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In this study, new photometric observations of shallow contact binary CN Andromedae(CN And)were performed and multi-color(BV R) CCD light curves(LCs) were obtained. Simultaneous analysis of new LCs and published radial velocity(RV) data reveals that the system is an early contact binary in which both components have recently filled their inner Roche lobes. Asymmetric LCs were modeled by a dark spot on the primary component and a hot spot on the secondary component that probably resulted from magnetic activity and mass transfer, respectively. Modeling of LCs and RV data allows us to estimate the following absolute parameters: M1= 1.40 ± 0.02 M⊙, M2= 0.55 ± 0.01 M⊙, R1= 1.45 ± 0.02 R⊙and R2= 0.94 ± 0.02 R⊙. A decreasing orbital period with a rate of d P/dt =-1.5 × 10-7d yr-1can be seen as evidence that the system is evolving into a contact binary with higher contact degree. Cyclic oscillation of the O-C data was interpreted by the Applegate mechanism and light-time effect due to an unseen component around the close binary system. The hypothetical third component is probably a fully convective red dwarf star with a minimal mass of 0.1 M⊙. CN And is at the early phase of the contact stage of its evolution and is an interesting example for studying the formation and evolution of close binaries.  相似文献   
正Dyke swarms are widespread throughout the Kaapvaal Craton(KC)in South Africa and have been documented in some detail.Up to date,only the~2.9 Ga SE-trending and the~2.7 to~2.66 Ga radiating dyke arrays are recognized  相似文献   
<正>High-and ultrahigh-pressure(UHP)eclogite-bearing metamorphic assemblages in the North Tianshan of Kyrgyzstan contain eclogite-bearing garnet amphibolites interlayered with phengite-beearing granitoid gneisses.The mafic rocks were previously interpreted as remnants of a Precambrianm ophiolite,but field relationships clearly  相似文献   
正The American Science journal,on the occasion of its 125 publication anniversary,in 2016,released 125 of the most challenging scientific issues (Kennedy et al.,2005) to the world.According to the basics,breadth and the influence,25 of the issues which considered to be the most important were screened,including"How many people can the Earth carry?"(Stokstad,2005;Dailyg et al.,1992;Cohen,1995) and"How high will the greenhouse effect make the earth temperature?"These two  相似文献   
Goethite(a-FeOOH) is one of the most abundant minerals on the Earth surface, occurring in temperate,tropical and equatorial climates. Fe in goethite can be substituted by many cations such as Al, Ni for instance. A large amount of research has been conducted on the effect of varying elemental compositions(mainly Al-content) on the spectral features of goethites with most of the studies based on materials synthesized with different elemental ratios. The different elemental ratios, however, may no...  相似文献   
