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The contributions of physical and biological processes to the chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) bloom to the east of Vietnam in summer are examined. The offshore jet redistributes Chl-a concentration by transporting high Chl-waters from the continental margin to the east of Vietnam. The jet also contributes to high concentrations of nutrients and zooplankton biomass that lead to a dynamic balance between increased nutrients and grazing pressure for phytoplankton growth. As a consequence, the net biological processes reduce the Chl-a concentrations in the broader offshore region, but they also maintain the filaments with higher Chl-a stretching away from the coast due to the reduced grazing pressure.  相似文献   
一次春季黄海海雾和东海层云关系的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
张苏平  刘飞  孔扬 《海洋与湖沼》2014,45(2):341-352
结合多种观测数据和数值模拟结果对2011年3月12—13日的一次黄海海雾过程进行分析。观测数据分析表明:此次黄海海雾过程与东海层云之间存在密切的联系。地面高低压位置为水汽从层云区向北输送提供了有利的环流条件;黄海上空天气尺度下沉运动,加强了海洋大气边界层(MABL)层结的稳定性,MABL顶自南向北高度降低,有利于水汽在向北输送过程中不断向海面聚集;下沉导致的干层以及逆温层对海雾的发生发展起重要作用。模式结果进一步证明天气尺度下沉运动与MABL内的下沉在29°—30°N附近同位相叠加,使得该海区上空的下沉运动明显增强,边界层高度迅速下降。下沉可能会导致气块温度升高,云滴蒸发,来自层云区的水汽随流场向北向下输送逐渐接近冷海面凝结成雾,近海面水汽的平流输送使海雾进一步向北发展。本研究为海雾预报提供新的参考思路。  相似文献   
利用地面多基站RTK测量结果和精密单点定位(PPP)测量结果,分析了机载条件下PPP定位、测速性能指标.实验结果表明:机载GPS精密单点定位绝对定位精度在位置、速度上可分别达到0.182 3m和0.024 6m/s,相对定位精度在位置、速度上可分别达到0.1450m和0.024 9m/s.  相似文献   
The status of a fishery is often defined as the probability of fishing mortality rate exceeding a perilous level for long‐term sustainability. Lobster stock assessments are often subject to large uncertainty in input data and high levels of natural variability in lobster life history processes, which calls for incorporating uncertainty associated with both indicator and management reference points in an evaluation of biological risk of overfishing. Using a Monte Carlo simulation approach, we evaluated the impacts of uncertainty in modelling on the determination of the status of the Taitung spiny lobster (Panulirus penicillatus) fishery (Taiwan), which has not been quantitatively determined despite its commercial importance. The commonly used biological reference points derived from the per recruit model (F 0.1 the fishing mortality rate where the slope of the curve of yield‐per‐recruit model is 10% of the maximum slope and F 4Q%, the fishing mortality rate that reduces the expected egg production for a cohort of female lobsters to 40% of that produced in the absence of a fishery of the egg‐per‐recruit model) were influenced by uncertainties associated with lobster life history and fishery parameters. A large uncertainty in the current fishing mortality rate (F cnr) and estimates of biological reference points (F BRPs) increased the uncertainty in determining the risk of overexploitation throughout the confidence levels of the stochastic decision‐making framework. This simulation study suggests that the target reference point of F 40% is less sensitive to the input parameters’ uncertainty than F 0.1 We suggest a further evaluation of other F‐based references points and development of biomass‐based reference points before final selection and implementation for the management of the Taitung lobster fishery.  相似文献   
The biochemical effects of a cold-core eddy that was shed from the Kuroshio Current at the Luzon Strait bordering the South China Sea (SCS) were studied in late spring, a relatively unproductive season in the SCS. The extent of the eddy was determined by time-series images of SeaWiFS ocean color, AVHRR sea surface temperature, and TOPEX/Jason-1 sea surface height anomaly. Nutrient budgets, nitrate-based new production, primary production, and phytoplankton assemblages were compared between the eddy and its surrounding Kuroshio and SCS waters. The enhanced productivity in the eddy was comparable to wintertime productivity in the SCS basin, which is supported by upwelled subsurface nitrate under the prevailing Northeastern Monsoon. There were more Synechococcus, pico-eucaryotes, and