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The evolutionary status of hydrogen-poor stars is analyzed.Photoelectric observations of six objects are reported as a first step of a long-term project devoted to search for variability of a large sample of hydrogen-poor stars.The observed stars show phenomena of microvariability with an amplitude of the order of 0m. 1 or less.Two extreme helium stars have been examined: a period in the range of 0d.162-0d.164 has been found for BD+ 1002179, andP=0d.1079962 for BD+1303324.The mass-losing O subdwarf (sdO) BD+370 443 presents short-term fluctuations with a time-scale of several minutes and long-term variations on a scale of months. The standard sdO BD+750325 is probably non-variable, although light variations of very small amplitude (m0.03) with a time-scale of about 1 hr might be present. The high gravity sdO BD+2504655, which is very close to the white dwarf stage, also presents variability on a time-scale of about 13 minutes, and might be an analog of the recently discovered pulsating sdO, or hot white dwarf, PG 1159-035.The variability of the intermediate helium star HD 37776 is finally confirmed.  相似文献   
The number of equivalence classes of central configurations (abbr. c.c.) in the planar 4-body problem with three arbitrary and a fourth small mass is investigated. These c.c. are derived according to their generic origin in the 3-body problem. It is shown that each 3-body collinear c.c. generates exactly 2 non-collinear c.c. (besides 4 collinear ones) of 4 bodies with smallm 40; and that any 3-body equilateral triangle c.c. generates exactly 8 or 9 or 10 (depending onm 1,m 2,m 3) planar 4-body c.c. withm 4=0. Further, every one of these c.c. can be continued uniquely to sufficiently smallm 4>0 except when there are just 9; then exactly one of them is degenerate, and we conjecture that it is not continuable tom 4>0.Paper presented at the 1981 Oberwolfach Conference on Mathematical Methods in Celestial Mechanics.  相似文献   
The pentacyclic triterpene 17 beta(H),21 beta(H)-hop-22(29)-ene (diploptene) occurs in sediments throughout the Columbia River drainage basin and off the southern coast of Washington state in concentrations comparable to long-chain plantwax n-alkanes. The same relationship is evident for diploptene and long-chain n-alkanes in soils from the Willamette Valley. Microorganisms indigenous to soils and soil erosion are indicated as the biological source and physical process, respectively, for diploptene in coastal sediments. Similarity between the stable carbon isotopic composition (delta 13CPDB) of diploptene isolated from soil in the Willamette Valley (-31.2 +/- 0.3%) and from sediments deposited throughout the Washington coastal environment (-31.2 +/- 0.5%) supports this argument. Values of delta for diploptene in river sediments are variable and 8-17% lighter, indicating that an additional biological source such as methane-oxidizing bacteria makes a significant contribution to the diploptene record in river sediments. Selective biodegradation resulting from a difference in the physicochemical association within eroded particles can explain the absence of the more-13C-depleted form of diploptene in Washington coastal sediments, but this mechanism remains unproven.  相似文献   
A cool period from about 11000 to 10 500 BP (11 to 10.5 ka) is recognized in pollen records from the southern Great Lakes area by the return of Picea and Abies dominance and by the persistence of herbs. The area of cooling appears centred on the Upper Great Lakes. A high-resolution record (ca. 9 mm/y) from a borehole in eastern Lake Erie reveals, in the same time interval, this pollen anomaly, isotope evidence of meltwater presence (a — 3 per mil shift in 18O and a +1.1 per mil shift in 13C), increased sand, and reduced detrital calcite content, all suggesting concurrent cooling of Lake Erie. The onset of cooling is mainly attributed to the effect of enhanced meltwater inflow on the relatively large upstream Main Lake Algonquin during the first eastward discharge of glacial Lake Agassiz. Termination of the cooling coincides with drainage of Lake Algonquin, and is attributed to loss of its cooling effectiveness associated with a substantial reduction in its surface area. It is hypothesized that the cold extra inflow effectively prolonged the seasonal presence of lake ice and the period of spring overturn in Lake Algonquin. The deep mixing would have greatly increased the thermal conductive capacity of this extensive lake, causing suppression of summer surface lakewater temperatures and reduction of onshore growing-degree days. Alternatively, a rapid flow of meltwater, buoyed on sediment-charged (denser) lakewater, may have kept the lake surface cold in summer. Other factors such as wind-shifted pollen deposition and possible effects from the Younger Dryas North Atlantic cooling could have contributed to the Great Lakes climatic reversal, but further studies are needed to resolve their relative significance.Contribution to Climo Locarno — Past and Present Climate Dynamics; Conference September 1990, Swiss Academy of Sciences — National Climate ProgramGeological Survey of Canada Contribution 58 890  相似文献   
