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川藏铁路是我国正在规划建设的重点工程,由于其位于地形地貌和地质构造都极为复杂的青藏高原东部,在铁路规划建设中面临一系列迫切需要解决的关键地质问题: 区域性活动断裂与断错影响、地质灾害、高地应力及其引起的岩爆和大变形、高温热害、断裂带高压水与涌水突泥、高陡边坡稳定性等。为满足技术支撑川藏铁路规划建设、精准服务国家重大战略实施的需要,中国地质调查局部署了“川藏铁路交通廊道地质调查工程”,聚焦制约川藏铁路规划建设的关键问题,充分发挥地质调查工作对国家重大工程规划建设的支撑作用。2019年主要完成铁路沿线1:5万区域地质调查1 350 km2、1:5万地质灾害调查5 000 km2,建设6口大地热流地质参数井、8个地温监测站,完成地应力测量20孔,编制完成11份地质调查专报,提出的大渡河大桥段、理塘车站段、毛垭坝盆地段等线路优化建议/防灾建议被采纳; 首次将1:5 000大比例尺航空物探技术引入复杂山地铁路工程勘察,创新形成千米级超长水平钻孔定向取心钻进技术,实现500 m深的水平孔地应力测量突破等。该工程通过2019年调查研究,全力提升了铁路沿线地质调查程度与精度,并创新了复杂艰险山区重大工程地质问题与探测技术、地质灾害风险防控理论与减灾关键技术,有效支撑服务了川藏铁路规划建设。  相似文献   
An in vivo three-dimensional fluorescence method for the determination of algae community structure was developed by parallel factor analysis(PARAFAC) and CHEMTAX. The PARAFAC model was applied to fluorescence excitation-emission matrix(EEM) of 60 algae species belonging to five divisions and 11 fluorescent components were identified according to the residual sum of squares and specificity of the composition profiles of fluorescent. By the 11 fluorescent components, the algae species at different growth stages were classified correctly at the division level using Bayesian discriminant analysis(BDA). Then the reference fluorescent component ratio matrix was constructed for CHEMTAX, and the EEM–PARAFAC–CHEMTAX method was developed to differentiate algae taxonomic groups. The correct discrimination ratios(CDRs) when the fluorometric method was used for single-species samples were 100% at the division level, except for Bacillariophyta with a CDR of 95.6%. The CDRs for the mixtures were above 94.0% for the dominant algae species and above 87.0% for the subdominant algae species. However, the CDRs of the subdominant algae species were too low to be unreliable when the relative abundance estimated was less than 15.0%. The fluorometric method was tested using the samples from the Jiaozhou Bay and the mesocosm experiments in the Xiaomai Island Bay in August 2007. The discrimination results of the dominant algae groups agreed with microscopy cell counts, as well as the subdominant algae groups of which the estimated relative abundance was above 15.0%. This technique would be of great aid when low-cost and rapid analysis is needed for samples in a large batch. The fluorometric technique has the ability to correctly identify dominant species with proper abundance both in vivo and in situ.  相似文献   
从管道尾流区泥沙颗粒的受力平衡着手,探讨了管道冲刷的临界压力差。在此基础上,提出了一种防止或减少管道冲刷的新方法,即在管道下方安装柔性阻流器。通过物理模型试验,研究了单向恒定流及规则波作用下,柔性阻流器对管道两侧床面压力、冲刷深度的影响。试验结果表明:柔性阻流器的安装能明显减小管道两侧床面的压力差。在单向恒定流作用下,管道的冲刷深度随阻流器长度的增加而减小;当阻流器达到临界长度时,冲刷消失。规则波时,因阻流器的扰动作用,冲刷深度有所增加;但随阻流器长度的增加,其扰动作用减小,对床面的防护作用增加,因而冲刷深度减小。  相似文献   
