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岩石边坡裂隙渗流的流形元模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了能够更好地考虑裂隙渗流在岩石边坡破坏中的作用,在考虑裂纹扩展的数值流形方法程序基础上,从最小势能原理出发,阐述了渗流与变形的耦合作用机理并推导了相应的耦合方程,在程序中实现了对渗流与断裂的模拟。最后利用该程序对含初始裂隙的岩石边坡在渗流作用下的破坏过程进行了模拟。模拟结果很好地再现了边坡在渗流作用下的实际破坏过程。同时通过对裂纹扩展过程中应力强度因子的计算发现,第一应力强度因子始终大于第二应力强度因子,且随着计算时间增加,二者的差值逐渐增大,裂纹扩展以Ⅰ型为主。  相似文献   
多边形中轴是指与多边形不同边(或边的延长线)上的两个或两个以上点等距离的点轨迹。多边形中轴的图形结构表明,在多边形凸顶点处存在中轴线,而在凹顶点处不存在中轴线(中轴线在多边形外)。采用左右点法实现对多边形顶点凹凸性的判断,进而定义和标注多边形不同边界线段。借助ArcGIS软件,提出了构建任意复杂多边形中轴的两种逼近方法:一种是基于Voronoi图的矢量方法;另一种是基于欧氏距离区域分配的栅格方法。实验表明这两种方法都是有效的、可行的。  相似文献   
本文研究用于热带农作物监测的雷达遥感的潜力。文中阐述和讨论了用于农作物的雷达后向散射理论,同时通过实际案例研究,例如将雷达遥感应用于水稻、甘蔗、橡胶种植园和其它作物中,对有关理论进行验证。还给出不同热带作物的时间雷在特征,并与温带农作物的时间雷达特征进行比较,也比较了分析SAR数据的方法,最后对不同方法所取得的结果进行比较和讨论。在所有研究案例中,特别关注用雷达感进行水稻监测的案例,例如研究显示出  相似文献   
基于ENVI的MODIS数据预处理方法   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
基于ENVI遥感影像处理软件,选取湖北省MODIS数据,经预处理得到可以进一步分析的湖北省MODIS数据,重点讲述了应用ENVI软件对MODIS数据进行遥感影像预处理的方法和流程,为区域农业遥感数据库建设提供遥感数据处理方法支撑。  相似文献   
HJ卫星图像水稻种植面积的识别分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
 HJ-1A/1B卫星具有较高时空分辨率,是提取水稻等农作物种植面积的潜力数据源。本文以江汉平原腹地的监利县及周边相邻区域为研究区,根据水稻物候历,选取样区水稻生长关键期的多时相HJ-1A/1B卫星数据,利用水稻移栽期的水分信息和生长期的归一化植被指数(NDVI)变化信息,结合陆表水系数(LSWI)、短波红外波段的反射率(RIRS-B2)、差归一化植被指数(DNDVI),构建了HJ卫星数据的水稻种植面积识别方法,提取了研究区2009-2011年水稻种植面积,得到面积精度和样本点精度均不小于90%,Kappa值不小于0.80的结果。  相似文献   
Land surface emissivity is one of the important parameters in temperature inversion from thermal infrared remote sensing. Using MOD11C3 of Terra-MODIS L3 level products, spatio-temporal data sets of land surface emissivity in China for 10 years from 2001 to 2010 are obtained. The results show that the land surface emissivity in the northwest desert region is the lowest in China, with little seasonal variations. In contrast, there are significant seasonal variations in land surface emissivity in northeast China and northern Xinjiang, the Qing-hai-Tibet Plateau, the Yangtze River Valley and the eastern and southern China. In winter, the land surface emissivity in the northeast China and northern Xinjiang is relatively high. The land surface emissivity of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau region is maintained at low value from November to March, while it becomes higher in other months. The land surface emissivity of the Yangtze River Valley, eastern and southern China, and Sichuan Basin varies from July to October, and peaks in August. Land surface emissivity values could be divided into five levels: low emissivity (0.6163-0.9638), moderate-low emissivity (0.9639-0.9709), moderate emis-sivity (0.9710-0.9724), moderate-high emissivity (0.9725-0.9738), and high emissivity (0.9739-0.9999). The percentages of areas with low emissivity, moderate-low emissivity and moderate emissivity are, respectively, about 20%, 10% and 20%. The moderate-high emis-sivity region makes up 40%-50% of China’s land surface area. The inter-annual variation of moderate-high emissivity region is also very clear, with two peaks (in spring and autumn) and two troughs (in summer and winter). The inter-annual variation of the high emissivity region is very significant, with a peak in winter (10%), while only 1% or 2% in other seasons. There is a clear association between the spatio-temporal distribution of China’s land surface emissivity and temperature: the higher the emissivity, the lower the temperature, and vice versa. Emis-sivity is an inherent property of any object, but the precise value of its emissivity depends very much on its surrounding environmental factors.  相似文献   
一种用于界定经济客体空间影响范围的方法——Voronoi图   总被引:35,自引:4,他引:35  
经济客体的空间影响范围界定十分复杂,但在区域规划和城市规划中有着重要的理论和实际意义。该文提出可采用Voronoi图方法用于经济客体的空间影响范围界定,介绍了Voronoi图的基本原理和其若干扩展,编写了生成Voronoi图的程序,最后以城市为例探讨了Voronoi图在经济客体空间影响范围界定中的应用。  相似文献   
Based on the fundamental equations of geophysical fluid dynamics and on the consequence of verticaldensity stratification,travelling wave coordinates are used in this work to study the geometric topologicalstructures of nonlinear permanent wave in phase plane.Rigorous mathematical mechanics demonstratethat the solution of permanent solitary wave does not exist.Hamilton functions and "action-angle" varia-bles are used to express the travelling wave system in the simplest form and the analytic solution of the nonlinear inertia-gravity internal wave is obtained.  相似文献   
分析了影响城市道路标高设计的因素,认为城市道路控制点的标高设计可用线性规划理论来辅助解决,并用一例子加以说明。  相似文献   
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