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Through the geochemical analysis of two hundred-meters cores KD4 and ZK3 from Laizhou Bay,in this study,we determined the distribution law and controlling factors of the geochemical elements.We analyzed 24 elements with respect to their R factors and major principal components,which were combined with the source discrimination functions DFCr/Th and DFCa/Al to obtain the sediment source index and its variation with depth for this area.A comparison of the changes in climate indicators suggests a clear correlation between the source and climate changes.The results show that the Yellow River and surrounding short-term rivers are the main sediment sources in this area.The PC3 of the KD4 core and PC2 of the ZK3 core(e.g.,CaO,MnO,SiO2)exhibit significant variations and reflect the relative contributions of Yellow River sources.The deposition process can be divided into six stages:in Phase I(MIS 5c–MIS 5a),the Yellow River formed,and the composition of the Yellow River had a greater influence on the sedimentary composition of the study area.In Phase II(MIS 5a–MIS 3),the sediment sources of the Yellow River and the short-term streams in this area were wavering,with the sediments derived from short-term rivers playing a more important role.In Phase III(MIS 3),with a sharp drop in temperature,the study area was in the process of retreat,and the sediment source changed from the Yellow River to short-term rivers,after which the Yellow River source material remained the main sediment source for the region.A similar process occurred three more times in Phase IV(MIS 3–MIS 2),Phase V(MIS 2–MIS 1),and Phase VI(MIS 1).With changes in climate,especially during alternating sea-land phases,the sediment source varied in marine-terrestrial-marine phases,and the changes are observed as Yellow River source-surrounding provenance-Yellow River source.However,this process of change is not synchronized with the sea-land strata alternation.  相似文献   
长江中下游典型浅水湖泊沉积物水界面磷与铁的耦合关系   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6  
龚梦丹  金增锋  王燕  林娟  丁士明 《湖泊科学》2017,29(5):1103-1111
目前普遍认为磷铁耦合关系是P迁移的主要机制,但大部分研究结果并未提供直接的原位证据.为了探索沉积物剖面磷(P)与铁(Fe)的耦合关系,利用Zr O-Chelex薄膜扩散梯度技术(ZrO-Chelex DGT),分别对太湖、巢湖、鄱阳湖和洞庭湖4个浅水湖泊沉积物有效态Fe和P进行高分辨采样和分析.结果表明,不同湖区有效态Fe和P浓度在沉积物-水界面处开始增加,之后波动变化,垂向异质性较强,但两者浓度变化同步.有效态P和Fe浓度的相关分析结果证明两者浓度具有显著的线性相关.室内厌氧培养实验进一步表明,Fe~(3+)的还原性促使Fe~(2+)与铁结合态磷的释放,促使DGT有效态P与Fe同步变化.该结果表明沉积物P的二次迁移和释放受Fe氧化还原过程的控制,为铁磷耦合关系提供了直接证据.  相似文献   
渤海的碎屑物质详细记录了源区的地质信息,对其进行物源示踪研究有助于提高我们对周围造山带及黄河的演化、中国东部陆架海碎屑物质扩散等的认识。本文利用激光剥蚀电感耦合等离子质谱分别对辽东湾、渤海湾及莱州湾周围主要汇入河流的碎屑磷灰石进行原位微量元素分析,结合Kolmogorov-Smirnov统计方法的多维判别图与反向传播神经网络等方法,分析渤海主要汇入河流碎屑磷灰石的微量元素与稀土元素。结果表明在汇入渤海的主要河流中,碎屑磷灰石的微量元素主要以Sr元素与Y元素为主,且都出现较为明显的HREE富集,但在不同河流之间的碎屑磷灰石Sr元素与REE也存在一定差异,这可能与其母岩不同相关。  相似文献   
臧建飞  彭秀英  胡卓  崔凯  宫雅文  范士杰 《测绘科学》2019,44(8):149-153,160
针对目前多数大气加权平均温度(Tm)模型没有考虑季节性影响这一问题,该文首先利用IGRA 2005-2010年全球探空数据,分别建立了各探空站点与地表温度有关的线性Tm模型、与地表水汽压有关的指数Tm模型以及与地表温度和水汽压均有关的混合Tm模型。然后以探空站积分Tm值为参考,对上述3类模型的误差时间序列进行了分析,发现这3种模型均存在周期性误差,并在此基础上构建了考虑周期性误差修正的3类Tm新模型。利用2011-2014年全球探空数据对3类新模型进行精度验证,结果表明:3类Tm新模型的精度相比于原模型均有所提升,模型的周期性误差影响基本得以消除,且3类Tm新模型的精度基本一致。  相似文献   
从平台GIS到跨平台互操作GIS的发展   总被引:23,自引:1,他引:23  
介绍了跨平台互操作GIS的基本概念、主要关键技术和目前的发展状况以及该技术在我国的进展。  相似文献   
