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估计转换波的静校正量是一个复杂的非线性问题,常规的线性静校正方法无法取得好的效果.粒子群算法是一种很好的非线性全局最优化方法,但其缺点是"早熟"现象严重.最大能量法是一种常规求取静校正量的方法,局部寻优能力强且收敛速度快是其优点,但是当地震记录含有大的静校正量时易收敛于局部极值.本文在标准粒子群算法的基础上发展出了一种改进的粒子群算法:团体粒子群算法.并且通过对Rastrigin函数的寻优实验证明了其全局寻优能力优于标准粒子群算法.同时为了解决转换波静校正问题串行融合了团体粒子群算法和最大能量法.最后,建立了含一个水平反射层的模型并合成地震记录,加入随机值作为检波点静校正量.对合成的地震数据分别利用团体粒子群和最大能量的串行融合算法、标准粒子群算法和最大能量法求取静校正量并进行静校正.结果证明串行融合算法得到的静校正量与理论值误差很小,静校正后的叠加剖面连续性较好.  相似文献   
本文对分层弹性地基中端承桩基础通过特性分析建立了合理的力学模型,通过动力分析,给出了端承桩基础轴向自振特性及在竖向地震载荷作用下强迫反应的解析解。文中的解析公式为分层弹性地基中的端承桩基础轴向动力反应分析提供了一种新的解析方法。  相似文献   
Introduction Thepotentialvulnerabilityofsatellitenaviga tionsystemthatreliesongroundstationsisthat thesystemwouldbreakdownifgroundstations weredestroyed,whichcannotmeettherequire mentofnavigationwarfare[1].Withthedevelop mentofsuchspace basedsystemsasgrou…  相似文献   
Piecewise heterogeneous media that the earth presents are composed of large-scale boundary structures and small-scale volume heterogeneities. Wave propagation in such piecewise heterogeneous media can be accurately superposed through the generalized Lippmann–Schwinger integral equation (GLSIE). Two different Born series modeling schemes are formulated for the boundary–volume integral equation with 2-D antiplane motion (SH waves). Both schemes decompose the resulting boundary–volume integral equation matrix into two parts: the self-interaction operator handled with a fully implicit manner, and the extrapolation operator approximated by a Born series. The first scheme associates the self-interaction operator with each boundary itself and the volume itself, and interprets the extrapolation operator as the cross-interaction between each boundary and other boundaries/volume scatterers in a subregion. The second scheme relates the self-interaction operator to each boundary itself and its cross-interaction with the volume scatterers on both sides, and expresses the extrapolation operator as both the direct and indirect (through the volume scatterers) cross-interactions between different boundaries in a subregion. By eliminating the displacement field from the volume scatterers, the second scheme reduces the dimension of the resulting boundary-volume integral equation matrix, leading to a faster convergence than the first scheme. Both the numerical schemes are validated by dimensionless frequency responses to a heterogeneous alluvial valley with the velocity perturbed randomly in the range of ca 5–20 %. The schemes are applied to wave propagation simulation in a heterogeneous multilayered model by calculating synthetic seismograms. Numerical experiments, compared with the full-waveform numerical solution, indicate that the Born series modeling schemes significantly improve computational efficiency, especially for high frequencies.  相似文献   
徐建鑫  李才  范建军  王明  解超明 《地质通报》2018,37(8):1541-1553
拉果错蛇绿岩是狮泉河-阿索-嘉黎蛇绿岩带中出露最完整的蛇绿岩组合之一,对恢复和反演该缝合带所代表洋盆演化具有重要意义。然而,目前拉果错蛇绿岩的成因及构造环境还不清楚,时代也存在争议。选择拉果错蛇绿岩中的斜长花岗岩和堆晶辉长岩作为研究对象,开展了野外勘查及剖面的测制,以及地球化学、LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb定年及Lu-Hf同位素研究,并结合区域地层、岩浆岩等相关资料,探讨了拉果错蛇绿岩的构造属性。拉果错斜长花岗岩和辉长岩野外呈整合接触,地球化学特征表明二者具有同源性,具有与E-MORB(富集大洋中脊玄武岩)相似的稀土元素配分形式和微量特征;Lu-Hf同位素显示岩浆源区为亏损地幔,由多种组分组成,可能来源于亏损地幔和Ⅱ型富集地幔二组分混合的地幔源区;斜长花岗岩和辉长岩LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb定年分别获得184.1±0.79Ma和183.5±2.2Ma的谐和年龄,代表了拉果错蛇绿岩的形成时代。研究表明,拉果错蛇绿岩形成于具有强烈大洋中脊玄武岩特征的弧后盆地环境。  相似文献   
