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皖南地区区域地球化学特征及成矿潜力的地球化学预测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
程乃福 《安徽地质》2011,21(3):201-206
根据皖南地区1:20万区域化探资料,计算了区内元素的背景值、区域浓集系数、总体变化系数等参数,阐明了区内元素含量空间分布与成矿元素共生组合特征。使用区域浓集系数及变化系数两个参数,对皖南地区32种元素的成矿潜力进行排序,在目前安徽省地质勘查主攻矿种中,皖南地区的成矿潜力依次为金(银)-钨-钼-铜-铀-锌-铅。同时根据地球化学块体理论和方法,预测了区内金、银资源量,分别为金474t、银16117t,显示出较大的找矿潜力。  相似文献   
采用生物氧化技术和化学方法,利用堆浸工艺分步提取,对含Au 140~150 g/t、Ag 900~1 000 g/t、B i 9.0%~10.0%、Cu14%~17%的多金属浮选金精矿的综合回收工艺进行了研究。经小型搅拌试验,确定了生物氧化浸铜—氰化浸金、NaC l-FeC l3-HC l体系(氯盐法)浸出铋和银的技术方法。通过柱浸试验,研究了利用该方法分步浸取Au、Ag、Cu和B i在堆浸工艺中的可行性。在10 t精矿的扩大试验验中,验证了柱浸试验所取得的工艺指标和参数。试验中掺入骨架材料,解决了精矿在堆浸中的渗透问题;生物氧化过程中,菌种在含高浓度铜离子浸出液中反复驯化,对铜的耐受力提高到30 g/L;在NaC l-FeC l3-HC l体系浸出B i和Ag时,用H2O2将浸出液中的Fe2+氧化成Fe3+,使浸出液能循环使用,且B i和Ag同时浸出。Au、Ag、Cu和B i的最终浸出率分别为92.98%、65.09%、45.33%和53.49%。  相似文献   
松辽盆地林甸断陷是由2个次级断陷构成的复合断陷。次级断陷由斜坡-断阶带、凹陷带、断隆带构成。盆地的次级构造单元控制了物源区、水系和沉积区的分布,控制了沉积体系的发育与类型。断阶带控制砂体的发育与展布,陡坡断阶带发育冲积扇-扇三角洲沉积体系,而缓坡断阶发育冲积扇-河流-三角洲沉积体系。断陷内部的断隆带起到分水岭的作用,两侧分别发育河流-三角洲体系。断裂的下降盘不仅可以作为沉积区,而且可以作为沉积物的通道,由此沉积物可以输送到沉积中心区域。由单断凹或双断凹控制的凹陷带发育细粒沉积,为滨湖沼泽和浅湖所占据,成为生油凹陷。  相似文献   
贡嘎山东坡亚高山不同林地土壤水分特性与生态环境效应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
森林土壤水分特性,包括水分的渗透与蒸发、保持与贮存等对森林生态环境都有重要意义。本文研究了长江上游贡嘎山亚高山不同森林类型土壤的水分特征及其生态环境作用,结果表明:成熟林、过熟林土壤在储水、渗透、容水、蒸发和持水特性等多数方面利于保持和改善生态环境,次生或林分单一森林类型次之,林木皆伐后最差。研究区以成熟林和过熟林为主,生态环境保护较好。尽管该区与长江上游其它地区一样同具自然地理条件差、生态环境脆弱的特征,但由于该区森林植被和环境得到了有效保护,土壤水分特性好,促进了森林生态系统的良性循环,生态环境问题得到进一步改善。  相似文献   
基于地貌分区的1990-2015年中国耕地时空特征变化分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
地形地貌通过分配地表水分和热量制约耕地的利用形式和成效,对耕地质量具有非常重要的决定意义,以地貌分区的视角研究中国耕地变化具有重要意义。根据1990-2015年中国6期土地利用空间数据和地貌分区数据,运用GIS空间叠加分析方法,分析中国耕地1990-2015年的面积变化和空间分布格局,进一步探讨不同地貌分区下的耕地新增与流失方向。结果表明,中国耕地面积略有增加,但总体变化不大,耕地面积从1990年的17715万hm2增加到2015年的17851万hm2,平均每年增加5.44万hm2,每年增幅仅为0.03%。耕地主要分布在平原地区,台地、丘陵次之;新增耕地主要来源为草地、林地和未利用地。东部平原低山丘陵区(I)耕地面积最大,而西北高中山盆地高原区(IV)耕地动态度明显高于其他地貌区。空间上呈现“南减北增,新增耕地的重心向西北移动”的特征。1990-2015年间,西北高中山盆地高原区(IV)和东部平原低山丘陵区(I)为耕地面积增长区,平均每年增加耕地面积分别为8.9万hm2和5.4万hm2;东南低山丘陵平原区(II)和西南中低山高原盆地区(V)为耕地面积减少区,平均每年减少耕地面积分别为5.9万hm2和2.8万hm2;而华北—内蒙东中山高原区(III)和青藏高原高山极高山盆地谷地区(VI)耕地面积几乎没有变化,平均每年变化仅为0.15 万hm2和0.06万 hm2。耕地流失主要发生在东部平原低山丘陵区(I)和东南低山丘陵平原区(II),主要原因为城镇化进程加快带来的建设用地对优质耕地的大量占用;而新增耕地主要发生在西北高中山盆地高原区(IV),多来自于对草地和未利用地的开垦。  相似文献   
工字型钢铅组合耗能器的非线性有限元模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
钢铅组合耗能器将钢和铅2种材料巧妙地进行组合,具有制作工艺简单、经济性好等优点。在一种工字型钢铅组合耗能器试验研究的基础上,借助有限元分析软件ANSYS,考虑钢和铅2种材料本构模型的非线性以及2种材料之间的接触作用,建立了这种耗能器的非线性有限元计算模型,对耗能器进行数值模拟;在此基础上对安装耗能器的Benchmark结构进行了地震反应分析。研究结果表明建立的有限元模型能够准确描述耗能器的力学性能,耗能器具有良好的滞回性能和稳定的耗能特性,是一种优良的耗能元件;工字型钢铅组合耗能器减震效果明显。  相似文献   
研究给出四川地区跨断层短水准、短基线和固定形变台在汶川8.0级地震前出现的异常现象.四川地区跨断层流动垂直、水平形变观测场地观测,在汶川8.0级地震前出现中长期趋势异常的场地数为6个,1个为长期趋势异常,其余5个为中期趋势异常.异常观测场地比为6/31=0.19.其中,龙门山断裂带所在的川北地区有4处跨断层流动短水准观...  相似文献   
