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图斑在空间上两两相邻、无缝隙、不重叠是土地利用数据的特点。本文从图斑群合并区域的整体考虑,顾及待合并图斑的邻域图斑变化,提出了一种有效避免新的空间冲突产生的图斑群合并方法,并进行了试验。结果表明,该方法在合并效果和效率上表现良好。  相似文献   
正With the rapid development of technology,geological big data is increasing explosively,and plays an increasingly important position in the national economy (Zhang and Zhou,2017;Zhou et al.,2018).Governments and agencies attach great importance to the open internet service of geological big data and information at home,and abroad (Yan et al.,2013;Guo et al.,2014).The basic norms of western countries'geological data information services are rich and varied products,efficient and  相似文献   
为了揭示马铃薯连作化感物质与枯萎病之间的关系,通过水培和田间长期定位试验相结合方法,收集不同连作年限马铃薯根系分泌物,采用GC-TOF-MS进行分离鉴定.结果表明:在检测到的马铃薯根系分泌的48种物质中有机酸占30种.比较轮作、连作5年和连作10年马铃薯根系分泌物中有机酸的相对含量,发现苹果酸和棕榈酸的差异比较大.马铃...  相似文献   
本文采用离散单元法对平面旋转坡体的形成进行模拟 ,应用二维代替三维计算。研究了平面旋转坡体的变形特点与位移的特殊性 ,其分析结果与实测的实际观测较为吻合。本研究不仅说明平面旋转坡体的客观存在 ,而且也为这类变形斜坡的稳定性分析提出了新的要求  相似文献   
休闲旅游——国内外研究现状、差异与内涵解析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
休闲旅游是当前我国旅游业发展的热点,政府和业界都对休闲旅游的发展高度重视,国内学术界也对这一问题进行了大量研究,但迄今为止有关休闲旅游的内涵仍缺乏统一的认识,这不利于人们对休闲旅游做进一步的深入研究。该文基于对国内外研究现状的分析,阐释了休闲旅游与休闲、旅游、观光旅游和度假旅游等概念之间的关系,并结合我国旅游发展的情境和特点,尝试性地对休闲旅游的内涵进行了解析,以期能够为休闲旅游未来的研究和实践发展提供一定的理论指导。  相似文献   
三河-平谷活断层汞地球化学特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王传远  杜建国  周晓成 《地震》2004,24(1):132-136
应用QM201G便携式测汞仪在河北省潘各庄进行野外现场勘测, 研究了三河-平谷活断层汞地球化学特征, 确定了该区段断层的具体位置。 测区土壤中气态汞浓度为0.001~0.246 ng/L, 背景值为0.015 ng/L。 在断裂破碎带的土壤中气态汞含量高出背景值十多倍。 地震断裂带由多个单条断裂组成, 断层走向为N45~60°E。  相似文献   
Aerial photographs taken in 1978 and 1987, Landsat TM images in 1998 as well as soil, hydrology and socio-economic data for the oases in Sangong River Watershed were processed by Remote Sensing (RS) and Geographic Information System (GIS). There are two typical agricultural land uses in oases, Farm-based Land Use with large-scale intensified agricultural activities (FLU) and Household Responsibility-based Land Use with small-scale activities (HRLU). The Index Model of Land Use/Land Cover Change (LUCC), Weighted Index Sum (WIS) and logistic stepwise regression model were established to contrast the two typical LUCC processes and their driving forces. The land use patterns were dominated by cropland and grassland for the entire region, and cropland, residential and industrial land were increasing stably. In the HRLU areas, woodland and grassland declined dramatically, but in the FLU areas, grassland decreased only by 12.0%, whereas woodland increased by 13.7%. LUCC was stronger in the earlier stage (1978–1987) than in the later stage (1987–1998) for the entire region. LUCC was more intense in the HRLU areas than in the FLU areas during the entire period (1978–1998). Policy was a key factor in the land use change, and water resources were a precondition in land use. Under the control of policy and water resources, the main human driving factors included population and economy, and the main natural restrictions were soil fertility and groundwater depth. Human driving factors controlled the land change in the HRLU areas, but natural restriction factors dominated in the FLU areas. In the mean time, intensification of LUCC in the region had some spatiotemporal implications with a fluctuation of impact factors.  相似文献   
随着卫星遥感技术的不断发展,卫星影像成图精度越来越高,实际生产中接收到的数据类型也经常变化.由于每种类型卫星数据的特点不同,所以在处理卫星数据时一种软件往往满足不了需求,且常常出现卫星数据处理精度总是不能满足要求的情况.对于这种情况就需要我们探索其他的处理卫星数据的软件及方法.本文对像素工厂下处理"吉林一号"卫星数据的方法进行了探讨,对处理其他卫星数据类型也有重要的参考价值.  相似文献   
以山东省淄博市某浅层铝土矿采空沉陷灾害为例,采用高密度电阻率和探地雷达技术调查采空区尺寸、范围及充填情况.然后根据探测结果构建相应地质模型,基于Biot固结理论采用有限元法预测采空区上部土层沉降量,对可能发生的沉陷灾害进行预警.研究结果显示两种物探方法相互验证,可准确确定采空区上部土层微结构、采空区边界及充填情况.对于顶部塌陷的小型采空区,沉降量计算可参考荷载作用下的土体固结过程.研究建立了一类无序开采的小型采空区探测及灾害预测方法,突出了高精度物探技术在小型采空区地质灾害调查中的重要作用.  相似文献   
利用THEMIS THC卫星观测数据统计分析近地等离子体片中磁场扰动和等离子体整体流的速度扰动的关系,研究Alfven波动的活动性.研究结果表明:1)等离子体整体流的速度扰动幅度依赖于平均速度的大小,速度扰动幅度随平均速度的增加而增加;2)速度扰动幅度与磁场扰动幅度存在较强的正相关性;3)磁场扰动幅度与AE指数密切相关,磁场扰动幅度随着AE指数增加而增加,而速度扰动幅度与AE指数之间没有明显的相关性;4)Alfven比与AE指数的相关系数较小,但能够看出Alfven比随着AE指数增加而减小的趋势;5)速度扰动幅度和磁场扰动幅度与尾向距离及距中性片距离的关系不明显.  相似文献   
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