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提出了在概率地震危险性分析的扩展中引入有关震源参数的先验信息。特别是将破裂形式与理论修正系数一起考虑应用于衰减定律。通过与实测资料、修正或未修正的衰减定律以及包括破裂方式参数的衰减定律结果的比较,评定了这一修正的有效性。地震危险性分析的概率特性得到保存,将描述与每个震源区有关的最可能的震源机制二维概率密度函数引入经典的危险性分析公式。这一新的表述方法也可用于离散分析的框架中。因此,根据离散分析设计的地震就以震源机制为特征。本文给出了在意大利亚平宁半岛南部运用的实例。与这一地区正断层作用的地震活动相比较,分析结果强调了在地震危险性分析中走滑事件的重要意义。  相似文献   
This paper proposes a basic equation of thermal radiation interaction between surface objects on the basis of the principle of heat balance in the interface. The solution of this equation takes account of the contribution of sensible heat flux and latent heat flux more completely, compared with traditional solution for surface cooling and heating processes. By the aid of the experimental data conducted in the Xiaotangshan experimental site, Beijing, both the non-applicability of Kirchoff's law and the measurability of surface emissivity in a non-isothermal system have been highlighted. Two methods called ventilation and time-delay compensations have been proposed to reduce the error induced by change of surface temperatures of non-isothermal objects during the measurement of emissivity. Based on the solution of the basic equation, this paper has analyzed and pointed out the misunderstanding in comprehension and application of Kirchoff's law published in literature.  相似文献   
Longitudinal dunes,also known as linear dunes,are the most widespread of all dune types,which occupy1/2to2/3of the total area in the world sand seas.They mainly occur in the southern part of Africa,Arabian Peninsular,Australia,Central Asia and North Af-rica-Middle East regions[1],in China they mainly ap-pear in the Gurbantnggt Desert.Many researches have been done on wind dynamics of the sand dune and its relations with environmental conditions[2—9],but comprehensive studies on sand …  相似文献   
A large amount of nuclear wastes has been pro-duced due to nuclear weapon development and nuclear electricity generation. One possible resolution for the disposal of the nuclear wastes is to seal them in an underground repository, which requires detailed knowledge on the mobility, chemical behavior and immobilization of radionuclides in underground water. In addition, toxic heavy metals are extensively present in ground and underground water, how to immobilize and remedy these toxic heavy meta…  相似文献   
Since the sign up of CTBT (Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty), the nuclear monitoring and distinguishing has gained great attention by the treaty countries. Seismology is one of the primary technical means available for monitoring compliance to a CTBT. However, there does not exist a single criterion, so far, that can effectively distinguish explorations from earthquakes. It has been known that source time function (abbreviated to STF) of an underground nuclear explosion contains important p…  相似文献   
地面观测到的物理场变化可表示成X=X1+X2+X3。式中,X1和X2分别为地球内部过程和外部过程决定的场分量,X3为干扰量(技术和仪器等的干扰)。7.1磁场变化与太阳系行星旋转周期的关系太阳系包括9颗大行星,根据行星形成特性分为两种主要类型:一是类地行星,除地球外,包括水星、金星、火星;二是木星类行星(巨星),包括木星、土星、天王星和海王星。表7.1列出了行星的若干特征。由表可见,地球和火星自转周期几乎一样,火星昼夜比地球昼夜长41分钟,金星和水星自转极慢,金星周期为584个地球日,水星为116个地球日。类地行星平均加权密度为5.14g/cm3,巨…  相似文献   
当今世界所有工业发展国家关于安全以及居民、地区、国民经济工程设施对人为灾害和自然灾害的防护问题,已成为没有地理和民族界限的最重要的社会经济、人口学和生态研究问题。因此,建立与地震安全性保障有关的国家科技课题是极为重要的。在哈萨克斯坦,研究人员拓展了地震监测系统构思,在其基础上制定了优先问题的计划:——研究地震危险性评定的方法学和编制不同比例尺的地震区划图以作为进行建设和合理利用土地的标准文件。——研究地震发生地点、强度和时间预报的方法,建立地震活动性和地震预报的地震监测系统。——研究监测的方法学,对有…  相似文献   
14.1关于地震后果哈萨克斯坦地区广阔,它包括西哈萨克斯坦、克孜勒奥尔达、南哈萨克斯坦、江布尔、阿拉木图和东哈萨克斯坦(州),这些地区都属于地震危险区域。地震最活动地区是天山、准噶尔阿拉套、塔尔巴哈台和阿尔泰造山作用地区。在19世纪末和20世纪初,仅天山地区就发生了数次破坏性地震,其中韦尔诺耶、奇利克和克明地震列入世界灾难性地震。这些地震的烈度为8—11度,地震导致人员死亡,建筑物破坏。例如,1911年1月4日克明地震,震级为M8.2,震中烈度大于11度,人员伤亡245人;1887年6月9日韦尔诺耶地震,震级为M7.3,烈度9—10度,在韦尔诺耶城…  相似文献   
Nannorrhops ritchiana ( Mazari Palm) is a distinctive flora growing in the Saharo-Sindian region. It is well distributed on the ultramafic soil, derived from the Bela Ophiolite in the Khuzdar District, Balochistan, Pakistan. Quantitative estimation of Ca, Mg, Fe and Ni in soil and plant ash has been carried out. The constituents of plant ash have been discussed in relation to soil chemistry, pH, climate, mobility, average abundance in plant ash and exclusion mechanism of the flora. Relationship among Ca, Mg, Fe and Ni has been established using scattergrams to evaluate the biogeochemistry of the plant. High contents of Mg and high coefficient of biological absorption allow it to be classed as Mg-flora. Both Ca and Fe appeared to be antagonistic to Mg. The metal assemblage of N. ritchiana nicely reflected the nature of the bed rock as being serpentinized ultramafic, and its corresponding soils. Good exclusion mechanism of N. ritchiana did not allow it to absorb high Ni from the soil. Relatively high concentrations of Ni in N. ritchiana from the Baran Lak area can be used to localize Ni-mineralization in the study area. Statistical analyses, such as minimum, maximum, mean, mode, median, standard deviations, and coefficient of correlation, were also made to improve raw geochemical data and interpretations.  相似文献   
Biomineralization of Uranium: A Simulated Experiment and Its Significance   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
A simulated experimental reduction of U^v1 and the synthesis of uraninite by a sulfate-reducing bacteria,Desulfovibrio desulfuricans DSM 642, are first reported. The simulated physicochemical experimental conditions were:35℃, pH=7.0-7.4, corresponding to the environments of formation of the sandstone-hosted interlayer oxidation-zone type uranium deposits in Xinjiang, NW China. Uraninite was formed on the surface of the host bacteria after a one-week‘s incubation. Therefore, sulfate-reducing bacteria, which existed extensively in Jurassic sandstone-producing environments,might have participated in the biomineralization of this uranium deposit. There is an important difference in the orderdisorder of the crystalline structure between the uraninite produced by Desulfovibrio desulfuricans and naturally occurring uraninite. Long time and slow precipitation and growth of uraninite in the geological environment might have resulted in larger uraninite crystals, with uraninite nanocrystals arranged in order, whereas the experimentally produced uraninite is composed of unordered uraninite nanocrystals which, in contrast, result from the short time span of formation and rapid precipitation and growth of uraninite. The discovery has important implications for understanding genetic significance in mineralogy, and also indicates that in-situ bioremediation of U-contaminated environments and use of biotechnology in the treatment of radioactive liquid waste is being contemplated.  相似文献   
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