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膏盐岩脆塑性变形特征及封闭能力定量评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
膏盐岩盖层作为全球许多含油气盆地最重要的盖层之一,本身物性封闭能力毋庸置疑,野外观察和三轴试验证实随埋深的增加膏盐岩存在脆塑性转化的过程。为了明确其在不同脆塑性域的变形特征和封闭能力定量评价方法,本文以野外露头观测、三轴压缩试验和镜下观察为基础,从变形机制、破裂模式、力学行为和声发射等方面系统总结了不同脆塑性阶段膏盐岩的变形特征。应用莫尔—库伦准则、拜尔利摩擦定律和应力降规律厘定了膏盐岩脆塑性转化的围压和深度。研究结果表明:1针对脆性膏盐岩盖层,首先应用保持力定量评价水力破裂风险性,保持力越小,盖层发生水力破裂的风险就越大。同时利用断接厚度定量表征脆性盖层内断层垂向封闭性;2应用SSF定量评价脆—塑性膏盐岩盖层中涂抹型断裂的垂向封闭性,野外断层解剖确定出膏岩涂抹连续的临界SSF值为3.5~4;3塑性膏盐岩盖层具有流动特征,伴随断层逆冲滑动,膏盐岩沿断面流动,此阶段断层垂向是封闭的,但在差异压实作用下,盐岩流动形成缺失区——"盐窗"可以为油气沿断层向上运移提供通道。因此,膏盐岩盖层封闭性分析要综合考虑盖层脆塑性、不同脆塑性盖层内断裂变形机制及断裂带内部结构,从而完善盖层垂向封闭性评价体系。  相似文献   
黔北务-正-道地区铝土矿镓含量特征与赋存状态初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黔北务(务川)-正(正安)-道(道真)地区铝土矿是贵州铝土矿重要组成部分,对该区瓦厂坪、通塘底和高梁窝3个代表性铝土矿床的镓(Ga)及其一些主要和微量元素进行了分析,结合电子探针研究,初步探讨了ca在本区铝土矿中的赋存状态.结果表明:本区铝土矿及含矿岩系中的铝土质页岩中的Ga含量高,分别为56.1×10-6~131×10-6(平均91.0×10-6)和25.1×10-6~47.6×10-6(平均36.8×10-6),均达到铝土矿中Ga的综合利用指标(20×10-6),具有很高的综合利用价值;铝土矿中的Ga除可能以Al类质同象形式相对富集于Al矿物(主要为-水铝石)外,还有可能在金红石和锆石等重矿物中富集.  相似文献   
South China as an amalgamation of the Yangtze and Cathaysia blocks is composed of Archean to Mesoproterozoic basement overlain by Neoproterozoic and younger cover. Both the constituent Yangtze and Cathaysia blocks contain well-preserved Neoproterozoic rocks that have been extensively studied in terms of the age and tectonic nature, but less is known about their earlier crustal history due to the incomplete rock record. Recent efforts in investigating the yet survived crustal nature based on isotopic and elemental signatures preserved in igneous and sedimentary rocks have steadily improved our knowledge about the pre-Neoproterozoic continental crustal evolution in South China. In this paper, we summarize the up-to-date pre-Neoproterozoic records, including petrological, geochronological, geochemical and geophysical data, across South China, and discuss its spatiotemporal patterns of the pre-Neoproterozoic crust and the relevant tectonic events. While the xenocrystic/inherited and detrital zircon records suggest widespread Archean (mainly ca. 2.5 Ga) crustal components within both the Yangtze and Cathaysia blocks, exposed Archean rocks are only limited to isolated crustal provinces in the Yangtze Block. These Archean rocks are dominated by TTGs (tonalite-trondhjemite-granodiorite) with varied ages (3.3–2.5 Ga) and zircon Hf isotopes, indicating a compositionally heterogeneous nature of the Archean Yangtze Block and, by inference, the development of multiple ancient terranes. The early Paleoproterozoic (2.4–2.2 Ga) tectonomagmatic events characterize the western Yangtze Block and are supportive of an east-west subdivision of the Yangtze basement, whereas the late Paleoproterozoic (2.1–1.7 Ga) orogeneses may have affected a larger area covering both the western and