fracture zone, the youngest volcanics form linear constructional volcanic ridges that transect the entire width of the fracture zone valley. These volcanics are continuous with the older-looking, slightly faulted volcanic terrain that floors the non-transform fracture zone valleys. These observations document the asymmetric nature of seafloor spreading near ridge-transform intersections. An important implication is that the crust and lithosphere across different portions of the fracture zone will have different geological characteristics. Across the active transform zone two lithosphere plate edges formed at ridge-transform corners are faulted against one another. In the non-transform zones a relatively younger section of lithosphere that formed at a ridge-non-transform corner is welded to an older, deformed section that initially formed at a ridge-transform corner.  相似文献   
The use of hepatic 7-ethoxyresorufin O-deethylase (EROD) activity in flounder (Platichthys flesus) as a potential biomarker of marine pollution by organic chemicals (as indicated by hepatic PCB-153 concentration) was investigated in the Dutch Wadden Sea in 1989 and 1990. Particular attention was paid to the seasonal variation. The results indicate that EROD activity was reasonably stable during the year, except for a period in January–February when a marked peak occurred. This peak coincided with the absence of mature flounder from the sampling area probably due to the spawning migration. Generally a good relationship existed between hepatic EROD activity and PCB-153 concentration, with one exception. During the period January–April 1990 a peak in PCB-153 concentration occurred immediately after the observed peak in EROD activity. It is concluded that the best period for monitoring EROD activity in flounder is the summer, corresponding to the non-migratory period of the species.  相似文献   
This paper reports the results of an investigation of a representative collection of samples recovered by deep-sea drilling from the oceanic basement 10 miles west of the rift valley axis in the crest zone of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge at 15°44′N (sites 1275B and 1275D). The drilling operations were carried out during Leg 209 of the drilling vessel JOIDES Resolution within the framework of the Ocean Drilling Program (ODP). The oceanic crust was penetrated to a depth of 108.7 m at Site 1275B and 209 m at Site 1275D. We reconstructed the following sequence of magmatic and metamorphic events resulting in the formation of a typical oceanic core complex of slow-spreading ridges: (1) formation of a strongly fractionated (enriched in iron and titanium) tholeiitic magmatic melt parental to the gabbroids under investigation in a large magma chamber located in a shallow mantle and operating for a long time under steady-state conditions; (2) transfer of the parental magmatic melt of the gabbroids to the base of the oceanic crust, its interaction with the host mantle peridotites, and formation of troctolites and plagioclase peridotites; (3) intrusion of enriched trondhjemite melts as veins and dikes in the early formed plutonic complex, contact recrystallization of the gabbro, and development in the peridotite-gabbro complex of enriched geochemical signatures owing to the influence of the trondhjemite injections; (4) emplacement of dolerite dikes (transformed to diabases); (5) metamorphism of upper epidoteamphibolite facies with the participation of marine fluids; and (6) rapid exhumation of the plutonic complex to the seafloor accompanied by greenschist-facies metamorphism. The distribution patterns of Sr and Nd isotopes and strongly incompatible elements in the rocks suggest contributions from two melt sources to the magmatic evolution of the MAR crest at 15°44′N: a depleted reservoir responsible for the formation of the gabbros and diabases and an enriched reservoir from which the trondhjemites (granophyres) were derived.  相似文献   
This paper presents a new approach to a local time-space grid refinement for a staggered-grid finite-difference simulation of waves. The approach is based on approximation of a wave equation at the interface where two grids are coupled. As no interpolation or projection techniques are used, the finite-difference scheme preserves second order of convergence. We have proved that this approach is low-reflecting, the artificial reflections are about 10 − 4 of an incident wave. We have also shown that if a successive refinement is applied, i.e. temporal and spatial steps are refined at different interfaces, this approach is stable.  相似文献   
The Selenga River delta (Russia) is a large (>600 km2) fluvially dominated fresh water system that transfers water and sediment from an undammed drainage basin into Lake Baikal, a United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization World Heritage Site. Through sedimentation processes, the delta and its wetlands provide important environmental services, such as storage of sediment‐bound pollutants (e.g., metals), thereby reducing their input to Lake Baikal. However, in the Selenga River delta and many other deltas of the world, there is a lack of knowledge regarding impacts of potential shifts in the flow regime (e.g., due to climate change and other anthropogenic impacts) on sedimentation processes, including sediment exchanges between deltaic channels and adjacent wetlands. This study uses field measurements of water velocities and sediment characteristics in the Selenga River delta, investigating conditions of moderate discharge, which have become more frequent over the past decades (at the expense of peak flows, Q > 1,350 m3 s?1). The aims are to determine if the river system under moderate flow conditions is capable of supporting sediment export from the main distributary channels of the delta to the adjacent wetlands. The results show that most of the deposited sediment outside of the deltaic channels is characterized by a large proportion of silt and clay material (i.e., <63 μm). For example, floodplain lakes function as sinks of very fine sediment (e.g., 97% of sediment by weight < 63 μm). Additionally, bed material sediment is found to be transported outside of the channel margins during conditions of moderate and high water discharge conditions (Q ≥ 1,000 m3 s?1). Submerged banks and marshlands located in the backwater zone of the delta accumulate sediment during such discharges, supporting wetland development. Thus, these regions likely sequester various metals bound to Selenga River sediment.  相似文献   
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