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We compare the peculiar velocities measured in the surface brightness fluctuation survey of galaxy distances with the predictions from the density fields of the IRAS 1.2 Jy flux-limited redshift survey and the optical redshift survey (ORS) to derive simultaneous constraints on the Hubble constant H0 and the density parameter beta=Omega0.6&solm0;b, where b is the linear bias. We find that betaI=0.42+0.10-0.06 and betaO=0.26+/-0.08 for the IRAS and ORS comparisons, respectively, and that H0=74+/-4 km s-1 Mpc (with an additional 9% uncertainty due to the Cepheids themselves). The match between predicted and observed peculiar velocities is good for these values of H0 and beta, and although there is covariance between the two parameters, our results clearly point toward low-density cosmologies. Thus, the unresolved discrepancy between the "velocity-velocity" and "density-density" measurements of beta continues.  相似文献   
在电子计算机上按常规的方法计算储量,比手工操作的效率要高得多.除此以外,由于采用了电子计算机,还形成了一种新的"矿量动态平衡法(mineralization inventory)",这是手工操作所难于做到的.如果使用得当,"矿量动态平衡法"不但能准确地完成常规方法的全部工作,而且还可以同时算出矿山生产成本和作出全面的资源评价.我们知道,适当的矿石工业品位指标只有在估算了生产成本之后才能选定,  相似文献   
A 3-D chemical transport model (OSLO CTM2) is used to investigate the influences of the increasing anthropogenic emission in India. The model is capable of reproducing the observational results of the INDOEX experiment and the measurements in summer over India well. The model results show that when NOx and CO emissions in India are doubled, ozone concentration increases, and global average OH decreases a little. Under the effects of the Indian summer monsoon, NOx and CO in India are efficiently transported into the middle and upper troposphere by the upward current and the convective activities so that the NOx, CO, and ozone in the middle and upper troposphere significantly increase with the increasing NOx and CO emissions. These increases extensively influence a part of Asia, Africa, and Europe, and persist from June to September.  相似文献   
A field tracer test performed under natural flow conditions at the Twin Lake test site, Chalk River Laboratories of the Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd. in Chalk River, Ontario, Canada, using tritium and three herbicides (Chlortoluron, Terbuthylazine, and Pendimethalin) was interpreted using the dispersion equation with a combined reaction model. The reaction model couples an instantaneous equilibrium reaction governed by a linear adsorption isotherm with a reversible or irreversible kinetic reaction of the first order, and decay. An improved interpretation method consists of a simultaneous fitting of theoretical concentration and mass-recovery curves to the experimental data, which leads to a more reliable determining of reaction models and improves the accuracy of fitting. Tritium served as the reference tracer to determine the flow velocity, dispersivity, and the recovery of the herbicides. Chlortoluron was slightly delayed by equilibrium exchange with strongly reduced concentration due to an irreversible kinetic reaction and/or decay. Terbuthilazine was slightly delayed by equilibrium exchange, with strongly reduced concentration due to a reversible kinetic reaction with some influence of decay. A strong equilibrium reaction and a strong reversible kinetic reaction without degradation governed the transport of Pendimethalin, reducing considerably its concentration. The results obtained show that simulations based only on Kd and decay constant, especially if these parameters are found in the laboratory, may considerably differ from those performed with reaction parameters determined in properly performed field tests. The dominant reaction types, and the values of parameters found in the study, supply useful information on the transport of the investigated herbicides in sandy aquifers under natural flow conditions.  相似文献   
