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Knowledge about the spatial distribution of the fracture density and the azimuthal fracture orientation can greatly help in optimizing production from fractured reservoirs. Frequency-dependent seismic velocity and attenuation anisotropy data contain information about the fractures present in the reservoir. In this study, we use the measurements of velocity and attenuation anisotropy data corresponding to different seismic frequencies and azimuths to infer information about the multiple fracture sets present in the reservoir. We consider a reservoir model with two sets of vertical fractures characterized by unknown azimuthal fracture orientations and fracture densities. Frequency-dependent seismic velocity and attenuation anisotropy data is computed using the effective viscoelastic stiffness tensor and solving the Christoffel equation. A Bayesian inversion method is then applied to measurements of velocity and attenuation anisotropy data corresponding to different seismic frequencies and azimuth to estimate the azimuthal fracture orientations and the fracture densities, as well as their uncertainties. Our numerical examples suggest that velocity anisotropy data alone cannot recover the unknown fracture parameters. However, an improved estimation of the unknown fracture parameters can be obtained by joint inversion of velocity and attenuation anisotropy data.  相似文献   
A conceptual model of groundwater occurrence was developed for a dike-intruded aquifer system in M??kaha valley, O??ahu, Hawai??i, USA, and used to explain the impacts of water resource development on groundwater levels and streamflow. Time-series analyses were applied to two subsets of daily rainfall, total flow, and baseflow??from the third (1946?C1968) and fourth (1968?C1991) periods of development??to evaluate changes in streamflow response. Autocorrelation, cross-correlation, squared coherency and phase functions were used to estimate the decorrelation lag time, and the correlation length, linearity with frequency, and frequency response delay between rainfall and streamflow. The decorrelation lag time for total flow and baseflow declined by 16?C20?days (d). The correlation length between rainfall and streamflow declined 4?C7?d for total flow and 10?C13?d for baseflow. The squared coherency function indicates an overall decline in linearity between rainfall and total flow across most frequencies. The changes in hydrologic response following increased water-resource development is consistent with a model of groundwater depletion resulting in less groundwater discharge and more induced groundwater recharge. Changes in streamflow response are inconsistent with observed changes in rainfall and imply that streamflow decline is more likely to be the result of groundwater pumping.  相似文献   
To measure grout penetrability in fractured hard rock, various measuring instruments have been developed over the years. Penetrability meter and Filter pump have been designed to use in both the lab and the field. Short slot has been applicable mainly in the lab due to its complexity. The fact, that these instruments have been built based on different assumptions, limitations, and test conditions, makes their results occasionally in contradict. Deficiency in design of the instruments as well as the methods of evaluating grout penetrability is additionally a basis for uncertainty in results. This study is an experimental effort to determine and thoroughly perceive the nature of the most governing uncertainties in grout penetrability measurements. The test apparatus, procedure, and method used to evaluate the grout penetrability in both Penetrability meter and Filter pump were thus modified. The aim was to control the corresponding uncertainties and make their limitations and test conditions as similar as possible with the ones in Short slot. The results suggested that to obtain a more realistic evaluation of the grout penetrability, measurement should be accomplished at both the high and the low pressures with sufficient grout volume using Short slot. Moreover, application of both Filter pump and Penetrability meter is no longer recommended due to the revealed uncertainties.  相似文献   
In the salinity affected lower Atrai floodplain aquifer in the NW Bangladesh, geoelectric resistivity survey and hydrochemical analysis are carried out with an aim to identify fresh and saline groundwater zones; investigate the status of salinity; evaluate hydrochemical processes involved and suggest management approaches for irrigation. Here a two-fold aquifer system, inter-layered by silt, clay and silty-clay aquitard and aquiclude is classified as: upper aquifer — spatially affected by salinity of varying degrees; and lower aquifer — generally characterized by high salinity. The aquifer with resistivity values greater than 69 Ωm is safe for irrigation use. Concentrations of major ions vary as: Ca2+>Na+>Mg2+>K+ and HCO3>Cl>NO3>SO4 2?. Groundwater is dominated by Na-Ca to Ca-Na, HCO3-Cl-SO4, Cl-SO4-HCO3 and Cl-SO4 2? facies where Ca2+, Mg2+, SO4 2?, HCO3 ?, Cl? and NO3 2? ion concentrations are statistically dominant and water is of Ca-Mg, HCO3-SO4-Cl and NO3 types. Geochemically, groundwater is hard and saline to fresh water type. Salinity increases with depth, but spatially towards the southern part. Groundwater quality is a product of water-rock interaction, direct mixing and marine spraying, or fall-out of airborne marine salts, where silicate weathering is the primary source of bivalent cations. Sediment provenance of alkaline earth silicates and higher concentrations of alkalis are derived from sources other than precipitation. In general partially or fully salinity affected upper and lower aquifers in the area except in its eastern part are not suitable for tubewell irrigation. As groundwater demand for irrigation is increasing, the saline water has progressively invaded relatively fresher parts of the aquifer by upconning. So, special salinity control management approaches can be adopted through engineering techniques such as groundwater abstraction optimization, as also through scientific behavioral approaches like groundwater demand management, salt tolerant crops production. In this context, surface water conservation and rain water harvesting for domestic and irrigational uses are recommended in the salinity affected area.  相似文献   
