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Antithetic faults are dip slip faults that displace rocks so as to prevent or reduce structural relief, typically producing tilted fault blocks. They may or may not occur in conjugate systems with their opposites, homothetic faults, which serve to increase structural relief. Several examples serve to illustrate the concept and to correct current misunderstandings.
Zusammenfassung Die Arbeit soll die Begriffe antithetisch und homothetisch klären helfen. Antithetische Verschiebungen wirken dem tektonischen Relief entgegen, homothetische Verwerfungen unterstützen es. Die Begriffe werden an einigen Beispielen erläutert.

Résumé Ce travail constitue une tentative d'élucider les termes »antithétique« et »homothétique«. Le rejet des failles antithétiques s'oppose à la création d'un relief tectonique. Le rejet des failles homothétiques augmente ce relief. Quelques exemples sont discutés.

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In an attempt to characterize localized rates of sediment accretion, 10 sediment cores were collected from the lower reach of the Passaic River, a major tributary of Newark Bay, New Jersey. Sediments were assayed for 210Pb activity at predetermined depths and the rate of sediment accretion (cm yr?1) was estimated from the least squares regression of the log of unsupported activity versus depth. Sediment accretion rates, derived from 210Pb measurements (RPb) were used to predict the depth interval within the core containing sediments deposited around 1954; subsequent 137Cs analyses were focused on this depth interval. Sediment accretion rates derived from 137Cs measurements (RCs) were extrapolated from the depth of the 1954 horizon. Lead-210 derived sediment accretion rates in cores collected from a sediment bench extending along the inside bend on the southern shore of a meander in the river, ranged from 4.1 cm yr?1 to 10.2 cm yr?1 and averaged 6.8 cm yr?1. The RCs estimates for cores from this area ranged from 3.8 cm yr?1 to 8.9 cm yr?1 and averaged 6.6 cm yr?1. The RCs for cores collected in a more hydrologically dynamic reach of the river upstream of the sediment bench, were only 0.41 cm yr?1 and 0.66 cm yr?1. The results of this investigation indicate that this reach of the lower Passaic River is an area of high sediment accumulation, retaining much of the sediment load deposited from upstream and downstream sources. The rates of sediment accretion in the lower Passaic River are among the highest reported anywhere in the Newark Bay estuary.  相似文献   
A quadrupole-based mass spectrometer used in static mode has been employed to determine noble gas concentrations of water samples by isotope dilution. Water samples are degassed and spiked with minor isotopes of each noble gas. After separation of the various gas components, the isotopic ratios are measured in the mass spectrometer. Because a spike is added to each sample, the recovery of each gas component does not have to be quantitative. Equilibration temperatures are calculated from the gas concentrations, based on noble gas solubility data. An accuracy of ±1°C, from the air equilibration temperature, is attainable for air-saturated water samples prepared under controlled conditions in the laboratory. The method has been applied to groundwaters from the London Basin Chalk aquifer. The noble-gas-derived temperatures are consistent with climatic conditions prevailing at the periods of recharge.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Oft wird zwischen Klüften und Verschiebungen ein genetischer Zusammenhang gesehen. Neuere Untersuchungen lassen einen grundsätzlichen Unterschied erkennen: Die gemeinen Klüfte entstehen durch spröden Bruch im Anschluß an eine elastische Deformation; Verschiebungen und ihnen zugeordnete Klüfte gehen zumeist aus einer plastischen Deformation hervor. Auch sind Verschiebungen an begrenzte Zonen gebunden und meist gefügefremd, obwohl sie sich bestehenden Kluftsystemen anpassen können. Die Systeme der gemeinen Klüfte sind dagegen fast gleichmäßig auf weite Bereiche verteilt und passen sich dem bestehenden Gesteinsgefüge an. Zur Deutung der Bruchtektonik sollten deshalb klufttektonische Analysen nur mit äußerster Vorsicht herangezogen werden.
Joints and faults are commonly regarded as genetically related. Recent investigations, however, tend to bring out a fundamental genetic distinction: Common joints form by brittle fracture following elastic deformation; faults result from ductile fracture. Moreover, faults and related joints are restricted to narrow zones and rarely conform with preexisting fabric, while common joints are regionally pervasive and are fabric controlled. When evaluating fracture analyses, therefore, the genetic distinction between common joints and faults must be borne in mind.

Résumé On croit souvent devoir mettre en relation génétique joints et failles. Des études récentes permettent d'y voir une distinction. Les joints banaux proviennent d'une rupture cassante, à la suite d'une déformation élastique. Les failles suivent une rupture plastique. En plus, les failles et les joints qui leur sont apparentés sont restreints à des zones plus ou moins étroites et se conforment rarement à la structure interne de la roche, trandis que les joints banaux ont une distribution régionale, et sont liés à la structure interne. L'analyse des ruptures géologiques doit, par conséquent, tenir compte d'une distinction fondamentale entre joints banaux, et joints apparentés aux failles.

