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本文以三亚鹿回头近岸海域内的优势种造礁石珊瑚——丛生盔形珊瑚(Galaxea fascicularis)为研究对象,以丰年虾(Artemia salina)无节幼体为饵料,研究了异养营养对丛生盔形珊瑚光合作用与呼吸代谢的影响。结果表明:异养营养的输入能够增加丛生盔形珊瑚的共生虫黄藻密度以及色素含量,并能够显著提升其光合作用与呼吸速率,然而单个虫黄藻的光合速率降低,这与虫黄藻密度增加引起的遮蔽效应有关。从营养角度来看,异养营养的输入能够使丛生盔形珊瑚有机碳的净积累速率提升约44.5%。本研究结果显示异养营养的输入能够促进丛生盔形珊瑚的光合与呼吸代谢,且这种情况下丛生盔形珊瑚的营养模式更为健康。  相似文献   
通过核糖体18S rDNA探讨柳珊瑚分子系统发育关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过对南海3种柳珊瑚的18SrDNA序列的测序,结合Genebank中搜索到的其他26种柳珊瑚的18SrDNA序列,构建了NJ和MP系统发育树,结果表明柳珊瑚可分为两个类群,系统树清楚表明了钙轴珊瑚类群的系统发育关系,但未能很好反映全轴珊瑚类群的系统发育关系。钙轴珊瑚类群的系统发育关系较为清晰,其中枝鳃珊瑚科(Dendrobrachiidae)、红珊瑚科(Coralliidae)和拟柳珊瑚科(Paragorgiidae)的遗传关系非常紧密,三爪珊瑚科(Briareidae)、鞭柳珊瑚科(Ellisellidae)和Erythropodiumcaribaeorum分类地位还待商榷,需要选取更多的样品构建系统树才能弄清楚它们准确的分类地位。全轴珊瑚类群的系统关系非常混乱,可见18SrDNA并不能提供有效的遗传信息,这就需要寻求其他遗传标记来解决全轴珊瑚类群的系统关系。  相似文献   
Coralline algae(CA),a type of primary calcifying producer presented in coastal ecosystems,are considered one of the highly sensitive organisms to marine environmental change.However,experimental studies on coralline algae responses to elevated seawater temperature and reduced pH have documented either contradictory or opposite results.In this study,we analysed the growth and physiological responses of coralline algae Porolithon onkodes to the elevated temperature(30.8°C)and reduced pH(7.8).The aim of this analysis was to observe the direct and combined effects,while elucidating the growth and photosynthesis in this response.It was demonstrated that the algae thallus growth rate and photosynthesis under elevated temperature were depressed by 21.5%and 14.9%respectively.High pCO2 enhanced the growth and photosynthesis of the thallus at ambient temperature,while they were deceased when both temperature and pCO2 were elevated.CA is among the most sensitive organisms to ocean acidification(OA)because of their precipitate high Mg-calcite.We hypothesize that coralline algae could increase their calcification rate in order to counteract the effects of moderate acidification,but offset by the effect of elevated temperature.Accordingly,our results also support the conclusion that global warming(GW)is a stronger threat to algal performance than OA.Our findings are also proposed that coralline algae may be more resilient under OA than GW.  相似文献   
海南岛西北部海域珊瑚礁造礁石珊瑚种类组成与分布   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
调查了海南岛西北部海域造礁石珊瑚种类的多样性及分布.结果表明:共发现50种造礁石珊瑚和1种多孔螅.海南岛西北部造礁石珊瑚优势种为澄黄滨珊瑚(Porites lutea)和丛生盔形珊瑚(Galaxea fascicularis),与历史资料相比优势种发生明显变化;海南岛西北部海域造礁石珊瑚覆盖率急剧下降,是由自然因素和人为活动共同造成;海南岛西北部海域是北部湾、琼州海峡和南海的重要交汇点,可能是造礁石珊瑚幼虫扩散的重要通道,对华南沿岸造礁石珊瑚资源自然恢复起到重要作用.因此,未来的海洋管理应该加强对珊瑚礁的保护力度,开发利用与环境保护并重,这样才能有效保护海南岛西北部海域的珊瑚礁.  相似文献   