eastern parts of the Yangtze Block, and also the Cathaysia Block. The eastern Yangtze Block with generally northeastward-younging late Paleoproterozoic magmatism and metamorphism likely experienced a prolonged 2.05–1.75 Ga orogenic process welding the various Archean proto-continents, consistent with the documentation of a buried late Paleoproterozoic orogenic belt imaged by deep seismic profiling from its central part and of a slightly older ophiolitic mélange in the northern part. The Cathaysia Block was probably involved in a short-lived 1.9–1.8 Ga orogenic event. The two orogeneses overlapped in time and may have contributed to the cratonization of a possible unified South China, and are referred to be linked with the assembly of the Nuna Supercontinent. The subsequent late Paleoproterozoic to early Mesoproterozoic rift successions and intrusions (1.7–1.5 Ga) in the southwestern Yangtze Block, and the ca. 1.43 Ga rifting in Hainan Island of the Cathaysia Block could be responses to the Nuna break-up. Late Mesoproterozoic (1.2–1.0 Ga) magmatism of varied age and nature in different localities of the Yangtze Block is reflective of a complex tectonic process in the context of the assembly of the Rodinia Supercontinent. Similar-aged metamorphism (1.3–1.0 Ga) is recorded in Hainan Island, reflecting the Grenvillian continental collision during the Rodinia assembly, but further studies are necessary to better constrain the late Mesoproterozoic tectonic framework of South China.  相似文献   
以岩芯、测井、分析化验和生产动态等资料为基础,通过静态和动态研究相结合的方法,对东濮凹陷古近系沙河街组厚油层内部夹层类型、成因和展布特征,对剩余油的控制作用及其在挖潜中的应用进行了研究。结果表明:东濮凹陷厚油层的夹层类型主要有泥质、物性和钙质夹层三类,以泥质夹层为主,前两者属沉积成因,而钙质类层主要属成岩成因。从厚油层内部夹层的空间分布特征来看,可将其分为层状连续分布夹层、片状不稳定分布夹层和不规则冲刷一充填夹层3种。统计结果表明:横向延展非常稳定且井间对比性较强的夹层数量约占30%,而横向延展稳定性较差且连片程度不高,具空间随机性分布特征的夹层数量约占70%。夹层空间分布特征与注采配置方式共同控制了厚油层内部的不同剩余油分布模式,对夹层的深入研究有效提高了对厚油层内部剩余油的认识精度。从不同空间分布夹层所控制的剩余油分布特征出发,采用水平井、井网整体调整、补孔等方法和措施可获得较好的挖潜效果。  相似文献   
利用1964—2008年辽宁51站降水量资料,采用Z指数和区域旱涝HL指数分析了全区近45a旱涝变化。结果表明:近45a辽西、辽北以及辽东南地区单站旱涝发生频率均明显高于辽中、辽东地区;区域性洪涝指数逐渐减小,区域性干旱指数逐步增大。对辽宁51站Z指数进行了EOF和REOF分析,可知辽宁旱涝的空间分布特征除受大尺度天气系统所带来的降水量变化影响外,同时还受地理位置、海陆分布等多种因子影响。通过REOF方法可将全区分为4个区域,即Ⅰ辽西地区,Ⅱ辽北、辽西北地区,Ⅲ辽中、辽东地区和Ⅳ辽东南地区。  相似文献   
邵武地区位于浙中—武夷山(隆起)W-Sn-Mo-Au-Ag-Pb-Zn-Nb-Ta-(叶腊石)-萤石成矿带(Ⅲ-81), 闽西北萤石矿成矿亚带(Ⅳ-1)的西南部, 具有较好的找矿前景。本次综合研究元素的地球化学特征参数, 元素R聚类相关性、单元素异常特征等, 表明F、Au、Pb、Zn、Nb、Ta等元素具有一定的找矿潜力, 并圈定单元素异常652个, 综合异常26处; 依据水系沉积物异常、筛选、评序及主要异常解释推断的成果, 结合区内成矿地质构造背景, 圈定村尾—下炉铅锌矿、吴家塘—南山下萤石矿、祝岭—洋半天萤石矿和铅锌矿、半岭—张厝萤石矿找矿预测区4处, 为该区下一步找矿工作提供了勘查方向和重要参考; 优选出半岭—张厝萤石矿找矿预测区, 通过野外路线地质调查、槽探等手段进行了异常查证, 得到了较好的找矿预期效果。  相似文献   
Effects of hedgerows on sediment erosion in Three Gorges Dam Area, China   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