Mercury in sediments of Ulhas estuary   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Hg levels in water, suspended particulate matter and sediment of the Ulhas estuary are under considerable environmental stress due to the indiscriminate release of effluents from a variety of industries including chlor-alkali plants. Concentration ranges of dissolved (0.04-0.61 micro gl(-1)) and particulate (1.13-6.43 micro gg(-1)) Hg reveal a definite enhancement of levels in the estuary. The Hg burden in sediment upstream of the weir that limits the tidal influence is low (0.08-0.19 micro gg(-1)) with low C(org) content (1.8-2.9%). The high Hg content of the sediment just below the weir varies seasonally (highest concentration recorded being 38.45 micro gg(-1)) due to incremental accretion of sediment as the fresh water flow over the weir progressively decreases. The 30 km segment of the estuary sustains markedly high levels of Hg in the sediment with an exponential decrease in the seaward direction from the weir. Higher concentrations than the expected background prevail in all the estuarine cores up to the bottom, though the overall concentration decreases from about 20 micro gg(-1) in core 7 (inner estuary) to 1 micro gg(-1) in core 31 (outer estuary). The Hg in sediment is associated with C(org), while its correlation with Al, Fe and Mn is poor. The Hg profiles in cores from the Arabian Sea (stations 34, 35 and 37) have a distinct horizon of enhanced concentration in the 5-60 cm segment. Based on 210Pb dating of core 37, the sediment at the bottom of this core is inferred to have been deposited in the year 1949, roughly two year prior to the establishment of the first chlor-alkali plant and represents the background (0.06-0.10 micro gg(-1)). The Hg profiles in the offshore cores indicate a marked increase in transfer of Hg to sediment subsequent to 1980, with a peak around 1990-1992. Based on the index of geoaccumulation it is considered that the estuarine segment between stations 4 and 23 is extremely polluted, while the sediment from the open coast is moderately polluted in the top 25-30 cm with respect to Hg. The enrichment factor of Hg in the sediment is 350-700 for core 4 and decreases to 0-7 for the open-shore cores.  相似文献   
Mussels, Mytilus trossulus (average shell length 43+/-0.8 mm), were sampled from a beach in Alaska that received untreated sewage for several years, a second beach adjacent to a secondary wastewater outfall, and two nearby reference beaches. Survival time in air, byssal thread production rate, and prevalence of trematode parasites were determined for each group. Tolerances to aerial exposure was significantly lower (P<0.05) at both sewage outfall sites than at the reference sites. Mussels exposed to untreated sewage produced fewer byssal threads and had a significantly higher prevalence of encysted trematodes than mussels from the other beaches, including the secondary wastewater site. Survival in air, byssal thread production, and trematode prevalence in mussels may be useful indicators in evaluating the longterm health of beaches exposed to sewage.  相似文献   
1IntroductionThecomponentsoftheenvironmentaredamagedbyagriculturalpractices.Soilslosstheirfer tilityandwaterdeterioratesduetopollution .Chemicalweatheringofmineralandsoiloccursattheinterfacesbetweentheliquidandsolidphases;consequentlythesurfaceareaandcompositionofthemineralsplayanimportantroleinthisprocess.GarrelsandMackenzie ( 1 96 7)suggestedthatincon gruentweatheringreactionswouldproducedissolvedspeciesandnewsolidsthataremorestableintheweatheringenvironmentthantheoriginalbedrockminerals.Ro…  相似文献   
The importance of heavy metal bioavailability on the bioconcentration in aquatic biota is examined. To this purpose, mono- and multivariate statistical techniques are applied to develop correlations between heavy metal bioconcentration factor and sediment characteristics, that are expected to affect bioavailability, using a database of heavy metal concentrations in biota and sediment along with the available physicochemical characteristics. The statistical analysis shows that satisfactory correlations are obtained only when factors that affect bioavailability, such as metal oxides concentration and organic carbon content in the sediment, are taken into account.  相似文献   
To assess the risk of antifoulant use to the commercially important cod (Gadus morhua L.), fertilised cod eggs were exposed to triazine, copper and TBTO singly or combined in laboratory tests with running seawater. At the highest tested concentrations (11.5 microg Cu l(-1); 5 microg TBTO l(-1)) larval mortality was increased. The highest concentration of triazine (40 microg l(-1)) did not cause any significant mortality. Fertilised eggs that had been exposed to all the three chemicals singly for five days showed a higher buoyancy than the controls. No synergistic or antagonistic effects were indicated. Embryos/larvae exposed to 0.004-0.8 microg TBTO l(-1) did not show any changed respiration compared to the controls after hatching. It is concluded that existing known field concentrations of the three antifoulants are hardly expected to cause detectable effects on fish embryonic/larval development.  相似文献   
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