diatoms, but less Trichodesmium in the surface water inside the eddy than outside. Prochlorococcus and Richelia intracellularis showed no spatial differences. Water column-integrated primary production (IPP) inside the eddy was 2–3 times that outside the eddy in the SCS (1.09 vs. 0.59 g C m−2d−1), as was nitrate-based new production (INP) (0.67 vs. 0.25 g C m−2d−1). INP in the eddy was 6 times that in the Kuroshio (0.12 g C m−2d−1). IPP and INP in the eddy were higher than the maximum production values ever measured in the SCS basin. Surface chlorophyll a concentration (0.40 mg m−3) in the eddy equaled the maximum concentration registered for the SCS basin and was higher than the wintertime average (0.29 ± 0.04 mg m−3). INP was 3.5 times as great and IPP was doubled in the eddy compared to the wintertime SCS basin. As cold core eddies form intermittently all year round as the Kuroshio invades the SCS, their effects on phytoplankton productivity and assemblages are likely to have important influences on the biogeochemical cycle of the region.  相似文献   
目前琼东南盆地北礁凹陷中中新统梅山组顶部丘形反射引起广泛关注,但对其成因有不同认识。本文通过高精度二维、三维地震、钻井资料,研究丘形反射的特征。研究表明北礁地区梅山组顶部发育近东西向展布的长条形丘体,丘间为水道,丘内为中-弱振幅的地震反射,与西南部强振幅水道砂岩形成鲜明的对比,波阻抗反演揭示丘内为低波阻抗,属泥岩范畴。梅山组塑性丘内地层发生重力扩展,在其上覆的脆性地层(强振幅砂岩和弱振幅泥岩)发育多边形断层,反推出梅山组形成于深水环境,丘为泥丘,沉积环境分析也认为北礁凹陷中中新世为半深海沉积,梅山组的丘-谷分别对应上覆地层的谷-丘,认为是底流剥蚀/沉积成因。本文的研究对南海北部丘形反射的认识有重要意义,并可降低油气探勘风险。  相似文献   
深海水道作为深水环境中重要的储层类型,具有极为丰富的深海油气资源,近年来一直是深海油田勘探和开发的重点区域,但对水道内部构型边界的识别刻画仍然是一个难点。依据三维地震数据以及测井和岩心资料,对西非X油藏水道进行了内部构型边界的精细划分,并分析了其水道演化模式。研究表明:区内水道体系边界可通过地震相特征差异进行识别,并将其分为限制性、半限制性和非限制性3种类型;复合水道边界可通过“垂向分期”和“侧向划界”原则进行确定;单一水道边界可通过水道边界振幅强弱变化进行识别,其在平面上有单侧向迁移和沿下游摆动迁移2种迁移模式,在剖面上单向侧向迁移段水道呈侧向迁移的特征,沿下游摆动段呈现出多期水道相互摆动切叠的特征;水道体系的演化可划分为初始形成、快速发育、平稳发育以及水道消亡4个阶段,对应一个完整的海平面变化旋回。  相似文献   
浒苔(Ulva prolifera)引起的大规模绿潮起源于黄海南部,在向北迁移过程中生物量迅速扩增,在海州湾附近(35°N左右)迅速增加达到峰值.在绿潮漂浮迁移过程中,海水表层温度、溶解无机氮(dissolved inorganic nitrogen,DIN)和磷酸盐(PO43--P)变化显著.本文以迁移过程中的浒苔为...  相似文献   
Projection models are commonly used to evaluate the impacts of fishing. However, previously developed projection tools were not suitable for China's fisheries as they are either overly complex and data-demanding or too simple to reflect the realistic management measures. Herein, an intermediate-complexity projection model was developed that could adequately describe fish population dynamics and account for management measures including mesh size limits, summer closure, and spatial closure. A two-patch operating model was outlined for the projection model and applied to the heavily depleted but commercially important small yellow croaker(Larimichthys polyactis) fishery in the Haizhou Bay, China, as a case study. The model was calibrated to realistically capture the fisheries dynamics with hindcasting. Three simulation scenarios featuring different fishing intensities based on status quo and maximum sustainable yield(MSY) were proposed and evaluated with projections. Stochastic projections were additionally performed to investigate the influence of uncertainty associated with recruitment strengths and the implementation of control targets. It was found that fishing at FMSY level could effectively rebuild the depleted stock biomass, while the stock collapsed rapidly in the status quo scenario. Uncertainty in recruitment and implementation could result in variabilities in management effects; but they did not much alter the management effects of the FMSY scenario. These results indicate that the lack of science-based control targets in fishing mortality or catch limits has hindered the achievement of sustainable fisheries in China. Overall, the presented work highlights that the developed projection model can promote the understanding of the possible consequences of fishing under uncertainty and is applicable to other fisheries in China.  相似文献   
深弹精确自导受测向测距精度影响,为探究自导全过程算法,采用波束域相关处理方法,开展深弹自导过程中自导算法的测向测距性能研究.首先,对方法的可行性进行分析,确定噪声背景下有效混响抑制方法.进而,假设深弹运动态势和弹目的初始位置,根据几何态势推算出运动过程中的弹目位置和目标俯仰角,并加入随机误差模拟弹体旋转.最后,仿真计算...  相似文献   
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