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根据1999年竣工的南四湖清障工程实施前后的水文观测资料,从湖区水面比降、洪水落平时间等要素的变化,进行了湖区行洪分析。通过分析发现:工程的实施,降低了卡口段的水位,减小了工程位置以下的湖区水面比降,缩短了湖区行洪时间,加快了洪水宣泄,使入湖河道洪水尽快下泄,提高了湖区行洪能力,分析成果对南四湖防洪调度以及进一步做好湖内清障工程,具有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   
Based on provincial panel data of water footprint and grey water footprint, and with the help of data envelopment analysis model considering and without considering the unde- sirable output, this paper estimates the water resources utilization efficiency in China from 1997 to 2011. The spatial weighting matrix based on economy-spatial distance function is established to discuss spatial autocorrelation of water resources utilization efficiency. With the help of absolute/3-convergence model, this paper concludes that there exists/%convergence in the water resources utilization efficiency. Under the conditions of considering and without considering the undesirable output, it takes about 52.6 and 5.6 years respectively to achieve the extent of half of convergence. By mean of the spatial Durbin econometric model, this paper studies spatial spillover effects of the provincial water resources utilization efficiency in China. The results are as follows. 1) With considering and without considering the undesir- able output, there is significant spatial correlation in provincial water resource efficiency in China. 2) Under the two cases, the spatial autoregressive coefficients (p) are 0.278 and 0.507 respectively, at 1% significance level. There exist the spatial spillover effects of provin- cial water resources utilization efficiency. 3) With considering the undesirable output, these factors of the education funds, the transportation infrastructure, and the industrial and agri- cultural water consumption proportion have positive impacts. These factors of foreign direct investment, the industry value-added water consumption per ten thousand yuan, per capita water consumption, and the total precipitation have negative impacts. 4) Without considering the undesirable output, the factor of GDP per laborer has a greater positive significant influ- ence on the water resources utilization efficiency. However the facts of industry value-added water consumption in ten thousand yuan and the transportation infrastructure have no sig- nificant influence. 5) Regardless of undesirable output of water resources utilization efficiency the assessment of the present real water resources utilization in China will be distorted and policy-making will be misled. The water efficiency measure considering environmental factors (such as gray water footprint) is more reasonable.  相似文献   
低轨卫星编队的精密轨道和基线确定是分布式InSAR卫星系统完成科学任务的重要前提.目前,基于GNSS数据的缩减动力学绝对和相对轨道确定是获得高精度轨道和基线产品的主要手段.本文利用天绘二号编队星载GPS实测数据,采用缩减动力学定轨方法进行编队卫星绝对和相对定轨研究.GPS数据质量分析表明,A星与B星接收机的信号跟踪能力和数据质量基本相当.通过对轨道机动进行常值加速度建模,可以有效消除机动对天绘二号编队绝对和相对定轨的影响.单星绝对定轨结果表明,6 h重叠弧段轨道差值三维(3D)RMS小于1.2 cm,A星和B星绝对轨道的卫星激光测距数据检核残差RMS分别为2.76 cm和2.33 cm.双星相对定轨结果表明,6 h重叠弧段基线差值3D RMS达到0.66 mm,本文基线产品与西安测绘研究所基线产品互比对差值RMS在径向、切向、法向和3D方向分别为0.73、1.11、0.51和1.43 mm.  相似文献   
白垩纪松辽盆地:从火山裂谷到陆内拗陷的动力学环境   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
