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建立哈萨克斯坦共和国地震学数据库是CASIN国际项目的一部分,应由中亚各国来共同完成。项目主要目的旨在建立地震学数据库,以作为今后减小哈萨克斯坦共和国地震危险性的工作基础。哈萨克斯坦共和国地震学数据库由下列子系统构成:1)文件输入子系统;2)信息检索和提交子系统;3)信息元数据存储子系统;4)档案库运行控制子系统;5)信息安全子系统。哈萨克斯坦共和国地震学数据库有以下功能:1)永久存储综合信息并上报和收集(记录)其他资料;2)存储数据和资料计算;3)电子文档的长期存储和管理;4)规定序号进行信息查询和文件的联机保证;5)信息统计和…  相似文献   
A careful selection of waste dumpsites, particularly hazardous ones, is very important for sustainable water resources management. Several laboratory experiments were carried out on the field samples to study adsorption capacity using p-dichlorobenzene (a solvent used in various industrial processes) as the test contaminant. The effect of parameters such as organic matter, clay, and iron and aluminium oxides, which are known to influence the soil adsorption capacity, are studied in the present work. Several soil samples from the Patancheru Industrial Area (Hyderabad, India) were collected and characterized. Only three soils, which had a comparatively high percentage of organic matter, clay, iron and aluminium oxide contents were used for the adsorption studies. The results clearly indicated a decrease in the adsorption capacity of the soils by as much as 75% when organic matter was removed. The other parameters such as clay and iron and aluminium oxides also play an important role in adsorption (57 and 39.8% reduction respectively). It was observed that out of the selected factors organic matter in the soils has the maximum effect regarding the adsorption of p-dichlorobenzene. Since the selected soils contain comparatively more organic matter, clay and iron and aluminium oxides in the selected industrial area, these can be used as sites for dumping hazardous waste, which can be further treated by methods like bioremediation.  相似文献   
Overbank deposits in the Komissarovka River valley consist of alternating silt, clay silt, sand, and soils produced by lacustrine, alluvial, and aeolian deposition and by soil formation. Silt and sand layers in the lower part of the section correlate with the events of Early Holocene transgression and Middle Holocene regression of Lake Khanka. Deposition in the lowermost reaches of the Komissarovka River provides a faithful record of local Holocene landscapes controlled by level changes in Lake Khanka.  相似文献   
For pollution control in the Iron and Steel industry, two steel furnace dusts have been standardized in the framework of the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC). The origin of these dust samples are:
876-1: Electric furnace
877-1: Converter LD  相似文献   
Printed circuit boards contain precious metals. They are produced in large volumes, rendering them an important component of the electronic waste. In view of the heterogeneity of the metals present, reprocessing of electronic waste is a heinous task. The present study focused on leaching of valuable metals from electronic waste printed circuit boards using Aspergillus niger DDNS1. The adaptation phases began at 0.1, 0.5 and 1.0% of fine powder of printed circuit boards with 10% inoculum and were optimized with three effective factors, viz. initial pH, particle size and pulp density, to achieve the maximum simultaneous recovery of the valuable metals. The interactions of these metals were also deciphered using scanning electron microscopy, energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, Fourier transform infrared spectrum and atomic absorption spectroscopy. The results indicated that extraction of the precious metals was accomplished mainly through the unique organic acids originating from A. niger DDNS1. The initial pH played an important role in the extraction of the precious metals and the metals precipitate formation. The leaching rate of the metals was generally higher at low powder dosage of printed circuit boards. The toxicity of the printed circuit boards had little effect on two-step bioleaching at the pulp density of 0.1% compared to one-step bioleaching. The two-step bioleaching process was followed under organic acid-forming conditions for the maximum mobilization of metals. Thus, the precious metals from printed circuit boards could be mobilized through fungal bioleaching which promises an important industrial application in recycling of electronic wastes.  相似文献   
The Vinalhaven intrusive complex consists mainly of coarse-grainedgranite, inward-dipping gabbro–diorite sheets, and a fine-grainedgranite core. Small bodies of porphyry occur throughout thecoarse-grained granite. The largest porphyry body (roughly 0·5km by 2·5 km) occurs with coeval gabbro, hybrid rocks,and minor fine-grained granite in the Vinal Cove complex, whichformed during the waning stages of solidification of the coarse-grainedVinalhaven granite. Porphyry contacts with surrounding coarse-grainedgranite are irregular and gradational. Compositions of wholerocks and minerals in the porphyry and the coarse-grained graniteare nearly identical. Neighboring phenocrysts in the porphyryvary greatly in degree of corrosion and reaction, indicatingthat the porphyry was well stirred. Thermal rejuvenation ofa silicic crystal mush by a basaltic influx can explain thecomposition and texture of the porphyry. Comparable rejuvenationevents have been recognized in recent studies of erupted rocks.Weakly corroded biotite phenocrysts in the porphyry requirethat hydrous interstitial melt existed in the granite duringremelting. Field relations, along with thermal calculations,suggest that cooling and crystallization of coeval mafic magmacould have generated the porphyry by thermal rejuvenation ofgranite crystal-mush containing about 20% melt. Field relationsalso suggest that some of the porphyry matrix may representnew felsic magma that was emplaced during remelting. KEY WORDS: granite; magma chamber; mafic replenishment; rejuvenation  相似文献   