The Juqui circular intrusion, which is Cretaceous in age (130–135Ma), crops out in the Precambrian gneissic basement in Brazilover an area of 14 km2. It consists of olivine clinopyroxen-itecumulates (with minor olivine gabbros) in the northeastern sector(74 vol.%), whereas ijolites-melteigites-urtites (4%) and nephelinesyenites with minor essexites and syenodiorites (21%) outlinesubannular concentric patterns with an Mg-carbonatite core (1%), in the southwestern part of the complex. Petrographical, bulk rock, and mineral compositional trendsindicate that the origin of the complex can be largely accountedfor by shallow-level fractional crystallization of a carbonatedbasanitic parental magma. Such a magma was generated deep inthe subcontinental lithosphere by low-degree partial meltingof a garnet-phlogopite peridotite source. Mass-balance calculations in agreement with field volume estimatespermit definition of several fractionation stages of the magmaticevolution under nearly closed-system conditions, with inwarddevelopment of zonally arranged side-wall cumulates. These stagesinvolved: (1) fractionation from basanite to essexite magma(liquid fraction F = 33–5%) by crystallization of olivineclinopyroxenite plus minor olivine alkali gabbro cumulates;(2) derivation of the least differentiated mafic nepheline syenite(F = 5–5 %) from essexitic magma by subtraction of a syenodioriteassemblage; (3) exsolution of a carbonatite liquid (5%) froma CO2-enriched mafic nepheline syenite magma, which also underwentcontinuous fractionation giving rise to ijolite-melteigite-urtitecumulates. The proportion of cumulus clinopyroxene and biotiteand intercumulus nepheline and alkali feldspar in these lastrocks, as well as the absence of alkalis in carbonatite, maybe attributed, at least in part, to loss of alkali-rich hydrousfluids released during and after the unmixing formation of thetwo conjugate liquids. The KD values determined for Mg-carbonatite/nepheline syeniteare lower (1–4–2–9) for light rare earth elements(LREE) than for REE from Eu to Yb (4–6–7–8),in contrast to recent experimental results (Hamilton et al.,1989). A possible explanation is that Juquia Mg-carbonatiterepresents an alreadydifferentiated magma, which underwent extensivefractionation of LREE-enriched calcite. In this way, the highvariability of K0 REE patterns observed in several alkaline-carbonatitecomplexes can also be accounted for. The remarkably constant initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios (mostly between0–7052 and 0–7057) support the interpretation ofthe intrusion as having been generated by fractrional crystallizationand liquid immiscibility from a common parental magma. Iligherisotopic ratios (0–7060–0–7078), found mainlyin dykes and in the border facies of the intrusion, may be dueto contamination by the gecissic basement.  相似文献   
The attachment energies, the slice energies and the specific surface energies can be calculated in an electrostatic point charge model using the formula derived by Madelung for the potential introduced by an infinite row of equally spaced point charges. Power series are given for the Hankel function iH (0) (1) (iy) and Ψ(x)=d ln x!/dx. The logarithmic expression in the Madelung formula converges rapidly when applying a power series, which combines equally charged cations and anions. Besides the specific surface energy (γ hkl), the slice energy (E s hkl ) and the attachment energy (E a hkl ) can be considered as special categories of surface energies as they depend on surface configurations as well. The specific surface energy γ is the energy per unit area of surface needed to split the crystal parallel to a face (hkl). The attachment energy (E a) is the energy released per mole, when a new slice of thickness d hkl crystallizes on an already existing crystal face (hkl). The growth rate of the crystal face (hkl) is a function of its attachment energy. The slice energy (E s) is the energy released per mole, when a new slice d hkl is formed from the vapour neglecting the influence of edge energies. The lattice energy (E c) which is the energy released per mole of a crystal crystallizing from the vapour, is given by the following relation: E c=E a+E s.  相似文献   
Summary In the Nebelstein area, molybdenite-bearing greisens occur together with peraluminous leucogranites. In the compositional change of the granites to the greisens, there is an almost complete loss of Na, combined with a decrease in Ca, Mg, Sr, and Ti concentrations. The progressive alteration is reflected by lower homogenization temperatures and increasing salinity in aqueous fluid inclusions. The fluid regime prior to greisenization was water-dominated with low salt contents, while the early stage of the greisen development was characterized by a mixed fluid containing carbon dioxide and water. This was succeeded by a moderate saline aqueous fluid which caused the mineralization by exchange of metal ions for Na+(Ca2+, K+). A negative correlation between salt content in fluid inclusions and Na2O concentrations in the bulk rocks supports this model. Mass balance calculations for this interaction yield a minimum fluid-rock ratio of approximately 2 : I. Greisenization took place at a minimum pressure of 180 MPa (1.8 kb) and in a temperature range between 200 and < 400 °C.