This study investigates the long-term spatiotemporal variability of diurnal temperature range(DTR) in East Africa(EA). The study carries out non-parametric trend analysis of gridded DTR monthly data sourced from Climatic Research Unit(CRU). The DTR exhibits mixed signals in space and time over EA. The DTR correlates negatively with rainfall over EA. Reduction in DTR coincides with the summer season in the northern and southern hemispheres respectively, suggesting the influence of cloud cover on it. There was a non-uniform pattern of DTR changes across the region with time. Lake Victoria basin recorded the highest warming rates. The Indian Ocean coast recorded the least spatiotemporal variability in DTR. A reduction in DTR is evident in the two seasons: hot and cold. The start of the study period; 1921—1930, was the coolest decade in the study period. Most parts of EA recorded negative DTR anomalies in 1961—1970. The overall reduction in DTR throughout the study period highlights the ongoing warming which is a global phenomenon. There remains need for investigating the causation of the observed DTR variability for effective monitoring of the variability in future.  相似文献   
北极多年海冰的渡夏与冰脊形成的初始阶段均属于海冰升温的热力学过程。在卤水作用下,海冰在升温过程中需要融化内部的固态冰以达到温盐平衡。为研究海冰升温过程中盐度对宏观热力学性质的影响,本文设计了冰块试样在水中的一维浸没试验。将具有相同初始温度 (-32℃)、不同盐度 (0 ppt, 2.65 ppt, 12 ppt) 的冰试样浸至 0.2 ℃的淡水环境中,并测试试样内部温度场与厚度变化。试验结果表明,高盐度海冰的最终冰厚增加量超过 31%,而淡水冰则仅为 15%。海冰内部卤水的活跃改变了海冰的宏观比热并大幅度提高了其潜在的内能变化量。同时,将内能变化的实测结果与 Schwerdfeger 模型理论计算结果进行了对比。分析得出,真实环境中在海冰卤水迁移引起的盐度不均匀分布与卤水外排使得 Schwerdfeger 模型无法准确描述海冰升温过程中热力学性质。此外,通过对新生冰进行冰晶测试中所观测的柱状结构及晶粒尺寸特征也进一步验证了试验结果的可靠性。  相似文献   
汶川地震(Ms 8.0)地表破裂及其同震右旋斜向逆冲作用   总被引:41,自引:4,他引:41  
2008年5月12日14时28分,青藏高原东缘龙门山地区发生了震惊世界的汶川地震(MS 8.0),地震不仅造成巨大的人员伤亡和财产损失,并形成了迄今为止空间上分布最为复杂、长度最大的逆冲型同震地表破裂带。通过多次野外考查表明,汶川地震(MS 8.0)在龙门山断裂带上至少使两条NE走向、倾向NW的映秀-北川断裂和灌县-安县断裂同时发生地表破裂,并沿映秀-北川断裂产生的地表破裂带长度约275 km,以逆冲运动伴随右旋走滑为其破裂特征,最大垂直位移量约11 m,最大右旋走滑位移量至少约12 m;沿灌县-安县断裂产生的地表破裂带长度约80 km,表现为纯逆冲运动的破裂特征,最大垂直位移量约4 m;另外发育一条长约6 km呈NW走向连接于映秀-北川破裂带和汉旺破裂带的小鱼洞破裂带,以左旋走滑兼有逆冲运动为特征。地表破裂基本沿袭早先活动断裂带上,并使早先抬高的地貌更加抬高,表明龙门山地区地震在同一断裂带上重复发生过,并且无数次地震活动(包括类似汶川MS 8.0地震的强震)的累积,逐渐形成了现今的龙门山。根据同震断裂面以及断裂面上的擦痕分析表明,汶川地震是由两次破裂事件叠加而成,初期破裂以逆冲运动为主,后期破裂以右旋走滑为主,这种破裂过程与地震波数据反演结果(陈运泰等,2008;Ji, 2008;王为民等,2008)一致。在地表破裂带南段(映秀—清平段)叠加了两次不同性质的破裂过程,北段(北川—南坝段)只反映了第二次破裂事件的过程。利用长期滑移速率与汶川地震同震位移对比,估算出在龙门山断裂带上类似汶川地震(MS 8.0)的强震复发周期为3000~6000 a。通过对比研究,西昆仑山、阿尔金山和东昆仑山与龙门山具有很相似的转换挤压构造特征,斜向逆冲作用是青藏高原周缘山脉快速崛起的主要机制。  相似文献   
According to scientific evidence in general, the disappearance of the Tatras tarns as a result of external geomorphological processes has been accepted since the long term analyses of lake sediments and peat bogs, geomorphological mapping, geophysical measurements(– all indirect methods). It is paradoxical that the direct cartographic evidence of such changes has not existed until now. In this paper, we evaluate shore line changes of the small mountain glacial lake in the High Tatras-Litworowy Staw lake using a multitemporal analysis of a series of historical orthophotomaps and a historical map. Over the last 100 years, the tarn has lost 46.4% of open water level area. Significant visual changes were caused by vegetation growth of Carex species(sedges) on the water's surface. The accumulation of fine sediments and dead plant residues in the tarn basin create suitable conditions for this process, all together causing the tarn to become more shallow.  相似文献   
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