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Jinci Spring in Shanxi, north China, is a major local water source. It dried up in April 1994 due to groundwater overexploitation. The groundwater system is complex, involving many nonlinear and uncertain factors. Artificial neural network (ANN) models are statistical techniques to study parameter nonlinear relationships of groundwater systems. However, ANN models offer little explanatory insight into the mechanisms of prediction models. Sensitivity analysis can overcome this shortcoming. In this study, a back-propagation neural network model was built based on the relationship between groundwater level and its sensitivity factors in Jinci Spring Basin; these sensitivity factors included precipitation, river seepage, mining drainage, groundwater withdrawals and lateral discharge to the associated Quaternary aquifer. All the sensitivity factors were analyzed with Garson’s algorithm based on the connection weights of the neural network model. The concept of “sensitivity range” was proposed to describe the value range of the input variables to which the output variables are most sensitive. The sensitivity ranges were analyzed by a local sensitivity approach. The results showed that coal mining drainage is the most sensitive anthropogenic factor, having a large effect on groundwater level of the Jinci Spring Basin.  相似文献   
利用透射电子显微镜(TEM)系统观测了黄铁矿片、板状晶体的微结构,发现在水热条件下生成的黄铁矿片、板状晶体具有正方形、矩形等多种形貌。其中,正方形较多,矩形次之,另可见到一些其他不规则形状。黄铁矿片、板状晶生长完好,未见缺陷。经测定多数四边形片状黄铁矿的两组边分别平行(010)和(100),其生长晶面为(001);个别四边形片状黄铁矿的两组边分别平行(010)和(101),其生长晶面为(101),矩形片状黄铁矿长轴生长方向为001。在水热条件下黄铁矿以多形貌出现,黄铁矿的片、板状晶体多数是沿(001)面生长的结果,(001)为黄铁矿片、板状晶体的主要二维生长面,并沿001方向扩展,构成了二维晶体。  相似文献   
湖北宜昌三峡地区埃迪卡拉系一寒武系界线位置尚存争议,跨越这一界线的岩家河组地层的分段工作也缺乏统一的意见。对岩家河剖面开展岩相学和碳同位素地层学研究,揭示其碳同位素演化可与扬子板块内滇东北老林剖面和肖滩剖面对比,即自下而上在该界线附近存在一个大的δ13C负漂移、一个稍小的δ13C负漂移和一个大的δ13C正漂移。结合该剖...  相似文献   
为了解饱和膨胀土在失水条件下,干缩裂隙发育过程中土体内的应变状态、分布以及变化规律,设计了一个长40cm、宽5cm、深3cm的一维模型槽,将3条FBG传感光栅串埋入饱和膨胀土试样中,对膨胀土不同位置的应变进行了测量,得到了土体失水干缩致裂过程中,各个FBG传感器的应变状态及其变化规律,并分析了首条干缩裂隙及其附近土体的应变分布特征及其时空演化规律。试验结果表明:随着土体含水率的降低,土体首先呈现出整体收缩,之后应变状态发生分异,呈现出拉张区和收缩区交替出现的分布规律; 位于最大收缩区的边缘,当FBG传感器的应变由压缩状态转变为拉伸状态,并且拉应变及其变化速率相对较大的区域将产生首条裂隙。可见,本文所采用的高空间分辨率FBG传感技术为分析膨胀土裂隙发育全过程、揭示膨胀土失水致裂机理,以及膨胀土裂隙性特征的研究提供了新的思路和技术手段。  相似文献   
利用两种土石料三轴CD试验数据确定两组椭圆-抛物双屈服面模型参数,研究了模型参数? 、KG、n、h、m、M1、M2和pr分别单独变化(而其他参数保持不变)对模型所反映的土的应力-应变关系的影响。结果表明,土体的体积应变对参数h、m比较敏感;? 、KG、n对剪胀性土的体变影响较大,而对剪缩性土体变影响不明显;? 、KG、n、h和m对模型反映的强度没有影响;pr变化对体变和强度影响均较小。M1和M2对强度和体变均有显著影响,且M1和M2中的小值决定模型的强度。定义了灵敏度,即一种用于表示模型参数对其所反映的应力-应变的影响程度的参数。分析表明,不同的参数,其灵敏度差异很大;不同的土类,参数灵敏度差异也较大。实际应用时,对灵敏度大的参数取值应特别慎重。  相似文献   
蒙花岭组是新建的岩石地层单位,指定蒙花岭剖面为正层型剖面。岩性为一套高绿片岩相的变质岩,由变质石英细砂岩、各类片岩、绢云千枚岩夹细粒石英岩及数层变质基性―酸性火山岩组成。在剖面的下部第8层及上部第24层含丰富的藻类化石,地质时代为寒武纪;在剖面中部第16层变质火山岩中采人工重砂样、锆石U-Pb测年结果为499±6Ma~527±48Ma,地质时代为寒武纪中晚期。故将蒙花岭组划寒武系黔东统(∈2)到芙蓉统(∈4)。  相似文献   
柯丹  刘洪军  侯惠群  吴国东  郝伟林  易超 《地质学报》2016,90(12):3545-3553
