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Mineral compositions and abundances derived from visible/near-infrared (VIS/NIR or VNIR) spectra are used to classify asteroids, identify meteorite parent bodies, and understand the structure of the asteroid belt. Using a suite of 48 equilibrated (types 4-6) ordinary (H, L, and LL) chondrites containing orthopyroxene, clinopyroxene, and olivine, new relationships between spectra and mineralogy have been established. Contrary to previous suggestions, no meaningful correlation is observed between band parameters and cpx/(opx + cpx) ratios. We derive new calibrations for determining mineral abundances (ol/(ol + px)) and mafic silicate compositions (Fa in olivine, Fs in pyroxene) from VIS/NIR spectra. These calibrations confirm that band area ratio (BAR) is controlled by mineral abundances, while Band I center is controlled by mafic silicate compositions. Spectrally-derived mineralogical parameters correctly classify H, L and LL chondrites in ∼80% of cases, suggesting that these are robust relationships that can be applied to S(IV) asteroids with ordinary chondrites mineralogies. Comparison of asteroids and meteorites using these new mineralogical parameters has the advantage that H, L and LL chemical groups were originally defined on the basis of mafic silicate compositions.  相似文献   
David E. Dunn  Imke de Pater 《Icarus》2010,208(2):927-937
We present a Monte Carlo model of the uranian rings, and compare this model to images of the system obtained with the Keck adaptive optics system in July 2004, at a wavelength of 2.2 μm (from de Pater et al. (de Pater, I., Gibbard, S.G., Hammel, H.B. [2006a]. Icarus 180, 186-200)). We confirm the presence of the ζ ring, but show that this ring must extend inwards much further than previously thought, although with an optical depth much lower than that in the main ζ ring component. We further confirm dust rings between rings α-4 and β-α, as well as near the λ ring. In addition, we show that a broad sheet of faint material (τ0 ∼ 10−3) must be present through most of the ring region, from the α ring through the λ ring.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Das neue Mineral Koritnigit ist ein wasserhaltiges Zinkhydrogenarsenat der Formel Zn[H2O|HOAsO3]. Die chemische Analyse (Elektronenmikrosonde und T.G.A.) ergab: As2O5 51,75%, ZnO 35,97% und H2O 12,3%, Summe 100,0%. Die HOAsO3-Ionen wurden IR-spektroskopisch nachgewiesen. Koritnigit ist löslich in kalter, verdünnter HCl und HNO3.Die Gitterkonstanten sind:a 0=7,948(2),b 0=15,829(5),c 0=6,668(2) Å, =90,86(2), =96,56(2), =90,05(2)o,V=833,2(4)Å3,V=8. Die Raumgruppe ist . Die stärksten Linien des Pulverdiagramms sind: 7,90(10) (020,100), 3,83(7) ( ), 3,16(9) ( ) 2,926(4) (150), 2,679(4) ( ), 2,461(6) ( ), 2,186(5) ( ), 1,969(4) (400), 1,649(3) (004).Koritnigit ist wasserklar bis durchscheinend weiß. Idiomorphe Kristalle sind nicht bekannt. Die Spaltbarkeit nach {010} ist ausgezeichnet und auf {010} sind Spaltspuren nach [001] und nach [100] erkennbar. Härte 2.G=3,54 g·cm–3,D x =3,56 g·cm–3. Koritnigit ist optisch zweiachsig positiv, 2V70(5)o. Die Werte der Lichtbrechung sind:n =1,632(5),n =1,652(3) undn =1,693(3).Koritnigit wurde auf der 31. Sohle der Tsumeb-Mine, Südwestafrika gefunden. Er kommt als Sekundärmineral in Paragenese mit Cu-Adamin, Stranskiit und drei weiteren, vorerst nicht identifizierten mineralen in Zersetzungshohlräumen von Tennantit vor.
