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RED WEATHERING CRUST ON LIMESTONE AND PLANATION SURFACE OF TIBET AND ITS EASTERN DISTRICTthedevelopmentprojectofNationalKeyBasicFoundation (G19980 4 0 80 0 ) ;theprojectofTibetPlateaure searchofChineseAcademy (K2 95  相似文献   
第1期中国森林资源动态变化的社会经济学初步分析………………………………………李双成 杨勤业(1) 扶持我国落后地区经济发展的新观念--以西部开发战略为重点…………………樊 杰 杨晓光(8) 地图可视化研究……………………………………………………………秦建新 张青年 王全科 等(15) 试论中国旅游地域类型的演进模式………………………………………………………………范今朝(22) 榆林地区脆弱生态环境的景观格局与演化研究…………………………………………………张 明(30) 水资源可持续利用规划耦合模型与应用………………………………………………蒋业放 梁季阳(37) 冲积扇-三角洲系统自组织行为与治理对策-以黄河下游及其河口地区为例……………尹国康(45) 密山杨木3 000多年来气候变化的泥炭记录…………………………………………夏玉梅 汪佩芳(53) 南极洲伊利莎白公主地区气候特征分析…………………………………张明军 李忠勤 秦大河 等(60) 辽宁省沿海港址资源综合评价及其地域组合研究……………………………………杨荫凯 韩增林(65) 南方岩溶区入地系统的基本地域分异探讨………………………………………………………陈慧琳(73) 城乡结合部建设用地适宜性评价初探……………………………………………………………刘贵利(80) GIS互操作及其体系结构……………………………………………………黄裕霞 陈常松 何建邦(86) 面状分布地物群识别与概括的数学形态学方法………………………………………张青年 秦建新(93) 讨 论 知识经济给经济地理学带来的新课题……………………………………………………………贾绍凤(101) 试论中国地理学的变革…………………………………………………………………曹诗图 孙天胜(107 )消 息 "21世纪中国水文科学研究的新问题新技术与新方法学术研讨会"在香港召开……………………(64) 第2期 松嫩平原西部盐沼湿地水环境化学特征……………………………………邓伟 何 岩 宋新山 等(113) 较发达地区农业产业化地域模式研究--以江苏省海安县为例…………曾尊固 熊 宁 沈思保(120) 可持续发展代际公平的初步研究……………………………………………杨勤业 张军涛 李春晖(128) 中国低硒带人群硒营养状态的变化趋势与成因分析……………………………………………侯少范(134) 气候变化对历史上农牧过渡带影响的个例研究……………………………满志敏 葛全胜 张丕远(141) 地域生态系统服务功能的价值结构分析--以宁夏灵武市为例………宗跃光 陈红春 郭瑞华 等(148) 我国沿海地区可持续发展能力的定量研究……………………………………………王黎明 毛汉英(156) 矿区废弃土地复垦潜力评价方法与应用实例…………………………………………何书金 苏光全(165) 用多角度遥感数据反演混合像元组分温度的可行性分析…………………陈良富 庄家礼 徐希孺(172) 游荡河型造床实验过程中河型的时空演替和复杂响应现象………………张欧阳 金德生 陈浩(180) 湿地的防洪功能分析评价--以东洞庭湖为例……………………………吴炳方 黄进良 沈良标(189)雅鲁藏布大峡谷地区水环境评价及保护研究…………………………………………马 明 关志华(194) 西藏产业的可持续发展问题研究…………………………………………………………………温 军(202)流域降雨径流路径的数字模拟技术………………………………………李清河 李昌哲 齐 实 等(209) 南海诸岛外来地名的命名背景及其历史影响……………………………………………孙冬虎(217) 第3期经济活动全球化对中国区域经济发展的影响………………………………李小建 张晓平 彭宝玉(225) 人为季节性河流的初步研究………………………………………………………………………许炯心(234) 1840年以来我国鼠疫的时空分布规律……………………………………杨林生 陈如桂 王五一 等(243) 我国沿海滩涂景观生态初步研究………………………………………………………彭 建 王仰麟(249) 徽州文化景观初步研究……………………………………………………………………………黄成林(257) 传统民居旅游开发研究--以平遥古城为案例……………………………刘家明 陶 伟 郭英之(264) 内流河流域水资源利用对径流年际年内变化影响的分析 -以塔里木河流域为例……………………海米提·依米提 塔西甫拉提·特依拜 熊黑钢(271) 淮河流域洪涝变化的耗散性………………………………………………周寅康 王腊春 许有鹏 等(277) 集团异化与国家地理研究的理论思考……………………………………………………………文云朝(283) 试论冷战后美国地缘战略新特点…………………………………………………………………段进军(291) 土壤侵蚀预报研究中的标准小区问题论证…………………………………张科利 刘宝元 蔡永明(297) 三峡库区坡地生态工程控制土壤养分流失研究--以等高植物篱为例……………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………许 峰 蔡强国 吴淑安 等(303) 一种用于界定经济客体空间影响范围的方法 --Voronoi图…………………………………………………………王新生 郭庆胜 姜友华(311) 华北平原水资源供需状况诊断…………………………………………………………任鸿遵 李 林(316) 2 000年来我国人类活动与环境适应以及科学启示………………………………………………韩茂莉(324) 书 评 《城市地貌学》评介…………………………………………………………………………………穆桂春(332) 报 导 地理科学与资源研究所参加三江源科学考察取得可喜成果……………………………………………(242) 石林研究基金管理办法……………………………………………………………………………………(334) 第九届国际空间数据处理学术大会在北京召开…………………………………………………………(336) "水资源开发利用与环境问题"国际研讨会在乌鲁木齐召开………………………………………(333) 第4期 地学信息图谱研究及其应用…………………………………………………陈述彭 岳天祥 励惠国(337) 近400年来北极地区和中国气温变化的对比研究………………………陈 玲 张青松 朱立平 等(344) 澳门的城市性质及其在我国城市体系中的地位和作用…………………………………………叶舜赞(351) 改革开放以来广州办公活动的时空差异分析………………………………阎小培 姚一民 陈浩光(359 )基于DEM的水文物理过程模拟………………………………………………………任立良 刘新仁(369) 黄河下游河川径流的变化趋势与对策………………………………………吴凯 唐登银 谢贤群(377) 国际集装箱枢纽港的形成演化机理与发展模式研究………………………安筱鹏 韩增林 杨荫凯(383) 天津城市内部人口迁居特征及机制分析……………………………………柴彦威 胡智勇 仵宗卿(391) 日本新国土规划与地方规划的相互关系……………………………………周尚意 张国友 徐香兰(400) 