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The location of the Late Cretaceous paleoshoreline in the Leonese Area (Iberian Trough, Spain) has been investigated by seismic analysis through isobath and isopach maps. The succession can be divided into two depositional sequences: DS-1 and DS-2. These sequences are composed of fluvial systems at the base, with paleocurrents that flowed eastward and north-eastward. The DS-1 sequence (Late Albian-Middle Turonian) shows intertidal to subtidal and offshore deposits at the top, while the DS-2 sequence (Late Turonian-Campanian) presents intertidal to subtidal, tidal flat and shallow marine and lacustrine deposits at its top. The stratigraphic cyclicity based on systems tracts shows that these two depositional sequences exhibit remarkable eustatic control. Both sequences start at the base with a significant sedimentary supply from fluvial systems, related to eustatic fall episodes, and conclude at the top with transgressive periods. The evolution of the basin reveals the history of base-level changes and associated shifts in depositional trends during successive stages. The deeper sectors of the DS-1 sequence are located towards the northeastern part of the study area while the proximal portion of the basin-margin is located to the southwest. The paleoshoreline is placed in a direction oriented at 120. The variations in thickness are elongated in orientations between 030 and 050 and are mainly related to paleovalleys and tributary fluvial networks that supply sediment through the shoreline. It is possible that these variations may be related to active synsedimentary faults. Depocenters move toward the northeast and east during the DS-2 sequence while the proximal portion of the basin-margin moves to the southwest. The paleoshoreline has an orientation of 155 direction and moves basinward. The isopach maps show a group of corridors oriented at 130?C140 and 165?C170, interpreted as result of accumulation of sandy bodies such as inter and subtidal bars. The fluvial systems are transversal to the paleoshoreline direction.  相似文献   
. A isotope dilution thermal ionisation mass spectrometry U-Pb geochronological study was carried out on the high-pressure and high-temperature units (HP-HT units) overlying the oceanic suture in the Allochthonous Complexes of the NW Iberian Variscan Belt. The rocks investigated are seven granulite- to eclogite-facies paragneisses and one leucosome within mafic high-pressure granulites in the Ordenes and Cabo Ortegal Complexes of NW Spain. U-Pb dating of zircon, monazite, titanite and rutile reveal the presence of a pervasive Early Ordovician metamorphic event at ca. 500-480 Ma and a later Early Devonian event at ca. 400-380 Ma. The U-Pb ages, in conjunction with petrological and structural data, indicate that the high-pressure event recorded by these rocks is Early Ordovician in age. Monazite ages in the paragneisses suggest that peak metamorphic conditions were reached at ca. 500-485 Ma. Subsequently, the rock ensemble underwent exhumation accompanied by partial melting and zircon growth at ca. 485-470 Ma. Melting of mafic granulites was coeval with this latter episode as indicated by zircon crystallisation age in the leucosomes dated at ca. 486 Ma. Based on these data and on the general features of magmatism and metamorphic evolution, it is proposed that this process took place at a convergent plate boundary within a peri-Gondwanan oceanic domain. Monazite, titanite and rutile data in some of the samples studied show evidence of a second metamorphic episode that took place between ca. 400 and 380 Ma (with a peak at ca. 390-385 Ma). This Early Devonian event, at variance with the previous one, was not pervasive, but, rather, was localised in areas of intense Variscan tectonothermal reworking. It is claimed that this later metamorphic event was recorded by the U-Pb system in areas where monazite and titanite growth was enhanced by fluid circulation in highly strained rocks (Variscan shear zones). According to previous structural studies and Ar-Ar dating of fabrics, this Early Devonian episode took place as the HP-HT units were deformed and thrusted upon the ophiolitic units in the early stages of the Variscan collision.  相似文献   
