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West Hawk Lake (WHL) is located within the glacial Lake Agassiz basin, 140 km east of Winnipeg, Manitoba. The small lake lies in a deep, steep-sided, meteorite impact crater, which has been partly filled by 60 m of sediment that today forms a flat floor in the central part of the basin below 111 m of water. Four cores, 5–11 m in length, were collected using a Kullenberg piston gravity corer. All sediment is clay, contains no unconformities, and has low organic content in all but the upper meter. Sample analyses include bulk and clay mineralogy, major and minor elements, TOC, stable isotopes of C, N, and O, pollen, charcoal, diatoms, and floral and faunal macrofossils. The sequence is divided into four units based mainly on thickness and style of lamination, diatoms, and pollen. AMS radiocarbon dates do not provide a clear indication of age in the postglacial sequence; possible explanations include contamination by older organic inwash and downward movement of younger organic acids. A chronological framework was established using only selected AMS dates on plant macrofossils, combined with correlations to dated events outside the basin and paleotopographic reconstructions of Lake Agassiz. The 822 1-cm-thick varves in the lower 8 m of the cored WHL sequence were deposited just prior to 10,000 cal years BP (∼8,900 14C years BP), during the glacial Lake Agassiz phase of the lake. The disappearance of dolomite near the top of the varved sequence reflects the reduced influence of Lake Agassiz and the carbonate bedrock and glacial sediment in its catchment. The lowermost varves are barren of organisms, indicating cold and turbid glacial lake waters, but the presence of benthic and planktonic algae in the upper 520 varves indicates warming; this lake phase coincides with a change in clay mineralogy, δ18O and δ13C in cellulose, and in some other parameters. This change may have resulted from a major drawdown in Lake Agassiz when its overflow switched from northwest to east after formation of the Upper Campbell beach of that lake 9,300–9,400 14C years ago. The end of thick varve deposition at ∼10,000 cal years BP is related to the opening of a lower eastern outlet of Lake Agassiz and an accompanying drop in West Hawk Lake level. WHL became independent from Lake Agassiz at this time, sedimentation rates dropped, and only ∼2.5 m of sediment was deposited in the next 10,000 years. During the first two centuries of post-Lake Agassiz history, there were anomalies in the diatom assemblage, stable O and C isotopes, magnetic susceptibility, and other parameters, reflecting an unstable watershed. Modern oligotrophic conditions were soon established; charcoal abundance increased in response to the reduced distance to the shoreline and to warmer conditions. Regional warming after ∼9,500 cal years BP is indicated by pollen and diatoms as well as C and O isotope values. Relatively dry conditions are suggested by a rise in pine and decrease in spruce and other vegetation types between 9,500 and 5,000 cal years BP (∼8,500–4,400 14C years BP), plus a decrease in δ13Ccell values. After this, there was a shift to slightly cooler and wetter conditions. A large increase in organic content and change in elemental concentration in the past several thousand years probably reflects a decline in supply of mineral detritus to the basin and possibly an increase in productivity.  相似文献   
Sub-bottom profiling and coring were undertaken at eight sub-basins along the lower French River and at five small lakes near North Bay, Ontario, to collect stratigraphical and chronological evidence to investigate whether lakes occupying the Huron–Georgian basins during the early- to mid-Holocene became hydrologically closed. All of the coring sites are located within the route of the North Bay outlet that carried outflow from the upper Great Lakes during this period. Sand beds containing organic detritus are present within five cores from Muskrat, Crombie and Deep bays that otherwise are composed of glaciolacustrine rhythmites or fine-grained lacustrine deposits. These sand beds are interpreted to represent intervals when water levels within the sub-basins were lower than present, based on chronology, sediment texture, and macrofossil assemblages. It is inferred that the water surface in the Huron–Georgian basins fell below the level of the Dalles Rapids sill isolating the lower French River sub-basins from the large lake. A core from Depensier Lake, North Bay, contains an organic-rich sand interval within a thicker sand unit barren of organic materials. Macrofossils within this organic-rich interval are interpreted to be evidence of substantially diminished flow through the North Bay outlet channel. Radiocarbon dates of terrestrial macrofossils provide correlation of the sand beds between the French River cores as well as with the organic-rich sand in the Depensier Lake core. The possibility that the sand beds in the French River cores represent flood deposits rather than evidence of hydrologically closed conditions is considered, but rejected, based on the occurrence of multiple peaty layers and the record of shallow water conditions inferred from macrofossils within the upper sand bed of core MUS1, Muskrat Bay, in combination with the evidence of quiescent depositional