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A systematic investigation was made of the K-corona immediately overlying the positions of the brightest and most isolated chromospheric plages during the years 1964–1967. In all cases, the corona was found to be enhanced with peak brightness proportional to the plage area. In the absence of plages, the K-coronal brightness remained at a quiet level which was essentially the same thoughout this part of the solar cycle.The National Center for Atmospheric Research is sponsored by the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   
NanoSIMS is a relatively new technology that is being applied to ancient carbonaceous structures to gain insight into their biogenicity and syngeneity. NanoSIMS studies of well preserved organic microfossils from the Neoproterozoic (0.8 Ga) Bitter Springs Formation have established elemental distributions in undisputedly biogenic structures. Results demonstrate that sub-micron scale maps of metabolically important elements (carbon [C], nitrogen [measured as CN ion], and sulfur [S]) can be correlated with kerogenous structures identified by optical microscopy. Spatial distributions of C, CN, and S in individual microfossils are nearly identical, and variations in concentrations of these elements parallel one another. In elemental maps, C, CN, and S appear as globules, aligned to form remnant walls or sheaths of fossiliferous structures. The aligned character and parallel variation of C and CN are the strongest indicators of biogenicity.Nitrogen/carbon atomic ratios (N/C) of spheroids, filaments, and remnants of a microbial mat suggest that N/C may reflect original biochemical differences, within samples of the same age and degree of alteration. Silicon (Si) and oxygen (O) maps illustrate that silica is intimately interspersed with organic carbon of the microfossils. This relationship is likely to reflect the process of silica permineralization of biological remains and thus may be an indicator of syngeneity of the fossilized material with the mineral matrix.The NanoSIMS characterization of Bitter Springs microfossils can be used as a baseline for interpreting less well preserved carbonaceous structures that might occur in older or even extraterrestrial materials. An example of such an application is provided by comparison of Bitter Springs results with NanoSIMS of Archaean carbonaceous structures from Western Australia, including a spheroid in the 3 Ga Farrel Quartzite and material in a secondary vein in the 3.43 Ga Strelley Pool Chert. Results reinforce a biogenic, syngenetic interpretation for the Archaean spheroid.NanoSIMS has several advantages in the study of ancient organic materials: the technique allows characterization of extremely small structures that are present in low concentrations; organic matter does not have to be isolated by acid treatment but can be analyzed in polished thin section; preparation is simple; samples are minimally altered during analysis; results provide sub-micron scale spatial distribution coupled with concentration information for at least five elements; the biologically important elements of carbon and nitrogen can be assessed; and the ability to study organic remains in situ permits petrographic assessment of spatial relationships between organic matter and mineral constituents. These advantages could be of significant benefit for interpretation of poorly preserved and fragmentary carbonaceous remains that might occur in some of Earth's oldest samples as well as in meteorites or extraterrestrial material brought to Earth in future planetary missions.  相似文献   
Karst aquifers are highly productive groundwater systems often associated with conduit flow. These systems can be highly vulnerable to contamination, resulting in a high potential for contaminant exposure to humans and ecosystems. This work develops statistical models to spatially characterize flow and transport patterns in karstified limestone and determines the effect of aquifer flow rates on these patterns. A laboratory‐scale Geo‐HydroBed model is used to simulate flow and transport processes in a karstic limestone unit. The model consists of stainless steel tanks containing a karstified limestone block collected from a karst aquifer formation in northern Puerto Rico. Experimental work involves making a series of flow and tracer injections, while monitoring hydraulic and tracer response spatially and temporally. Statistical mixed models (SMMs) are applied to hydraulic data to determine likely pathways of preferential flow in the limestone units. The models indicate a highly heterogeneous system with dominant, flow‐dependent preferential flow regions. Results indicate that regions of preferential flow tend to expand at higher groundwater flow rates, suggesting a greater volume of the system being flushed by flowing water at higher rates. Spatial and temporal distribution of tracer concentrations indicates the presence of conduit‐like and diffuse flow transport in the system, supporting the notion of both combined transport mechanisms in the limestone unit. The temporal response of tracer concentrations at different locations in the model coincide with, and confirms the preferential flow distribution generated with the SMMs used in the study.  相似文献   
