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现代黄河三角洲粉土触变性研究及其应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过对现代黄河三角洲砂质粉土和粉质粘土触变性的对比试验研究,阐述了黄河口粉土的触变性。试验结果对解释粉土的失稳机制、解决工程地基的稳定性和防止地质灾害等具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   
虾肤诱食剂改善南美白对虾植物蛋白日粮的作用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
冯健  王明鹏 《海洋科学》2004,28(4):48-51
用900尾平均体质量为0.106 g/尾±0.012 g/尾的南美白对虾(Peneausvannamei)进行虾肽改善植物蛋白日粮试验,结果表明:(1)大豆粕、杂粕组南美白对虾的成活率显著高于鱼粉组(P<0.05);(2)大豆粕、鱼粉组南美白对虾相对生长率、饲料系数、虾体组成相似,杂粕组最差,且与大豆粕、鱼粉组有显著性差异(P<0.05)。结果表明,在南美白对虾日粮中虾肽作为营养性诱食剂可显著改善植物蛋白的适口性,提高南美白对虾对大豆蛋白的的消化吸收功能,达到与鱼粉组相同的养殖效果,从而明显降低南美白对虾日粮成本。  相似文献   
1998年春夏南海温盐结构及其变化特征   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:11  
利用1998年5~8月“南海季风试验”期间“科学1”号和“实验3”号科学考察船两个航次CTD资料,分析了1998年南海夏季风暴发前后南海主要断面的温盐结构及其变化特征.观测发现,南海腹地基本被典型的南海水团所控制,但在南海东北部尤其是吕宋海峡附近,表层和次表层水明显受到西太平洋水的影响.季风暴发以后,南海北部表面温度有显著升高,升幅由西向东递减,而南海中部和南部表面温度基本没变,这使得南海北部东西向温度梯度和整个海盆南北向温度梯度均减小.北部断面表层盐度普遍由34以上降低到34以下,混合层均有所发展,是季风暴发后降水和风力加剧的结果.观测期间黑潮水跨越吕宋海峡的迹象明显但变化剧烈.4~5月,黑潮次表层水除在吕宋海峡中北部出现外,在吕宋岛以西亦有发现,表明有部分黑潮水从吕宋海峡南端沿岸向西进而向南进入南海.6~7月,次表层高盐核在吕宋海峡中北部有极大发展,但在吕宋岛以西却明显萎缩;虽然看上去黑潮水以更强的流速进、出南海,但对南海腹地动力热力结构的影响未必更大.一个超过34.55的表层高盐水体于巴拉望附近被发现,似与通过巴拉望两侧水道入侵南海的西太平洋水有关.  相似文献   
通过在实验区内设置不同类型的采样线,对GVG采样线的代表性进行检验.结果表明,高速公路和乡村道路类型的采样线对区域代表性的精度在95%以上;国道为86.726%;省道为65.447%.对于不同的缓冲区,高速公路、省道和乡村道路类型采样线,以200m缓冲区的代表性最好.而国道则以800m缓冲区的代表性最好.对于不同的作物而言,无论何种类型的采样线或者缓冲区,种植面积最大的棉花的精度是最好的.最低的是省道采样线1000m缓冲区,精度是78.146%,最好的是国道采样线800m缓冲区,精度是99.974%.除省道外,其他精度都在94.8%以上.这说明GVG采样线所获得的成数对于区域主要作物的代表性是很好的.  相似文献   
川西南周公山及邻区下二叠统的中-低孔、中-低渗碳酸盐岩储层的储集空间以次生成因的溶孔、溶洞和构造裂缝为主.研究认为,多世代方解石胶结、化学充填作用以及埋藏期的压实(溶)作用是孔隙很难得到保存的主要原因;同生-准同生期的混合水云化作用和表生期、埋藏期的流体溶蚀作用则产生了大量的次生溶孔、洞,使储层的孔渗性得到明显的改善;构造破裂作用可以产生新的储集空间,还影响各储集体之间及单一储集体内部空隙的连通.成岩相分为混合水云化-溶蚀-破裂相、溶蚀-胶结相和胶结-压实-压溶相.各种成岩作用的叠加形成了现今下二叠统油气储层的分布格局.  相似文献   
Central Fujian Rift is another new and important volcanogenic massive sulfide Pb-Zn polymetallic metallogenetic belt. In order to find out the material genesis and mineralization period of Meixian-type Pb-Zn-Ag deposits, S and Pb isotope analysis and isotope geochronology of ores and wall rocks for five major deposits are discussed. It is concluded that the composition of sulfur isotope from sulfide ore vary slightly in different deposits and the mean value is close to zero with the 834S ranging from -3.5‰ to +5.6‰ averaging at +2.0‰, which indicates that the sulfur might originate from magma or possibly erupted directly from volcano or was leached from ore-hosted volcanic rock. The lead from ores in most deposits displays radioactive genesis character (206pb/204pb〉18.140, 207Pb/204pb〉15.584, 208pb/204pb〉38.569) and lead isotope values of ores are higher than those of wall rocks, which indicates