conditions from similarly aged macrofossils in the core from Depensier Lake. Eight radiocarbon dates from the French River cores are incorporated into an elevation-age plot of paleo-indicators of water levels in the Huron–Georgian basins, using additional data from the literature. This plot and stratigraphic evidence from the Muskrat Bay cores indicates that separate closed-basin intervals occurred between 9.0 and 8.4, and 9.5 and 9.3 ka cal BP (~ 8.1 and 7.6, and ~ 8.5 and 8.3 ka BP). The occurrence of these two closed-basin intervals between 9.6 and 8.4 ka cal BP (~ 8.7 and 7.6 ka BP) implies that run-off derived exclusively from precipitation within the non-glaciated portions of the upper Great Lakes drainage basins was likely insufficient at this time to support an open-basin lake hydrology during the contemporary climate, which was colder and drier than present, without being supplemented from glacial Lake Agassiz overflow and/or Laurentide Ice Sheet meltwater.  相似文献   
The primary objective of the Origins, Spectral Interpretation, Resource Identification, and Security–Regolith Explorer (OSIRIS‐REx) mission is to return to Earth a pristine sample of carbonaceous material from the primitive asteroid (101955) Bennu. To support compositional mapping of Bennu as part of sample site selection and characterization, we tested 95 spectral indices on visible to near infrared laboratory reflectance data from minerals and carbonaceous meteorites. Our aim was to determine which indices reliably identify spectral features of interest. Most spectral indices had high positive detection rates when applied to spectra of pure, single‐component materials. The meteorite spectra have fewer and weaker absorption features and, as a result, fewer detections with the spectral indices. Indices targeting absorptions at 0.7 and 2.7–3 μm, which are attributable to hydrated minerals, were most successful for the meteorites. Based on these results, we identified a set of 17 indices that are most likely to be useful at Bennu. These indices detect olivines, pyroxenes, carbonates, water/OH‐bearing minerals, serpentines, ferric minerals, and organics. Particle size and albedo are known to affect band depth but had a negligible impact on interpretive success with spectral indices. Preliminary analysis of the disk‐integrated Bennu spectrum with these indices is consistent with expectations given the observed absorption near 3 μm. Our study prioritizes spectral indices to be used for OSIRIS‐REx spectral analysis and mapping and informs the reliability of all index‐derived data products, including a science value map for sample site selection.  相似文献   
Summary The prediction of Indian Summer Monsoon Rainfall (ISMR) is vital for Indian economic policy and a challenge for meteorologists. It needs various predictors among which El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) is the most important. It has been established by various researchers that ENSO and ISMR relationship is weakening in recent years. It has been also argued that changes in ENSO-ISMR relationship may be due to decadal fluctuations, or it may be the indicative of longer-term trends related to anthropogenic-induced climate changes.In the present communication, an attempt is made to discuss the variability and predictability of ISMR in recent years. It is found that three different indices associated with different regions in the tropics and extra-tropics at different levels of the atmosphere-Asian land mass index represented by geopotential height at upper troposphere (A1), Caribbean-North Atlantic index represented by geopotential height at middle troposphere (A2) and tropical Pacific index at surface level (A3) – have different mechanisms to interact mutually and separately with ISMR in different periods. In recent years ISMR shows weak association with A1 and A3 while strong association with A2. Thus, if these three indices could be combined objectively, they can give rise to the predictability of ISMR. This objective combination is achieved here using Artificial Neural Network (ANN) and a model is developed to predict ISMR. This model has predicted reasonably well during the whole period of consideration (1958–2000) with a correlation coefficient of 0.92 in last 11 years (1990–2000) whereas most of the models fail to predict the variability in recent time.Current affiliation: Department of Physics, Federal University of Parana, Curitiba, Brazil.Received June 2002; revised October 1, 2002; accepted November 12, 2002 Published online: April 10, 2003  相似文献   
