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松辽盆地滨北地区油气运移输导体系分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
传统的围绕生烃洼陷的油气勘探在滨北地区受到了严峻的考验,面积占整个松辽盆地1/3的滨北地区的油气勘探一直没有取得突破性进展.分析认为滨北地区存在三大背斜构造带(绥棱背斜带、乾元背斜带和克山-依龙背斜带)和滨州走滑断裂带所构成的输导体系.三大背斜带的形成和定型均早于盆地青山口组主力烃源岩大规模生排烃时间(白垩纪末),并分别倾没于齐家-古龙凹陷北部、黑鱼泡凹陷和三肇凹陷,凹陷生烃潜力的差异决定了紧邻输导体系油气勘探潜力的差异,其中齐家北凹陷和三肇凹陷已经发现了较丰富的油气资源,决定了绥棱背斜带和克山-依龙背斜带油气勘探的潜力较大.乾元背斜带临近黑鱼泡凹陷,由于黑鱼泡凹陷烃源岩成熟度低,烃源岩没有进入大规模生排烃阶段,因此勘探潜力有限;滨州走滑断裂带横穿齐家-古龙凹陷和三肇凹陷,断裂活动时间与烃源岩成熟时间一致,有利于油气的定向运移,同时晚期构造活动西段强而东段弱,从油气保存的角度看,有可能东段优于西段,但从油气的垂向运移看,西段更有可能形成垂向上多层系含油的复式油气聚集带,因此沿整个滨州走滑断裂带是有利的勘探领域.  相似文献   
单目视觉下基于对偶四元数的运动目标位姿确定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用对偶四元数研究运动载体和目标之间相对运动的单目算法大多是仿真验证,缺乏实验验证。针对这些不足,在James方法的基础上,扩展了状态量,推导了相应的系统模型和观测模型,组成新的滤波方程。匀速旋转的转台实验验证了改进算法的优越性。  相似文献   
本研究利用浅层反射地震数据中的面波信息反演提取近地表横波速度结构,取得了较好的效果。该方法在一定程度上可弥补浅部反射资料的缺失,进而提高近地表结构探测的可靠性,同时也实现了对地震资料的充分利用。  相似文献   
广东省公路交通网络分形空间特征研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于分形理论,以GIS技术为支撑,利用回转半径法测算了广东省全域及其所辖21个地级市公路交通网络半径维数DL、分枝维数Db和对应相关系数R2。依据广东省公路交通网络的特点,将其辖区分为四个子区域:珠三角、东部沿海、西部沿海和粤北地区,分析其半径维数和分枝维数的空间分布特征。研究表明,珠三角地区为广东省公路交通网络密度最大、结构最复杂、功能最完善、连通性最优的区域;以珠三角为中心,广东省公路交通网络分形半径维数和分枝维数随距离增大而衰减,沿海衰减程度微弱,粤北衰减程度较大。结果显示,半径维数和分枝维数结合能够更为合理系统地分析交通网络分形特征的时空差异特性。  相似文献   
In the seismic event classification,determining the seismic features of rockfall is significantly important for the automatic classification of seismic events because of the huge amount of raw data recorded by seismic stations in continuous monitoring. At the same time, the rockfall seismic features are still not completely understood.This study concentrates on the rockfall frequency content, amplitude(ground velocity), seismic waveform and duration analysis, of an artificial rockfall test at Torgiovannetto(a former quarry in Central Italy). A total of 90 blocks were released in the test, and their seismic signals and moving trajectories were recorded by four tri-axial seismic stations and four cameras, respectively. In the analysis processing,all the artificial rockfall signal traces were cut separately and the seismic features were extracted individually and automatically. In this study, the relationships between a) frequency content and impacted materials, b) frequency content and the distance between block releasing position and seismic station(source-receiver distance) were discussed. As a result, we found that the frequency content of rockfall focuses on 10-60 Hz and 80-90 Hz within a source-receiver distance of 200 m, and it is well correlated with impacted material and source-receiver distance. To evaluate the difference between earthquake and rockfall, 23 clear earthquake signals recorded in a seven month-long continuous seismic monitoring, carried out with the four seismic stations, were picked out, according to the Italian national earthquakes database(INGV). On these traces we performed the same analysis as in the artificial rockfall traces, and two parameters were defined to separate rockfall events from earthquake noise. The first one, the amplitude ratio, is related to the amplitude variation of rockfall between two