型钢混凝土剪力墙是一种广泛应用于高层混合结构中的剪力墙形式。本文采用通用有限元程序ADINA,以边缘构件含钢率为主要参数,对不同剪跨比的几组剪力墙承载力和变形能力进行了分析,并与考虑了剪力墙混凝土等级、轴压比、配筋率和边缘约束指标等参数影响的剪力墙性能进行了比较研究。结果表明,在高层结构中采用较高强度的混凝土是有利的,但剪力墙的轴压比需要严格限制,且墙体配筋率并不是提高其抗震性能的有效手段。在高层混合结构剪力墙中,通过边缘构件设置型钢可有效增加墙体延性,且边缘约束构件的约束指标可取0.32左右。  相似文献   
对东昆仑西段库拉甫河岩组火山岩地球化学进行研究,结果显示,主量元素MgO、FeO含量较高,TiO_2和K_2O含量分别为1.12%、0.63%,与岛弧拉斑玄武岩(0.84%、0.43%)接近;微量元素具有Sr富集,高场强元素Nb、Ta略亏损,P无明显分馏或未分馏的特征,稀土元素球粒陨石标准化配分曲线显示良好的同源性(配分曲线变化规律近似一致),且与富集型洋脊玄武岩配分趋势一致。结合构造环境判别,认为其形成于岛弧环境,具有岛弧拉斑玄武岩的特征,来源于与岛弧相关的富集地幔。利用锆石U-Pb测年获得2组年龄,其中一组年龄为688.7±5.1Ma,代表捕获晶年龄,另一组年龄483.4±3.3Ma为结晶年龄,代表玄武岩的形成年龄,属于早奥陶世。结合其构造环境、岩石地球化学特征和年龄数据,认为其是原特提斯洋俯冲消减环境下的产物,且原特提斯洋俯冲至少持续到早奥陶世。  相似文献   
Whilst much attention has been given to models that describe wave, tide and sediment transport processes in sufficient detail to determine the local changes in bed level over a relatively detailed representation of the bathymetry, far less attention has been given to models that consider the problem at a much larger scale (e.g. that of geomorphological elements such as a tidal flat and tidal channel). Such aggregated or lumped models tend not to represent the processes in detail but rather capture the behaviour at the scale of interest. One such model developed using the concept of an equilibrium concentration is the Aggregated Scale Morphological Interaction between Tidal basin and Adjacent coast (ASMITA). In this paper we provide some new insights into the concepts of equilibrium, and horizontal and vertical exchange that are key components of this modelling approach. In a companion paper, we summarise a range of developments that have been undertaken to extend the original model concept, to illustrate the flexibility and power of the conceptual framework. However, adding detail progressively moves the model in the direction of the more detailed process-based models and we give some consideration to the boundary between the two.  相似文献   
正秦岭造山带是华北陆块和扬子陆块及其间的微陆块经历了多期拼合而形成的,具有复杂的构造演化史,前人已对其形成与演化过程进行了大量的研究工作,但在许多方面的研究仍未获得统一的认识(张国伟等,1988;张本仁等2002)。秦岭岩群是北秦岭造山带的主体,保存了复杂的变质变形记录,准确有效地获取和判断其基底岩石的形成和变质时代是探讨秦岭岩群乃至整个秦岭造山带形成  相似文献   
使用三重嵌套的HYCOM(The HYbrid Coordinate Ocean Model)数值模式模拟气候态东海黑潮。模式水平分辨率从大区模式的1°×1°cosθ提高到小区模式的1/8°×1/8°cosθ。对模拟结果的分析表明:(1)高水平分辨率模式对黑潮特征量的模拟有明显的改进。这些改进主要由两方面的原因引起:地形分辨率的提高和改善的斜压效应。(2)小区模式的模拟结果较好地再现了PN断面的垂向结构。基本反映了PN断面流速和流量的季节变化规律。夏季流速最强、流量最大,秋季流速最弱、流量最小,冬、春两季处于过渡期。(3)模式成功地模拟出东海黑潮东侧的逆流。该逆流流速稳定,夏季流速略大。(4)模式模拟出了PN断面的流速双核结构。  相似文献   
针对目前生产高精度DOM生成效率低、人工编辑干预较大等现状,提出了一种基于点云滤波的DOM自动生产方式。该方法通过对空三解算后的影像匹配密集点云DSM,使用基于TIN的加密滤波方式进行滤波计算,解决了滤波后空洞区域插值问题,制作出满足微分纠正需求的DEM模型,并基于该模型进行微分纠正生成DOM成果。通过选取ISPRS城区试验数据和实际工程山区数据进行验证,证明该算法不仅提高了效率,同时优化了成果质量,DOM成果精度符合规范要求。  相似文献   
提出了一种基于复数小波变换的影像融合新算法,用以融合全色影像和多光谱影像。试验结果表明,谊算法可以取得比传统的实数小波变换融合算法更好的效果。  相似文献   
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