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A sediment core(ABP24/05),collected at a water depth of 3520 m from the southeastern Bay of Bengal was studied to determine the change in chemical weathering during the last glacial to deglacial periods and the factors of sedimentary environment which controlled earliest diagenetic changes in the sediment after its deposition.High ratios of K/Rb,Ti/Al and Zr/Rb during~45 to~18 cal kyr B.P.in the core sediments may be attributed to the stronger physical erosion and turbidity currents activity during this period.This might have brought a higher quantity of unaltered minerals to the study area.Low ratios of K/Rb,Zr/Rb,and Ti/Al and increase of SiO2/TiO2,Rb/Al and Cs/Al from~18 cal kyr B.P.to present may be indicating an increase in the rate of chemical weathering during this period.The time of increased chemical weathering in the study area is consistent with deglaciation warming in the tropical Indian Ocean and strengthening of river runoff into the Andaman Sea.Climate change during the interglacial period by increased solar insolation thereby strengthened the summer monsoon which might have led to intensified chemical weathering in the source region since~18 cal kyr B.P.The low organic carbon(OC),high Mn/Al,Fe/Al and the Mn-oxides minerals precipitation indicate prevailing of oxic conditions during~11 cal kyr B.P.in the core sediments,which is contradictory to suboxic conditions developed in the deep ocean sediments in the western Bay of Bengal and the equatorial Indian Ocean.The low terrigenous influx and export of less OC to the bottom sediments might have created a favorable condition for the formation of Mn-oxides in the study area during Holocene.  相似文献   
断层相互作用对中国川滇地区地震危险评估的意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
研究了1904年以来发生在中国四川、云南地区的强烈地震所伴生的库仑应力变化. 研究区涉及了中国大陆最活动的地震带. 由于欧亚板块与印度板块沿喜马拉雅会聚带的碰撞, 菱形区域的构造运动受到西藏高原向东扩展的影响,在东——西方向上受到主要板内走滑断裂运动的调节. 在研究区,断层顺时针逐步旋转,转动角达90deg;, 造成了应力场的复杂性. 计算了由强地震(MSge;6.5) 的同震滑动和连续构造加载在主要断裂上产生的库仑破裂函数变化(Delta;CFF). 在应力评估模型的每一步, 对是否能触发下一次地震的可能性都进行了判断. 最后,模型给出了下一次地震中断层易于破裂的证据,对未来危险性进行了评估.   相似文献   
A Tertiary non-marine stratigraphic sequence composed of carbonates(limestone),siliceous carbonates,coaly layers overlain by pyroclastic rocks and lavas,outcrops in the Gavatha area of northwestern Lesvos Island.Pure earbonates eonsist almost completely of calcite,the siliceous carbonate sediments of quartz,opal-CT and calcite,the shales of quartz,opal CT, K-feldspar,smecite-illite and ealcite,and the coaly layers of organic matter,quartz,opal-CT,feldspars and pyrite,Geochemical data indicate that smectite-illite,feldspars and associated elements(La,Zr,Y,Ba,Ce)are the products of alteration of volcanic rocks in a subtropical area A combination of sources in suggested for the formation of silica polymorphs:(a) biogenic or non-biogenic silica(opal-A) that was originally present in the form of diatiom frustules of in the form of inorganically prccipitated silica;(b)transformation o opall-A to opal-CT and quartz opal-C from alteration of volcanic glass of intercalated tuffites and overlying volcanics;and(c)opal-CT deposited primarily from hydrothermal solutions.  相似文献   