The precise estimation of precipitation quantities in tropical mountain regions is in great demand by ecological and hydrological studies, due to the heterogeneity of the rainfall distribution and the lack of meteorological station data. This study uses radar images and ground station data to provide the required high-resolution precipitation maps. Also wind data are taken into account, due to its influence on the precipitation formation and to demonstrate the relation between synoptic wind, topography and the precipitation distribution inside small mountain valleys. The study analyses the rainfall distribution and amounts of 4 days inside the San Francisco Valley, a small catchment in the tropical Andes of southern Ecuador, representing different seasons and the typical atmospheric flows, which are correlated to the annual precipitation map. The results show that the rainfall distribution and amounts are generally defined by the wind direction and velocity, besides the topographic location in relation to the main barriers and pathways. The dominant wind direction causes a division of the catchment in a wetter eastern and a dryer western part. Moreover, the annual seasons are reversed; the main rainy season for the eastern part occurs between June and August, while the western part reaches the precipitation maximum between January and March. This may have influence on the species composition at the different slopes and the annual hydrological cycle inside the catchment.  相似文献   
The growing interest in and emphasis on high spatial resolution estimates of future climate has demonstrated the need to apply regional climate models (RCMs) to that problem. As a consequence, the need for validation of these models, an assessment of how well an RCM reproduces a known climate, has also grown. Validation is often performed by comparing RCM output to gridded climate datasets and/or station data. The primary disadvantage of using gridded climate datasets is that the spatial resolution is almost always different and generally coarser than climate model output. We have used a Bayesian statistical model derived from observational data to validate RCM output. We used surface air temperature (SAT) data from 109 observational stations in California, all with records of approximately 50 years in length, and created a statistical model based on this data. The statistical model takes into account the elevation of the station, distance from coastline, and the NOAA climate region in which the station resides. Analysis indicates that the statistical model provides reliable estimates of the mean monthly SAT at any given station. In our method, the uncertainty in the estimates produced by the statistical model are directly determined by obtaining probability density functions for predicted SATs. This statistical model is then used to estimate average SATs corresponding to each of the climate model grid cells. These estimates are compared to the output of the RCM to assess how well the RCM matches the observed climate as defined by the statistical model. Overall, the match between the RCM output and the statistical model is good, with some deficiencies likely due in part to the representation of topography in the RCM.  相似文献   
The automated spatial estimation of the hillslope runoff dynamics is used as a valuable tool for the estimation of the travel time distribution (flow time), a major factor for the hydrologic prediction in ungauged basins. In fact, while the flow time function is usually obtained by rescaling the flow paths with constant channel and hillslope velocities, in this work a spatially distributed kinematic component, as a function of terrain features and in particular slope and land use, is implemented and its influence on the hydrologic response is tested by means of the Width Function Instantaneous Unit Hydrograph (WFIUH) framework. Hillslope surface flow velocities are evaluated by applying different uniform flow formulas within an automated DEM-based (terrain analysis) algorithm. A comparison test of the performances of the Manning, Darcy, Maidment and Soil Conservation Service uniform flow equations is performed for several case studies in Italy pertaining to different climatic and geomorphic conditions. Results provide new insights for a better understanding of the flow time function also introducing a more parsimonious and physically-based calibration scheme of the WFIUH.  相似文献   
This is the second paper of a series of two concerning strong ground motion in SW Iberia due to earthquakes originating from the adjacent Atlantic area. The aim of this paper is to use the velocity model that was proposed and validated in the companion paper for seismic intensity modelling of the 1969 ( M s= 8.0) and 1755 ( M = 8.5–8.7) earthquakes.
