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The synthetic amphibole Na0.95(Li0.95Mg1.05)Mg5Si8O22(OH)2 was studied in situ at high-T, using IR OH-stretching spectroscopy and synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction. At room-T the sample has P21 /m symmetry, as shown by the FTIR spectrum. It shows in the OH region two well-defined and intense absorptions at 3,748 and 3,712 cm−1, respectively, and two minor bands at 3,667 and 3,687 cm−1. The main bands are assigned to the two independent O–H groups in the primitive structure. The two minor bands evidencing the presence of small amount of vacant A-site (A0.05). With increasing T, these bands shift continuously and merge into a unique absorption at high temperature. A change as a function of increasing T is revealed by the evolution of the refined unit-cell parameters, whose trend shows a transition to C2/m at about 320–330°C. The spontaneous scalar strain, fitted with a tricritical 2–6 Landau potential, gives a T c of 325(10)°C (β parameter = 0.27). Comparison with the second-order P21 /mC2/m phase transition at 255°C for synthetic amphibole ANa0.8B(Na0.8Mg1.2)CMg5Si8O22(OH)2 indicates that the substitution of Na with Li at the B-sites strongly affects the thermodynamic character and the T c of the phase transition. The comparison of LNMSH amphiboles with cummingtonitic ones shows that the high-T thermodynamic behaviour is affected by A-site occupancy.  相似文献   
An accurate particle tracking method using FBMINC (new fractional Brownian motion) is outlined. It generates non-Fickian diffusion rather than Fickian diffusion as traditional particle tracking model does. The FBMINC model is based on fractional Brownian motion (fl3m) which is generalization of regular Brownian motion. The two models of fBms (FBM model and FBMINC model) were explored and the differences of the two models are compared from the three aspects: the standard deviation of each step, the small memory and the effect of the number of particles in the cloud. The results show the FBMINC model is a better model as it produces more accurate statistics. The effect of simple shear dispersion for both Brownian and fBm was investigated. The power law scaling of fBm shear dispersion was correctly identified. In addition, a scaling coettieient was found numerically. The FBMINC model is then used for producing both superdiffusive and subdiffusive particle paths, therefore, the non-Fickian diffusion of soil particle clouds can be modelled. The particle clouds represent soil contaminant are released in an idealised coastal bay and the fBm particle tracking method is used for simulation the particle cloud spreading in the bay. There is a noticeable increase in the spreading rate of the cloud. In addition, owning to the spreading rate of the cloud, a noticeable part of it has escaped the bay area and transported downstream. The variation of the Hurst exponent can lead to an area of the flow being affected by a contaminant cloud which is not picked up by the regular Brownian motion models. The purpose of this paper is to bring soil transport engineers a new angle on soil particle transport research in fluids. Using FBM1NC particle tracking model allows more flexibility in simulation of diffusion in soil contaminant spread in coastal bay or ocean surface.  相似文献   
Regional models of extreme rainfall must address the spatial variability induced by orographic obstacles. However, the proper detection of orographic effects often depends on the availability of a well‐designed rain gauge network. The aim of this study is to investigate a new method for identifying and characterizing the effects of orography on the spatial structure of extreme rainfall at the regional scale, including where rainfall data are lacking or fail to describe rainfall features thoroughly. We analyse the annual maxima of daily rainfall data in the Campania region, an orographically complex region in Southern Italy, and introduce a statistical procedure to identify spatial outliers in a low order statistic (namely the mean). The locations of these outliers are then compared with a pattern of orographic objects that has been a priori identified through the application of an automatic geomorphological procedure. The results show a direct and clear link between a particular set of orographic objects and a local increase in the spatial variability of extreme rainfall. This analysis allowed us to objectively identify areas where orography produces enhanced variability in extreme rainfall. It has direct implications for rain gauge network design criteria and has led to promising developments in the regional analysis of extreme rainfall. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Suevites are impact breccias with a montmorillonitic matrix that contains shocked and unshocked mineral and rock fragments from the crystalline basement, glass inclusions and a small amount of sedimentary clasts. Data are given of the modal composition of fall-out suevites (deposited at isolated points around the crater) and crater suevite (forming a layer below post-impact lake sediments in the crater cavity). Fall-out suevites contain aerodynamically shaped bombs which are absent in crater suevite. Taking into account not only large glass fragments and bombs, but also the finer fractions, the glass content of fall-out and crater suevites amounts to 47 and 29 vol%, respectively. Crystalline clasts in suevites consist of all igneous and metamorphic rock types that constitute the local basement which consists of an upper layer of igneous rocks (mainly granites) and a lower series of gneisses and amphibolite. Based on a collection of 1 200 clasts from 13 suevite occurrences the average crystalline clast population of suevites was determined. Suevites contain on the average 46 % igneous and 54 % metamorphic clasts. In constrast, weakly shocked and unshocked crystalline ejecta of the Ries structure consist of 82 % igneous and 18 % metamorphic rocks. From 138 analyses of crystalline rock samples average compositions of the major rock types were calculated. Comparison of these averages with the average glass composition leads to the conclusion that suevite glasses were formed by shock melting of gneisses in deeper levels of the basement. Suevite matrices consist in most cases of 80 to 90 % montmorillonite, in special cases of celadonite. Chemical analyses are given of some matrices and montmorillonite formulas calculated. It is supposed that montmorillonite was formed by early hydrothermal alteration of rock flour or fine glass particles. In the latter case the original glass content of suevites was higher than at present. Of all ejecta from the Ries crater only crystalline rocks contained in suevites occur in all stages of shock metamorphism up to complete fusion. The overwhelming majority of the ejecta from the sedimentary sequence (about 580 m) show no indications of shock pressures above 10 GPa. The same holds true for crystalline megablocks and breccias around the crater which consist mainly of granites from upper levels of the basement. We assume that the Ries impact can be approximated by a deep-burst model: The projectile penetrated through the sedimentary cover into the basement in such a way that the highest pressures and temperatures developed within the gneiss complex below the upper, predominately granitic layer and that rocks of the sedimentary sequence experienced weak shock compression. Numerical data are given for such a model of the Ries impact on transient crater geometry and volumes of vaporized, melted, shocked and excavated rocks. Fall-out suevites are supposed to have been lifted from the central zone by an expanding plume of vaporized rocks and deposited as fluidized turbulent masses outside the crater whereas the main mass of crater suevite was not removed from the crater cavity.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Es läßt sich zeigen, daß im erzgebirgischen Raum die jungalgonkische Serie des varistischen Sockels von der Petrofazies diskordant geschnitten wird. Im Bereich des erzgebirgischen Kristallins steigt die Amphibolitfazies beulenförmig bis an die Basis des varistischen Sedimenttroges auf. Mit diesem Aufstieg wird eine Granitbildung regionalen und lokalen Charakters als möglich in Verbindung gebracht.
It can be demonstrated that the Upper Algonkian rocks of the Hercynian basement are disconformably cut by the petrofacies of the Erzgebirge. In the environment of crystallin rocks amphibolitic facies ascend to the bottom of the hercynian sedimentary trough. With this rise a granitisation of regional and locally restricted character might seem to be possible.