密坑山锡矿田位于江西省会昌县西南约40km处。该区为一晚中生代破火山,火山岩为上侏罗统鸡笼嶂组流纹质凝灰熔岩及火山碎屑岩,火山口周围环状及放射状断裂发育,火山口中心为浅成相的密坑山似斑状钾长花岗岩中央岩株侵入体所充填。上世纪80年代以来,在该岩体与流纹质凝灰熔岩的内外接触带相继发现了岩背、淘锡坝、苦竹岽、矿背、上湾等一批大、中型锡多金属矿床或矿点,表明这一岩体对成矿具有重要的制约作用。本文运用LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb、全岩Rb-Sr和辉钼矿Re-Os同位素定年技术,对密坑山岩体及相关锡矿床的成岩和成矿年龄进行了精确测…  相似文献   
在卡纳塔克约为35亿年的霍莱纳拉西普尔绿岩带的变质橄榄科马提岩、蛇纹岩和角闪岩中,发现了呈岩席和透镜体产出的极细粒的变质斜长岩—斜长岩质变质玄武岩。岩石的稀土元素图谱表现出其轻稀土元素较重稀土元素稍有富集,与球粒陨石相比,La的变化在12—7倍之间,而重稀上元素在3—4倍之间变化。(Ce/Yd)N平均比值是2.1。岩石的Eu含量是可变的。Eu/Eu~*比值范围是1.2—9.0,相对于标准角闪石呈现强的负相关。在这些方面,这些上地壳的斜长岩质岩石与格陵兰西部和挪威西北部地区的那些主要化学元素近似的高级变质区斜长岩相比较,有很大的不同,但与月球高地玄武岩相比却表现山有明显的一致性。这种一致性是通过其结构关系和其它诸如地球化学的相似性等方面来证实的.斜长玄武岩相对不分异的性质表明它可以代表斜长玄武岩熔体,并在熔体中出现了少量斜长石的堆积。根据稀土元素资料,这种熔体的成因有两种可能性:(a)由于含水的地幔橄榄岩的部分熔化程度很小所致;(b)由于有大量的橄榄石和斜方辉石从橄榄科马提岩岩浆中分异出来的结果。  相似文献   
岩石的分类问题,早在岩石成为地质科学中一门独立的学术领域时就引起人们的重视。1897年于彼得堡(今列宁格勒)举行的第七届国际地质会议,对岩石的分类和命名问题曾列入大会议程进行讨论。当时成立了岩石命名国际委员会。1899年,即第八届国际地质会议(1900,巴黎)的前一年,该委员会举行予备会议,会上俄国和法国的一些学者提出了岩石的分类和草案。大会岩石学小组讨论了他们的方案,并且认为在岩石分类中,占首要地位的  相似文献   
正Several generations of mafic dyke swarms of different ages and geochemical characteristics cut Precambrian rocks of the southern part of the Siberian craton(Irkutsk Promontory).Each generation of dykes is related to a  相似文献   
Potential of the Random Forest Model on mapping of different desertification processes was studied in Muttuma watershed of mid-Murrumbidgee river region of New South Wales, Australia. Desertification vulnerability index was developed using climate, terrain, vegetation, soil and land quality indices to identify environmentally sensitive areas for desertification. Random Forest Model(RFM) was used to predict the different desertification processes such as soil erosion, salinization and waterloggin...  相似文献   
A coupled model of RAMS3b(Regional Atmospheric Modeling System,Version 3b)andLSPM(a land surface process model),in which some basic hydrological processes such asprecipitation,evapotranspiration.surface runoff,infiltration and bottom drainage are included,has been established.With the coupled model,we have simulated the response of soil to the severeweather process which caused the disastrous flood in north italy during 4-7.November,1994,simultaneously compared with the observation and the original RAMS3b,which has a soil andvegetation parameterization scheme(hereafter,SVP)emphasizing on the surface energy fluxes,while some hydrological processes in the soil are not described clearly.The results show that the differences between coupling LSPM and SVP exist mainly in theresponse of soil to the precipitation.The soil in the SVP never saturates under the strong input ofprecipitation,while the newly coupled model seems better,the soil has been saturated for one dayor more and causes strong surface runoff,which constitutes the flood.Further sensitivityexperiments show that the surface hydrological processes are very sensitive to the initial soilmoisture and soil type when we compared the results with a relatively dry case and sandy soil.The coupled model has potentiality for simulation on the interaction between regional climateand land surface hydrological processes,and the regional water resources research concerningdesertification,drought and flood.  相似文献   
1.引言人们一般认为,云是大气的被动要素,它们的出现说明由于受到大气系统中更为基础的要素的作用,而达到饱和.之所以有这样的看法,是因为通常的经验告诉我们,实测的云场常常指明这种作用的性质.例如:积雨云的出现说明了一种潜在不稳定的大气状  相似文献   
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