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本文介绍一种可清晰地显示孤立气泡内部运动的实验方法。当气泡部分地进入密度不连续层时,除在气泡内生成一个对称主涡环外,还可出现另一个对称的同向次级涡环,其面元比主涡环小一个量级。同向次级涡环的发现揭示了气泡内部运动的细致结构。  相似文献   
IINTRODUCTIONCompoundortWo-stagechannelshavereceivedconsiderableattentioninrecentyearsduetotheirrelevancetofloodstudiesinnaturalrivers,theirsignificanceinunderstandingrivermol'phology,andtheiruseinsomefloodalleviationschemeswherethefloodplainshavebeenartificiallyloweredtoproduceengineeredchannels.ThispaperreviewsworkwhichhasbeenundertakenintheUKFloodChannelFacility(FCF)overthepastdecade.TheACewasbuiltatHRWallingfordin1986,asalargescalenationalfacilityforhydraulicengineeringstUdies.T…  相似文献   
The responses of the climate system to increase of atmospheric carbon dioxide(CO2)arestudied by using a new version of the Bureau of Meteorological Research Centre(BMRC)globalcoupled general circulation model(CGCM).Two simulations are run:one with atmospheric CO2concentration held constant at 330 ppm,the other with a tripling of atmospheric CO2(990 ppm).Results from the 41-year control coupled integration are applied to analyze the mean state,seasonal cycle and interannual variability in the model.Comparisons between the greenhouseexperiment and the control experiment then provide estimations of the influence of increased CO2on climate changes and climate variability.Especially discussed is the question on whether theclimate changes concerned with CO2 inerease will impact interannual variability in tropical Pacific,such as ENSO.  相似文献   
基于全球超导重力仪观测研究海潮和固体潮模型的适定性   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
利用国际地球动力学合作观测网络中20个台站22个高精度重力潮汐观测系列综合研究了目前使用的海潮和固体潮模型的适定性. 对原始观测数据实施仔细的预处理, 利用国际标准算法计算了潮汐重力参数. 基于负荷理论和不同全球海潮模型获得了8个主波的重力负荷矢量, 用二维平面插值技术获得了14个小波的负荷改正值. 顾及不同潮波振幅特征, 提出了计算台站平均观测残差和剩余残差矢量的“非等权均值法”, 分析了海潮负荷改正的有效性和振幅因子与理论模型间的差异, 同时还讨论了仪器标定问题. 获得了经海潮负荷改正后全球各台站平均潮汐重力参数, 结果说明观测与理论模型间的差异小于0.3%, 最大仪器标定误差不超过0.5%. 另外文章还用地表重力实测数据证实了Mathews理论中相对于周日O1波而言, K1波相位滞后略呈正值的结论.  相似文献   
The long-term variability of the Indian summer monsoon rain-fall and related regional and global param-eters are studied. The cubic spline is used as a digital filter to smooth the high frequency signals in the time series of the various parameters. The length of the data series varies from 95 to 115 years during the period 1871-1985. The parameters studied within the monsoon system are: (a) monsoon rainfall of the country as a whole; (b) number of break-monsoon days during July and August; (c) number of storms/ depressions in Bay of Bengal and Arabian Sea during summer monsoon season; and (d) dates of onset of summer monsoon over South Kerala Coast. The parameters studied outside the monsoon system are: (a) the Wright’s Southern Oscillation Index (June-July-August); (b) the January mean Northern Hemi-spheric surface air temperature anomaly; and (c) the East-equatorial Pacific sea surface temperature anomaly.In order to examine the variability under various degrees of the smoothing, the series are filtered with splines of 50% variance reduction frequency of one cycle per 10, 20 and 30 years. It is observed that the smoothed time series of the parameters within the monsoon system comprise a common slowly varying com-ponent in an episodic manner distinctly showing the excess and deficient rainfall epochs. The change of intercorrelations between the time series with increasing degree of smoothing throws some light on the time scales of the dominant interactions. The relation between Southern Oscillation and East equatorial Pacific sea surface temperature and the Indian summer monsoon seems to be dominant on the interannual scale. The low frequency variations are found to have significantly contributed to the instability of the correlations of monsoon rainfall with parameters outside the monsoon system.  相似文献   
三类降水云雨滴谱分布模式   总被引:65,自引:6,他引:65  
利用沈阳1994年7~8月雨滴谱观测资料,进行积雨云、层状云和积层混合云M-P分布和Γ分布拟合分析,讨论了两种分布适用范围,给出了分布参数随雨强变化关系。  相似文献   
引言在我国及国外进行的实地及室验室研究证明了在地震破裂前的阶段形变场内存在异常变化〔1,2〕。但预报地震的现状离最终达到的目标还很遥远。从经常在震后回顾性分析中识别出前兆异常过渡到震前依据观测到的异常变化实施真实的地震预报是存在许多困难的。原因是对解题计算法的研究很薄弱,并缺乏可以判断某种预报计算法效能的准则。因此,为了客观评价前兆效应的信息量、揭示最稳定的证明地震孕育的标志、研究在各种观测条件下前兆的时空特征并编制预报计算法,就需要加工处理多年的动态观测资料,这已成为当前用形变方法预报地震的迫…  相似文献   
地形降水机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从降水量—地形高度对应关系图上可以清楚地看出山脉对水分循环的影响。图1和图2就是例子。在有些地理区城,这种对应关系是已为人们所了解,但在其它区域并非如此,许多年来关于这个问题的科学研究一直进行得很缓慢。本文回顾了目前人们对地形降水的了解。Bonacina(1945),  相似文献   
当一个系统有多个吸引子时,噪声的存在可使系统发生吸引子之间的跃迁。这种跃迁导致的运动类似于一个固有的浑沌系统的运动。本文指出了在气候动力学中发生这种跃迁的可能性。  相似文献   
利用20年(1992-2012年)的ECCO2模式模拟数据,主要研究了东印度洋(EIO)水体输运的季节变化.在EIO选取3个断面,分别为赤道、80°E和6°N.研究结果表明,跨赤道和80°E的季节输运主体部分大致相补偿.跨赤道的大部分水体输运局限在上层100 m,80°E的水体输运具有复杂结构,与显著的季风流、Wyrtki Jets(WJs)、赤道潜流(EUC)等有关.6°N上层水体净输运较小,但存在较强的边界流和相对较弱的内区流.纬向流的显著变化发生在80°E.在季风盛行季节,由于WJs减弱,赤道附近的水体输运以西向的梯度流为主,上层100 m的其余区域则主要受季风流控制.同样,由于EUC减弱,西向的梯度流与次表层东向的EUC之间也存在转换.在季风转换季节,季风流减弱,WJs与EUC分别在上层100 m和次表层占主导地位.此外,本研究还讨论了与季风流、WJs和EUC相关的盐水和暖水交换,有助于了解研究区域内温度和盐度的水平和垂直结构.  相似文献   
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