Trajectories of surface cyclones and anticyclones were constructed using an automated scheme by tracking local minima and maxima of mean daily sea level pressure data in the NCEP-NCAR reanalysis and the Centre National de Recherches Météorologiques coupled global climate Model (CNRM-CM3) SRES A2 integration. Mid-latitude lows and highs traveling in the North Pacific were tracked and daily frequencies were gridded. Transient activity in the CNRM-CM3 historical simulation (1950–1999) was validated against reanalysis. The GCM correctly reproduces winter trajectories as well as mean geographical distributions of cyclones and anticyclones over the North Pacific in spite of a general under-estimation of cyclones’ frequency. On inter-annual time scales, frequencies of cyclones and anticyclones vary in accordance with the Aleutian Low (AL) strength. When the AL is stronger (weaker), cyclones are more (less) numerous over the central and eastern North Pacific, while anticyclones are significantly less (more) numerous over this region. The action of transient cyclones and anticyclones over the central and eastern North Pacific determines seasonal climate over the West Coast of North America, and specifically, winter weather over California. Relationships between winter cyclone/anticyclone behavior and daily precipitation/cold temperature extremes over Western North America (the West) were examined and yielded two simple indices summarizing North Pacific transient activity relevant to regional climates. These indices are strongly related to the observed inter-annual variability of daily precipitation and cold temperature extremes over the West as well as to large scale seasonally averaged near surface climate conditions (e.g., air temperature at 2 m and wind at 10 m). In fact, they represent the synoptic links that accomplish the teleconnections. Comparison of patterns derived from NCEP-NCAR and CNRM-CM3 revealed that the model reproduces links between cyclone/anticyclone frequencies over the Northeastern Pacific and extra-tropical climate conditions but is deficient in relation to tropical climate variability. The connections between these synoptic indices and Western weather are well reproduced by the model. Under advanced global warming conditions, that is, the last half of the century, the model predicts a significant reduction of cyclonic transients throughout the mid-latitude North Pacific with the exception of the far northern and northeastern domains. Anticyclonic transients respond somewhat more regionally but consistently to strong greenhouse forcing, with notably fewer anticyclones over the Okhotsk/Kamchatka sector and generally more anticyclones in the Northeastern Pacific. These modifications of synoptic weather result in regional feedbacks, that is, regional synoptic alterations of the anthropogenic warming signal around the North Pacific. In the eastern Pacific, for example, synoptic feedbacks, having to do especially with the northward shift of the eastern Pacific storm-track (responding, in turn, to a weaker equator-to-pole temperature gradient), are favorable to more anticyclonic conditions off the American mid-latitude west coast and more cyclonic conditions at higher latitudes. These circulation feedbacks further reduce the equator-to-pole temperature gradient by favoring high-latitude mean winter warming especially over a broad wedge of the Arctic north of the Bering Sea and moderating the warming along the mid-latitude west coast of north America while also reducing precipitation frequencies from California to Northern Mexico.  相似文献   
Interdisciplinary investigations at the Milford Reservoir, central Maine, resulted in excavation and analysis of a Middle Archaic quarry and manufacturing site at Gilman Falls, dated to between 7300 and 6300 yr B.P. Lithological analysis indicates that the majority of the artifacts came from very local outcrops, providing low‐grade metamorphic rocks. Native Americans used a specialized technique to reduce the granofels and other rocks to long rods, artifacts commonly placed in local cemeteries. The Gilman Falls site was largely abandoned once these artifacts were no longer in vogue. Therefore, access to particular bedrock outcrops seems to have played an important role in site selection. Gilman Falls and other early to middle Holocene sites are preserved where bedrock sill dams ponded water that deposited fine sand. Early site sedimentation history is paralleled by a drainage change in the headwaters of the Penobscot River. Evidence for lower mid‐Holocene lake levels and a period of higher temperatures and lower precipitation may correlate with the sedimentation history. © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
Marine reservoir age is reported for Foxe Basin, Canada, during deglaciation of the Laurentide Ice Sheet. Radiocarbon (14C) measurements were made on pairs of contemporaneous molluscs and Salix (willow) macrofossils, yielding a mean marine reservoir age of 985 ± 10 14C a. Mean regional ΔR is calculated to be 615 ± 20 14C a relative to a mean global reservoir age of ca. 400 14C a. Previous studies in the Canadian Arctic that have been conducted on modern pre‐bomb molluscs give ΔR values of ca. 100–300 14C a. The difference between modern and deglacial reservoir ages indicates that ΔR in Foxe Basin has changed over time, which has implications for the reconstruction of past events based on marine 14C dates. We recalculate the timing of deglaciation of Hudson Strait with this new reservoir age and relate this to the 8.2 cal. ka event. We recommend that local ΔR be determined for the time period being examined whenever possible, and that in cases where this is impossible a ΔR value of 615 14C a be applied when calibrating marine samples from Foxe Basin and vicinity during deglaciation. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Natural Hazards - Archaeological sites are increasingly threatened by primary impacts of climate change, including sea-level rise, flooding, and erosion. These important sites represent cultural...  相似文献   
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