层间氧化带砂岩型铀矿是我国主要的砂岩型铀矿类型之一,属全盲矿,找矿难度大。地电化学方法作为深穿透地球化学方法的分支之一,为隐伏铀矿勘查提供了新的技术手段,并在实际找矿中取得了明显的效果。研究表明,在隐伏砂岩型铀矿上方,存在着地电化学提取U元素异常。总结和分析了层间氧化带砂岩型铀矿形成的物理化学条件以及在实际试验中发现的铀矿上方地电提取铀异常特征,在前人提出的元素由深部向地表迁移机制的基础上,进一步归纳了砂岩型铀矿地电化学异常的形成机理。层间氧化带砂岩型铀矿上方地电提取U元素主要呈现为跳跃的锯齿状高值异常,可以作为深部铀矿找矿的指示标志。  相似文献   
采用主成分分析法并结合SPSS,对1999-2013年重庆市土地持续利用与生态环境的耦合关系进行分析,研究结果表明:1999-2013年土地持续利用指数逐年递增,土地开发利用强度逐年不断加大,城镇化大规模的建设是土地利用强度升高的主要原因;生态环境质量除了在2000-2004年生态环境指数呈“V”字型发展之外,总体呈上升态势发展;重庆市土地持续利用与生态环境耦合发展度由0.387 4(轻度失调衰退土地利用损益型)上升至0.754 0(中级协调发展经济主导型),但2011年情况有所变化,土地持续利用指数首次低于生态环境指数,耦合发展基本类型由生态主导型转向经济主导型发展,经济发展方式由土地利用制约型演变为生态环境制约型,生态环境效益滞后于土地资源经济效益。土地资源总体利用水平提高和生态环境改善的双重作用是耦合关系由失调发展转化为协调发展的主要原因。现阶段应坚持土地资源集约利用与保护并举,优化经济结构与技术创新齐下,发展循环经济和清洁能源,维系相对稳定的生态环境运行机制,确保重庆市土地资源可持续利用。   相似文献   
通过地球化学勘查,于星火林场一支线发现银矿点.该矿点的矿化体产于二叠世花岗闪长岩中,受北东向的青山里断裂带控制.笔者着重阐述了该矿点矿化情况、地球化学异常特征和找矿效果.  相似文献   
The stabilized northwestern (NW) Negev vegetated linear dunes (VLD) of Israel extend over 1300 km2 and form the eastern end of the Northern Sinai – NW Negev Erg. This study aimed at identifying primary and subsequent dune incursions and episodes of dune elongation by investigating dune geomorphology, stratigraphy and optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating. Thirty-five dune and interdune exposed and drilled section were studied and sampled for sedimentological analyses and OSL dating, enabling spatial and temporal elucidation of the NW Negev dunefield evolution.In a global perspective the NW Negev dunefield is relatively young. Though sporadic sand deposition has occurred during the past 100 ka, dunes began to accumulate over large portions of the dunefield area only at ~23 ka. Three main chronostratigraphic units, corresponding to three (OSL) age clusters, were found throughout most of the dunefield, indicating three main dune mobilizations: late to post last glacial maximum (LGM) at 18–11.5 ka, late Holocene (2–0.8 ka), and modern (150–8 years). The post-LGM phase is the most extensive and it defined the current dunefield boundaries. It involved several episodes of dune incursions and damming of drainage systems. Dune advancement often occurred in rapid pulses and the orientation of VLD long axes indicates similar long-term wind directions. The late Holocene episode included partial incursion of new sand, reworking of Late Pleistocene dunes as well as limited redeposition. The modern sand movement only reactivated older dunes and did not lengthen VLDs.This aeolian record fits well with other regional aeolian sections. We suggest that sand supply and storage in Sinai was initiated by the Late Pleistocene exposure of the Nile Delta sands. Late Pleistocene winds, substantially stronger than those usually prevailing since the onset of the Holocene, are suggested to have transported the dune sands across Sinai and into the northwestern Negev.Our results demonstrate the sensitivity of vegetated linear dunes located along the (northern) fringe of the sub-tropical desert belt to climate change (i.e. wind) and sediment supply.  相似文献   
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