The alkalic porphyry gold–copper deposits of the Cadia district occur in the eastern Lachlan Fold Belt of New South Wales, Australia. The district comprises four porphyry deposits (Ridgeway, Cadia Quarry, Cadia Hill, and Cadia East) and two iron–copper–gold skarn deposits (Big Cadia and Little Cadia). Almost 1,000 tonnes of contained gold and more than four million tonnes of copper have been discovered in these systems, making Cadia the world’s largest known alkalic porphyry district, in terms of contained gold. Porphyry gold–copper ore at Cadia is associated with quartz monzonite intrusive complexes, and is hosted by central stockwork and sheeted quartz–sulfide–(carbonate) vein systems. The Cadia porphyry deposits are characterized by cores of potassic and/or calc–potassic alteration assemblages, and peripheral halos of propylitic alteration, with late-stage phyllic alteration mostly restricted to fault zones. Hematite dusting is an important component of the propylitic alteration assemblage, and has produced a distinctive reddening of feldspar minerals in the volcanic wall rocks around the mineralized centers. Sulfide mineralization is strongly zoned at Ridgeway and Cadia East, with bornite-rich cores surrounded by chalcopyrite-rich halos and peripheral zones of pyrite mineralization. The Cadia Hill and Cadia Quarry deposits have chalcopyrite-rich cores and pyrite-rich halos, and Cadia Hill contains a high-level bornite-rich zone. Distinctive sulfur isotopic zonation patterns have been identified at Ridgeway, Cadia Hill, and Cadia East. The deposit cores are characterized by low δ34Ssulfide values (−10 to −4‰), consistent with sulfide precipitation from an oxidized (sulfate-predominant) magmatic fluid at 450 to 400°C. Pyrite grains that occur in the propylitic alteration halos typically have δ34Ssulfide values near 0‰. There is a gradual increase in δ34Ssulfide values outwards from the deposit cores through the propylitic halos. Water–rock interaction during propylitic alteration caused magmatic sulfate reduction and concomitant oxidation of ferrous iron-bearing minerals, resulting in enrichment of 34S in pyrite and also producing the distinctive reddened, hematite-rich alteration halos to the Cadia deposits. These results show that sulfur isotope analyses have potential applications in the exploration of alkalic porphyry-style deposits, with zones of depleted δ34Ssulfide values most prospective for high-grade mineralization.  相似文献   
Tables of spherical harmonic coefficients for the global photospheric magnetic field between 1959 and 1974 are now available on microfilm. (These are the same coefficients which were used to construct the maps of the coronal magnetic atlas.)The National Center for Atmospheric Research is sponsored by the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   
Comparison of maps produced from publicly available data (drillers' logs, electrical logs and mine maps) provides a basis for inferring a deep-seated influence on the distribution of superposed deposits of thick coal (>1.4 m) in four Middle Pennsylvania (Desmoinesian Series) coal beds in three mining districts of west-central Indiana. Thick sandstone (>18 m) is common in areas between and around the mining districts, but less than 3 percent of the study area (consisting of 3200 km2) is underlain by both thick coal and thick sandstone. Only thick sandstone associated with the Survant Coal Member (Linton Formation), and informally referred to by us “Survant sandstone”, exists in all of the thin-coal areas. After comparison with published maps by other authors, it is inferred that distribution of the Survant sandstone, which was deposited immediately after a long period of slow deposition associated with the Colchester Coal Member (Linton Formation), may reflect topographic expression of long-term subsidence associated with differential thinning of much deeper Silurian strata (580 m below).Although the findings of this study provide the basis for a conceptual geologic model with a hypothetical structure that is amenable to statistical testing, such analysis should be undertaken only after the data are analyzed for randomness, spatial autocorrelation, linearity and normality.  相似文献   
Centuries-long intensive land-use change in the north-eastern United States provides the opportunity to study the timescale of geomorphic response to anthropogenic disturbances. In this region, forest-clearing and agricultural practices following EuroAmerican settlement led to deposition of legacy sediment along valley bottoms, including behind mill dams. The South River in western Massachusetts experienced two generations of damming, beginning with mill dams up to 6-m high in the eighteenth–nineteenth century, and followed by construction of the Conway Electric Dam (CED), a 17-m-tall hydroelectric dam near the watershed outlet in 1906. We use the mercury (Hg) concentration in upstream deposits along the South River to constrain the magnitude, source, and timing of inputs to the CED impoundment. Based on cesium-137 (137Cs) chronology and results from a sediment mixing model, remobilized legacy sediment comprised % of the sediment load in the South River prior to 1954; thereafter, from 1954 to 1980s, erosion from glacial deposits likely dominated (63 ± 14%), but with legacy sediments still a substantial source (37 ± 14%). We also use the CED reservoir deposits to estimate sediment yield through time, and find it decreased after 1952. These results are consistent with high rates of mobilization of legacy sediment as historic dams breached in the early twentieth century, and suggest rapid initial response to channel incision, followed by a long decay in the second half of the century, that is likely dependent on large flood events to access legacy sediment stored in banks. Identifying sources of sediment in a watershed and quantifying erosion rates can help to guide river restoration practices. Our findings suggest a short fluvial recovery time from the eighteenth–nineteenth century to perturbation during the first half of the twentieth century, with subsequent return to a dominant long-term signal from erosion of glacial deposits, with anthropogenic sediment persisting as a secondary source. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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