西藏食物生产系统的区划研究…………………………………………………………………尼玛扎西(407) 陕西榆林地区的脱贫对策与制度创新…………………………………………………杨友孝 蔡运龙(415) 我国环境生态形势研究的一种方法…………………………………………叶庆华 杨勤业 赵善伦(422) 徐霞客对我国丹霞地貌旅行考察的贡献--纪念徐霞客逝世360周年………………………杨载田(429) 寒冻条件下热力作用对岩石破坏的模拟实验及其分析…………………朱立平 王家澄 彭万巍 等(437) No. 1Socioeconomic Factors Determining China's Deforestation Rates…. LI Shuang-cheng YANG Qin-ye ( 7 ) A Strategic Study on the Promotion of the Economic Development of Impoverished Regions and Minority National Regions………………………………… FAN Jie YANG Xiao-guang ( 14 ) On CartograPhic Visualization…………………………………………………… QIN Jian-xin ZHANG Qing-nian WANG Quan-ke et al ( 21 ) On Evolutionary Pattern of Types of the Tourist Area in China ………………………………………… FAN Jin-zhao ( 29 ) A Study on the Landscape Pattern and Differentiation of Fragile Environment in Yulin Prefecture ………………………………………………… ZHANG Ming ( 36 ) Integrated Model of Sustainable Water Resources Planning.. Formulation and Applicationvv…………………………………………………………………JIANG Ye-fang LIANG Ji-yang ( 44 ) Self-organizing Behaviours of Alluvial Fan-delta System and Management Countermeasure, with Examples from the Lower Yellow River and Its Estuary ……………………………………………………………… YIN Guo-kang ( 52 ) Peat Record of Climate Change sincce 3000 Years in Yangmu, Mishan Region………………………………………………………………………… XIA Yu-nei WANG Pei-fang ( 59 ) Analyzing the Climate Features in Princess Elizabeth Land, Antarctica…………………………………………………………………………………ZHANG Ming-jun LI Zhong-qin QIN Da-he et al ( 64 ) A Study on the Regional Combiantion and Synthetical Evaluation of Coastal Port Resources in Liaoning Province …………………………………………………………………… YANG Yin-kai HAN Zeng-lin ( 72 ) A Study on Basic Territorial Differences in the Man-land System in Karst Regions of South China vv…………………………………………………………………… CHEN Hui-lin ( 79 ) The Frist Research on Constructive Land Suitability Evaluation in Connective Location between Town and Country v………………………………………………………………… LIU Gui-li ( 85 ) GIS Interoperability and Its Architecture … HUANG Yu-xia CHEN Chang-song HE Jian-bang ( 92 ) Identification and Generalization of Area Clusters by Mathematical Morphology…………………………………………………………………………… ZHANG Qing-nian Qin Jian-xin ( 1 00 ) DiscussionEconomy Geography in the Times of Knowledge Economy …………………………………………………………… JIA Shao-feng ( 106 ) On the Transfomation of Geography in China ……………………………………………………… CAO Shi-tu SUN Tian-sheng ( 112 ) News ( 64 ) No. 2Chemical characteristics of water environment of saline mire in the west of Songnen Plain v………………………………………………………… DENG Wei HE Yah SONG Xin-shan et al ( 119 ) An approach to the regional model of agriculture integration in more developed rural areas -Taking Haian County as an example vv………………………………………………………………… ZENG Zun-gu XIONG Ning SHEN Si-bao( 127 ) A preliminary study on the inter-era fair of sustainable developmentvvv…………………………………………………………………………… YANG Qin-ye ZHANG Jun-tao LI Chun-hui ( 133 ) Change trend and factors of residential selenium nutrition status in low selenium belt in China ………………………………………………………………………… HOU Shao-fan ( 140 ) Case studies on the impact of climatic changes on the farming-pastoral transitional zonein historical period …………………………………………………………………………… MAN Zhi-min GE Quan-sheng ZHANG Pi-yuan ( 146 ) The systematic analysis on value of regional ecosystem services A casestudy of Lingwu City