基于科探井等新成果,从全球构造-盆地分类和松辽盆地成因类型综述入手,通过区域构造背景和盆地构造-充填特征分析,研究松辽盆地类型、构造演化和地球动力学。松辽盆地位于蒙古—华北板块东北部边缘带,其北部通过蒙古—鄂霍茨克缝合带与西伯利亚板块相连,东部通过锡霍特—阿林构造带与太平洋板块相连。其形成演化受这两个活动陆缘带的影响。营城组和嫩江组顶部的2个区域性不整合面把松辽盆地分成3个构造层:断陷层(火石岭组—营城组)、拗陷层(登娄库组—嫩江组)和反转层(四方台组—依安组)。前者属火山裂谷盆地,后两者为陆内拗陷盆地。断陷期150~110 Ma,在北部与东部两个活动陆缘带共同作用下,板块重组导致区域性伸展和大规模裂陷,形成同裂谷期火山-沉积序列。后裂谷期110~79.1 Ma沉积,是火山期后热沉降与区域走滑拉分沉降叠加的结果,其沉降速率高沉积厚度大,因此形成大规模烃源岩沉积。挤压反转期79.1~40 Ma,表现为沉积沉降中心向西北迁移和盆地逐渐萎缩消亡,是白垩纪中期至中始新世太平洋板块向欧亚大陆边缘近于正向俯冲、区域挤压的结果。  相似文献   
陆内裂陷盆地通常发育大量地堑、半地堑,盆地结构和构造样式受盆地内部地堑、半地堑的叠加与复合方式的影响。文中将由多条断层、不同期次的断层共同控制的断陷称为"复式断陷"。依据同一时期断陷复合构成的盆地结构可以将复式断陷划分为串联式、并联式、斜列式和交织式等4种复合型式,依据不同时期断陷叠加构成的盆地样式可以划分为继承型、利用型、新生型3种叠加类型。海-塔盆地在早白垩世最初是发育大量相对分隔的小型地堑、半地堑,随着地壳渐进的伸展构造变形,多个同期小型半地堑复合在一起形成相对大的断陷(相当于铜钵庙组沉积期)。在早白垩世中期(相当于南屯组沉积期),新发育的断陷叠置在早先发育的断陷之上,最终形成了盆地中的17个区域规模的复式断陷。海-塔盆地早白垩世的断陷复合和叠加过程直接影响沉积盆地的油气成藏条件。并联式、交织式复合和继承型、利用型叠合形成的复式断陷有利于优质烃源岩的发育,断陷复合过程中的构造变换带有利于优质储集层的发育,长期活动的基底断裂及相关构造带有利于形成含油气构造带。  相似文献   
本文较系统地介绍了绢云母矿区地质概况和矿床地质特征,并通过成因矿物学论述,对矿床成因机理进行了探讨分析,指出了下一步的找矿方向.  相似文献   
塔里木盆地西部地区主要石油地质特征及油气远景   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
研究区构造上属中央隆起的巴楚断隆东北部和北部坳陷的阿瓦提凹陷南部。文章详细剖析了烃源岩的时代和类型,提出寒武-奥陶系的暗色泥岩、碳酸盐岩和石炭系的暗色泥岩、碳酸盐岩是区内的两套主要烃源岩。在论述了储集条件(7大套好或中等储层)、保存条件(10套Ⅰ类和Ⅱ类盖层)、生储盖组合形成(5套储盖组合)和吐木休克断裂活动(两期重大的冲断活动)的基础上,认为该区的油气藏形成时期主要受控于储盖组合形成期、圈闭形成期和排烃期,因而本区的主要成藏期是二叠纪末和新近纪。据此对研究区的油气远景进行了评价,提出和田河下游断鼻构造带和巴东4井区背冲构造是近期的勘探靶区。  相似文献   
The research area is situated in the western part of Tarim basin,which includes Awati depression and Bachu uplifted block. It underwent three times processes of compression in a large scale and a near term extension since Cambrian. The first compression occurred during Middle Cambrian to Devonian, which formed fault band folds in NW axial direction. They were "under-water uplift"and distributed all over the research area. The second compression occurred in Late Permian and formed fault band folds and a few fault propagation folds in NS axial direction. They are developed near Tumuxiuke fault belt and the northern research area. The western anticline is bigger than the eastern one in extent and size. The third compression occurred during Palaeogene to Quaternary and formed tumuxiuke fault belt and fault propagation folds in NW direction. They are distributed over the south part of the research area. Tumuxiuke fault belt is a big scale dextral reversed strike-slip fault belt; it transformed or destroyed the fold structure of the research area. A short-term extension occurred during Early Permian. Tarim Basin is in the rift forming stage of craton, and there exist widespread basic volcanic rocks, basic intrusive bodies and dikes.  相似文献   
The Songliao basin (SB) is a superposed basin with two different kinds of basin fills. The lower one is characterized by a fault-bounded volcanogenic succession comprising of intercalated volcanic, pyroclastic and epiclastic rocks. The volcanic rocks, dating from 110 Ma to 130 Ma, are of geochemically active continental margin type. Fast northward migration of the SB block occurred during the major episodes of the volcanism inferred from their paleomagnetic information. The upper one of the basin fill is dominated by non-marine sag-style sedimentary sequence