Résumé On peut montrer que dans la région de l'Erzgebirge les couches de l'Algonkien supérieur du socle hercynien sont recoupées en discordance par le petrofacies. Dans le domaine du cristallin de l'Erzgebirge, le facies amphibolite a la forme d'un dûme atteignant la base de la fosse sédimentaire varisque. On croit pouvoir établir une relation entre la formation de granite à l'échelle régionale et locale et cette montée métamorphique.

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Herrn Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c.Erich Bederke zum 70. Geburtstag gewidmet.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Die Ophiolithe des Nordapennins werden nach ihrem Alter in verschiedene Gruppen eingeteilt. Nur im Gebiet nördlich von Genua und längs des Küstenstreifens zwischen Sestri Levante und Levanto läßt sich die alte Anschauung eines oberjurassischen bis tief unterkretazischen Alters der Ophiolithe rechtfertigen. In dem noch verbleibenden Gebiet konnte für einzelne Vorkommen ein wesentlich jüngeres Alter (O.-Alb bis U.-Turon) wahrscheinlich gemacht werden. Von Bedeutung für diese Alterseinstufungen waren die fast alle Ophiolithvorkommen begleitenden Brekzien, die in einzelnen Typen untergliedert und beschrieben werden.
Northern Apennitie Ophiolites are subdivided by their age. North of Genoa and along the coast between Sestri Levante and Levanto only, the rocks are Upper Jurassic or Lowest Cretaceous of age; the remaining area shows an Upper Albian to Lower Turonian age of ophiolithes.

Résumé Les ophiolites des Apennins septentrionaux sont, suivant leur âge, subdivisés en différents groupes. C'est seulement dans la région au Nord de Gênes et le long de la bande côtière entre Sestri Levante et Levanto que se vérifie pour les ophiolites l'ancienne conception d'un âge allant du Jurassique supérieur à la base du Crétacé inférieur. Dans le territoire restant on peut attribuer à certains affleurements un âge notablement plus récent (Albien supérieur jusqu'au Turonvien inférieur). Pour fixer cet âge, on s'est appuyé sur les brèches qui accompagnent la plupart des ophiolites; ces brèches ont été décrites et subdivisées en quelques types.