that the lead was likely leached from the ore-hosted volcanic rocks. Based on isotope data, two significant Pb-Zn metallogenesis are delineated, which are Mid- and Late-Proterozoic sedimentary exhalative metailogenesis (The single zircon U-Pb, Sm-Nd isochronal and Ar-Ar dating ages of ore- hosted wall rocks are calculated to be among 933-1788 Ma.) and Yanshanian magmatic hydrothermal superimposed and alternated metallogenesis (intrusive SHRIMP zircon U-Pb and Rb-Sr isochronal ages between 127-154 Ma).  相似文献   
招投标作为当今国际贸易的主要方式越来越被人们所关注。本文从地理信息产业突破传统模式,与国际接轨开展更广泛的商务活动的角度,阐述国际市场的状况以及国外的地理信息产业工程项目招投标法规、行业规则及应用模式等。招投标规则的使用是顺应发展的必然需要,是以较高的合作水平进入国际市场,顺利深入开展国际间合作的必然趋势。  相似文献   
冯锐 《地球物理学报》1977,20(3):211-221
广东省新丰江水库区于1962年3月19日发生6.1级地震。本文分析了1961年以来十四年间,特别是主震前后纵、横波速比Vp/Vs的变化过程。结果表明:波速比Vp/Vs在主震前出现了明显的负异常,总异常时间约为十一个月,于震前一个半月返回正常值,在主震震源附近的深水峡谷区异常幅度最大,异常时间和空间范围比一般构造地震的要小.后期几次强余震前也有异常变化。虚波速度在主震前存在某些异常特征。上述波速比的变化可以用扩容模式较好地解释。 波速比值是由两个台站的记录得到的。对虚波速度的计算采用了联合地震参数的方法。  相似文献   
引入反馈调节设计理念,构建了旅游形象设计体系;运用该体系对雾灵山森林公园的旅游形象进行了多方案设计,拟在广泛征询意见的基础上最终裁定该公园的旅游形象方案。  相似文献   
FENG Yan  HE Daming 《地理学报》2006,16(3):271-276
With the regional population growth, socioeconomic development, more and more attention has been paid to issues on the shared water allocation and the transboundary eco-security conservation during the development of water resources in the international rivers. In this paper, the existing major problems on transboundary waters in different sub-regions of Asia, such as water shortage, transboundary waters pollution, fragile eco-environment are discussed. Then, the key scientific issues to be concerned in the next study progress on the basis of the analyses of the new research directions and focus fields are raised: (1) unpredicted changes of the hydrologic and water system, and their impacts on the allocation of the sharing waters by global changes; (2) models of the international cooperation on the international rivers on the studies of international and national water laws or regulations, policies, the relative experiences and the case studies; (3) quantificational assessment on environmental flow, available water, and the comprehensive functions and values of the international watercourse system; (4) studies on transboundary aquatic bio-diversity maintenance, transboundary pollution supervision and treatment under the rules and principles accepted by the riparian states; (5) issues on transboundary compensation at the rules of “payments for using”, “payments for harm” and “compensation for benefit”; (6) using advanced 3S techniques to promote the integrated watershed development and management; and so on.  相似文献   
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