Fluid-Gestein-Wechselwirkung in dem Molybdänit führenden Greisenkomplex Nebelstein, Böhmische Masse (Österreich)
Zusammenfassung Die Molybdänglanz führenden Greisengesteine des Nebelsteins sind an peraluminöse Granite gebunden. Bei der Alteration der Granite ist für den Übergang Biotitgranit zu Greisen eine weitestgehende Verarmung an Na zu beobachten, gleichzeitig nehmen auch die Gehalte an Ca, Mg, Sr und Ti ab. Die fortschreitende Greisenbildung dokumentiert sich in den wäßrigen Flüssigkeitseinschlüssen durch steigende Salinität bei sinkenden Homogenisierungstemperaturen. Die fluide Phase war vor der Greisenbildung H2O dominiert und niedrig salinar. Der Beginn der Alterationsprozesse ist durch CO2 und H2O hältige Fluide gekennzeichnet. Danach folgt ein Anstieg der Salinität, der auf den Austausch von Metallchloridlösungen gegen Na+, K- und Ca2- zurückgeführt wird. Dies läßt sich durch eine negative Korrelation der Salinität in den Flüssigkeitseinschlüssen mit dem Na-Gehalt der Gesteine belegen. Daraus wurde die Volumsbeziehung der den Granit durchströmenden fluiden Phase relativ zum Gestein mit mindestens 2 : 1 abgeleitet. Die Mineralisation fand bei einem Minimaldruck von 1,8 kb in einem Temperaturbereich von 200 - < 400 °C statt.

This paper was presented at the IGCP 291 Project Symposium Metamorphic Fluids and Mineral Deposits, ETH Zürich, March21–23,1991.  相似文献   
Digitized Mount Wilson sunspot data from 1917 to 1985 are analyzed to examine group areas as a function of latitude distance () from the central latitude of activity in each hemisphere. On average these group areas are larger for the smallest values of ¦¦. The effect is similar to that seen for the magnetic fields of active regions (Howard, 1991). It is concluded that this is fundamentally a dependence, and not a latitude dependence. The suggestion is made that the cause of this effect is the influence of large-scale convective motions on the rising flux tubes that make up the active regions. The smaller flux tubes (spot groups) are more easily displaced in latitude during their ascent to the surface by this velocity field than are the larger flux tubes.Operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc., under Cooperative Agreement with the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   
The masses of particles in the baryon decuplet have been obtained using the theory developed in two earlier papers (Hoyle, 1990, Paper A, 1991, Paper B). Without any disposable constants being used here, the results are:
Particle  相似文献   
Emerald deposits of Colombia are confined to lower Cretaceous shales of the Eastern Cordillera. The tectonic pattern of the deposits is related to deep reverse and large regional fault systems. Hydrofracturing is the main factor controlling emerald mineralization. It permitted to the hydrothermal solutions to permeate through fractures but also along stratification planes forming in this case stratabound mineralizations. Emerald occurs in calcite veins, veinlets, pockets and brecciated zones associated mainly with pyrite, quartz, parisite, codazzite and fluorite. Emerald mineralization belongs to an epigenetic hydrothermal process. The alternance of arenite-shale formations in the Cretaceous probably played an important role in the accumulation of solutions and in the propagation of the hydrothermal channels. The origin of emerald involves chemical elements mobilized by the fluids in the Cr-V-Fe-Al-Si-bearing black shales. The source of beryllium remains a problem and is discussed in the paper.  相似文献   
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