Riassunto Le ofioliti dell'Appennino Settentrionale si suddividono in due gruppi secondo la loro età. Solo per la zone Nord di Genova e la striscia costiera tra Sestri L. é Levanto vale la vecchia opinione sull'età supragiurassica-infracretacea delle ofioliti. Nelle altre parti dell'Appennino si può attribuire a certi affioramenti con molta probabilità un'età molto più recente (Albiano Sup. - Turoniano inf.). Di grande importanza per una tale datazione si dimostrarono le brecce, per lo più sedimentarie, che circondano quasi tutte le masse ofiolitiche e che si intercalano a sedimenti fossiliferi o ne contengono frammenti. Vengono descritti alcuni tipi litologici di queste brecce.

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Summary Mid-grade low P/high T Paleozoic amphibolites from Acebuches (S. W. Spain) represent a mostly isochemically metamorphosed basaltic suite which is partly cumulative and partly differentiated. They have chemical compositions and element variations similar to ocean-floor tholeiites. The amphibolites may be related to the early stages of rapid rifting during the formation of the Variscan belt.
Geochemie der Spurenelemente in Paläozoischen Amphiboliten aus Südwest-Spanien
Zusammenfassung Amphibolite mittleren Metamorphose-Grades (niedrige Drucke, hohe Temperaturen) von Acebuches, Südwest-Spanien, repräsentieren eine weithin isochemisch metamorphosierte Abfolge von Basalten, die teils differenzierte und teils Cumulus-Gesteine waren. Chemismus und Element-Variationen entsprechen den Tholeiiten von Ozeanböden. Diese Amphibolite können den Frühstadien intensiver Grabenbildung im Zuge der Entstehung des Varistischen Gürtels zugeordnet werden.

With 1 Figure  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Die Untersuchung von Korngrößenverteilung und Rundungsgrad der Grimmelfinger Graupensande an zwei durch 150 km Transportweg unterschiedenen Aufschlüssen gibt Hinweise auf die Einwirkungen auf das verfrachtete Sedimentmaterial unter gleichförmigen, fluviatilen Bedingungen.Am Anfang des untersuchten Rinnenabschnittes besteht das Sediment überwiegend aus je einer Modalfraktion im Mittelsandbereich, Grobsandbereich und Feinkiesbereich1.Auf dem Transport wird die Mittelsandfraktion — vermutlich infolge der Schlagwirkung des Feinkieses — aufgerieben und fortgeführt. In den beiden gröberen Fraktionen wird am Ende des untersuchten Abschnittes keine Korngrößenabnahme und damit verbunden auch keine Rundungsgraderhöhung beobachtet. Dieses Ergebnis wird verglichen mit den in der Literatur mitgeteilten Untersuchungen in Abriebmühlen und Feldbeobachtungen. Danach dürfte der Rundungsgrad in der Feinkiesfraktion seinem unter den gegebenen Umständen erreichbaren Grenzwert sehr nahe sein und sich auch bei weiter fortgesetztem Transport kaum noch ändern. In der Grobsandfraktion wird der Anteil, dessen Rundung verbessert wird, infolge der damit verbundenen höheren Kugeligkeit bevorzugt fortgeführt.Die Untersuchungen bestätigen, daß die Abrundungseffekte an Sedimentmaterial in strömendem Wasser in Abhängigkeit von der Korngröße betrachtet werden müssen.
The mechanical effects of fluvial transport over a distance of 150 km were studied by means of size frequency distributions and analysis of roundness in a Tertiary flow channel in Southern Germany filled by sand mixed with fine gravel.When entering the-channel the deposited material shows characteristic trimodal size frequency distributions. During transport the finer modal fraction (0.2...0.63 mm) is destroyed — probably through breakage by the gravel — and removed, while the sizes of the two coarser fractions remain unaffected. The roundness of the coarser fractions also remains unchanged by transport. This suggests that the roundness of the gravel material has approached its limiting roundness which is the optimum that can be achieved under the prevailing conditions. That part of the coarse sand fraction which becomes better rounded by transport may be removed preferably, because the grains getting higher sphericity by being rounded are transported more easily.Grain sizes have to be considered when abrasion effects are studied.

Herrn Professor Dr. H. Aldinger danke ich für die Möglichkeit, die vorliegende Arbeit im Geologisch-Paläontologischen Institut der Technischen Hochschule Stuttgart anzufertigen, Herrn Dr. D. Elwert, Kiel, für die Überlassung von Probenmaterial.  相似文献   
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