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Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy analysis of marine samples from different environments appears to differentiate between adsorbed and structural Mn (II) and Fe (III) sites in the sediment. This suggests that EPR may provide a means of distinguishing different environmental influences on sediment. Acid extract solutions from sediment samples exhibit clearly defined EPR spectra due to Mn(II), Ti(III), Fe(III), and VO(IV), which are amenable to qualitative and quantitative analysis at concentrations below one part per million. Spectra of several shellfish vary considerably, both between species, and within a species, depending on sampling localities. Resonances from Mn(II), Mo(V), and Fe(III) can be obtained. Mn(II) is substituted for Ca(II) in the calcite structure of some shells. The low detection limits, small sample size, required and identification of oxidation states by EPR complement other analytical techniques and may prove useful in marine systems.  相似文献   
Organic-rich samples derived from a Middle Cambrian Formation in the Georgina Basin, and from the Middle Proterozoic of the McArthur Basin in northern and central Australia, yielded alginite ranging from immature oil shale material to overmature residue. A maturation scale has been developed based on the thermal evolution of alginite as determined from reflectance and fluorescence. The coalification path of alginite is marked by jumps in contrast to the linear path of wood-derived vitrinite. Six zones have been recognised, ranging from undermature (zone I), through the mature (zones II/III), followed by a stable stage of no change (zone IV) to the overmature (zones V and VI). The onset of oil generation in alginite as evident from the present study is at 0.3% Ro Alg. and is expressed in a change of fluorescence from yellow to brown, and a coalification jump from 0.3 to 0.6% Ro of Alg. In many boreholes zone III can be distinguished between 0.6 and 0.8% Ro of Alg. where subsequent oil generation occurs. Zones II and III represent the oil window.A zone of little or no change designated zone IV, at of alginite follows zones II/III. A marked coalification jump characterises zone V, where a pronounced change in reflectance occurs to >1.0% Ro Alg., signifying peak gas generation. The border of oil preservation lies at the transition of zone V and VI, at 1.6% Ro Alg. In zone VI gas generation only occurs.Comparison of reflectance results with experimental and geochemical pyrolysis data supports high activation energies for hydrocarbon generation from alginite, and therefore a later onset of oil generation than other liptinite macerals (i.e. cutinite, exinite, resinite) as well as a narrow oil window.Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) confirms that alginite does not go through a distinct intermediate stage but that the percentage of unreacted organic matter decreases as maturation proceeds. A clear distinction can be made in TEM between immature alginite, alginite after oil generation, and alginite residue following gas generation. Alginite beyond 1.6% Ro acquires very high densities and the appearance of inertinite in TEM.Bitumens/pyrobitumens make a pronounced contribution to the organic matter throughout the basins and have been shown to effect pyrolysis results by suppressing Tmax. The bitumens/pyrobitumens have been divided into four groups, based on their reflectance and morphology, which in turn appears to be an expression of their genetic history. Their significance is in aiding the understanding of the basins' thermal history, and the timing of oil and gas generation.  相似文献   
Roca Redonda volcano is a mostly submarine shield volcano that rises nearly 3 km from the adjacent seafloor. Over twenty lava flows and palagonite tuff are exposed in a 60 meter high oblong outcrop above sea level, and several other flows are exposed in the shallow water surrounding the islet. Thick, slightly alkaline picritic flows form the base of the section. Thinner picrites interbedded with sparsely porphyritic alkali-olivine basaltic pahoehoe toes characterize the upper section. The subaerial section probably records the filling of a palagonite tuff cone with younger lavas. Numerous fumaroles that may have a magmatic component are present in the shallow (<30 m) submarine zone and indicate that the volcano is probably still active. Three lava types are exposed: the basal picrites with 19% > MgO > 14%, high-Mg basalts with MgO of about 9%, and low-Mg basalts with MgO of about 6%. The Sr and Nd isotopic ratios of the three lava types are within analytical uncertainty. Olivine compositions indicate that the picrites are basaltic liquids that have accumulated olivine whose composition is in equilibrium with the host basaltic liquid. Apparently, basaltic magmas percolated through dunite and troctolite that had crystallized from slightly older Roca Redonda basaltic magma. Lavas from Roca Redonda have enriched trace element contents and isotopic ratios relative to nearby Wolf volcano, but they are quite similar to lavas from Cerro Azul and Ecuador volcanoes. The common characteristic of these volcanoes is that they lie on the periphery of the archipelago and are in a stage of subaerial growth. This suggests that Galápagos volcanoes may go through a juvenile alkaline stage before a mature tholeiitic stage, analogous to the Loihi stage of Hawaiian volcanism. A low 3He/4He ratio in olivine from one of the picrites indicates a small contribution by the Galápagos mantle plume. Received: 15 December 1997 / Accepted: 6 May 1998  相似文献   
Evaluation and comparison of spatial interpolators II   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The performance of several variations on ordinary kriging and inverse distance estimators is evaluated. Mean squared errors (MSE) were calculated for estimates made on multiple resamplings from five exhaustive data bases representing two distinctly different types of estimation problem. Ordinary kriging, when performed with variograms estimated from the sample data, was more robust than inverse-distance methods to the type of estimation problem, and to the choice of estimation parameters such as number of neighbors.Notice: Although the research described in this article has been funded in part by the United States Environmental Protection Agency through Cooperative Agreement CR818526 to the Harry Reid Center for Environmental Studies, University of Nevada-Las Vegas, it has not been subjected to Agency review. Therefore it does not necessarily reflect the views of the Agency. Mention of trade names or commercial products does not constitute endorsement or recommendation for use.  相似文献   
In the 1870s, theories of mountain building emerged from little more than speculation to inference based on a growing body of observation and documentation. This coincided with abandonment of models stressing uplift, and their replacement, in the new orthodoxy, by models in which earth contraction led to lateral compression in its outer shell. Nevertheless, perceived weaknesses in this model gave impetus to new theories, some emphasizing primary vertical movement, and others continental displacement or subcrustal flow. The rebel theories added to the understanding of earth processes in important ways, by drawing attention to the weaknesses in the prevailing orthodoxy. But, in 1922, the complete answer remained out of reach.
Zusammenfassung Die siebziger Jahre des vorigen Jahrhunderts brachten den Anfang von wissenschaftlich fundierten Theorien der Gebirgsbildung. Diese Zeit sah auch den Übergang von Erhebungstheorien zur neuen Lehrmeinung, nach welcher Erdkontraktion zu lateralen Drucken in der Außenhülle der Erde führte. Erkannte Schwächen dieses Modells führten jedoch zu neuen Gegentheorien, von denen einige primäre Vertikalbewegungen in den Vordergrund stellten, während andere Kontinentalverschiebung oder Unterströmungen als den Motor der Gebirgsbildung sahen. Diese Gegentheorien haben den Fortschritt der Erdwissenschaften gefördert, indem sie auf Schwächen der herrschenden Lehrmeinung aufmerksam machten. Aber selbst zu Argands Zeit war ein völlig befriedigendes Modell noch gar nicht erreichbar.

