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Quantifying multiple Permian–Recent exhumation events during the break‐up of eastern Gondwana: sonic transit time analysis of the central and southern Perth Basin

The central and southern Perth Basin in southwestern Australia has a geological history involving multiple regional unconformity‐forming events from the Permian to Recent. This study uses sonic transit time analysis to quantify the magnitudes of net and gross exhumation for four stratigraphic periods from 43 wells. Most importantly, we quantify gross exhumation of the Permian–Triassic, Triassic–Jurassic, Valanginian break‐up and post‐Early Cretaceous events. Post‐Early Cretaceous gross exhumation averages 900‐m offshore and 600‐m onshore. Up to 200 m of this exhumation may be attributed to localized fault block rotation during extension in the Late Cretaceous and/or reverse fault re‐activation due to the compressive stresses in Australia in the last 50 Ma. The remainder is attributed to regional exhumation caused by epeirogenic processes either during the Cenozoic or at the Aptian–Albian boundary. Maximum burial depths prior to the Valanginian unconformity‐forming event were less than those reached subsequently, so that the magnitude of Valanginian break‐up exhumation cannot be accurately quantified. Gross exhumation prior to the break‐up of Gondwana was defined by large magnitude differences (up to 2500 m) between adjoining sub‐basins. At the end of Triassic, exhumation is primarily attributed to reverse re‐activation of faults that were driven by short‐wavelength inversion and exhumation at the end Permian is likely caused by uplift of rotated fault blocks during extension. The evidence from quantitative exhumation analysis indicates a switch in regime, from locally heterogeneous before break‐up to more regionally homogeneous after break‐up. 相似文献
The two-dimensional distribution of 26Al across a slice of the Estacado meteorite was measured using non-destructive γ-γ coincidence counting. The maximum activity was found to be 60 ± 2 dpm kg?1 and the variation across the slice rather small. The intensity and distribution are in moderate agreement with existing theoretical models if the pre-atmospheric shape of the meteorite had been a sphere of radius 0.35 ± 0.05 m, but it was more likely to have been slightly non-spherical. 相似文献
正 The area extending from the Suiyang~2 city in the north to Tuanchi~3 in the south was surveyed by the writers in 1943. Apart from 2 few scattered outcrops of Cenozoic and recent deposits, the major stratigraphical units represented in this area are the Cambrian, the Ordovician, the Silurian, the Permian, and the Triassic systems. Gaps of some importance were observed between the 相似文献
Twenty-three basalts from northwestern Formosa were analyzed for Si, Ti, Al, Fe, Mg, Ca, Na, K, Rb, Sr, Hf, Co, Sc, Cr, Th, and 7 REE. Formosan alkalic basalts are generally similar to most alkalic basalts, and Formosan tholeiites are somewhat similar to island arc and continental tholeiites in terms of trends in K/Rb, Rb/Sr, K/Sr, and Ca/Sr ratios. Compared to most submarine tholeiites, Formosan tholeiites are enriched in Rb relative to K and Sr, and enriched in Sr relative to K and Ca. Both types of Formosan basalts show, relative to chondritic proportions, enrichments in light REE which smoothly decrease through the heavy REE. Their REE patterns are similar to those observed in Dogo-Oki alkalic basalts, Hawaiian basalts, and Deccan Plateau basalt, but differ strikingly from those of Japanese tholeiites and oceanic ridge basalts. These relationships and contrasts suggest that Formosan basalts originated in a plagioclase-free portion of the upper mantle and at greater depths that did Japanese tholeiites and oceanic ridge basalts. 相似文献
A suite of spinel peridotite xenoliths from the Shavaryn-Tsaram volcano, Tariat Depression (central Mongolia) represents (for major elements) fertile to moderately depleted subcontinental lithosphere. Part of the variation of moderately incompatible trace elements is ascribed to small-scale mineralogical heterogeneities caused by processes like metamorphic differentiation accompanying partial melting or by mechanical segregation. Several bulk lherzolites show a high relative enrichment of the LREE over HREE which can be traced to a grain boundary phase genetically linked to, but not directly representing, the host basanitoid. In Nd and Sr isotopic composition the anhydrous peridotites cover the field of oceanic basalts (143Nd/144Nd = 0.5128-0.5133, 87Sr/86Sr = 0.7020-0.7039). In contrast, a phlogopite peridotite has a high 87Sr/86Sr and also a less radiogenic 143Nd/144Nd. The majority of “dry” lherzolites have Nd and Sr “bulk earth” model ages around 2 Ga. They may be interpreted as dating a small-degree (< ˜5%) melting event which would not have severely affected the major element chemistry of the xenoliths. The ˜2 Ga model ages may indicate a genetic relation between the lithospheric mantle and the stabilization of the continental crust in Mongolia at that time. Alternatively, if the peridotites are unrelated to the overlying crust, they may be pieces of a young asthenospheric diapir. Coexisting ortho-and clinopyroxenes are in Nd isotopic equilibrium for Iherzolites having equilibrated at temperatures around 950°C at mantle pressures. Disequilibrium melting models of mantle rocks are not supported by our data because for medium to coarse-grained mantle spinel peridotite the Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd isotopic systems close with respect to diffusional exchange at temperatures around 900°C, as indicated by recently published diffusion experiment results and supported by our data. 相似文献
We have investigated the partitioning of Ir. Ge, Ga, W, Cr, Au, P, and Ni between solid metal and metallic liquid as a function of temperature and S-concentration of the metallic liquid. Partition coefficients for siderophile elements such as Ir, W, Ga and Ge increase by factors of 10–100 as the Sconcentration of the metallic liquid increases from 0–30 wt%. Partition coefficients for other siderophile elements such as Ni, Au and P increase by only factors of 2–3. In contrast, partition coefficients for the more chalcophile element Cr decrease. These experimentally-determined partition coefficients have been used in conjunction with a fractional crystallization model to reproduce the geochemical behavior of Ni, P, Au and Ir during the magmatic evolution of groups IIAB, IIIAB, IVA and IVB iron meteorites. The mean S-concentration for each group increases in the order IVB, IVA, IIIAB, IIAB, in accord with cosmochemical prediction. However, we are unable to reproduce the geochemical behavior of Ge, Ga, W and Cr in an internally consistent way. We conclude that the magmatic histories of these iron meteorite groups are more complex than has been generally assumed. 相似文献
Estimates of the pressure and temperature in the region of kimberlite magma generation are compatible with the formation of diamond in its own thermodynamic stability field as deduced from high pressure experimental synthesis of diamond. However, if diamond growth is allowed only within its stability field, preservation during ascent of kimberlite magma and many properties of diamond distribution in kimberlite pipes as well as some of the geochemical properties of diamond are very difficult to explain. Metastable diamond growth in the laboratory is well established and its occurrence in natural systems is proposed. A theory of genesis with synthesis of diamond seed nucleii in kimberlite magma at depth in the mantle and with continued metastable growth during ascent and in kimberlite magma pools at the base of the crust is proposed. Eruption of kimberlite pipes to the surface terminates diamond growth.
