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The local scour around bridge abutments has been an active research topic for many decades. But very few studies have been conducted regarding the impacts of ice cover on the local scour phenomenon aro... 相似文献
Lassaad Dassi Kamel Zouari Klaus Peter Seiler Serigne Faye Samir Kamel 《Environmental Geology》2005,47(4):501-511
Stable (18O, 2 H) and radiogenic (3H, 14C) isotopes of water have been used to constrain the source, origin, age, migration pathway and mixing processes in the Sbeïtla (Tunisia) system. The system is composed of an upper unconfined Middle Miocene aquifer with a variable thickness from 10–300 m, an intermediate confined/unconfined Lower Miocene aquifer about 100 m thick and a deeper confined Lower Cretaceous aquifer about 150 m thick separated by a thin clay layer. A total of 53 groundwater samples from the three aquifers and spring samples were collected during February and March 2000 and isotopically analysed using conventional methods. The stable isotopes composition of waters establishes that the deep groundwater (depleted as compared to present corresponding local rainfall) is ancient water recharged probably during the late Pleistocene and the early Holocene periods. The relatively recent water in the superficial aquifer is composed of mixed waters resulting presumably from upward leakage from the deeper groundwater. The radiogenic (3H, 14C) isotopes data confirm that the recent water, with a tritium content between 6.5 and 19 TU, represents post-nuclear recharge and the ancient groundwater with low carbon-14 contents between 7 and 26 pmC infiltrated between 8,000 to 20,000 years ago. When used in conjunction with the stable isotopes data, the mixing process can be clearly identified, especially in the Sbeïtla sill area. Groundwater of the upper aquifer exhibits isotopic signatures of both the old and recent waters. By using isotopic mass balance, the computed contribution of the deep groundwater in recharging the upper aquifer is up to 94%. 相似文献
Issa Sakho Valérie MesnageJulien Deloffre Robert LafiteIsabelle Niang Guilgane Faye 《Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science》2011,94(1):93-101
Although such ecosystems are fragile, this study shows that the anthropogenic damages inflicted on the mangrove forests of West Africa can be reversed over a relatively short time period if environmental conditions are favorable. The mangrove ecosystem of the microtidal Somone Estuary, Senegal, has undergone extreme changes during the last century. The area occupied by mangrove forest was estimated with a diachronic study by GIS for the period 1946-2006. Between 1946 and 1978, 85% of the area was progressively replaced by unvegetated mudflats in the intertidal zones and by barren area in the supratidal zones. Until 1990, this was mainly a result of traditional wood harvesting. The impact was exacerbated by the closing off of the estuary to the sea (1967-1969 and 1987) and by an extended drought (1970 onwards), which resulted in a lack of renewal of water, hypersalinization and acidification. The main factors controlling mangrove evolution in the Somone ecosystem, however, are anthropogenic. Until 1990, traditional wood cutting (for wood and oyster harvesting) was practiced by the local population. Between 1978 and 1989, a small area occupied by the mangroves was stabilized. Since 1992, a modification of mangrove logging and a new reforestation policy resulted in an exponential increase of mangrove area progressively replacing intertidal mudflats. Such success in the restoration of the ecosystem reforestation is supported by favorable environmental conditions: tidal flooding, groundwater influence, rainfall during the wet season, low net accretion rate of about 0.2-0.3 cm year−1, and a ban on the cutting of mangrove wood. The rate of mangrove loss from 1946 to 1978 was 44,000 m2 year−1, but this has been offset by restoration efforts resulting in an increase in mangrove area from 1992 to 2006 of 63,000 m2 year−1. 相似文献
Huguette C. Emvoutou Béatrice Ketchemen Tandia Suzanne Ngo Boum Nkot Rodrigue C. S. Ebonji Yvon B. Nlend Georges E. Ekodeck Christine Stumpp Piotr Maloszewski Serigne Faye 《Environmental Earth Sciences》2018,77(5):219
Douala city, located in the littoral province of Cameroon, receives abundant rainfall quantities due to its geographical position in the Gulf of Guinea and bears considerable surface water and groundwater resources. Due to socioeconomic development and rapid demographic growth in the city and its consequences of unplanned urbanization and improper sanitation system, these water resources are poorly protected and managed. Streams in the Wouri watershed receive large amounts of wastewater discharge, and hundreds of boreholes have been drilled into the aquifer system without any management plan. A detailed hydrodynamic and hydrogeochemistry study in Douala town and its environs was conducted to get a better insight into the groundwater system functioning in order to provide information for the sustainable management and protection of the groundwater resource. Two field campaigns were carried out with 187 samples collected and analyzed for major ions, stable isotopes (18O, 2H), and tritium 3H. The results of the sampling have shown that the weathering of silicate minerals is the dominant geochemical process