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在离子吸附型稀土矿床中,黏土矿物被认为是离子吸附态稀土的主要吸附载体。风化壳中黏土矿物的透射电镜分析发现,黏土矿物普遍与铁氧化物形成复合体,很可能对稀土元素的富集–分异产生重要影响。本研究以广东省梅州市平远县仁居矿区的典型离子吸附型稀土矿床剖面为对象,通过提取富矿层中的细颗粒组分,采用X射线衍射、穆斯堡尔谱和透射电镜,对黏土矿物–铁氧化物复合体进行物相和形貌分析;在此基础上,采用顺序提取法测定不同化学形态的稀土总量,探究黏土矿物和铁氧化物对稀土元素富集–分异的贡献。结果表明,从全风化层到表土层,复合物从长石/伊利石–水铁矿/针铁矿复合体到高岭石/埃洛石–针铁矿/赤铁矿复合体,最终向高岭石–赤铁矿复合体转变。在表土层和全风化层的细颗粒组分中,离子交换态稀土约占25%和80%,而铁氧化物结合态稀土约占75%和20%。在表土层中, Ce的富集导致离子交换态和铁氧化物结合态稀土均富轻稀土。在全风化层中,随着深度的增加,离子交换态稀土由富轻稀土转变为富重稀土,铁氧化物结合态稀土均表现富重稀土的分异特征。离子交换态稀土总量和分异特征主要受黏土矿物–稀土界面作用和淋滤作用控制;而铁氧化物结合态稀土总...  相似文献   
Linux环境并发服务器设计技术研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
讲述许发服务器设计的主要技术,包括多进程服务器、多线程服务器和I/O复用服务器,同时对以上服务器技术的性能进行了简要分析,给出了在Linux操作系统下使用socket实现并发服务器的方法。  相似文献   
利用南海北部的海上综合观测平台,开展了基于涡相关方法的海-气界面CO2通量的长期观测,得到了2010年9月至2012年9月近2年的海-气界面CO2通量数据,结果分析表明,观测平台附近海域全年表现为一个碳汇,年平均值为-0.088 mg m-2s-1,存在明显的季节变化规律,秋冬季节海洋表现为一个强碳汇,春季海洋依然是一个碳汇,但强度明显减弱,而夏季海洋呈现不稳定的源汇变化特征;从日周期特征上看,夜间通量强度较强,白天减弱;进一步的分析表明,海上风和大气稳定性对海-气界面CO2通量有明显的贡献。  相似文献   
地震宏观异常是指地震前后人的感觉能直接察觉到的自然界异常现象,本研究在芦山地震后,针对公众通过微博发布的异常信息进行搜集,提出从真实性、完整性、信誉度和关联度四方面对公众提供的微博宏观异常信息进行筛选的方法,并根据筛选后的信息从时间角度、空间分布等方面进行芦山地震前后宏观异常信息的分析研究.结果表明,芦山地震前后是有宏观异常出现的,公众关注的异常种类主要为动物异常与天气异常;震前发生宏观异常占宏观异常总数的67%,但仅有30%被发布;微博发布的宏观异常信息中,大多位于距离震中较远的成都市,而非震中地区.微博信息可以作为宏观异常信息的一个主要的及时信息来源,有助于发挥群测群防在防震减灾工作中的作用.  相似文献   
2007年8月8日,热带风暴“帕布”移动到华南近海,在珠江三角洲至湛江以西地区出现了一次强飑线天气过程。根据多普勒天气雷达、风廓线雷达和气象探空等观测数据,分析此次台前飑线的生成、演变过程、组织结构以及环境大气条件特征,并对热带风暴“帕布”与台前飑线环境大气的关系进行初步探讨。观测和分析结果显示:(1)此次台前飑线系统是由孤立的对流单体逐渐发展而成,陆风环流的抬升作用有可能对飑线的初始生成起到重要作用;(2)台前飑线移动路径和强度受海岸附近环境条件的影响;在海岸靠近陆地一侧的强度远比内陆和海洋上强,移动路径倾向于沿海岸线平行;(3)台前飑线在发展和成熟阶段,其水平结构具有典型的尾流层云降水特征;其冷池强度和垂直结构具有典型的热带飑线特征;(4)台前飑线发生在具有深厚水汽层、对流凝结高度较低的环境大气条件中,与热带飑线的环境大气条件类似;而对流不稳定能量和低层垂直风切变强度与中纬度飑线接近;(5)热带气旋外围大风一方面使低层风切变加强,同时为环境大气提供了高层的水汽。在下沉环流区内太阳辐射使陆地明显增温,一方面使位势不稳定能量增大,另一方面也使海陆温差增大、海风环流加强,导致低层风切变进一步加强,低层水汽输送增大。下沉逆温抑制了低层弱对流的发生,为强对流的发展积累了对流不稳定能量。   相似文献   
A squall line in front of the tropical cyclone Pabuk occurred in the west of the Pearl River Delta to Zhanjiang on August 8th, 2007 when the storm approached South China. The development, structure and environmental conditions for this squall line were investigated in this study, with particular attention paid to the possible connection of this squall line with Pabuk. The observational data employed in this study are from soundings, Doppler weather radars and wind profile radars. The following six major conclusions are drawn by our observational analyses. (1) This squall line developed gradually from individual convective cells, and land breeze may be responsible for the onset of the squall line. (2) The path and intensity of the squall line were modulated by the environmental conditions. The squall line propagated along the coastline, and it was stronger on the landing side of the coastline compared with the surrounding in-land regions and oceanic regions. (3) The typical characteristics of tropical squall lines were