冈底斯-念青唐古拉成矿带矿床成矿元素组合由南向北存在着Cu-Au、Cu-Mo向Pb-Zn-Cu-Fe、Pb-Zn过渡的变化规律,但引起该变化规律的原因目前少研究。本文通过对成矿带典型矿床Pb同位素特征较为系统的总结,并结合成矿年代学和区域构造演化研究成果,从成矿物质来源的角度对该分带性进行了初步探讨。研究表明成矿带由南到北成矿物质来源存在着差异:最南端Cu-Au矿床Pb同位素组成具幔源特征(207Pb/204Pb和208Pb/204Pb平均值分别为15.490和38.016),反映成矿物质来自于俯冲过程中的交代地幔楔;最北端的Pb-Zn矿床Pb同位素组成与念青唐古拉群基底片麻岩相近(207Pb/204Pb和208Pb/204Pb分别变化于15.641~15.738和38.976~39.362),反映成矿物质来自于基底片麻岩。Pb-Zn-Cu-Fe矿床Pb同位素组成介于幔源Pb和上地壳Pb之间,且具混合线特征,反映了同碰撞期成矿物质同时从俯冲板片和念青唐古拉基底片麻岩活化的混源模式;而Cu-Mo矿床不具混合线特征的造山带Pb同位素组成,反映了成矿物质来源于俯冲阶段楔形地幔部分熔融并底侵到地壳底部与地壳发生物质交换后所形成的新生下地壳源区。甲马Cu多金属矿床Pb同位素组成具幔源和造山带两个端元,推测除新生下地壳源区提供成矿物质外,叶巴组火山岩也提供了部分成矿物质。由南向北成矿物质来源的差异很大程度上与板片俯冲的"距离效应"有关,正是由于成矿物质来源的差异导致成矿带成矿元素分带性的形成。  相似文献   
中国大陆科学钻探主孔1200米构造柱及变形构造初步解析   总被引:31,自引:20,他引:31  
在利用成象测井资料准确地恢复岩心空间位置的基础上,建立了位于江苏省东海县毛北村的中国大陆科学钻探主孔岩心1200m精细构造柱。划分了由榴辉岩与超镁铁质岩组成的第一岩性-构造单元及由副片麻岩夹榴辉岩与超镁铁质岩透镜体组成的第二岩性-构造单元,自上而下岩石的面理产状由向东陡倾变为向南东缓倾。第一岩性-构造单元的榴辉岩与超镁铁质岩是毛北榴辉岩杂岩体的组成部分,在榴辉岩中发现以南北向拉伸线理及由北往南的剪切指向为特征的超高压变质岩早期变形举止。位于第二岩性一构造单元下部(770-1130m深度)300多米厚的韧性剪切带是地表出露的毛北韧性剪切带在孔下的延伸,剪切应变及石英组构分析表明,在伴随的退变质角闪岩相一绿帘角闪岩相一绿片岩相的转换过程中,剪切应变由自SE往NW的“逆冲”转为NW向SE的正向滑移。结合钻孔围区地质,重塑了上部由毛北榴辉岩杂岩体与副片麻岩围岩组成的轴面向SE倾斜的同斜倒转褶皱系,以及下部为韧性剪切带的构造模型。钻孔验证了VSP地震反射剖面中850-1200m深度的强反射层与韧性剪切带相吻合。结合苏鲁超高压变质地体的折返构造的研究,提出该构造模型的成因与折返阶段超高压变质地体的斜向上的挤出及后折返阶段的穹隆形成有关。  相似文献   
The vertical structures and their dynamical character of PM2.5 and PM10 over Beijing urban areas are revealed using the 1 min mean continuous mass concentration data of PM2.5 and PM10 at 8, 100, and 320 m heights of the meteorological observation tower of 325 m at Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IAP CAS tower hereafter) on 10―26 August, 2003, as well as the daily mean mass concentration data of PM2.5 and PM10 and the continuous data of CO and NO2 at 8, 100 (low layer), 200 (middle layer), and 320 m (high layer) heights, in combination with the same period meteorological field observation data of the meteorological tower. The vertical distributions of aerosols observed on IAP CAS tower in Beijing can be roughly divided into two patterns: gradually and rapidly decreasing patterns, I.e. The vertical distribution of aerosols in calm weather or on pollution day belongs to the gradually decreasing pattern, while one on clean day or weak cold air day belongs to the rapidly decreasing pattern. The vertical distributive characters of aerosols were closely related with the dynamical/thermal structure and turbulence character of the atmosphere boundary layer. On the clean day, the low layer PM2.5 and PM10 concentrations were close to those at 8 m height, while the concentrations rapidly decreased at the high layer, and their values were only one half of those at 8 m, especially, the concentration of PM2.5 dropped even more. On the clean day, there existed stronger turbulence below 150 m, aerosols were well mixed, but blocked by the more stronger inversion layer aloft, and meanwhile, at various heights, especially in the high layer, the horizontal wind speed was larger, resulting in the rapid decrease of aerosol