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In watersheds that have not sufficient meteorological and hydrometric data for simulating rainfall-runoff events, using geomorphologic and geomorphoclimatic characteristics of watershed is a conventional method for the simulation. A number of rainfall-runoff models utilize these characteristics such as Nash-IUH, Clark-IUH, Geomorphologic Instantaneous Unit Hydrograph(GIUH), Geomorphoclimatic Instantaneous Unit Hydrograph(GcIUH), GIUH-based Nash(GIUH-Nash) and GcIUH-based Clark(GcIUH-Clark). But all these models are not appropriate for mountainous watersheds. Therefore, the objective of this study is to select the best of them for the simulation. The procedure of this study is: a) selecting appropriate rainfall-runoff events for calibration and validation of six hybrid models, b) distinguishing the best model based on different performance criteria(Percentage Error in Volume(PEV); Percentage Error in Peak(PEP); Percentage Error in Time to Peak(PETP); Root Mean Square Error(RMSE) and Nash-Sutcliffe model efficiency coefficient(ENS)), c) Sensitivity analysis for determination of the most effective parameter at each model, d) Uncertainty determination of different parameters in each model and confirmation of the obtained results by application of the performance criteria. For application of this procedure, the Navrood watershed in the north of Iran as a mountainous watershed has been considered. The results showed that the ClarkIUH and GcIUH-Clark are suitable models for simulation of flood hydrographs, while other models cannot simulate flood hydrographs appropriately. The sensitivity analysis shows that the most sensitive parameters are the infiltration constant rate and time of concentration in the Clark-IUH model. Also, the most sensitive parameters include the infiltration constant rate and storage coefficient in the GcIUHClark model. The Clark-IUH and GcIUH-Clark models are more sensitive to their parameters. The Latin Hypercube Sampling(LHS) on Monte Carlo(MC) simulation method was used for evaluation of uncertainty of data in rainfall-runoff models. In this method 500 sets of data values are produced and then the peak discharge of flood hydrographs for each produced data set is simulated with rainfall-runoff models. The uncertainty of data changes the value of simulated peak discharge of flood hydrograph. The uncertainty analysis shows that the observed peak discharges of different rainfall-runoff events are within the range of values of simulated by the six hybrid rainfall-runoff models and IUH that inputs of these models were the produced data sets. The range of the produced peak discharge of flood hydrographs by the Clark-IUH and GcIUH-Clark models is wider than those of other models.  相似文献   
Natural Resources Research - Machine learning (ML) schemes can enhance success in geochemical prospectivity mapping. This study has examined the effectiveness of several feature extraction or...  相似文献   
With rapid developments in platforms and sensors technology in terms of digital cameras and video recordings, crowd monitoring has taken a considerable attentions in many disciplines such as psychology, sociology, engineering, and computer vision. This is due to the fact that, monitoring of the crowd is necessary to enhance safety and controllable movements to minimize the risk particularly in highly crowded incidents (e.g. sports). One of the platforms that have been extensively employed in crowd monitoring is unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), because UAVs have the capability to acquiring fast, low costs, high-resolution and real-time images over crowd areas. In addition, geo-referenced images can also be provided through integration of on-board positioning sensors (e.g. GPS/IMU) with vision sensors (digital cameras and laser scanner). In this paper, a new testing procedure based on feature from accelerated segment test (FAST) algorithms is introduced to detect the crowd features from UAV images taken from different camera orientations and positions. The proposed test started with converting a circle of 16 pixels surrounding the center pixel into a vector and sorting it in ascending/descending order. A single pixel which takes the ranking number 9 (for FAST-9) or 12 (for FAST-12) was then compared with the center pixel. Accuracy assessment in terms of completeness and correctness was used to assess the performance of the new testing procedure before and after filtering the crowd features. The results show that the proposed algorithms are able to extract crowd features from different UAV images. Overall, the values of Completeness range from 55 to 70 % whereas the range of correctness values was 91 to 94 %.  相似文献   
We use the Fisher matrix formalism to predict the prospects of measuring the redshifted 21-cm power spectrum in different k-bins using observations with the upcoming Ooty Wide Field Array (OWFA) which will operate at 326.5 MHz. This corresponds to neutral hydrogen (HI) at z = 3.35, and a measurement of the 21-cm power spectrum provides a unique method to probe the large-scale structures at this redshift. Our analysis indicates that a 5σ detection of the binned power spectrum is possible in the k range 0.05 ≤ k ≤ 0.3 Mpc?1 with 1000 hours of observation. We find that the signal- to-noise ratio (SNR) peaks in the k range 0.1?0.2 Mpc?1 where a 10σ detection is possible with 2000 hours of observations. Our analysis also indicates that it is not very advantageous to observe beyond 1000 h in a single field-of-view as the SNR increases rather slowly beyond this in many of the small k-bins. The entire analysis reported here assumes that the foregrounds have been completely removed.  相似文献   
By inspection of photographs of the Hubble Atlas of Galaxies the frequency distribution of the sizes of dark cloud complexes in the four nearby galaxies NGC 3031, 5128, 5194 and 5457 is derived and the total amount of dust in these systems is estimated. The frequency distribution of the clouds is nearly the same in all the considered galaxies and may be approximated by n(R) ∼ ekR, k ≈︂ 0.050 pc−1. The total amount of dust yields to roughly 106M⊙.  相似文献   
Six microfacies are defined on quantitative petrographic data in a carbonate/clastic sequence from the subsurface, oil producing Mauddud Formation of early Middle Cretaceous age. These are, in descending order of importance and abundance: (1) biomicritic wackestone-packstone, (2) argillaceous mudstone, (3) micritic mudstone, (4) glauconitic sandstone, (5)Orhitolina pelsparitic grainstone, and (6) argillaceous dolomite.Sedimentation took place during a marine transgression onto a very shallow, intertidal, restricted marine shelf lagoons. Facies variations appear to be related to depth and energy changes and proximity to areas of clastic deposition. These changes may have been controlled by slight tectonic events in the hinterland and changes in the rate of basin subsidence.