定量分析碳排放的影响因素,对降低区域碳排放具有重要的指导意义。利用STIRPAT模型,定量分析江苏省能源消费碳排放量与人口、富裕度(以人均GDP表示)、技术进步(以能源强度表示)和城镇化水平之间的关系,通过岭回归拟合后发现,人口数量、人均GDP、能源强度、城市化水平每变化1%,江苏省能源消费碳排放量将分别发生3.467%、(0.242+0.024 lnA)%、0.313%和0.151%的变化。在以上研究的基础上,设置8种不同的发展情景,分析了江苏省未来能源消费碳排放量的发展趋势。结果表明,当人口、经济保持低速增长,并保持高技术增长率时,有利于控制江苏省的能源消费碳排放量,2020年江苏省的能源消费碳排放量预测值为202.81 MtC。  相似文献   
河北小石门银金矿床位于小寺沟斑岩铜钼矿床的南西侧.矿体呈脉状、透镜状,银金矿化受NNE向断裂控制,成矿与杂岩体及二长斑岩有关;矿物组合主要为中低温矿物组合,成矿温度240~365℃;流体包裹体研究表明成矿流体富硫,有较高的K ,NH4 ,Ca2 和Na ,成矿热液为岩浆热液;硫同位素分析显示,硫来源于岩浆;稀土元素分析亦表明成矿物质来自于二长斑岩及小寺沟岩体,而铅锌矿可能部分来源于地层.推断小石门银金矿床为中低温热液矿床.  相似文献   
Determining the spatio-temporal distribution of the deformation tied to the India-Eurasian convergence and the impact of pre-existing weaknesses on the Cenozoic crustal deformation is significant for understanding how the convergence between India and Eurasia contributed to the development of the Tibetan Plateau. The exhumation history of the northeastern Tibetan Plateau was addressed in this research using a new apatite fission track (AFT) study in the North Qaidam thrust belt (NQTB). Three granite samples collected from the Qaidam Shan pluton in the north tied to the Qaidam Shan thrust, with AFT ages clustering in the Eocene to Miocene. The other thirteen samples obtained from the Luliang Shan and Yuka plutons in the south related to the Luliang Shan thrust and they have showed predominantly the Cretaceous AFT ages. Related thermal history modeling based on grain ages and track lengths indicates rapid cooling events during the Eocene-early Oligocene and since late Miocene within the Qaidam Shan, in contrast to those in the Cretaceous and since the Oligocene-Miocene in the Luliang Shan and Yuka region. The results, combined with published the Cretaceous thermochronological ages in the Qaidam Shan region, suggest that the NQTB had undergo rapid exhumation during the accretions along the southern Asian Andean-type margin prior to the India-Eurasian collision. The Cenozoic deformation initially took place in the North Qaidam thrust belt by the Eocene, which is consistent with the recent claim that the deformation of the northeastern Tibetan Plateau initiated in the Eocene as a response to continental collision between India and Eurasia. The immediate deformation responding to the collision is tentatively attributed to the pre-existing weaknesses of the lithosphere, and therefore the deformation of the northeastern Tibetan Plateau should be regarded as a boundary-condition-dependent process.  相似文献   
ODP204航次天然气水合物的可能有利储层——浊积层   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
为了解岩性在天然气水合物分布中的作用, 利用岩矿鉴定、扫描电镜和能谱法对ODP204航次的 4个站位 10个钻孔共计 115个沉积物样品进行分析, 发现沉积物中矿物成分基本相近, 以粘土矿物为主, 含少量以石英为主的陆源碎屑。样品中含有丰富的硅藻和有孔虫等微体化石, 可形成硅藻粘土—硅藻土、有孔虫硅藻土或凝灰质硅质生物粘土。石英碎屑大多呈棱角状, 粒径小、含量少, 同时, 样品中可见透镜体、团块或旋涡状层状结构以及杂乱堆积的斑杂构造。上述特征表明沉积物为含有大量深海或半深海的浊流沉积物或其夹层。由于钻井岩心中有相当部分的天然气水合物样品分布在上述沉积物中, 推断这些浊流沉积物很可能是ODP204航次天然气水合物的有利储层。  相似文献   
持久性有机污染物(POPs)具有环境持久性和半挥发性, 可以在区域及全球范围内传输和分布。森林植被和林下土壤富含有机质, 森林生态系统因此成为POPs主要的储存库之一。植被叶片可快速吸附大气POPs, 并通过叶片凋落、雨水冲刷和干沉降等过程加强或加速大气POPs 向地面的沉降, 并使森林土壤成为POPs 的“汇”, 从而形成所谓的“森林过滤效应”, 进而影响POPs 在全球的分布。进入森林的POPs 在森林生态系统中将经历一系列的环境过程。本文简要介绍了森林过滤效应的特征和影响因素, 综述了叶片对大气POPs 的吸附、叶片凋落和干湿沉降、POPs 在土壤中的迁移和损失等3 个主要环境过程的研究进展, 报道了松针、树皮和苔藓作为被动采样器反映的森林POPs空间分布趋势。最后, 提出了森林POPs研究中亟待解决的科学问题, 并指出未来中国森林POPs研究的可能方向。  相似文献   
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