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枣庄市中区岩溶塌陷特征与成因分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
在已有研究成果的基础上并通过现场调研,系统总结出了枣庄市中区岩溶塌陷特征,即岩溶塌陷的形成与分布在空间上具有方向性,在时间上具有阶段性与集中爆发期。岩溶洞隙发育情况、覆盖层条件和水文动态资料综合分析结果表明,枣庄十里泉地区岩溶塌陷的形成原因主要是真空吸蚀作用。   相似文献   
以浙南火山岩地区某工程边坡为例,研究了坡面绿化方法在具体工程中的应用。计算了坡面绿化中镀锌铁丝网对边坡稳定性的作用,考虑了厚层基材喷射绿化方法应用在岩质高陡边坡上可能存在的稳定性不足。根据坡面绿化对坡面整体性强化作用小的特点设置格构梁,结合坡面生态恢复的生态学原理,提出了结合坡面绿化的边坡支护方案  相似文献   
滇中昆阳群一直是华南前寒武纪地质研究的热点之一,其地层序列、时代与区域对比长期存在争议。通过对滇中易门县小街乡普家村-岔河水库剖面禄表组2个凝灰岩样品进行SHRIMP锆石U-Pb定年,获得禄表组凝灰岩的锆石206Pb/238U年龄为878.5±4.7Ma和878.0±4.0Ma,首次证实禄表组的形成时代为新元古代中期。禄表组凝灰岩SHRIMP锆石U-Pb年龄的获得,有利于正确认识昆阳群的划属关系,并为西南地区青白口纪地层格架的建立和对比提供可靠的年代学依据。  相似文献   
水资源是城市化与生态环境协调发展的重要限制因子,研究西北地区水资源环境与城市化系统耦合的时空分异规律,对于区域水资源、生态环境和社会经济系统可持续发展具有重要的现实意义。采用GRA方法,以西陇海兰新经济带甘肃段为例,从时空角度定量揭示了甘肃段水资源环境与城市化系统耦合的时空分异规律,结果表明:(1)时间序列上整体呈波动下降趋势,表现为类似组合"S"型特征;空间上随人口城市化水平的提高,耦合度亦表现出与时间序列类似特征;时空耦合度相互印证,说明系统符合"各态遍历假说;"(2)不同阶段甘肃段各城市耦合度表现出较大差异,具有复杂的空间结构:以兰州市为中心向外耦合度"先升高后减小",表明水资源环境与城市化系统耦合度的高低不仅取决于城市自身发展等内部因素,而且与城市之间的区域差异、区域联系等外部因素有关。基于以上认知,在解决区域水资源环境与城市化关系问题时,除有效提高城市水资源环境适应及调控能力之外,还要协调好区域之间的关系,构建区域利益共同体以达到"双赢"的目的,这为落后地区解决发展中的资源环境问题提供了新的思路。  相似文献   
黔南—桂北地区南华系化学地层特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
化学蚀变指数(chemical index of alteration)(CIA)最早作为判别源岩化学风化程度而提出, 随后又应用于对沉积物沉积环境的判定。化学蚀变指数的表达式为CIA={n(Al2O3)/[n(Al2O3)+n(CaO*)+n(Na2O)+n(K2O)]}? 100。CaO*代表硅酸盐中的CaO, n(CaO*)=n(CaO)?n(CO2方解石)??n0.5?n(CO2白云石)??10/3?n(P2O5)。化学蚀变指数样品的选取极为重要, 最佳岩性为细碎屑岩, 并需清除成岩过程中钾交代作用的影响, 以及采用成分变异指数(ICV)来判别沉积再循环作用和沉积物成分被改造的程度。使用A-CN-K三角图解判别物源区的源岩性质和样品钾交代的程度及其风化趋势。黔南—桂北地区南华系的CIA研究表明: 该地区南华系下部的长安组其下部CIA值为60~65之间, 中部为70~5, 上部回落到65~70之间。南华系中部富禄组CIA值高, 在85~95之间。南华系上部的南沱组CIA值再次回落到60—65的范围。上述CIA值的变化表明本区南华纪时期自老至新经历多次由干燥寒冷—温暖潮湿气候期的变化。本文据此提出扬子地块南华系新的划分、对比方案。  相似文献   
The multi-time-scale structures of an annual sediment discharge series of debris flow in the Jiangjia Ravine and the Southern Oscillation index are analysed using the method of Morlet wavelet transformations. The possible effects of E1 Nirio episodes on the annual sediment discharge are discussed by comparing the period variations of ENSO and the discharge. The results show that the annual sediment discharge series of debris flow is related to E1 Nifio episodes. Generally, the annual sediment discharge of debris flow is less than usual during an E1 Nifio episode and debris flow is less active. On the contrary, the annual sediment discharge of debris flows is greater than usual during a La Nifia episode and debris flows are more frequent. There is a relationship between the annual sediment discharges of debris flow in the Jiangjia Ravine and the summer Southern Oscillation index, with both having quasi-periodic variations of 2 and 5-6 years.  相似文献   