stations and is greater than that of earthquakes, because of the higher attenuation occurring for rockfall events, which consists in high frequencies whereas for earthquakes it consists in low frequencies. The other parameter, the shape of waveform of signal trace, showed a significant difference between rockfall and earthquake and that could be a complementary feature to discriminate between both. This analysis of artificial rockfall is a first step helpful to understand the seismic characteristics of rockfall, and useful for rockfall seismic events classification in seismic monitoring of slope.  相似文献   
塔里木盆地喀什北地区白垩系层序岩相古地理特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据天山南麓露头剖面和钻井层序地层研究,结合地震资料分析,将塔里木盆地喀什北地区白垩系划分为2个巨旋回层序、4个超长期旋回层序和8个长期旋回层序。其层序-岩相古地理特征自下而上表现为海平面持续上升过程中,由陆相河-湖三角洲过渡到海相三角洲,再到局限台地的沉积相变。利用泥岩微量元素分析,确定古特提斯洋在下白垩统克孜勒苏群上亚旋回就已经影响到喀什北地区,在海侵过程中,形成了连片叠置的退积型三角洲前缘沉积,并造成了该段砂岩中富含碳酸盐胶结物。下白垩统上亚旋回厚层砂岩与上白垩统及古近系的膏泥岩层构成良好的储盖组合,是喀什北地区最重要的油气储集层。  相似文献   
现代社会大型复杂建设工程越来越多,室内3D GIS应用需求旺盛,但海量室内3D数据的缺乏成为室内GIS应用瓶颈。建筑信息模型(Building Information Models,BIM)提供丰富的建筑空间几何和语义信息,可为GIS所用。BIM与GIS数据集成技术成为国内外研究热点。本文从GIS应用的角度出发,通过分析BIM与GIS在数据标准和几何、语义表达方面的差异,提出BIM与SuperMap GIS 8C软件的数据集成技术,并实现了BIM在SuperMap GIS中的高性能空间分析与可视化。本文的研究有助于扩展SuperMap GIS的应用领域至室内空间,实现室外到室内、城市宏观到建筑微观的一体化应用,满足大型复杂室内场所的应急救援、导航与位置服务需求,服务于智慧城市建设。  相似文献   
为对城市各区域出租车OD轨迹流进行可视化分析,需对城市作空间剖分处理,以产生研究所需的子区域。传统的欧氏距离空间剖分方法,在空间上进行硬性切割不能有效地顾及城市人、物的时空流动模式,因此,本文提出了一种空间约束条件下,顾及出租车OD点分布密度的网络Voronoi剖分方法。首先,将道路网的边细分成线性单元,然后,设定空间约束以产生合适的发生元,让各发生元在路网上以线性单元为单位扩散步长,以不同的速度向周围联通道路进行扩散,最终将城市空间划分成一系列与出租车OD点分布密度相适应的空间子区域。利用OD流可视化理论与技术,基于划分的城市子区域分析出租车在这些区域的时空流动,并结合图论知识探究城市空间OD流拓扑图结构的变化,分析不同划分区域出租车流动模式。最后,通过北京地区一天的出租车轨迹数据,对本文提出的算法及分析方法进行了实验。  相似文献   
人为或自然因素造成的森林火灾常导致森林覆盖和结构的变化,对森林碳循环产生重大影响。MODIS热异常-火灾产品(MOD14)包含地表火灾位置、可信度、火点辐射能量及其他属性信息,可用于火灾频率、等级及其变化的监测。本研究以俄罗斯欧洲地区的北方森林为研究对象,采用2005-2010年每日MODIS14数据和GIS空间分析方法,对研究区过火像元进行判别提取,分析该地区林火时空变化规律,并探讨驱动因素。结果显示,俄罗斯欧洲地区森林火灾主要分布在中南部。近年来,火灾数量呈上升趋势,2010年的火灾覆盖范围是2005年的1.5倍;年内火灾发生情况随时间波动,火险期为每年的4-10月;极端干旱天气造成的的特大型火灾事件在本研究结果中得以反映。  相似文献   
Sinonovacula constricta is one of the important economic aquaculture species in China. In this study, we constructed genetic linkage maps of S. constricta based on 300 microsatellite markers derived from RAD-seq using an F1 full-sib family. The female map contained 204 microsatellites assigned to 22 linkage groups, which covered 1529.5 cM with an average interval of 10.3 cM. The male consisted of 187 microsatellites in 19 linkage groups corresponding to the haploid chromosome number(n(28)19), which spanned 1429.3 cM with an average interval of 8.7 cM. The genome coverage was approximately 83.5% and 81.4%, respectively. An integrated map was constructed according to the common markers in parental linkage groups, which had a total length of 1683.8 cM with an average interval of 7.3 cM. The genome coverage of the integrated map was approximately 86.3%. The genetic linkage map would form the foundation for further studies on the quantitative trait loci(QTL), as well as accelerating the breeding process of this species.  相似文献   
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