Résumé Les estimations de la pression et de la température dans la région de formation du magma kimberlitique sont compatibles avec la formation du diamant dans son propre domaine de stabilité thermodynamique comme déduit des données obtenues par la synthèse du diamant à haute pression. Néanmoins, en admettant la croissance du diamant seulement dans son propre domaine de stabilité, il est très difficile d'expliquer sa preservation pendant l'ascension du magma kimberlitique, beaucoup de ses caractéristiques de répartition dans les pipes kimberlitiques ainsi que certaines propriétés géochimiques. L'évolution du diamant métastable en laboratoire est bien connue et nous suggérons donc l'existence de cet état dans les systèmes naturels. On propose une théorie envisageant la formation du diamant en partant d'une synthèse de noyaux de germes de diamant dans le magma kimberlitique à profondeur dans le manteau suivie d'une évolution métastable continuelle pendant l'ascension de ce magma kimberlitique et dans les chambres magmatiques à la base de la croûte terrestre. L'éruption des pipes kimberlitiques à la surface termine la croissance du diamant.相似文献
Turbidity currents in the ocean are driven by suspended sediment. Yet results from surveys of the modern sea floor and turbidite outcrops indicate that they are capable of transporting as bedload and depositing particles as coarse as cobble sizes. While bedload cannot drive turbidity currents, it can strongly influence the nature of the deposits they emplace. This paper reports on the first set of experiments which focus on bedload transport of granular material by density underflows. These underflows include saline density flows, hybrid saline/turbidity currents and a pure turbidity current. The use of dissolved salt is a surrogate for suspended mud which is so fine that it does not settle out readily. Thus, all the currents can be considered to be model turbidity currents. The data cover four bed conditions: plane bed, dunes, upstream‐migrating antidunes and downstream‐migrating antidunes. The bedload transport relation obtained from the data is very similar to those obtained for open‐channel flows and, in fact, is fitted well by an existing relation determined for open‐channel flows. In the case of dunes and downstream‐migrating antidunes, for which flow separation on the lee sides was observed, form drag falls in a range that is similar to that due to dunes in sand‐bed rivers. This form drag can be removed from the total bed shear stress using an existing relation developed for rivers. Once this form drag is subtracted, the bedload data for these cases collapse to follow the same relation as for plane beds and upstream‐migrating antidunes, for which no flow separation was observed. A relation for flow resistance developed for open‐channel flows agrees well with the data when adapted to density underflows. Comparison of the data with a regime diagram for field‐scale sand‐bed rivers at bankfull flow and field‐scale measurements of turbidity currents at Monterey Submarine Canyon, together with Shields number and densimetric Froude number similarity analyses, provide strong evidence that the experimental relations apply at field scale as well. 相似文献
铀的微生物Desulfovibrio desulfuricans DSM 642成矿作用:模拟实验及其意义 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
在我国首次报道用硫酸盐还原菌 Desulf ovibriodesulfuricans DSM 6 4 2 ,模拟我国层间氧化带砂岩型铀矿形成的主要物理化学条件 (35℃ ,p H=7.0~ 7.4 ) ,实验还原U( )和合成沥青铀矿。结果表明 ,实验经一周后 ,微生物成因沥青铀矿即生成于该菌胞表面。由此推断 ,在侏罗系砂岩中广泛繁衍的这种硫酸盐还原菌 ,可能参与了该类铀矿床的成矿作用。同时发现 ,由该实验菌实验还原生成的沥青铀矿 ,与在天然地质条件下生成的该铀矿物 ,其晶体结构的有序—无序性质存在重大差异 :在天然条件下藉长期和缓慢地沉淀、生长形成的沥青铀矿 ,其中纳米级… 相似文献
Chemistry and micromorphological studies of calcretes occurring in the interdunal calcpan site of Singi Talav, near Didwana, Rajasthan, India are presented in this paper. These analyses reveal that the calcretes are formed by a process of reprecipitation and recementation. They are pedo-sedimentary and are also affected by groundwater during origin. A geomorphic model for explaining the evolution of the calc-pan site is suggested. 相似文献