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A self-similar solution to the problem of the implosion of a cylindrical shock wave in the presence of a magnetic field has been investigated. A strong shock wave in a cylindrically-symmetric flow travels to the axis of symmetry through a gas of uniform initial density 0 and zero-pressure. A comparative study has been made between the results obtained in ordinary gasdynamics and magnetogasdynamics with transverse and axial components of the magnetic field. The value of similarity exponent has been assigned from that found in the paper of Whitham (1958).  相似文献   
We have used observations of the rare isotopes of HCN and HNC to determine the relative abundance of these two chemical isomers along the central ridge of the Orion molecular cloud. The abundance ratio [HCN]/[HNC] decreases by more than an order of magnitude from the relatively warm plateau and hot core sources toward the KL nebula to the colder, more quiescent clouds to the north and south. Even in the cooler regions, however, the ratio is an order of magnitude larger than that found in previous investigations of cold dark clouds. We determine the kinetic temperature in the regions we have studied from new observations of methylacetylene (CH3CCH), together with other recent estimates of the gas temperature near KL. The results suggest that the warmer portions of the cloud are dominated by different chemical pathways than those in the general interstellar cloud material.  相似文献   
The assumption that the very low albedo determined for Halley's comet is typical of all short period comets, taken together with the assumption that the average sizes of long and short period comets are approximately equal, leads to an increase in the total mass of comets in the solar system by almost two orders of magnitude. If gravitational ejection from the Uranus - Neptune zone during the later phases of planet formation is indeed responsible for the classical Oort cloud between 104–1015 AU, then the mass of comets in this transplanetary region during cosmogonie times has to exceed the combined masses of Uranus and Neptune by over an order of magnitude. Furthermore, if the recent arguments for as many as 1014 comets in an inner Oort cloud between ~40– 104AU are valid, then the total mass of comets in the solar system approaches 2% of a solar mass.  相似文献   
The paper deals with some properties of the dynamical system with two degrees of freedom defined by the motion of a particle in a certain type of billiard. These properties are studied by means of numerical experiments. Most results are represented in the now classical surface of section. One parameter families of billiards with a C1 boundary constructed with four arcs of circles are defined; we use the property that the four meeting points of such billiards lie on the same circle. These billiards may be convex or non convex. They generalize the ‘oval’ billiard with two axes of symmetry studied by Benettin and Strelcyn. We call them generalized billiards. We find the following results:
  1. The periodic orbit along the small diameter of a billiard is stable or unstable in the linear approximation according to the position of the center of each relevant are with respect to the opposite one. This orbit is always stable if the billiard is symmetric with respect to its large diameter.
  2. When the center of an arc lies on the opposite arc two different transition patterns from order to chaos are observed for the same billiard. If the billiard is of the Benettin and Strelcyn type three distinct nested chaotic seas are seen two of which are separated by a pseudo-invariant curve generated by a so called cancellation orbit.
  3. The total area of non chaotic regions is greater for symmetric billiards.
  4. Peanut shaped billiards always look ergodic. It can happen also that strictly convex asymmetric billiards look ergodic. This is important since no strictly convex billiard is known for which ergodicity has been proven. The conjecture is proposed that a generalized billiard with neither 2-periodic nor 4-periodic stable orbit in the linear approximation is ergodic.
  5. Transverse invariant curves such as the one found by Hénon and Wisdom seem common for billiards with two axes of symmetry but probably do not exist for asymmetric billiards.
There are therefore several properties which differentiate symmetric billiards from asymmetric ones. We conclude by emphasizing that C1 generalized billiards are indeed inadequate models for smooth mappings in general.  相似文献   
A technique for the quadratic analytical solution of general nonlinearly perturbed periodic systems is presented. It relies on a device recognized as early as Birkhoff (1927), through which any system of ordinary differential equations can be cast in Hamiltonian form through the introduction of a set of auxiliary conjugate variables. The particular implementation applies the author's quadratic Hamiltonian approach, utilizing Lie transforms (so admitting of easy inversion), and featuring the ability to determine the frequencies of the system to twice the order of the solution at the last step. The method is exemplified through an analysis of the van der Pol equation to find the solution to second order, and frequencies to fourth, of the limit cycle of the system. Finally, the relationship of the approach to other perturbation techniques, particularly the vector/matrix Lie transform method, is discussed.  相似文献   
The International Atomic Time TAI is a physically realized time scale which is ultimately used for comparisons between observations and dynamical theories. Its definition should tell unambiguously what an ideal TAI should be. For terrestrial applications, TAI has been defined as a geocentric coordinate time. In Solar System Dynamics, a barycentric coordinate time is needed. In general, it is not possible to convert a coordinate time into another coordinate time. But a specific clock synchronized on TAI in the terrestrial system can be considered as reading a modified, proper time [TAI]i, which can be converted into a barycentric coordinate time. In this conversion appears a small location dependent term. By this process all the clocks of the TAI system give an unique barycentric time with the same metrological properties as TAI.