concentration, I.e. Resulting in the obvious vertical difference of aerosol concentrations between the low and high layers. On the pollution day, the concentrations of PM2.5 and PM10 at the low, middle, and high layers dropped successively by, on average, about 10% for each layer in comparison with those at 8 m height. On pollution days, in company with the low wind speed, there existed two shallow inversion layers in the boundary layer, but aerosols might be, to some extent, mixed below the inversion layer, therefore, on the pollution day the concentrations of PM2.5 and PM10 dropped with height slowly; and the observational results also show that the concentrations at 320 m height were obviously high under SW and SE winds, but at other heights, the concentrations were not correlated with wind directions. The computational results of footprint analysis suggest that this was due to the fact that the 320 m height was impacted by the pollutants transfer of southerly flow from the southern peripheral heavier polluted areas, such as Baoding, and Shijiazhuang of Hebei Province, Tianjin, and Shandong Province, etc., while the low layer was only affected by Beijing's local pollution source. The computational results of power spectra and periods preliminarily reveal that under the condition of calm weather, the periods of PM10 concentration at various heights of the tower were on the order of minutes, while in cases of larger wind speed, the concentrations of PM2.5 and PM10 at 320 m height not only had the short periods of minute-order, but also the longer periods of hour order. Consistent with the conclusion previously drawn by Ding et al., that air pollutants at different heights and at different sites in Beijing had the character of "in-phase" variation, was also observed for the diurnal variation and mean diurnal variation of PM2.5 and PM10 at various heights of the tower in this experiment, again confirming the "in-phase" temporal/spatial distributive character of air pollutants in the urban canopy of Beijing. The gentle double-peak character of the mean diurnal variation of PM2.5 and PM10 was closely related with the evident/similar diurnal variation of turbulent momentum fluxes, sensible heat fluxes, and turbulent kinetic energy at various heights in the urban canopy. Besides, under the condition of calm weather, the concentration of PM2.5 and PM10 declined with height slowly, it was 90% of 8 m concentration at the low layer, a little lesser than 90% at the middle layer, and 80% at the high layer, respectively. Under the condition of weak cold air weather, the concentration remarkably dropped with height, it was 70% of 8 m concentration at the low layer, and 20%―30% at the middle and high layers, especially the concentration of PM2.5 was even lower.  相似文献   
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