Résumé C'est dans les années 1870–1880 que commençaient à s'établir les premières théories vraiment scientifiques de l'orogenèse. C'était la décade qui marqua l'abandon des théories à base de soulèvement et le début du règne de la nouvelle orthodoxie d'après laquelle la contraction de la terre mène à la compression latérale d'une pellicule extérieure. Néansmoins, certaines faiblesses du nouveau modèle servaient d'élan à des théories rebelles dont quelques-unes soulignaient l'importance des soulèvements primaires, tandisque d'autres cherchaient le moteur de l'orogenèse dans la dérive des continents ou dans des courants dans une masse quasi-fluide subcrustale. Ces théories rebelles ont avancé la science en soulignant les faiblesses de l'orthodoxie. En fin de compte, une solution complètement satisfaisante ne paraissait pas encore pouvoir être atteinte à l'époque d'Argand.

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We determined tidal, diel (day-night), and diurnal (day to day) patterns of occurrence for the summer zooplankton assemblage in an intertidal salt marsh basin at North Inlet Estuary, South Carolina. In one time series, 153 μm pump and 365 μm net collections were made every 1–2 h during four consecutive tidal cycles. Taxonomic composition remained unchanged throughout most of the 48-h period, but densities and proportionalities of individual taxa were highly variable. Recurring patterns of abundance were observed and taxon-specific relationships with the tidal and diel cycles were indicated. Zooplankton were not uniformly distributed within flooding-ebbing water masses and distributions could not be explained by simple passive advection with the tides. Diel differences in densities of copepods and bivalves resulted from behavioral responses to changing light conditions. Large pulses of crab and shrimp larvae originating from nocturnal hatching events within the intertidal basin exited but did not return during the next flood tide. Higher densities of postlarval decapods on flood tides indicated settlement and recruitment to the shallow basin. In a second time series, replicated collections of the 153 μm and 365 μm assemblages were made during the daytime ebb tide every 1–3 d from May through October 1991 to determine relationships between diurnal changes in depth, salinity, and temperature and zooplankton composition and abundance. Diurnal variations in densities and proportionalities were less than those observed during the 48-h study and patterns were not regular. For most taxa, relationships between depth and abundance were the same in both time series. During periods of reduced salinity, densities of copepods,Uca zoeae, and barnacle nauplii decreased and densities ofUca megalopae andPenaeus postlarvae increased. However, zoeae emerged and postlarvae recruited throughout the 5-mo period, indicating that considerable flexibility in responses and tolerances existed within the populations. The diversity of life-history strategies and behavioral adaptations found among the zooplankton assures continuous occupation of flooded intertidal habitats. We suspect that the evolution and maintenance of temporally staggered recurring patterns of occurrence results in reductions in the competition for resources.  相似文献   
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