First, we propose a regression to convert simulated values of Peak Ground Velocity (PGV) into Modified Mercalli Intensity (MMI) in SW Iberia, and using this regression, we build synthetic isoseismal maps for a large ( M s= 8.0) earthquake that occurred in 1969. Based on information on the seismic source provided by various authors, we show that the velocity model effectively reproduces macroseismic observations in the whole region. We also confirm that seismic intensity distribution is very sensitive to a small number of source parameters: rupture directivity, fault strike and fault dimensions. Then, we extrapolate the method to the case of the great ( M = 8.5–8.7) 1755 earthquake, for a series of hypotheses recently proposed by three authors about the location of the epicentral region. The model involving a subduction-related rupture in the Gulf of Cádiz results in excessive ground motion in northern Morocco, suggesting that the source of the 1755 earthquake should be located further west. A rupture along the western coast of Portugal, compatible with an activation of the passive western Iberian margin, would imply a relatively low average slip, which, alone, would could not account for the large tsunami observed in the whole northern Atlantic ocean. A seismic source located below the Gorringe Bank seems the most likely since it is more efficient in reproducing the distribution of high intensities in SW Iberia due to the 1755 earthquake.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study is to establish a relation between observed total precipitation values and estimations from a one-dimensional diagnostic cloud model. Total precipitation values estimated from maximum liquid water content, maximum vertical velocity, cloud top height, and temperature excess are also used to provide an equation for the total precipitation prediction. Data for this study were collected in Istanbul during the autumns of 1987 and 1988. The statistical models are developed with multiple regression technique and then comparatively verified with independent data for 1990. The multiple regression coefficients are in the range of 75% to 80% in the statistical models. Results of the test showed that total precipitation values estimated from the above techniques are in good agreement, with correlation coefficient between 40% and 46% based on test data for 1990.  相似文献   
The provenance of the Maastrichtian deep-water reservoir sandstones from the Jubarte oil field (Campos Basin, eastern Brazil), was studied using an integrated approach that included quantitative petrography, conventional heavy mineral analysis, garnet mineral chemistry and zircon geochronology. The reservoirs are predominantly coarse, poorly-sorted sandstones with feldspathic composition derived from uplifted basement terrains. The fourth- and fifth-order depositional sequences analyzed show no major variations in composition or in provenance through time. However, variations in apatite:tourmaline presents potential to be used as a parameter for sandstone correlation within the field. The composition of heavy minerals indicates derivation from high temperature and low-to-medium pressure aluminous metapelitic rocks, from granites and subordinate mafic rocks, derived from the Cabo Frio Tectonic Domain and the Oriental terrain of Ribeira orogen, characterizing a supply route from SW to NE. The low ZTR index, as well as the absence of low-grade stable heavy minerals and of metasedimentary rock fragments, suggest that by the end of Cretaceous all supracrustal, low-grade terrains had already been totally eroded, and that plutonic, infracrustal rocks were exposed, similarly to the present situation.  相似文献   
To determine if defoliation of a woody plant affects foraging by folivorous insects, we examined the infection rate (number of leaves damaged per total number of leaves sampled on marked stems) ofAnthyllis cytisoidesunder three experimental treatments: 10, 50 and 90% plant defoliation. Observations were made for three age classes, established by trunk base perimeter (equal to or lower than 11 cm, between 11 and 20 cm, larger than 20 cm). Plants respond positively to artificial defoliation by increasing total vegetative length of the stem and total inflorescence length. This response is most evident in young individuals.Response to herbivory was measured as overall infection rate and also as infection rate by different feeding guilds—chewing, mining, or sucking insects. We found that increased defoliation elicited increased resistance of leaves to insect attack. This was particularly evident in young plants. Different insect guilds respond in different ways. Attack by chewing insects declines with defoliation for all plant age classes; only sucking insects which feed on the oldest plants reduce feeding rate with plant defoliation. Finally, mining insects present the opposite trend in young and senescent plants.  相似文献   
Although fire‐induced soil water repellency (SWR) and its effects on soil hydrology and geomorphology have been studied in detail, very few studies have considered the effect of rock fragments resting on the soil surface or partly embedded in soil. In this research, we have studied the effect of rock fragments on the strength and spatial distribution of fire‐induced SWR at different fire severities. A fire‐affected area was selected for this experiment and classified into different zones according to fire severity (unburned, low, moderate and high) and rock fragment cover (low, <20% and high, >60%). During 7 days after fire, SWR and infiltration rates were assessed in the soil surface covered by individual rock fragments and in the midpoint between two adjacent rock fragments (with maximum spacing of 20 cm). SWR increased with fire severity. Rock fragments resting on the soil surface increased the heterogeneity of the spatial distribution of fire‐induced SWR. SWR increased significantly with rock fragment cover in bare areas under moderate and high fire severity, but quantitatively important changes were only observed under high fire severity. In areas with a low rock fragment cover, water repellency from soil surfaces covered by rock fragments increased relative to bare soil surfaces, with increasing SWR. In areas with a high rock fragment cover, SWR increased significantly from non‐covered to covered soil surfaces only after low‐severity burning. Rock fragment cover did not affect infiltration rates, although it decreased significantly in soil surfaces after high‐severity burning in areas under low and high rock fragment cover. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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