150kaBP以来巴丹吉林沙漠东南区域地层序列的新研究   总被引:1,自引:7,他引:1  
巴丹吉林沙漠东南部边缘查格勒布鲁剖面中更新统/上更新统下部、上更新统下部/上更新统上部和上更新统上部/全新统的地质界线依次发生在59AGS/60L、39FD/40G和9L/10FD之沉积界面上。其时限依次大致为150kaBP、75kaBP和10kaBP,该剖面记录了150kaBP以来25个旋回的沙漠与湖相等沉积交替变更的历史过程。通过该剖面粒度和SiO2、Al2O3、Fe2O3、FeO在地层中的分布特征、软体动物化石指示的古生态等综合研究表明,所述这些沉积旋回是自那时以来,在北半球冰期间冰期气候波动影响下,冬夏古季风往复更迭所导致的非季风沙区沙漠期与间沙漠期多次正逆交替演变的结果。  相似文献   
极端干旱沙漠中无沙埋干扰时几种固沙植物栽植试验研究   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
沙埋干扰是沙漠地区乡土植物生存繁殖的必要条件。在塔克拉玛干沙漠腹地,无沙埋干扰地段大多是高矿化度地下水埋深较浅的地段,这些地段盐渍化较重。7a定点观测和试验表明,塔里木沙漠公路沿线丘间地栽植固沙植物逐渐死亡的主要因素不是沙层水分和沙层盐分,而是高矿化度地下水埋深太浅(0.8~1.0 m),即这类地段植物死亡的原因主要是由于植物长期吸收高矿化度地下水使得体内盐分积聚过多无法调节而造成的。因此,在干旱区高矿化度地下水埋深太浅的地段,无沙埋干扰时建立固沙植被应谨慎。  相似文献   
The operation and power generation of utility-scale solar energy infrastructure in desert areas are affected by changes in surface erosion processes resulting from the construction of solar photovoltaic(PV) power stations. However, few studies have addressed the interactions between solar PV arrays and aeolian erosion processes. In this study, wind flow field characteristics and the vertical distribution of sediments were investigated in the near-surface transport layer at three different locations with respect to the solar PV arrays in a 200 WM-p PV power station in the central Hobq Desert, northwestern China. The results indicate that the sediment transport varied around the panels, with the greatest transport occurring between the panels, followed by behind and in front of the panels. The sediment fluxes of all of the observation sites obey an exponential function. The secondary flow field zones formed around the PV panels: the conflux accelerating zone between the panels, the resistance decelerating zone of the under panels, and the transition zone of the rapid velocity increase in front of and behind the panels. This resulted in a greater shear force in front of the panels under the downward flow diversion effect of PV panels, and the wind erosion depressions were finally formed here. The results of this study provide information for planning better technical schemes for wind-sand hazards at solar PV power stations, which would ensure operational stability and safety in desert areas.  相似文献   
正Objective The Mesozoic strata in eastern Liaoning and southern Jilin are relatively well developed. Liu et al.(1963) studied Lycoptera in North China, and they mentioned the fossils of south Jilin, but they were not included in the study due to the lack of specimens and poor preservation. Ma and Sun(1988) studied fish fossils from the Sankeyushu section in Tonghua, Jilin, and laid the foundation for the study of fish fossils in this area.  相似文献   
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