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Stable isotopes and chloride ion of precipitation are ideal environmental tracers to explain and reveal the formation and evolution mechanisms of water bodies. It is crucial to investigate the stable isotopes and chloride in precipitation events in the northeastern part of the Tibetan Plateau(NETP) due to the limitation of available data. This study sampled each event of precipitation during the period from July 2018 to June 2019 and the monthly dustfall in the NETP to investigate the temporal changes of stable isotopes and chloride in precipitation, and to reveal the moisture source of precipitation over the NETP using a back trajectory model. Results showed that the δ2 H values of precipitation ranged from-183.51‰ to 17.75‰, and the δ18 O values ranged from-25.18‰ to 0.48‰. The slope of the Local Meteoric Water Line was slightly lower than 8 due to the effect of belowcloud secondary evaporation on the precipitation process. Most d-excess values were higher than 10‰ because moisture recycled from the continent and Qinghai Lake surface mixed with precipitation. The chloride in precipitation accounted for 86.5% of the annual total deposition mass of chloride(1329.64 mg/m2), indicating that precipitation was the main source of chloride in the NETP. The temperature and amount effects of stable isotope in the precipitation were obvious in the NETP. The precipitation was predominantly derived from the Westerly Circulation from September through May and the East Asian Monsoon from June to August, with precipitation amounts of 246.5 mm and 178.0 mm, respectively, indicating that the precipitation over the NETP brought by the Westerly Circulation was more than that brought by the East Asian Monsoon. The air mass over the NETP transited in late May and early September, and a slight change in transition period would mainly be related to the intensity of the East Asian Monsoon, which is strongly influenced by El Ni?o-Southern Oscillation. These results provide not only baseline data for hydrological and climatological studies of the NETP but also valuable insights into the hydrological process in the inland arid area of Asia.  相似文献   
基于浙江省ADTD二维闪电定位系统监测的近11 a(2007—2017)地闪数据,采用密度极大值快速搜索聚类算法和Kalman滤波算法实现对雷暴的识别及其路径的追踪,并探讨大范围雷暴过程的时空分布特征.结果表明:该方法能够有效对浙江省各类雷暴的识别追踪,共筛选出261条雷暴过程的路径,其存在明显的年变化和年际变化,年路...  相似文献   
日本海环流研究综述   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
日本海作为东北亚地区最大的边缘海,是西北太平洋上的重要海区。由于特殊的地理位置和复杂的地形,使得日本海的环流结构呈现独有特征,如日本海内的亚极地锋现象,复杂多变的涡旋,北部形成的深水团等。概述了日本海环流状况,着重介绍了对马海峡、郁陵海盆环流情形和日本海特征水团;总结了目前仍存在的争议问题,如对马暖流源头、对马暖流空间结构等;指出了目前日本海尚待解决的科学问题,如对马暖流流量的长期变化及其原因、东韩暖流消失现象及其机制、日本海特征水的传播路径及其影响因素、日本海的某些变化产生原因及其与全球变化的响应等。  相似文献   
China has experienced rapid urbanizations with dramatic land cover changes since 1978. Forest loss is one of land cover changes, and it induces various eco-environmental degradation issues. As one of China’s hotspot regions, the Guangdong-Hong KongMacao Greater Bay Area(GBA) has undergone a dramatic urban expansion. To better understand forest dynamics and protect forest ecosystem, revealing the processes, patterns and underlying drivers of forest loss is essential. This study focused on the spatiotemporal evolution and potential driving factors of forest loss in the GBA at regional and city level. The Landsat time-series images from 1987 to2017 were used to derive forest, and landscape metrics and geographic information system(GIS) were applied to implement further spatial