Zusammenfassung Auf der Grundlage quantitativer petrographischer Daten werden sechs Mikrofazies in einer karbonat/klastischen Folge aus der unter der ErdoberflÄche liegenden, ölliefernden Mauddud-Formation der frühen Mittelkreide definiert. In absteigender Reihenfolge der Bedeutung und HÄufigkeit sind dieses: (1) biomikritischer wackestone-packstone, (2) toniger Schlickstein, (3) unkritischer Schlickstein, (4) glaukonitischer Sandstein, (5) Orbitolina-führender pelsparitischer Grainstone und (6) toniger Dolomit.Die Sedimentation erfolgte wÄhrend einer marinen Transgression auf sehr flache, intertidale Lagunen eines begrenzten marinen Schelfs. Die Fazies-Variationen scheinen mit den Wechseln in Wassertiefe und Energie sowie der mit NÄhe von Gebieten mit klastischer Sedimentation zusammenzuhÄngen.Diese Wechsel könnten durch kleinere tektonische Ereignisse im Hinterland und durch VerÄnderungen der Absenkungsrate des Beckens ausgelöst worden sein.

Résumé Des données pétrographiques quantitatives permettent de définir six microfacies dans une série clasto-carbonatée d'âge crétacé inférieur du sous-sol de la région pé trolifère de Mauddud. Ce sont par ordre décroissant d'importance et d'abondance: (1) des wacstones-pacstone biomicritiques; (2) des argilites; (3) des argilites micritiques; (4) des grès glauconitiques; (5) des grainstone pelsparitiques à orbitolines; (6) des dolomies argileuses.La sédimentation se produisit au cours d'une transgression marine dans des lagunes très plates, intercotidales, d'une plate-forme continentale de faible étendue. Les variations de facies semblent Être dues à des changements de profondeur et d'énergie, ainsi qu'à la proximité de régions à sédimentation clastique.Ces changements pourraient résulter de légers mouvements tectoniques dans l'arrière-pays et de variations dans le degré de subsidence du bassin de sédimentation.

- Mauddud, ( ). : 1) ; 2) ; 3) ; 4) ; 5) , 6) . , . , , , . , .
The Airekan and Cheshmeh Shotori areas are located about 60 km northeast of Khour, in Isfahan province from Central Iran. Research on characteristics and rare earth elements (REE) pattern in hydrogeochemical environments of these areas suggests the same origin for the elements dissolved in groundwater in these areas. Investigation of migration pattern of REE in hydrogeochemical environments shows that the migration and transportation of REE has occurred through chloride complexes. REEs, leached by water/rock interaction from the Airekan granite, are transported by groundwater and then precipitated in the Cheshmeh Shotori area. Study of the Cheshmeh Shotori sediments shows the presence of a sequence of red oxidized and dark layers. Geochemical characteristics of these sediments reveal that their REE characteristics are mainly inherited from the Airekan granite. Changes in the REE pattern of these sediments with depth show that changes in oxidation and reduction process have not played a significant role in controlling their behavior. It is crucial to note that adsorption of REEs dissolved in water by hydrosilicate increases these elements in depth. The REE behavior shows water/rock interaction between the granitic rocks and groundwater as the main factor of solution, migration and precipitation of REEs in the Cheshmeh Shotori area.  相似文献   
The absence of environmentally sensitive soil management systems can be considered as one of the major risks to sustainability of agricultural soils in Iran. Tillage is the most critical operation in soil management designed to achieve high crop yield, but it can adversely affect the soil fauna in several ways. In the present study, assessment of soil fauna was carried out in Western Iran in 2008 and 2009 in soil subjected to conventional (CT), minimum (MT) and no (NT)-tillage systems and amended with three levels of cattle manure (CM). Earthworm, mite, springtail and nematode populations were measured as indicators of macro, meso and micro fauna groups, respectively. Soil moisture and bulk density were also determined. Generally, low populations of soil fauna were observed consistent with expectations under similar conditions for this region. Earthworm populations were low and had a patchy distribution. Tillage and CM were found to have no effects on soil mites in both years. Soil springtails were reduced by soil tillage, indicating their sensivity to soil disturbance induced by tillage. In 2008, the nematode population was greater with application of 40 ton ha?1 CM applications (113 N.100 g soil?1). Soil tillage-induced disturbance reduced nematode population in 2009 (214 N.100 g soil?1 at CT). Minimum seedbed preparation besides less soil disturbance makes MT a proper tillage system for Zea mays cultivation. Cattle manure application increased Z. mays’ biomass, but according to our results its annual application is not recommended. There were no changes in BD in both years. We conclude that in short-term studies, soil nematode populations are suitable biological indices (under similar soil and climatic conditions) for the ecological comparison of agricultural management systems in Iran.  相似文献   
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