Koritnigite, Zn[H2O|HOAsO3], a new mineral from Tsumeb, South West Africa
Summary The new mineral koritnigite is a hydrated zinc hydrogen arsenate with the formula Zn[H2O|HOAsO3]. Chemical analysis (electron microprobe and t.g.a.) gave: As2O5 51.75%, ZnO 35.97%, and H2O 12.3%, total 100.0%. The HOAsO3 ions were determined by IR spectroscopy. Koritnigite is soluble in cold diluted HCl and HNO3. The unit cell dimensions are:a 0=7.948(2),b 0=15.829(5),c 0=6.668(2)Å, =90.86(2), =96.56(2), =90.05(2)o,V=833.2(4) Å3,Z=8. The space group is . The strongest lines of the powder pattern are: 7.90(10) (020, 100), 3.83(7) ( ), 3.16(9) ( ), 2.926(4) (150), 2.679(4) ( ), 2.461(6) ( ), 2.186(5) ( ), 1.969(4)(400), 1.649(3) (004).

Mit 2 Abbildungen

Herrn Univ. Prof. Dr.H. Meixner zum 70. Geburtstag gewidmet.  相似文献   
Experimental cpx/melt partitioning of 24 trace elements   总被引:46,自引:13,他引:46  
Cpx/melt partition coefficients have been determined by ion probe for 24 trace elements at natural levels in an alkali basalt experimentally equilibrated at 1,380°C and 3 GPa. One goal was to intercompare Ds for both high-field-strength elements and rare earth elements (REE) in a single experiment. Relative to the REE spidergram, Hf and Ti show virtually no anomaly, whereas Zr exhibits a major negative anomaly. Other incompatible elements (Ba, K, Nb) fall in the range of published values, as do elements such as Sr, Y, Sc, Cr and V. Pb shows a value intermediate between La and Ce. Values for Be, Li and Ga are reported for the first time, and show that Be is as incompatible as the light REEs whereas Li and Ga are somewhat more compatible than the heavy REE.  相似文献   
Antifouling paints on small to medium recreational vessels were first recognized as an important source of pollution in the 1970s. One of the principle biocides in these paints is Cu. Results from a field program in the Gold Coast Broadwater, Queensland, demonstrate a clear correlation between recreational boat numbers at anchorage sites and water column Cu concentrations, for both time-integrated 24 h DGT measurements (n=14, r=0.815, p<0.001) and measurements on composite 0.45 mum-filtered grab samples (n=14, r=0.698, p<0.01) collected every 4 h over 24 h. At boat numbers above 30 the 0.45 microm-filterable Cu concentrations were mostly above the relevant guideline value (1.3 microgl(-1)) but the DGT-reactive Cu concentrations were well below this value at all boat numbers studied. For three-day DGT deployments in Moreton Bay, Queensland, correlations between Cu levels and vessel numbers were not observed, possibly because of uncertain estimates of boat numbers. However, using a multi-factorial ANOVA, DGT-reactive Cu concentrations showed a significant effect for 'sites with vessels vs. sites without vessels' (alpha=0.10, p=0.077) and for 'sampling period' (non-holiday weekdays, weekends, holiday weekdays, holiday weekends) at alpha=0.10, p=0.02. Cu levels in sediments at the same sites were strongly influenced by fraction of clay (<63 microm) material but also by whether the samples were collected at an anchorage or control site. Results from this study further support the view that Cu emissions from antifouling paints may become an important source in waters with high boat numbers and should be taken into account when designing management instruments for coastal waterways.  相似文献   
The so-called Goldberg or profile intercomparison method of determining Doppler widths from spectral line profiles was used to analyze a group of high quality solar profiles which were observed with the McMath solar telescope at the Kitt Peak National Observatory. The observations consisted of profiles of eight lines of calcium and chromium, made at either four or five positions on the solar disk.A depth dependence of solar microturbulence could not be derived by applying the Goldberg method to a single pair of lines at a single disk position. When the depth dependence was determined from line pairs at different disk positions, a depth dependent turbulence model was obtained. The final model was anisotropic with radial and tangential components increasing with depth in the atmosphere.Now at Teledyne Brown Engineering, Huntsville, Alabama.Operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc., under contract with the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   
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