The Palongzangbu River Basin contains the highest number of maritime province glaciers in China.There are 130 glacial lakes,64 snow avalanche sites and 28 glacial debris flow gullies distributed within the basin.Snow disasters play a controlling role in the Sichuan-Tibet Highway construction,due to the terrain's special characteristics of high altitude and large height differential.Segmentation mitigation countermeasures for the Sichuan-Tibet Highway are presented based on snow disaster severity level and damage mode of the road.In the Ranwu to Midui section,snow avalanches are regional disasters, so the line should be placed in sunny slopes.In the Midui Gully to Yupu section,the line should be placed in shady slopes and at higher elevations to reduce the risk of glacial lake outburst.In the Yupu to Guxiang section,all three snow disasters are minimal.In the Guxiang to Tongmai section,glacier debris flows are the major threat,thus the road should be placed in shady slopes.  相似文献   
A series of laboratory experiments are performed under various hydrological conditions to analyze the effect of pools in pipes on breakthrough curves (BTCs). The BTCs are generated after instantaneous injections of NaCl tracer solution. In order to test the feasibility of reproducing the BTCs and obtain transport parameters, three modeling approaches have been applied: the equilibrium model, the linear graphical method and the two-region nonequilibrium model. The investigation results show that pools induce tailing of the BTCs, and the shapes of BTCs depend on pool geometries and hydrological conditions. The simulations reveal that the two-region nonequilibrium model yields the best fits to experimental BTCs because the model can describe the transient storage in pools by the partition coefficient and the mass transfer coefficient. The model parameters indicate that pools produce high dispersion. The increased tailing occurs mainly because the partition coefficient decreases, as the number of pools increases. When comparing the tracer BTCs obtained using the two types of pools with the same size, the more appreciable BTC tails that occur for symmetrical pools likely result mainly from the less intense exchange between the water in the pools and the water in the pipe, because the partition coefficients for the two types of pools are virtually identical. Dispersivity values decrease as flow rates increase; however, the trend in dispersion is not clear. The reduced tailing is attributed to a decrease in immobile water with increasing flow rate. It provides evidence for hydrodynamically controlled tailing effects.  相似文献   
景观指数的粒度变化效应   总被引:66,自引:0,他引:66       下载免费PDF全文
本文以延河流域的1:250000和1:500000土地利用图为对象,以景观格局分析程序Fragstats3.3为分析工具,探讨了不同比例尺条件下景观指数随粒度增加的变化特征.研究结果表明,随着粒度值由25m到400m的逐渐增加,除斑块丰富度外的景观指数均具有明显的尺度效应,其中聚集度和集合度没有尺度转折点,其他指数具有明显或不明显的尺度转折点.对比分析1:250000和1:500000土地利用格局指数的计算结果可以发现:1)尺度转折点不是一个值,而是一个相对较小的区间;2)尺度转折点与研究图件的比例尺有关,比例尺越大,所发生的第一次尺度转折点的粒度就越小;3)第一尺度域是选择适宜粒度的较好取值范围.对延河流域1:250000土地利用图进行景观指数计算的适宜粒度范围是70~90m,1:500000土地利用图的适宜粒度范围是90~120m.  相似文献   
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