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The great Kunlun earthquake occurred on Nov. 14, 2001 in Qinghai Province, China. Five large aftershocks with magnitude larger than 5.0 occurred near the Kunlun fault after main shock. Calculations of the change in Coulomb failure stress reveal that 4 of 5 large aftershocks occurred in areas with Δσf>0 (10?2–10?1 MPa) and one aftershock occurred in an area with Δσf=?0.56 MPa. It is concluded that the permanent fault displacement due to the main shock is the main cause of activity of large aftershocks, but not the whole cause.  相似文献   
云南地区中强地震连发及其调制比的时空展布特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
剖析并定义了云南地区1970~2001年中强地震连发,发现中强地震连发的时空展布具有空间分布按一定方向有规律迁移,时间分布集中于5~11个月的特点。利用小震调制比分析云南地区中强地震连发的孕震演变,结果发现小震调制比的异常特性:空间上中强震连发前2~0.5a的时段内小震调制比出现8个平方度以上的异常面积元,异常面积元集中的地区为未来中强震连发的主体区域,时间上中强震连发前1~3a出现小震调制比R。的高值异常。并用花岗岩块体受压实验结果初步探讨了中强地震连发及其调制比时空展布特征的构造活动。  相似文献   
To test the performance of the Chinese whole-surface electromagnetic prospecting (SEP) system, system integrations, instrument performances, and large-scale production viabilities in Liaoning province and Inner Mongolia were measured via extensive field tests. Resultant electric fields, magnetic fields, apparent resistivities, impedance phases, and inversion profiles compared favorably with results of commercial equipment from other countries. The inversion results agreed well with the geologic information from boreholes. Field tests showed that the SEP system is stable, reliable, lightweight, and easy to operate, making it suitable and ready for real-field exploration.  相似文献   
下热尔断裂位于巴颜喀拉块体东北边界变形带即东昆仑断裂带东段与迭部-白龙江断裂2条剪切断裂之间挤压变形带内,在空间上属于“玛曲空段”范围.经野外考察及遥感资料验证,确定下热尔断裂走向为310°,长度约为20km,运动学特征表现为左旋走滑为主兼少量倾滑分量,沿断裂发育大量断错地貌,水平位移主要分布在3.5~5m,而未发现垂向断错地貌;垂直断裂走向开挖2处探槽,揭示断层切穿晚第四纪地层,被地表沼泽相泥炭层覆盖,结合相关地层年龄资料,初步得出平均水平滑动速率约为6.3mm/a.该断裂在几何学与运动学方面与东昆仑断裂带具有较好的一致性,推测两者之间存在一定相关性,属于东昆仑断裂带走滑断裂体系内的一条次级断裂或过渡性断裂.  相似文献   
A lightweight unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) and a tethered balloon platform were jointly used to investigate three-dimensional distributions of ozone and PM2.5 concentrations within the lower troposphere (1000 m) at a localized coastal area in Shanghai, China. Eight tethered balloon soundings and three UAV flights were conducted on May 25, 2016. Generalized additive models (GAMs) were used to quantitatively describe the relationships between air pollutants and other obtained parameters. Field observations showed that large variations were captured both in the vertical and horizontal distributions of ozone and PM2.5 concentrations. Significant stratified layers of ozone and PM2.5 concentrations as well as wind directions were observed throughout the day. Estimated bulk Richardson numbers indicate that the vertical mixing of air masses within the lower troposphere were heavily suppressed throughout the day, leading to much higher concentrations of ozone and PM2.5 in the planetary boundary layer (PBL). The NO and NO2 concentrations in the experimental field were much lower than that in the urban area of Shanghai and demonstrated totally different vertical distribution patterns from that of ozone and PM2.5. This indicates that aged air masses of different sources were transported to the experimental field at different heights. Results derived from the GAMs showed that the aggregate impact of the selected variables for the vertical variations can explain 94.3% of the variance in ozone and 94.5% in PM2.5. Air temperature, relative humidity and atmospheric pressure had the strongest effects on the variations of ozone and PM2.5. As for the horizontal variations, the GAMs can explain 56.3% of the variance in ozone and 57.6% in PM2.5. The strongest effect on ozone was related to air temperature, while PM2.5 was related to relative humidity. The output of GAMs also implied that fine aerosol particles were in the stage of growth in the experimental field, which is different from ozone (aged air parcels of ozone). Geographical parameters influenced the horizontal variations of ozone and PM2.5 concentrations by changing underlying surface types. The differences of thermodynamic properties between land and sea resulted in quick changes of PBL height, air temperature and dew point over the coastal area, which was linked to the extent of vertical mixing at different locations. The results of GAMs can be used to analyze the sources and formation mechanisms of ozone and PM2.5 pollutions at a localized area.  相似文献   
2008年攀枝花6.1级地震序列精定位   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
傅莺  龙锋 《中国地震研究》2015,29(3):363-372