vv………………………………………………… ZONG Yue-guang CHEN Hong-chun GUO Rui-hua et al ( 155 ) A quantitative study on the sustainable development capacity in China's coastal areas…………………………………………………………………………WANG Li-ning MAO Han-ying ( 164 ) Evaluation method and its application to the potentiality of wasteland reclamation of China's abandoned mining areas v………………………………………………………………… HE Shu-jin SU Guang-quan ( 171 ) The feasibility of component temperature retrieval of mixed pixel using multiangle remote sensing information ………………………………………………………… CHEN Liang-fu ZHUANG Jia-li XU Xi-ru (179) An experimental study on spatial and temporal processes and complex response of river channel evolution ……………………………………………………………… ZHANG Ou-yang JIN De-sheng CHEN Hgo ( 188 ) Analysis and evaluation of flood-control functions of wetland taking Dongting Lake as an example v…………………………………………………………… WU Bing-fang HUANG Jin-liang SHEN Liang-biao ( 193 ) Assessment of water environment of the Yarlung Zangbo Daxiagu and its protection………………………………………………………………………………MA Ming GUANG Zhi-hua ( 201 ) Rearch on sustainable development of industries in Tibet WEN J un ( 208 )Numerical simulation technique for routing precipitation-runoff in watershed……………………………………………………………………LI Qing-he LI Chang-zhe QI Shi et al ( 216 ) The background and influence of the exotic toponyms in the South China Sea Islands…………………………………………………………………………SUN Dong-hu ( 224 ) No. 3Impact of Globalization on China's Regional Economic Development………………………………………………………………………………LI Xiao-jian ZHANG Xiao-ping PENG Bao-yu ( 233 ) A Preliminary Study of Man-induced Seasonal Rivers.. Examples from China …………………………… XU Jiong-xin ( 241 ) The Temporal and Spatial Distribution of the Plague Foci since 1840 in China…………………………………………………………………YANG Lin-sheng CHEN Ru-gui WANG Wu-yi et al ( 248 ) An Ecological Perspective on Shoaly Land in China …………………………… PENG Jian WANG Yang-lin ( 256 ) The Prepliminary Studies on Cultural Landscape of Huizhou …………………………………… HUANG Cheng-lin ( 263 ) Discussion on the Tourism Development of Traditional Dwelling-houses -A Case Study of Pingyao Ancient City …………………………………………………… LIU Jia-ning TAO Wei GUO Ying-zhi ( 270 ) Analysis on Annual Variation and Seasonal Change of Runoff from Water Resources Utilization in the Interior Rivers -the Case of Tarim River………………………………………………………………………………………Hanid · Yinit Tashpolat · Tiyip XIONG Hei-gang ( 276 ) Dissipation of the Flood Series in the Huaihe River Basinv……………………………………………………………………………ZHOU Yin-kang WANG La-chun XU You-peng et al ( 282 ) Group Alienation and Theoretical Thinking of National Geography Study……………… WEN Yun-chao ( 290 ) Expound the New Characteristics of American Geostrategy after the Cold War ……………………… DUAN Jin-jun ( 296 ) The Standard of unit Plot in Soil Loss Prediction of China…………………………………………………………ZHANG Ke-li LIU Bao-yuan CAI Yong-ning ( 302 ) A Study on Soil Nutrient Loss Control by Slope Eco-engineering in the Three Gorges Reservoir Region - Taking the Contour Hedgerows as an Example…………………………………………………………… XU Feng CAI Qiang-guo WU Shu-an et al ( 310 ) A New Approach to Delimitate Influenced Coverage of an Economic Ojbect -Voronoi Diagram ………………………………………………………… WANG Xin-sheng GUO Qing-sheng JIANG You-hua ( 315 ) Diagnosis of Water Supply and Demand in the North China Plain ……………………………………… REN