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Interferometry in the optical and near infrared has so far played a marginal role in Extragalactic Astronomy. Active Galactic Nuclei are the brightest and most compact extragalactic sources, nonetheless only a very limited number could be studied with speckle interferometry and none with long baseline interferometry. The VLTI will allow the study of moderately faint extragalactic objects with very high spatial resolution thus opening a new window on the universe. With this paper we focus on three scientific cases to show how AMBER and MIDI can be used to tackle open issues in extragalactic astronomy. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
As a result of resonance overlap, planetary systems can exhibit chaotic motion. Planetary chaos has been studied extensively in the Hamiltonian framework, however, the presence of chaotic motion in systems where dissipative effects are important, has not been thoroughly investigated. Here, we study the onset of stochastic motion in presence of dissipation, in the context of classical perturbation theory, and show that planetary systems approach chaos via a period-doubling route as dissipation is gradually reduced. Furthermore, we demonstrate that chaotic strange attractors can exist in mildly damped systems. The results presented here are of interest for understanding the early dynamical evolution of chaotic planetary systems, as they may have transitioned to chaos from a quasi-periodic state, dominated by dissipative interactions with the birth nebula.  相似文献   
MAGIA is a mission approved by the Italian Space Agency (ASI) for Phase A study. Using a single large-diameter laser retroreflector, a large laser retroreflector array and an atomic clock onboard MAGIA we propose to perform several fundamental physics and absolute positioning metrology experiments: VESPUCCI, an improved test of the gravitational redshift in the Earth?CMoon system predicted by General Relativity; MoonLIGHT-P, a precursor test of a second generation Lunar Laser Ranging (LLR) payload for precision gravity and lunar science measurements under development for NASA, ASI and robotic missions of the proposed International Lunar Network (ILN); Selenocenter (the center of mass of the Moon), the determination of the position of the Moon center of mass with respect to the International Terrestrial Reference Frame/System (ITRF/ITRS); this will be compared to the one from Apollo and Lunokhod retroreflectors on the surface; MapRef, the absolute referencing of MAGIA??s lunar altimetry, gravity and geochemical maps with respect to the ITRF/ITRS. The absolute positioning of MAGIA will be achieved thanks to: (1) the laboratory characterization of the retroreflector performance at INFN-LNF; (2) the precision tracking by the International Laser Ranging Service (ILRS), which gives two fundamental contributions to the ITRF/ITRS, i.e. the metrological definition of the geocenter (the Earth center of mass) and of the scale of length; (3) the radio science and accelerometer payloads; (4) support by the ASI Space Geodesy Center in Matera, Italy. Future ILN geodetic nodes equipped with MoonLIGHT and the Apollo/Lunokhod retroreflectors will become the first realization of the International Moon Reference Frame (IMRF), the lunar analog of the ITRF.  相似文献   
A survey is made of the present constraints on cosmological parameters from Cosmic Microwave Background Anisotropies. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Hg, Mn, Ni, Pb, Ti and Zn concentrations have been determined in surface sediment samples collected in the Taranto Gulf (Ionian Sea, Southern Italy) in order to evaluate their levels and spatial distribution in this important area of the Mediterranean Sea. For various metals, the geoaccumulation index has been calculated as a criterion to assess if their concentrations represent contamination levels or can be considered as background levels. The results show that metals concentrations in sediments can be considered near the background levels found in the Mediterranean Sea.Analytical results have been elaborated by using a Geographical Information System (GIS) software to show metals accumulation areas. Using multivariate statistical analysis, we evaluate the possibility to distinguish the sampling stations, in relation to their geographical position. Results have showed metals distribution in the Taranto Gulf is principally influenced by industrial and urban wastes, located mostly in the northern coastal area of the Ionian Sea. Rivers in the Basilicata region and prevailing anticlockwise marine currents are further factors influencing metal accumulation in sediments.  相似文献   
We revisit some results of perturbation theories by a method of successive elimination of harmonics inspired by some ideas of Delaunay. On the one hand, we give a connection between the KAM theorem and the Nekhoroshev theorem. On the other hand, we support in a quantitative fashion a semi-numerical method of analysis of a perturbed system recently introduced by one of the authors.  相似文献   
By examining the absolute magnitude (H) distributions (hereafter HD) of the cold and hot populations in the Kuiper belt and of the Trojans of Jupiter, we find evidence that the Trojans have been captured from the outer part of the primordial trans-neptunian planetesimal disk. We develop a sketch model of the HDs in the inner and outer parts of the disk that is consistent with the observed distributions and with the dynamical evolution scenario known as the ‘Nice model’. This leads us to predict that the HD of the hot population should have the same slope of the HD of the cold population for 6.5<H<9, both as steep as the slope of the Trojans' HD. Current data partially support this prediction, but future observations are needed to clarify this issue. Because the HD of the Trojans rolls over at H∼9 to a collisional equilibrium slope that should have been acquired when the Trojans were still embedded in the primordial trans-neptunian disk, our model implies that the same roll-over should characterize the HDs of the Kuiper belt populations, in agreement with the results of Bernstein et al. [Bernstein, G.M., and 5 colleagues, 2004. Astron. J. 128, 1364-1390] and Fuentes and Holman [Fuentes, C.I., Holman, M.J., 2008. Astron. J. 136, 83-97]. Finally, we show that the constraint on the total mass of the primordial trans-neptunian disk imposed by the Nice model implies that it is unlikely that the cold population formed beyond 35 AU.  相似文献   