analysis. The results showed that: 1) 14.86% of the total urban growth area of the GBA was obtained from the forest loss in1987–2017;meanwhile, the forest loss area of the GBA reached 4040.6 km2, of which 25.60%(1034.42 km2) was converted to urban land;2) the percentages of forest loss to urban land in Dongguan(19.14%), Guangzhou(18.35%) and Shenzhen(15.81%) were higher than those in other cities;3) the forest became increasingly fragmented from 1987–2007, and then the fragmentation decreased from2007 to 2017);4) the landscape responses to forest changes varied with the scale;and 5) some forest loss to urban regions moved from low-elevation and gentle-slope terrains to higher-elevation and steep-slope terrains over time, especially in Shenzhen and Hong Kong.Urbanization and industrialization greatly drove forest loss and fragmentation, and, notably, hillside urban land expansion may have contributed to hillside forest loss. The findings will help policy makers in maintaining the stability of forest ecosystems, and provide some new insights into forest management and conservation.  相似文献   
CGCS2000精化及其全球拓展需要采用最新的模型,处理长期积累的大型GNSS观测网数据,大型GNSS网联合、快速和协同解算是空间基准精化、维持与服务的重要技术方向.在大数据技术背景下,以并行计算、云计算为代表的高性能计算技术逐渐成为大规模数据处理的首选方法.针对海量、多源、异构GNSS数据在解算处理与平差分析等方面面...  相似文献   
为了探究海表温度和海面高度之间的瞬时相关性,介绍了一种卫星测高数据的拉格朗日分析指数--有限尺度李雅普诺夫指数(Finite Size Lyapunov Exponent,FSLE),以黑潮延伸体区域的涡旋和南大西洋的亚南极锋为例,通过对观测、模式结果和融合产品结果的分析,探讨了该指数与海表温度梯度(Sea Surface Temperature Gradient,SSTG)之间的相关性。比较FSLE图像和SSTG图像发现,FSLE与SSTG均呈丝状结构,对海洋表层水体结构描述具有一致性,尤其在温度梯度大和地转流强的区域更为一致。二者的一致性要远好于其他常用方式,比如全流速、OW参数涡旋识别方法和Winding-Angle涡旋识别方法。不同区域FSLE与SSTG之间的相关性表现不同,黑潮延伸体区域相关系数存在显著的季节变化,而南大西洋亚南极锋区域季节内变化突出。  相似文献   
人类活动对河湖水系连通的影响评估   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
左其亭  崔国韬 《地理学报》2020,75(7):1483-1493
河湖水系承载着人类赖以生存的水资源,也支撑着经济社会的可持续发展。在自然因素和人类活动双重影响下,河湖水系不断发生着改变,也影响着人类生存和发展。特别是在人类活动日益剧烈的背景下,研究人类活动对河湖水系连通的影响是一个非常重要的科研问题,也是河湖水系连通工程实践的一个关键问题。本文从自然和人工两个方面分析了河湖水系连通的影响因素,阐述了人类活动对河湖水系连通的影响过程,并从河湖水系连通关系、河湖水系功能(自然角度)、河湖水系连通功能(社会角度)三个方面归纳了人类活动的正负面影响;在此基础上,提出了有针对性的影响量化评估方法,便于宏观角度量化和分析人类活动对河湖水系连通的影响。本研究以人类活动剧烈的淮河流域为实例应用,分析了人类活动对淮河水系的影响评价结果。  相似文献   
中国城市流动人口居留意愿影响因素的空间分异特征   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:3  
流动人口居留意愿的影响因素往往存在显著的空间分异特征,然而既有研究对此关注较少。基于2015年中国流动人口动态监测数据,运用半参数地理加权回归(SGWR)模型,结合k均值聚类法,对中国城市流动人口居留意愿影响因素的空间分异特征展开研究。结论如下:① 流动人口居留意愿主要受流动人口群体自身特征的影响,受流入地的影响相对较弱;② 社会经济因素与流动人口居留意愿的关系紧密,人口、家庭及流动特征因素同样产生影响,收入、婚姻、跨省流动等因素对流动人口居留意愿产生抑制作用,而住房支出、参保率、子女个数等因素则产生促进作用;③ 各影响因素总体上呈现带状的空间分异模式,可概括为“E-W”“N-S”“NE-SW”“SE-NW”4种。民族、家庭等因素的正向影响自北向南递减,参保率、未婚率、二产就业等因素的影响自西北向东南递减,子女个数及人均GDP的影响自东北向西南递减。东部经济较发达地区高收入流动人口的居留意愿相对更弱,华南地区住房支出较高的流动人口居留意愿相对更强。④ 全国可划分为四大影响区,其中,华北地区、华中地区、华东地区受多因素共同影响;西北地区及部分西南地区主要受人口及社会因素的影响;东北三省及内蒙古东部地区主要受经济及家庭因素的影响;华南地区及部分中、东、西南部地区,除住房支出外,受大部分因素的影响相对最小。最后,本文对中国流动人口的服务与管理提出相应建议。  相似文献   
1949—2019年中国自然地理学与生存环境应用研究进展   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
自然地理学是一门以基础研究见长的自然科学,其研究对象是与人类生存和发展密切相关的自然环境。中国的自然环境复杂多样,自然地理学家根据国家需求和区域发展在应用基础和应用研究方面同样取得显著成效,为国家重大经济建设、社会发展的规划,宏观生态系统与资源环境保护及区域可持续发展做出了重要贡献。本文总结了1949—2019年中国自然地理学在自然环境区域差异与自然区划、土地利用与覆被变化、自然灾害致灾因子和风险防控、荒漠化过程与防治、黄淮海中低产田改造、冻土区工程建设、地球化学元素异常和地方病防治、自然地理要素定位观测、地理空间分异性识别和地理探测器等方面的实践与应用,指出了未来自然地理学的应用研究方向。  相似文献   
陈波  崔蓓  丁鑫 《测绘通报》2020,(12):75-78
自然资源部制定的信息化建设总体方案中,要求构建“互联网+自然资源政务服务”应用体系,实现“服务事项标准统一、整体联动、业务协同,自然资源政务服务和共享开放能力全面提高”。一体化政务服务系统作为政务服务应用体系的重点建设内容,也是落实自然资源管理“两统一”职责的重要支撑,如何整合各类数据资源、发挥系统作用,成为亟待研究的问题。本文在分析自然资源业务管理需求后,提出了一体化政务服务系统及数据融合的建设思路。  相似文献   
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