Résumé Le Temps Atomique International TAI est une échelle de temps physiquement réalisée qui est utilisée pour la comparaison entre les observations et les théories dynamiques. Sa définition doit exprimer sans ambiguïté ce que devrait être un TAI idéal. Pour les applications terrestres, TAI a été défini comme un temps-coordonnée géocentrique. Pour la dynamique du système solaire, on a besoin d'un tempscoordonnée barycentrique. En général, il n'est pas possible de convertir un temps-coordonnée en un autre temps-coordonnée. Mais une horloge particulière synchronisée sur le TAI dans le système terrestre peut être considérée comme marquant un temps-propre modifié [TAI]i: on peut alors convertir ce temps propre en un temps-coordonnée barycentrique. Dans cette conversion apparaît un terme petit dépendant de l'emplacement de l'horloge sur la Terre. Par ce procédé, toutes les horloges du système du TAI conduisent à un temps-coordonnée barycentrique unique qui bénéficie des mêmes propriété métrologiques que le TAI.
By using a combination of X-ray (HXIS), H (Haleakala), white-light corona (Solwind), and zodiacal light (Helios) images on 21–22 May, 1980 we demonstrate, and try to explain, the co-existence of a coronal mass ejection with a stationary post-flare coronal arch. The mass ejection was seen, both by Solwind and Helios, in prolongation of the path of a powerful spray, whereas the active region filament did not erupt. A tentative comparison is made with other occurrences of stationary, or quasi-stationary post-flare coronal arches.  相似文献   
Sunspot nests     
For the period August 1959–December 1964 the Greenwich Photoheliographic Results were searched for sunspot nests. Such a nest is a sequence of sunspot groups that appear within a small area on the solar surface and that last for several months. The search procedure is described and data for 41 probable sunspot nests are given. At least three quarters of these nests appear to be real, and not chance clusters.The nests are the same type of activity sequences as the Fleckenherde discovered by Becker (1955) and the complexes of activity pointed out by Gaizauskas et al. (1983). The complexes of activity as defined by Bumba and Howard (1965) are different patterns, however; the relation between complexes and the nests is shown.Some properties of the nests are: (i) many nests appear as double structures; (ii) single nests and components of double nests are quite compact: the effective areas are comparable to those of medium-large sunspot groups; (iii) each nest rotates at its own steady rate about the Sun; (iv) the intrinsic scatter in the rotation rates is much larger than the trend in the differential rotation; (v) displacements in latitude are less than a few meters per second; (vi) many nests live for 6 to 15 Carrington rotation periods, the minimum lifetime is not yet determined; (vii) the fraction of the sunspot groups that are members of nests is large (at least 30%).  相似文献   
The relation between the ejected plasma cloud and the shock wave propagating ahead of it is examined for 27 pairs of such events. The flare sprays and the eruptive prominences observed in H line as well as the fast-moving sources of type-IV radio bursts have been considered as such ejected plasma clouds. Propagation of the shock wave in the solar corona has been examined from the observations of type-II radio bursts. Using the Parker model of the propagation of a shock wave, the shock wave velocity has been compared with the plasma cloud velocity. Energy interconnection between these two events has been studied. In the majority of the investigated cases there exists an energetic interconnection between the plasma cloud and the shock wave.  相似文献   
In this paper the unsteady laminar free-convection flow of a viscous incompressible fluid, past an accelerated infinite vertical porous plate subjected to a constant suction (or injection) in considered. Numerical results for the skin-friction on the plate are obtained for the class of accelerated motions whose velocity is of the formU 0 t n wheret is time,U 0 a constant, andn is a positive integer. The skin friction tends to zero with increasingt when the Grashof number Gr=2, the Prandtl number =1,n=0, and >0 which corresponds to suction.On leave of absence from the Department of Mathematics, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh.On leave from absence from the Department of Mathematics, University of Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania.  相似文献   
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