The role of the major biogeochemical processes in Hg cycling at the sediment–water interface was investigated in the Grado Lagoon (Northern Adriatic Sea). This wetland system has been extensively contaminated from the Idrija Hg Mine (Slovenia) through the Isonzo River suspended load carried by tidal fluxes. Three approaches were used to study the sediment–water exchange of total Hg (THg), methylmercury (MeHg), reactive Hg (RHg) and dissolved gaseous Hg (DGHg): (1) estimation of diffusive fluxes from porewater and overlying water concentrations, (2) measurements of benthic fluxes using a deployed light benthic chamber in situ and (3) measurements of benthic fluxes during oxic–anoxic transition with a laboratory incubation experiment. The THg solid phase, ranging between 9.5 and 14.4 μg g−1, showed slight variability with depth and time. Conversely, MeHg contents were highest (up to 21.9 ng g−1) at the surface; they tended to decrease to nearly zero concentration with depth, thus suggesting that MeHg production and accumulation occur predominantly just below the sediment–water interface. Porewater MeHg concentrations (0.9–7.9 ng L−1, 0.15–15% of THg) varied seasonally; higher contents were observed in the warmer period. The MeHg diffusive fluxes (up to 17 ng m−2 day−1) were similar to those in the nearby Gulf of Trieste [Covelli, S., Horvat, M., Faganeli, J., Brambati, A., 1999. Porewater distribution and benthic flux of mercury and methylmercury in the Gulf of Trieste (Northern Adriatic Sea). Estuar. Coast. Shelf Sci. 48, 415–428], although the lagoon sediments contained four-fold higher THg concentrations. Conversely, the THg diffusive fluxes in the lagoon (up to 110 ng m−2 day−1) were one- to two-fold higher than those previously estimated for the Gulf of Trieste. The diurnal MeHg benthic fluxes were highest in summer at both sites (41,000 and 33,000 ng m−2 day−1 at the fishfarm and in the open lagoon, respectively), thus indicating the influence of temperature on microbial processes. The diurnal variations of dissolved THg and especially MeHg were positively correlated with O2 and inversely with DIC, suggesting an important influence of benthic photosynthetic activities on lagoon benthic Hg cycling, possibly through the production of organic matter promptly available for methylation. The results from the dark chamber incubated in the laboratory showed that the regeneration of dissolved THg was slightly affected by the oxic–anoxic transition. Conversely, the benthic flux of MeHg was up to 15-fold higher in sediments overlain by O2 depleted waters. In the anoxic phase, the MeHg fluxes proceeded in parallel with Fe fluxes and the methylated form reached approximately 100% of dissolved THg. The MeHg is mostly released into overlying water (mean recycling efficiency of 89%) until the occurrence of sulphide inhibition, due to scavenging of the available Hg substrate for methylation. The results suggest that sediments in the Grado Lagoon, especially during anoxic events, should be considered as a primary source of MeHg for the water column.  相似文献   
Three groups of thermal springs with temperatures close to 70 °C discharge both in the core (at Bagni di Vinadio and Terme di Valdieri) and on the external margin (at Berthemont-Les-Bains) of the Argentera Massif. Detailed structural field analysis carried out on the hydrothermal sites allows us to delineate both a model of Alpine tectonic evolution of the Argentera Massif and the patterns of hydrothermal circulation that were active during its final exhumation. The observed fault rock assemblages provide information relative to deformation that occurred in viscous, frictional-to-viscous and frictional crustal regimes. During the Early Miocene, the Bersezio Fault Zone and the Fremamorta Shear Zone, two main mylonitic shear zones, mainly accommodated regional transpression and provided pathways for fluid flow promoting mineral reactions in greenschist facies. During the Late Miocene–Early Pliocene, frictional-to-viscous deformation affected the massif, which underwent predominant transpression in the internal sectors and extension on the external margin. During the Plio-Pleistocene, deformation in frictional condition accompanied the final exhumation of the massif in a transpressive regime and resulted in the development of the NW–SE striking cataclastic zones. The hydraulic properties of these structures mainly influence the patterns of the active thermal circulations and the localization of the recharge and discharge zones. At Berthemont these faults represent conduits, whereas at Vinadio and Valdieri they form complex systems of conduits and barriers. In these two latter sites, the cataclastic faults compose flower structures that constrain laterally the thermal fluid flows while intensely fractured granites sited at depth constitute a highly-transmissive geothermal reservoir. Less permeable migmatitic gneisses overlaying the granites prevent a massive infiltration of the cold fluids at depth. This context favours within the high-permeability fractures granites the development of buoyancy-driven flows which combined with topographically-driven flows, provided the conditions for the upflow of the high-temperature waters.  相似文献   
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