seen in this squall line, including the cold-pool intensity, vertical structure and the wake flow stratiform precipitation at its developing and mature phases. (4) The environmental conditions of this squall line resemble those of tropical squall lines in terms of deep moist air and low convection condensation level. They also resemble mid-latitude squall lines in terms of the convective instable energy and vertical wind shear in the lower troposphere. (5) Two roles were played by the strong wind around Pabuk. On the one hand, it made the atmosphere more unstable via suppressed shallow convection and increased solar radiation. On the other hand, it enhanced the land-sea thermal contrast and therefore strengthened the sea breeze and the resultant water vapor transport. The sinking temperature inversion prevented the occurrence of low-layer weak convection and accumulated convection instability energy for the development of the strong convection.  相似文献   
科技进入21世纪以后,航空摄影测量技术已经全面步入数字化时代,数字航空影像成为摄影测量工艺的重要数据源,直接影响了成图的质量和精度。但是在实际生产应用中,数字航空影像的生产和质量检查一直没有完整的行业规范加以指导,造成影像数据在后续的应用中暴露出很多问题。本文是作者从生产实践的角度,对数字航空影像的质量检查和过程控制总结出的一系列经验。  相似文献   
南海北部湾有一些断块构造油田,多半属于边际油田。这些油田的开发,需要采用可重复利用的简易平台,才有利可图。本文介绍的平台就是为了适应这种需要而开发的。该平台分为上、下两大部分,即导管架垫式基础和上升式上部设施,是一种利用成熟技术,通过创造性的组合而形成的一种崭新概念的新型平台。  相似文献   
The relationship between the factor of temperature difference of the near-surface layer(T_(1000 hPa)-T_(2m))and sea fog is analyzed using the NCEP reanalysis with a horizontal resolution of l°xl°(2000 to 2011) and the station observations(2010 to 2011).The element is treated as the prediction variable factor in the GRAPES model and used to improve the regional prediction of sea fog on Guangdong coastland.(1) The relationship between this factor and the occurrence of sea fog is explicit:When the sea fog happens,the value of this factor is always large in some specific periods,and the negative value of this factor decreases significantly or turns positive,suggesting the enhancement of warm and moist advection of air flow near the surface,which favors the development of sea fog.(2) The transportation of warm and moist advection over Guangdong coastland is featured by some stages and the jumping among these states.It also gets stronger over time.Meanwhile,the northward propagation of warm and moist advection is quite consistent with the northward advancing of sea fog from south to north along the coastland of China.(3) The GRAPES model can well simulate and realize the factor of near-surface temperature difference.Besides,the accuracy of regional prediction of marine fog,the relevant threat score and Heidke skill score are all improved when the factor is involved.  相似文献   
<正>2008年和2009年,对广西右江矿务局一万多名职工及矿区47000人口来说,无疑是一段难忘的岁月。随着"机械化、信息化、安全质量标准化"建设在该局塘内煤矿打响,这家广西最大的国有煤炭生产企业在跨过半个世纪之后终于揭开新的历史篇章,迎来从生产工艺到生产能力飞跃性的历史大变革,迎来了矿区翻天覆地的沧桑巨变。  相似文献   
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