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The longitudinal strength of turret mooring productive/storage tanker is studied.A numeri-cal example has been implemented according to the method presented in this paper to give practical il-lustration.From the results of the numerical example,it is concluded that the turret hole located near theforward of the amidships has small effect on the longitudinal strength of the ship hull.As for design ex-treme value of wave bending moment of storage tanker,statistic method is a more reasonablemethodology,especially with the consideration of the servere environmental conditions.The primary esti-mation of design section modulus of turret storage tanker can be determined by this design bending mo-ment.  相似文献   
-Considering both the seabed foundation and wave, an analytic model of "J" type is proposed for offshore pipeline-laying. The governing differential equation is also obtained for the pipeline on the seabed and for the suspension sections. By utilizing weighted- residual method and dual iteration technique, an approximate solution is obtained, too. In the end, calculation examples are given for analyzing the changeable relationship among the major parameters.  相似文献   
LIN~DUCnONTheHuaiheBasinislOCatedbetWeen31"-36"llorthemlahtudeand112"-121"easternlongitude,andcoversatotalareaofabout269,000sq.kin,OfwhichthemountainousandhillyareasocCUPyl/3,theplainsandlow-iringland2/3.ThebasinelicitSsalientphysicalgeographicalfeatllTesasfollowsf(l)Thereisnoobviousmountaindividebe~ntheWatershedoftheriVerandtheYellowforerBasinaswellastheYangtZeRadBasin.MostofthetributariesinthenoalbudoftheHuaiheforertakethesouthdikesOftheYellowherasthedivide.(2)TheriVerbedofthetr…  相似文献   
A fatigue life estimation method for offshore structures under random stress response is studied in this paper. The method of broad band cumulative frequency number is used to determine the effect of band width of stress frequency spectra on fatigue. A formula of correction factor for fatigue under broad band stress spectra is suggested and compared with that given by P. H. Wirsching.  相似文献   
Design Curves for Mooring Lines of Turret Mooring Systems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper presents a series of design curves to aid in the selection of turret mooring systemsfor tankers based Floating Production Storage and Offloading(FPSO)systems.These curves are appropri-ate to water depths ranging from 100m to 600m.The curves can be used as a preliminary design tool,al-lowing the designer to quickly evaluate alternative mooring system configurations,including the numberof mooring lines,the characteristics of chain and wire rope to be deployed and the initial tension.With aknowledge of the total environmental force and vessel motion characteristics,the designer can determinethe appropriate system for closer evaluation.  相似文献   
- A generalized point conforming rectangular element for plate bending is proposed. The present element displacement field can not only satisfy the continuity of normal displacement and its derivative at the element node, but also satisfy the generalized continuity at the middle point of each element boundary, where the generalized conforming condition is to make the non-conforming residual to be minimum. Numerical results show that the proposed element is more accurate than the ordinary 4-node non-conforming rectangular plate element (ACM element).  相似文献   
- The ultimate strength analysis of offshore jacket platforms is a research project which has been developed in recent years. With the rapid development of marine oil industry, the departments of design and IMR (Inspection, Maintenance and Repair) in the offshore engineering have attached great importance to this project. The research procedure applies to both the stress check of new design platforms and the whole safety assessment of existing platforms. In this paper, we combine the pseudo non-linear technique with the linear analysis program and successfully analyze the ultimate strength of the space frame structure subject to the concentrated load and a real jacket platform subject to the dead load and environmental load.  相似文献   
1.IN~DUCTIONTurbiditycurrentisoneclassofflowsnameddensitycurrentorgravitycurrent(therHunterRouse(Yih(1980)),whichdePictstheintmsionofheaVyfluidintoalighterone.Usually,thedensitydifferencebetWeentWonuidisrelativelysmallandmixingacrosstheimerfaceoccurs.ThedrivingforceofdensitycurrentsisnotdensitydifferenceitselfbutthedifferenceinspeCmcweights.Turbiditycurrentisnamedwhenthedensitydifferenceisespeciallycausedbysuspendedfinesedimentparticles.Sincesediment-ladenflowcaninteraCtwiththelowerbou…  相似文献   
Parh.  WE 《热带地理》1997,17(2):164-172
在热带条件下,不同种类岩石受到强烈的化学风化作用,并导致某些环境问题,香港在这方面提供了十分典型的例子。在香港,岩石风化厚度可达80min,普通成岩矿物长石和云母被转化为粘土矿物埃洛石和高岭石,风化岩密度一般降低40% ̄80%,埃洛石密度看来是亚稳定的,随年龄的增加而降低。在老于晚侏罗纪或早白垩纪的岩石中,还未临别出埃洛石。埃洛石、高岭石及其风化产物少含植物所需营养元素,且阳离子交换能力低,因而所  相似文献   
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