The Three Gorges Dam Area refers to the river section from Chongqing to Yichang on the Yangtze River, which has a drainage area of 75,098 km^2, and involves 19 cities and counties. Contour hedgerows have been used in this area to control soil erosion and to improve hillslope stability in the catchment of this river section. Five experimental hedgerow plots were established in 1994 in order to study the effects of hedgerows on erosion control. During the period of 1994-1997, runoff and soil loss data were collected on these test plots, including the chemical and physical properties of soil and related topographical data. The results indicate that: (1) after 4 years of cultivation and crop planting, soil fertility increased dramatically in the hedgerow plots. Soil organic matter, total nitrogen, and total phosphorus contents in the hedgerow plots were 5-9 times higher than that in the control plot. In each of the hedgerow plots, soil structure became more stable, the quantity of granules larger than 0.02 mm increased and those finer than 0.02 mm decreased; (2) All hedgerow plots showed a major effect on reducing soil loss and surface runoff; (3) Overland flow velocity along the upper portion of the hedgerow plots was greatly reduced due to hedgerow resistance, which explains the significant decrease in soil losses in hedgerow plots, despite the fact that the hedgerow plots and the control plots had the same total runoff.  相似文献   
随着我国煤炭资源的枯竭,大量矿山关闭,遗留了广大的地下采空区场地。不少化工企业向废弃矿井内倾倒化学废液等导致了矿区地下水污染事故,威胁地下水水源地的水源安全。针对此类复杂场地条件下污染事故的应急处置案例和经验都非常少,本文以北方某废弃矿区地下水污染注浆帷幕应急处置为例,通过对矿区地质条件的分析、地下空间结构和地下水流场的刻画,构建三维地质模型,以模型为基础设计帷幕注浆工程并实施,研究复杂场地条件下开展帷幕注浆应急处置的重要内容和决定因素,并利用场地地下水样品监测结果,分析研究帷幕内外污染物浓度分布特征及差异,找出地下水运移规律,评价注浆帷幕效果。研究表明:在事故井周边100 m范围实施的帷幕注浆工程,对污染物运移的封堵效果显著,帷幕注浆内外污染物含量差距明显。一期检测结果显示帷幕注浆范围内地下水中二氯甲烷浓度最高1390 μg/L,帷幕范围外最高浓度仅为8. 07 μg/L;二期检测结果为污染物检出浓度大于5 μg/L的区域全部位于帷幕范围内,帷幕范围外均未检出。同时污染物的分布特征指示着地下水沿巷道运移成为最主要的形式,对地下空间结构的精准刻画是决定帷幕注浆工程成效的重要因素。  相似文献   
吉林夹皮沟金矿带黄铁矿热电性及热爆裂特征   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
通过对夹皮沟金矿带主要载金矿物黄铁矿的热电性和热爆裂特征分析,确定了主成矿世代及各世代矿化类型,预测了深部探矿的可能性。黄铁矿以电子型(N型)为主,极少有空穴型(P型),N型热电系数分布于-347.3~-6.2 μV·℃-1,P型热电系数介于17.4~193.5 μV·℃-1, 成矿温度集中于258.8~319.2 ℃, 剥蚀率为50.260%~50.485%。爆裂曲线反映中低温(<280 ℃)矿化没有高温(>290 ℃)矿化好。综合分析认为,夹皮沟金矿带矿化分早期高温世代(热电系数峰值为-120 μV·℃-1,成矿温度峰值为320 ℃)和晚期中低温世代(热电系数值峰值为-210 μV·℃-1,成矿温度峰值为270 ℃)。前者包括石英脉型与蚀变岩型,在矿体走向与夹皮沟主断裂一致及相交的矿区中均有发育;后者属石英脉型,主要在矿体走向与夹皮沟主断裂相交的矿区发育,叠加于高温世代热液矿化之上。高温热液矿化世代是主成矿世代,但有叠加的部位矿化增强。  相似文献   
丁婷  韩荣青  高辉 《气象》2020,46(4):556-565
2019年汛期降水呈南多北少分布,主要多雨区位于东北和江南等地。3月发布的预报对江南、西南东部、东北东部、西北中部地区降水偏多和内蒙古中部及东北部的偏少均做了较好预测;5月发布的滚动预测将南方主要多雨中心南移,订正结果与实况更为一致。6月发布的盛夏预报及时加强了对东北地区降水趋势的订正,准确预测了东北地区降水明显偏多的特征。对南海夏季风、西南雨季、梅雨及华北雨季的季节进程预测也和实况一致。但2019年汛期降水预测也存在明显的不足之处:对长江中下游沿江降水异常偏少预测错误;对东北地区多雨的范围和异常程度估计不足。初步分析了2018—2019年冬季青藏高原积雪面积异常偏多、2018—2019年厄尔尼诺事件以及热带印度洋海温持续偏暖对长江中下游降水预测指示意义的失败,并与2018年外强迫信号及大气环流做了简单对比,指出汛期降水和传统影响因子不匹配、非对称的复杂性研究还需要深入开展。  相似文献   
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