Coexisting melt (MI), fluid-melt (FMI) and fluid (FI) inclusions in quartz from the Oktaybrskaya pegmatite, central Transbaikalia, have been studied and the thermodynamic modeling of PVTX-properties of aqueous orthoboric-acid fluids has been carried out to define the conditions of pocket formation. At room temperature, FMI in early pocket quartz and in quartz from the coarse-grained quartz–oligoclase host pegmatite contain crystalline aggregates and an orthoboric-acid fluid. The portion of FMI in inclusion assemblages decreases and the volume of fluid in inclusions increases from the early to the late growth zones in the pocket quartz. No FMI have been found in the late growth zones. Significant variations of solid/fluid ratios in the neighboring FMI result from heterogeneous entrapment of coexisting melts and fluids by a host mineral. Raman spectroscopy, SEM EDS and EMPA indicate that the crystalline aggregates in FMI are dominated by mica minerals of the boron-rich muscovite–nanpingite CsAl2[AlSi3O10](OH,F)2 series as well as lepidolite. Topaz, quartz, potassium feldspar and several unidentified minerals occur in much lower amounts. Fluid isolations in FMI and FI have similar total salinity (4–8 wt.% NaCl eq.) and H3BO3 contents (12–16 wt.%). The melt inclusions in host-pegmatite quartz homogenize at 570–600 °C. The silicate crystalline aggregates in large inclusions in pocket quartz completely melt at 615 °C. However, even after those inclusions were significantly overheated at 650±10 °C and 2.5 kbar during 24 h they remained non-homogeneous and displayed two types: (i) glass+unmelted crystals and (ii) fluid+glass. The FMI glasses contain 1.94–2.73 wt.% F, 2.51 wt.% B2O3, 3.64–5.20 wt.% Cs2O, 0.54 wt.% Li2O, 0.57 wt.% Ta2O5, 0.10 wt.% Nb2O5, 0.12 wt.% BeO. The H2O content of the glass could exceed 12 wt.%. Such compositions suggest that the residual melts of the latest magmatic stage were strongly enriched in H2O, B, F, Cs and contained elevated concentrations of Li, Be, Ta, and Nb. FMI microthermometry showed that those melts could have crystallized at 615–550 °C.

Crystallization of quartz–feldspar pegmatite matrix leads to the formation of H2O-, B- and F-enriched residual melts and associated fluids (prototypes of pockets). Fluids of different compositions and residual melts of different liquidus–solidus PT-conditions would form pockets with various internal fluid pressures. During crystallization, those melts release more aqueous fluids resulting in a further increase of the fluid pressure in pockets. A significant overpressure and a possible pressure gradient between the neighboring pockets would induce fracturing of pockets and “fluid explosions”. The fracturing commonly results in the crushing of pocket walls, formation of new fractures connecting adjacent pockets, heterogenization and mixing of pocket fluids. Such newly formed fluids would interact with a primary pegmatite matrix along the fractures and cause autometasomatic alteration, recrystallization, leaching and formation of “primary–secondary” pockets.  相似文献   

Systematic research over years on datable horizons of lower Miocene age has led to an election of nine glauconite samples suitable for dating work. The chosen glauconites come from various regions of the tethys. Following careful sedimentological as well as stratigraphical studies the K-Ar ages of these glauconites were measured. The interpretation of the apparent ages found takes into consideration sedimentation, mineralogical quality and present knowledge of the genesis of the green glauconite pellets. The presented data allow to fix the basis of the Miocene at about 21–22 m. y. and the boundary of Aquitanian-Burdigalian at 18 m. y. The K-Ar data on glauconites presented here are in good agreement with newer measurements of other authors on high temperature minerals of the same age span.  相似文献   
Dispersed and concretionary pyrite in chert–clay–carbonate and carbonate rocks of the Abalak Formation (Salym oil field) have been studied. The study was conducted using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Electron Probe Microanalysis (EPMA), and high spatial resolution Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (Nano-SIMS). As a result, three morphological groups of pyrite have been distinguished: large cubic crystals, framboidal pyrite, and fine-crystal aggregates that replace organic remnants. The sulphur isotope ratio allows one to distinguish two genetic types of pyrite. The source of the sulphur for the first genetic group was H2S produced by bacterial sulphate reduction, while the second group pyrite was formed with sulphur as a product of thermochemical sulphate reduction.  相似文献   
This paper proposed a simple method and rapid to carry out for organizing city phytostructure. Carbon dioxide sequestration was addressed and referred to population number instead of city area. The unit storage of carbon dioxide, which was nothing less than greenspace area, was determined using equivalent method of determining unit storage of water. For various population number (P) of city area in Indonesia, the greenspace unit (GU) was 29P?0.3 ? 3.2, and the greenspace area (GA) was 29P07–3.2P. Greenspace distribution was preferably on wetlands, river lines, top ground level, and north south direction.  相似文献   
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