of siliciclastics and minor carbonates. The basin center shifted westwards from the early to late Cretaceous revealed by the GGT seismic velocity structure suggesting dynamic change in the basin evolution. Thus, a superposed basin model is proposed. Evolution of the SB involves three periods including (1) Alptian and pre-Aptian: a retroarc basin and range system of Andes type related to Mongolia-Okhotsk collisional belt (MOCB); (2) Albian to Companian: a sag-like strike-slip basin under transtension related to oblique subduction of the Pacific plate along the eastern margin of the Eurasian plate; (3) since Maastrichtian: a tectonic inverse basin under compression related to normal subduction of the Pacific plate under the Eurasian plate, characterized by overthrust, westward migration of the depocenter and eastward uplifting of the basin margin.  相似文献   
The Binchuan area of Yunnan is located in the western part of the Emeishan large igneous province in the western margin of the Yangtze Block.In the present study,the Wuguiqing profile in thickness of about 1440 m is mainly composed of high-Ti basalts,with minor picrites in the lower part and andesites,trachytes,and rhyolites in the upper part.The picrites have relatively higher platinum-group element(PGE) contents(ΣPGE=16.3-28.2 ppb),with high Cu/Zr and Pd/Zr ratios,and low S contents(5.03-16.9 ppm),indicating the parental magma is S-unsaturated and generated by high degree of partial melting of the Emeishan large igneous province(ELIP) mantle source.The slightly high Cu/Pd ratios(11 000-24 000) relative to that of the primitive mantle suggest that 0.007%sulfides have been retained in the mantle source.The PGE contents of the high-Ti basalts exhibit a wider range(ΣPGE=0.517-30.8 ppb).The samples in the middle and upper parts are depleted in PGE and haveεNd(260 Ma) ratios ranging from -2.8 to -2.2,suggesting that crustal contamination of the parental magma during ascent triggered sulfur saturation and segregation of about 0.446%-0.554% sulfides,and the sulfide segregation process may also provide the ore-forming material for the magmatic Cu-Ni-PGE sulfide deposits close to the studied basalts.The samples in this area show Pt-Pd type primitive mantle-normalized PGE patterns,and the Pd/Ir ratios are higher than that of the primitive mantle(Pd/Ir=1),indicating that the obvious differentiation between Ir-group platinum-group elements(IPGE) and Pd-group platinum-group elements(PPGE) are mainly controlled by olivine or chromites fractionation during magma evolution.The Pd/Pt ratios of most samples are higher than the average ratio of mantle(Pd/Pt=0.55),showing that the differentiation happened between Pt and Pd.The differentiation in picrites may be relevant to Pt hosted in discrete refractory Pt-alloy phase in the mantle;whereas the differentiation in the high-Ti basalts is probably associated with the fractionation of Fe-Pt alloys,coprecipitating with Ir-Ru-Os alloys.Some high-Ti basalt samples exhibit negative Ru anomalies,possibly due to removal of laurite collected by the early crystallized chromites.  相似文献   
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