Indoor navigation is important for various applications such as disaster management, building modeling, safety analysis etc. In the last decade, indoor environment has been a focus of wide research that includes development of indoor data acquisition techniques, 3D data modeling and indoor navigation. In this research, an automated method for 3D modeling of indoor navigation network has been presented. 3D indoor navigation modeling requires a valid 3D model that can be represented as a cell complex: a model without any gap or intersection such that two cells (e.g. room, corridor) perfectly touch each other. This research investigates an automated method for 3D modeling of indoor navigation network using a geometrical model of indoor building environment. In order to reduce time and cost of surveying process, Trimble LaserAce 1000 laser rangefinder was used to acquire indoor building data which led to the acquisition of an inaccurate geometry of building. The connection between surveying benchmarks was established using Delaunay triangulation. Dijkstra algorithm was used to find shortest path in between building floors. The modeling results were evaluated against an accurate geometry of indoor building environment which was acquired using highly-accurate Trimble M3 total station. This research intends to investigate and propose a novel method of topological navigation network modeling with a less accurate geometrical model to overcome the need of required an accurate geometrical model. To control the uncertainty of the calibration and of the reconstruction of the building from the measurements, interval analysis and homotopy continuation will be investigated in the near future.  相似文献   
The Sultanate of Oman is located in the south-eastern part of the Arabian Peninsula and covers the larger part of the southern coasts of the Arabian Peninsula in both arid and semi-arid environments except for the southern part which is swept by the monsoon affecting the Arabian Sea during the period from June to September. The summer rainfall over Oman shows year-to-year variability, and this is caused by oceanic and atmospheric influences. In the present study, we tried to explore the influence of El Niño on the rainfall over Oman using different data sets. The empirical orthogonal function (EOF) technique employed to the zonal wind at 850 hPa for the 30-year period shows that the second and third modes of EOF are showing high variability over the Oman regions. The corresponding PCs were subjected to FFT analysis, and it showed a peak about 5–6 years. In addition to this, the zonal wind over the Oman regions is correlated with the global zonal wind and found a significant correlation (1 % significant level). It has already been proved that the wind and rainfall during summer monsoon is in phase. Moreover, the spectral analysis of rainfall at Masirah station and the Niño3.4 index show the similar mode of variability indicating a direct relationship. The correlation between rainfall and the Niño3.4 index is also showing a positive significant value, and therefore, it can be concluded that the El Niño in the Pacific favours rainfall over the Oman region.  相似文献   
利用1992—2011年塔克拉玛干沙漠北缘荒漠-绿洲过渡带肖塘气象站的观测资料,分析了该地区尘卷风的年、月变化规律及其与气象因子的关系。结果表明:(1) 1992—2011年尘卷风发生日数总体呈波动递减趋势;尘卷风主要发生在3—9月,占全年总日数的90.9%,其中4—7月占全年总日数的70%左右。(2)尘卷风月发生日数随月平均地表与1.5 m高处温差的增大而线性增加(r=0.875,P<0.01)。(3)尘卷风月发生日数随着月平均风速的增大而幂函数增加(r=0.89,P<0.01)。(4)尘卷风月发生日数随月平均相对湿度的增大而线性减少(r=-0.869,P<0.01)。  相似文献   
The northwest Sinai contained the eastern frontier of New Kingdom Egypt during the Late Bronze Age. The ancient Pelusaic branch of the Nile Delta influenced the environmental setting of this region at that time. Fortresses were built along the coastal byway through the study area known as the Ways of Horus to protect Egyptian‐held territory from immigrants and intruders from Canaan and the Mediterranean Sea. Building on previous geomorphic studies in the region, this paper presents the results of field investigations of Holocene sedimentary deposits, aided by satellite photography, used to create a paleogeographic map that places archaeological sites in their proper environmental context. CORONA satellite photographs from the late 1960s reveal surface features that have been obscured by more recent agricultural development in the region. Canals dug for an agricultural project provided easy access to the shallow subsurface for mapping the extent of Holocene sediments representing barrier coast, lagoon, estuarine, fluvial, and marsh depositional environments. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
China Ocean Engineering - Performing repeatable duties automatically was the dreams of human being for centuries. Although full autonomy has long been dreamed of by visionaries, many researches...  相似文献   
The Upper Quaternary seismic stratigraphy and active faults of the Gulf of İzmit were investigated by means of high-resolution shallow seismic profiling data in the source region of 1999 İzmit earthquake. High-resolution seismic reflection data correlated with borehole data indicate that the stratigraphy of İzmit Bay consists of three distinct depositional sequences formed in response to middle Pleistocene-Holocene sea-level changes. Reflector R, separating the pre-Holocene sequences (1 and 2) from the Holocene sequence (3), represents an erosional unconformity produced by the subaerial fluvial erosion of the continental shelves at the time of the last glacial maximum. Occasional, anomalous reflections (acoustic turbidity) observed within the Holocene sequence are interpreted as gas accumulations. The maximum thickness of the Holocene sediments is found to be about 25 m. The isopach map of Holocene sediment implies that the thickness of the Holocene decreases from the east towards the central and western basins of İzmit Bay. Two distinct fault systems are interpreted in İzmit Bay. The main fault system extending roughly in an E-W direction along the Gulf of İzmit is an active right lateral strike slip fault with a normal component. The secondary faults are normal faults striking in different directions and these are identified as being both active and inactive. In addition, prominent compressive features are identified in the seismic cross-sections of some profiles acquired to the east of Hersek Peninsula where the focal mechanisms of the aftershocks of the 1999 İzmit earthquake also reveal predominantly reverse faulting mechanisms, as identified by a local dense seismic network.  相似文献   
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