采用氯仿-甲醇混合液提取法及气相色谱-质谱联用法,首次对造礁石珊瑚(风信子鹿角珊瑚Acropora hyacinthus)繁殖前后脂质与脂肪酸的变化进行了研究。研究结果表明:1)繁殖过程对风信子鹿角珊瑚脂质含量、组织含量有较大影响。繁殖过后风信子鹿角珊瑚脂质含量减少约43.4%,组织含量减少约19.6%,而共生藻密度在繁殖过程中并无显著性变化;2)风信子鹿角珊瑚在繁殖前脂质含量大量累积,以顺利完成繁殖过程;3)首次表明二十碳五烯酸(C20:5n-3,eicosapntemacnioc acid,EPA)、二十二碳六烯酸(C22:6n-3,docosahexaenoic acid,DHA)是造礁石珊瑚繁殖过程中重要的脂肪酸,其含量在繁殖过程中具有显著变化。EPA含量繁殖前从15.7μg·gdw-1增加到22.16μg·gdw-1,增加41.1%,而繁殖后降为15.06μg·gdw-1,减少32.0%;DHA含量繁殖前从18.17μg·gdw-1增加到24.81μg·gdw-1,增加36.5%,而繁殖后降为16.31μg·gdw-1,减少34.3%。此外,多聚不饱和脂肪酸(poly-unsaturated fatty acids,PUFAs)含量在繁殖后也显著性减少;4)造礁石珊瑚繁殖时可能会适当增加摄食,以满足繁殖过程对脂肪酸和能量的需求。  相似文献   
针对BDS全星座播发三频信号的特点,利用1个三频载波伪距组合(1,4,-5)和2个三频无几何相位组合(1,1,-2)、(1,-2,1)联合的方法进行周跳探测,并结合最小2-范数确定整数周跳的搜索策略。实测数据表明,该方法对一般周跳、不敏感周跳及连续随机周跳均有较好的探测与修复效果。  相似文献   
Centropages tenuiremis is a species with a wide distribution range in disturbed coastal waters.However,due to a lack of dietary information,it remains unclear as to how they maintain such dominance in fluctuating conditions.In this study,C.tenuiremis was collected from the Daya Bay Nuclear Power Plant both in inlet and outfall regions at 06:00,12:00 and 18:00 on April 27,2011 and their in situ diet was analyzed using a PCR protocol targeting 18S ribosomal genes.Thirty-four species of prey organisms were identified totally,including Dinophyta,Baciliariophyta,Viridiplantae,Rhizaria,Apicomplexa,Chordata,Mollusca,Arthropoda and Fungi,indicating an obvious omnivorous feeding habit of C.tenuiremis.Centropages tenuiremis obviously exhibited spatial and temporal variations in diet composition.More plant prey(land plants and phytoplankton)were consumed in the morning(~50%),while more animal prey(metazoans and protozoans)were ingested at midday and night(60%–70%).Furthermore,a more diverse diet was detected in the outfall region(10–11 taxa),where the temperatures were relatively higher and more fluctuating,than in the control region(5–10 taxa).This finding indicated that C.tenuiremis could potentially expand its food spectrum under stressful condition.Specifically,C.tenuiremis exhibited phytoplankton preference(58.62%–67.64%)in the outfall region with a lower omnivory index(0.27–0.35)than in the control region(0.51–0.95).However,phytoplankton density was lower than that in the control region,suggesting a possible herbivorous tendency of C.tenuiremis under elevated temperatures to balance the energy acquirement and feeding effort.The flexible food choices of C.tenuiremis observed here could effectively buffer environmental fluctuations and might be an important survival strategy in coastal ecosystems.  相似文献   
在全球珊瑚礁生态系统面临退化威胁的情况下,珊瑚礁生态修复工作成为人类帮助珊瑚礁恢复健康的重要手段之一,并且在全球各个珊瑚礁区域都得到广泛应用.我国近岸珊瑚礁生态系统退化严重,本实验探讨利用珊瑚移植技术在三亚市蜈支洲岛典型的近岸珊瑚礁环境下恢复造礁石珊瑚的覆盖率,希望推动企业参与海洋生态保护并从中受益.在与当地旅游公司的...  相似文献   
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