affecting groundwater chemistry in this system. However, acid rainfall in the humid climate has also caused carbonate mineral dissolution, amorphous silica deposition, and ion exchange reactions to occur in aquifers in the region. The various water types identified were categorized into four major clusters C1 to C4, based on the major ion composition and the local hydrogeological conditions. Environmental isotope data reveal that modern-to-submodern waters occur in the phreatic Quaternary/Mio-Pliocene and Oligocene/Upper Eocene aquifers, respectively. These results corroborate with the conceptual model built where modern groundwater types indicated silicate mineral weathering and calcite dissolution (C1 and C2), whereas submodern groundwater mostly showed silica deposition, ion exchange, and, to a lesser extent, carbonate mineral dissolution (C3 and C4). This improved understanding of the aquifer system functioning is essential to provide a reasonable basis for effective control measures and sustainable water management. 相似文献
One of the key issues associated with the hypothesis of catastrophic subglacial drainage of the Livingstone Lake event is whether flows of such large magnitudes are physically feasible. To explore this issue, a one‐dimensional hydraulic network flow model was developed to investigate the range of peak discharges and associated flow parameters that may have been carried by a tunnel channel network in south‐east Alberta, Canada. This tunnel channel network has been interpreted elsewhere to carry large discharges associated with subglacial meltwater flows because of the convex longitudinal profiles of individual channels. This computational modelling effort draws upon established and verified engineering principles and methods in its application to the hydraulics of this problem. Consequently, it represents a unique and independent approach to investigating the subglacial meltwater hypothesis. Based on the modelling results, it was determined that energy losses resulting from friction limit the maximum peak discharge that can be transported through the tunnel channel network to 107 m3 s−1, which is in reasonable agreement with previous estimates of flood discharges for proposed megafloods. Results show that flow through channels with convex longitudinal profiles occurs when hydraulic head exceeds 910 m (Lost River) and 950 m (Sage Creek) , respectively. These are considerably below the maximum head capable of driving flow through the system of 1360 m, beyond which ice is decoupled from the bed across the pre‐glacial drainage divide. Therefore, it is concluded that these model results support the hypothesis of catastrophic subglacial drainage during the Livingstone Lake event. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Changes in runoff and sediment load from major Chinese rivers to the Pacific Ocean over the period 1955-2010 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Changes in runoff and sediment loads to the Pacific Ocean from 10 major Chinese rivers are presented in this paper To quantitatively assess trends in runoff and sediment loads, a parameter called the "Trend Ratio T" has been defined in this paper. To summarize total runoff and sediment load from these rivers, data from 17 gauging stations for the duration 1955 to 2010 has been standardized, and the missing data have been interpolated by different approaches according to specific conditions. Over the observed 56-year study period, there is a quite stable change in total runoff. Results show that the mean annual runoff flux entering the Pacific Ocean from these rivers is approximately 1,425 billion cubic meters. It is found that all northern rivers within semi-arid and transitional zones including the Songhua, Liaohe, Haihe, Yellow and Huaihe rivers present declining trends in water discharge. Annual runoff in all southern rivers within humid zones including the Yangtze, Qiantang, Minjiang, Pearl and Lancang rivers does not change much, except for the Qiantang River whose annual runoff slightly increases. The annual sediment loads of all rivers show significant declining trends; the exceptions are the Songhua and Lancang rivers whose annual sediment loads have increasing trends. However, the mean annual sediment flux carried into the Pacific Ocean decreased from 2,026 million tonnes to 499 million tonnes over the 56-year period. During this time there were 4 distinct decreasing phases. The decrease in annual sediment flux is due to the integrated effects of human activity and climate change. The reduction in sediment flux makes it easy for reservoir operation; however, the decrease in sediment flux also creates problems, such as channel erosion, river bank collapse and the retreat of the delta area. 相似文献
Mineralization processes and water quality of Quaternary to Mio-Pliocene sanstone aquifers near Cotonou, Benin have been studied using wells sampled during May 1991, August 1991 and April 1992. Anthropogenic pollution, indicated especially by high concentrations of nitrate, P and K, has been detected in the upper aquifer. In contrast, the lower aquifer has acceptable concentrations of solutes, with the exception of the Godomey pumping area, where incipient saline intrusion is detected. Some suggestions are made for aquifer protection based on the careful understanding of groundwater flow directions. 相似文献