Hong-zun LI Lin ( 323 ) On the Accommodation between Human and Environment During the last 2 000 Years and Scientific Inspiration v…………………………………………… HAN Mao-li ( 331 ) Book ReviewReview on Urban Geomorphology ………………………………………… MU Gui-chun ( 332 ) News No. 4Studies on Geo-Informatic Tupu and Its Applicationv………………………………………………………………… CHEN Shu-peng YUE Tian-xiang LI Hui-guo ( 342 ) A Comparative Analysis of Temperature Change in Arctic and China since 400 a BP v…………………………………………………………… CHEN Ling ZHANG Qing-song ZHU Li-ping et al ( 350 ) The Urban Characteristics of Macao and Its Role and Position in the Urban System of China ………………………………………………………………… YE Shun-zan ( 358 ) Temporal and Spatial Differences of Office Activities in Guangzhou since Late 1970s v…………………………………………………………… YAN Xiao-pei YAO Yi-min CHEN Hao-guang ( 368 ) Hydrological Processes Modeling Based on Digital Elevation Modelv…………………………………………………………………………REN Li-liang LIU Xin-ren ( 376 ) Changing Tendencies of River Runoff at Lower Reaches of the Huanghe River and Countermeasures for Reducing Its Effects vv……………………………………………………………… WU Kai TANG Deng-yin XIE Xian-qun ( 382 ) A Study on the Formation & Evolvement Mechanism and Development Mode of International Container Load Center ……………………………………………………………… AN Xiao-peng HAN Zeng-lin YANG Yin-kai ( 390 ) On Characteastics and Mechanism of Intra-urban Residents' Migration in Tianjin City, China ………………………………………………………………… CHAI Yan-wei HU Zhi-yong WU Zong-qing ( 399 ) The Materialization of Japanese Fifth Country Land Plan in the Regional Land Plans …………………………………………………………………… ZHOU Shang-yi ZHANG Guo-you XU Xiang-lan ( 406 ) On Delineation of Food Production System in Tibet ……………………………………………………… NYIMA Tashi ( 414 ) Countermeasures and Institutional Innovations for Poverty Alleviation in Yulin Prefecture of Shanxi Province ……………………………………………… YANG You-xiao CAI Yun-long ( 421 ) An Approach to the Eco-environmental Situation in Chinavvv…………………………………………………………… YE Qing-hua YANG Qin-ye ZHAO Shan-lun ( 428 ) On XU Xiake's Investigation into China's Danxia Landform Memory XU Xiake 360 anniversary ………………………………………………………………… YANG Zhai-tian ( 436 ) The Insulation Influence to Rocks under the Low Temperature Conditions………………………………………………………………………… ZHU Li-ping WANG Jia-cheng PENG Wan-wei et al ( 443 )  相似文献   
各省、自治区、直辖市及新疆生产建设兵团国土资源厅(国土环境资源厅、国土资源局、国土资源和房屋管理局、房屋土地资源管理局),发展改革委(厅),财政厅(局),铁路局,交通厅(局、委),水利厅(局),环保局(厅):  相似文献   
Integrative inversion of land surface component temperature   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Land surface temperature (LST) was a key parame-ter in the study of energy fluxes and substance ex-change between the atmosphere and the ground. Re-trieving LST accurately was the main task of infrared remote sensing these years. According to the request of environmental monitor and global change study, the target was specified that the sea surface temperature (SST) should be accurate to 0.3 K, and the land sur-face temperature (LST) should be accurate to 1K in the near future[1]. Sea su…  相似文献   
2019年4月27日,第二届“乡村振兴与乡村科学论坛”在南京师范大学成功举办。论坛由中国地理学会农业地理与乡村发展专业委员会主办,南京师范大学地理科学学院、南京师范大学乡村振兴研究院、江苏省土地学会、江苏省地理学会承办,中国城乡发展智库联盟、中国科学院精准扶贫评估研究中心、IGU-农业地理与土地工程委员会、自然资源部海岸带开发与保护重点实验室、南京大学地理与海洋科学学院、安徽省宿州市埇桥区人民政府协办。  相似文献   
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