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利用瞬变电磁(TEM)和地面电磁(GEM)方法,本文研究了埃及Hawara遗址区的地下水对遗址的影响.这个遗址包括Hawara金字塔、北区墓地、以及被称作“迷宫”的南区墓葬场所.现今Hawara遗址已经完全荒废,被耕作区和Bahr Wahba运河包围.地表水和地下水会破坏Hawara金字塔和“迷宫”遗址的地基,现在金字塔入口已被淹没至地面下约6 m深处.本文在耕作区、金字塔以及“迷宫”等三个地区进行了TEM勘察;在“迷宫”地区进行了GEM勘察.综合分析以上两种勘察数据,我们发现,农业灌溉是浸入到地下的水的主要来源;本地区地下水位随着观测点及海拔的不同,在地面以下2~7 m之间变化.  相似文献   
We have examined the fluid inclusion data and fluid chemistry of Australian orogenic and intrusion-related gold deposits to determine if similar mineralization processes apply to both styles of deposits.The fluid inclusion data from the Yilgarn craton,the western subprovince of the Lachlan orogen,the Tanami,Tennant Creek and Pine Creek regions,and the Telfer gold mine show that mineralization involved fluids with broadly similar major chemical components(i.e.H_2O NaCl CO_2±CH_4±N_2).These deposits formed over a wide range of temperature-pressure conditions(<200 to>500℃,<100~400MPa).Low salinity, CO_2-bearing inclusions and low salinity aqueous inclusions occur in both systems but the main difference between these two types of deposits is that most intrusion-related gold deposits also contain at least one population of high-salinity aqueous brine.Oxygen and hydrogen isotope data for both styles of deposit usually cannot distinguish between a magmatic or metamorphic source for the ore-bearing fluids.However,sulfur and lead isotope data for the intrusion-related gold deposits generally indicate either a magmatic source or mixing between magmatic and sedimentary sources of fluid.The metamorphic geothermal gradients associated with intrusion-related gold deposits are characterized by low pressure,high temperature metamorphism and high crustal geothermal gradients of>30/km.Where amphibole breakdown occurs in a granite source region,the spatially related deposits are more commonly associated with Cu-Au deposits rather than Au-only deposits that are associated with lower temperature granites.The dominant processes thought to cause gold precipitation in both types of deposits are fluid-rock interaction(e.g.desulfidation)or phase separation.Consideration of the physical and chemical properties of the H_2O-NaCl-CO_2 system on the nature of gold precipitation mechanisms at different crustal levels infers different roles of chemical(fluid-rock interaction)versus rheological(phase separation and/or fluid mixing)host-rock controls on gold deposition.This also implies that at the site of deposition,similar precipitation mechanisms operate at similar crustal levels for both orogenic and intrusion-related gold deposits.  相似文献   
本文分析了2001年2月和3月期间Cluster Ⅱ穿越磁层顶前后的观测资料,检测到13个通量传输事件(FTEs).用多颗卫星磁场测量资料的最小方差分析(MVAB)方法确定FTE的管轴方向(其中6个方向较可靠).FTE管轴方向的分布和低纬处不同,在磁顶法线坐标系LMN中对M轴有较大偏离,比较靠近L轴.deHoffmann-Teller(HT)分析指出,13个FTEs都存在一个很好的HT参考系,表明它们以一个准稳的MHD结构运动.对垂直于管轴方向的运动分析表明FTEs并不一定和背景等离子体一起对流,它们可快于或慢于背景流,但FTEs的运动和背景流基本沿相同方向,其间可有一不大的夹角.在HT坐标系中,10个FTEs的等离子体速度接近零, 其他3个FTEs的等离子体速度约为局地Alfven波速的14%,都不符合Walen关系.其中北半球事件的Walen曲线为正斜率,南半球事件为负斜率,这说明等离子体沿磁力线(北半球顺着磁场,南半球逆着磁场)流向磁层.  相似文献   
We demonstrate that there is significant skill in the GloSea5 operational seasonal forecasting system for predicting June mean rainfall in the middle/lower Yangtze River basin up to four months in advance. Much of the rainfall in this region during June is contributed by the mei-yu rain band. We find that similar skill exists for predicting the East Asian summer monsoon index(EASMI) on monthly time scales, and that the latter could be used as a proxy to predict the regional rainfall. However, th...  相似文献   
A.Azzarli 《第四纪研究》1992,12(2):187-189
哺乳动物是十分有用的地层对比工具。一些欧洲国家提出了高分辨率的地层划分表。尽管对这些划分的大轮廓没有什么不同意见,但对这些地层表进行细致的比较便不难发现相互间不容忽视的差别。这里作者并不打算讨论欧洲哺乳动物地层学的所有问题,而只是集中讨论感兴趣的几个主要问题,以期能引起一些建设性的讨论,增进对更新世事件  相似文献   
欧亚黄土中古地磁极性界线的地层学解释   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
本文以欧亚黄土中记录的布容一松山极性倒转界线为例,简要回顾近年来对黄土中 古地磁极性界线地层学解释的讨论。研究表明,由于在记录古地磁极性转换时存在不同程度 的“错位”,黄土中所测的极性界线的年代地层意义存在很大的不确定性。就中国黄土而言,第 8层黄土(L8)中下部或第8层古土壤(S8)顶部测得的布容-松山界线系“错位”的产物,该层位 的年龄应老于 0.79MaB.P.对黄土中测得的Cobb Mountain极性事件界线进行地层学解释, 推论蓝田猿人化石层位的年龄1.2MaB.P.  相似文献   
正 为了完成工苏联共产党第廿一次代表大会给地质部门提出的任务,必须进行地质和水文地质测量,以便为有成效地进行各种矿物原料(其中包括象地下水这样的重要的矿产)的普查与勘探工作,提供必要的科学依据。但是苏联的领土在水文地质方面研究得不平衡和不充分,比地质方向要差得多。尽管苏联领土的水文地质研究程度是比较浅的,  相似文献   
在天山考察过的学者们,对于天山第四纪冰期次数的意见是很不一致的。同时,对于山区古冰川的性质,卽复盖冰川和山谷冰川演替情况所作的结论也过于简单。这两个问题有待进一步商榷。  相似文献   
为了定量地分析航摄底片的信息容量,本文在影象数字化的基础上,从理论上分析信息容量的估算公式,监重点研究用\  相似文献   
作者首先评述了前阿特拉斯山脉(摩洛哥)古生代山系前寒武纪盖层的三个部分:火山质和磨拉石质前寒武纪Ⅲ岩系、白云质阿土图期(Adoudounian)岩系和塔利文期(Taliwinnian)岩系(“酒红色(lie de vin)”岩系),塔利文期岩系主要是陆相的,但西部则发育成海相含叠层石地层,据此有可能确定由塔利文阶到下寒武统的过渡。随后的几个章节介绍了下寒武统的发现和研究简史,以及对前阿特拉斯山脉西部下寒武统含三叶虫“阶”的概述。文章还附有若干幅阿土图期、塔列文期和早寒武世的古地理图,以及一些地层和构造剖面图。  相似文献   
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