利用四川和云南区域数字地震台网震相到时资料,并结合Hypo2000+HypoDD对2008年8月30日攀枝花MS6.1地震序列进行了定位。定位结果表明,地震序列的震中在空间上呈近南北向展布,余震密集区长度约为30km,主震震源深度约为14km。序列深度的分布范围主要为0~4、5~20km,而4~5km范围显示为明显的少震层。沿序列长轴的深度剖面显示,余震区中段存在1个不规则的少震的“空区”,为1955年6?级地震的破裂区,该地震发生在空区的南端。分析认为,2008年8月30日攀枝花MS6.1地震是由汶川8.0级地震后的应力调整造成未破裂的小凹凸体发生破裂所致。余震密集分布区沿垂直于破裂长轴的两个剖面则显示在其北端地震震源分布更深,且断层面向NW倾斜,与已知的红格断裂的倾向一致。  相似文献   
Based on calculations of the tidal Coulomb failure stress and investigations of the correlation between the Earth tide and the Ning’er earthquake sequence, the processes of fault nucleation and failure were simulated. In these simulations we consider the influence of tidal stresses using the rate- and state-dependent friction laws. Furthermore, the effects on tidal triggering due to the stress amplitude and periodic oscillation properties were investigated, and the triggering effects between the tidal normal and tidal shear stresses were compared. The results showed that the Ning’er earthquake sequence was a physical consequence of tidal effects. A transition period T0 exists between the nucleation and failure processes of a seismic fault. When the period T of stress is equal to or becomes larger than T0, the fault response becomes dependent on the periodic features of the loading stress; however, for T < T0, the response of the fault is nearly independent of the period. Both the tidal normal and tidal shear stresses have similar effect in the nucleation and failure processes; the clock changes generally increase with the maximum amplitudes of the tidal stresses. Tidal normal and tidal shear stresses with positive amplitudes mainly induce earthquake triggering; however, the triggering effects induced by negative tidal stresses are smaller and faults are not sensitive to negative tidal stresses. Our results primarily reveal the physical mechanisms of tidal stress triggering.  相似文献   
Single particle mass spectrometry has been widely used to determine the size and chemical compositions of atmospheric aerosols; however, it is still rarely used for the microphysical properties measurement. In this study, two methods were developed for determining aerosol effective density by a single particle aerosol mass spectrometer (SPAMS). Method I retrieved effective density through comparison between measured light scattering intensities and Mie theoretical modelled partial scattering cross section. Method II coupled a differential mobility analyzer (DMA) with SPAMS to simultaneously determine the electric mobility and vacuum aerodynamic diameter, and thus the effective density. Polystyrene latex spheres, ammonium sulfate and sodium nitrate were tested by these methods to help validate their effectiveness for determining the aerosol effective density. This study effectively extends SPAMS measurements to include particle size, chemical composition, light scattering, and effective density, and thus helps us better understand the environment and climate effects of aerosols.  相似文献   
根据银心区的CO谱线观测 ,对 30 0pc气体分子环提出了一种开普勒模型 :气体分子分布在一个膨胀或收缩的椭圆环上 ,环上的气体分子按开普勒定律绕银心转动。在这样一种模型下 ,气体分子的辐射可以产生类似CO谱线观测的图形。简单讨论了各种模型参数对图形的可能影响  相似文献   
Wang  Shujuan  Yan  Yihua  Zhao  Ruizhen  Fu  Qijun  Tan  Chengming  Xu  Long  Wang  Shijin  Lin  Huaan 《Solar physics》2001,204(1-2):153-164
25 MHz–7.6 GHz global and detailed (fine structure – FS) radio spectra are presented, which were observed in the NOAA 9077 active region for the Bastille Day (14 July 2000) flare at 10:10–11:00 UT. Besides broadband radio bursts, high-resolution dynamic spectra reveal metric type II burst, decimetric type IV burst and various decimetric and microwave FSs, such as type III bursts, type U bursts, reverse-slope (RS)-drifting burst, fiber bursts, patch and drifting pulsation structure (DPS). The peak-flux-density spectrum of the radio bursts over the range 1.0–7.6 GHz globally appears as a U-shaped signature. Analyzing the features of backbone and herringbones of the type II burst, the speeds of shock and relevant energetic electron beams were estimated to be 1100 km s−1 and 58 500 km s−1, respectively. Also the time sequence of the radio emission is analyzed by comparing with the hard X-rays (HXRs) and the soft X-rays (SXRs) in this flare. After the maxima of the X-rays, the radio emission in the range 1.0–7.6 GHz reached maxima first at the higher frequency, then drifted to the lower frequency. This comparison suggested that the flare included three successive processes: firstly the X-rays rose and reached maxima at 10:10–10:23 UT, accompanied by fine structures only in the range 2.6–7.6 GHz; secondly the microwave radio emission reached maxima accompanied by many fine structures over the range 1.0–7.6 GHz at 10:23–10:34 UT; then a decimetric type IV burst and its associated FSs (fibers) in the range 1.0–2.0 GHz appeared after 10:40 UT.  相似文献   
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