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云对红外辐射传输过程有十分重要的影响,在资料同化过程中考虑云的作用,不仅可以改进大气参数的同化效果,还可以利用红外资料调整部分云参数,减小云参数的初始误差。在GRAPES-3DVAR(Global and Regional Assimilation and Prediction Enhanced System,全球/区域同化预报系统)基础上,增加云水含量、云冰水含量和云量作为同化系统控制变量,针对晴空、部分有云和完全有云等环境对MODIS(Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer,即中分辨成像光谱仪)的16个气象通道亮温进行了同化理想试验,结果表明当背景场模拟的亮温低于观测亮温时,分析场通过增温、减湿、减少云水含量、云冰水含量、云量可以达到升高模拟亮温的目的;反之可以降低模拟亮温;晴空环境下对温度、比湿的调整符合MODIS仪器的设计特点;有云环境下对云层以下的影响减弱。理想试验证实了在红外辐射资料同化过程中将云参数和大气参数同时作为同化系统控制变量,可以利用红外资料调整云参数和常规气象要素场,提高资料的利用率。  相似文献   
张世新  丁振举  杨彦 《甘肃地质》2009,(3):32-40,71
西成铅锌矿田是国内少有的巨型矿田之一,总体上勘查程度较高,但近几年在西成地区已知矿田外围或者附近仍能发现一些有价值的矿产地。在综合研究前人研究成果基础上,根据矿床的成矿特点分析成矿的地质条件、控制因素,同时借助于GIS技术手段,充分发挥技术优势,从宏观上利用所建的空间数据库快速分析矿床与各要素之间的空间关系和内在联系。在地质、GIS综合研究分析基础上,以信息最大原则和找矿角度选择适合矿床找矿评价的变量与标志。利用GIS技术平台支撑下的综合证据权法进行了矿床定位预测和评价,按照成矿有利度,提出了三级成矿远景区。有些在其中已经发现了重要的矿化或矿点,有些尚未有重要发现,值得进一步工作。  相似文献   
A squall line in front of the tropical cyclone Pabuk occurred in the west of the Pearl River Delta to Zhanjiang on August 8th, 2007 when the storm approached South China. The development, structure and environmental conditions for this squall line were investigated in this study, with particular attention paid to the possible connection of this squall line with Pabuk. The observational data employed in this study are from soundings, Doppler weather radars and wind profile radars. The following six major conclusions are drawn by our observational analyses. (1) This squall line developed gradually from individual convective cells, and land breeze may be responsible for the onset of the squall line. (2) The path and intensity of the squall line were modulated by the environmental conditions. The squall line propagated along the coastline, and it was stronger on the landing side of the coastline compared with the surrounding in-land regions and oceanic regions. (3) The typical characteristics of tropical squall lines were seen in this squall line, including the cold-pool intensity, vertical structure and the wake flow stratiform precipitation at its developing and mature phases. (4) The environmental conditions of this squall line resemble those of tropical squall lines in terms of deep moist air and low convection condensation level. They also resemble mid-latitude squall lines in terms of the convective instable energy and vertical wind shear in the lower troposphere. (5) Two roles were played by the strong wind around Pabuk. On the one hand, it made the atmosphere more unstable via suppressed shallow convection and increased solar radiation. On the other hand, it enhanced the land-sea thermal contrast and therefore strengthened the sea breeze and the resultant water vapor transport. The sinking temperature inversion prevented the occurrence of low-layer weak convection and accumulated convection instability energy for the development of the strong convection.  相似文献   
静止气象卫星反演海温及其分析技术方法的研究   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
用GMS5分裂窗通道和水汽通道的资料,以及船舶浮标站实测的海温资料进行反演海温和格点分析的试验研究。比较了三种不同的海温反演方法,其中用分裂窗通道资料并考虑削弱路径的方法,与用分裂窗通道资料并考虑水汽亮温的方法精度较好(平均绝对误差分别为0.93℃和0.95℃)。文中还用递归滤波分析方法较好地解决了质量控制和客观分析的问题,分析出的格点场与实测海温分布基本一致。  相似文献   
尤特台风登陆过程中眼区结构变化的分析研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
尤特台风在登陆珠江三角洲期间,借助珠江三角比较稠密的观测网对它在登陆过程中眼区及其附近结构的变化进行分析研究.综合使用时间分辨率为6 min的多普勒雷达CAPPI(Constant Altitude Plan Position Indicator)回波图、每小时CAPPI径向风、高时空分辨的静止气象卫星云图、SSM/I(Special Sensor Microwave/Imager)和常规观测等资料.雷达图上发现眼区及邻近地区多处存在着比较强的最长可达150 km左右的直线状回波,直线回波带上嵌有多个强的回波单体.经过分析研究,认为雷达图上的直线状回波现象,与台风内区涡旋结构的变异有关.考察静止卫星红外云图上螺旋云带的强烈弯曲和云带前端低TBB值的现象,以及分析探空资料计算出来的相对涡度分布,认为直线回波现象与台风内区非对称的涡旋结构演变有关,那些直线回波带的形成可能是与眼壁附近存在的涡度相对高值区的推进相联系的.最后作者就台风登陆过程中内区涡旋结构变异的问题作一些讨论,认为台风在登陆过程中相对比较容易发生结构变异,从而有可能导致在登陆过程中移速加快和出现强天气等现象.  相似文献   
下投探空资料在台风莫拉克路径预报的应用试验   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
2009年8月7日中国大陆举行了首次利用机载下投式探空仪观测台风的试验,飞机在台风莫拉克与天鹅之间的云带相对稀薄区释放11个下投式探空仪。基于下投探空观测资料、常规探空资料和1°×1°分辨率的NCEP再分析资料,分析下投探空资料的可用性,并以下投探空资料初步分析了两台风间南海上空的风场、湿度场等大气特性;分别进行了有无以同化下投探空为初始场的GRAPES模式的模拟试验,以了解下投探空资料对台风莫拉克预报的影响作用。初步结论表明,台风天鹅与莫拉克之间的南海上空对流层中低层为深厚的西南气流,对流层低层及高层湿度小,中间层大;同化下投探空资料后,观测地区(下投探空点及其附近)800 hPa以下西南风减弱,以上加强,湿度中低层减小;有无同化下投探空资料的初值场差异随模式积分向下游传播,影响台风的环境场,改变了台风的引导气流:同化后500 hPa台风引导气流偏东、偏北分量加强,使台风的路径更接近实况路径,48 h台风路径预报误差比原来减少18%。  相似文献   
介绍了无线电子信息显示屏在气象服务中的应用及当前主流无线电子气象信息发布系统,分析了其市场前景.  相似文献   
Particle number size distribution(PNSD) between 10 nm and 20 μm were measured in the Pearl River Delta(PRD) region in winter 2011.The average particle number concentration of the nucleation mode(10-20 nm),Aitken mode(20-100 nm),accumulation mode(100 nm-1μm) and coarse mode(1-20 μm) particles were 1 552,7 470,4 012,and 19 cm-3,respectively.The volume concentration of accumulation mode particles with peak at 300 nm accounted for over 70% of the total volume concentration.Diurnal variations and dependencies on meteorological parameters of PNSD were investigated.The diurnal variation of nucleation mode particles was mainly influenced by new particle formation events,while the diurnal variation of Aitken mode particles correlated to the traffic emission and the growth process of nucleation mode particles.When the PRD region was controlled by a cold high pressure,conditions of low relative humidity,high wind speed and strong radiation are favorable for the occurrence of new particle formation(NPF) events.The frequency of occurrence of NPF events was 21.3% during the whole measurement period.Parameters describing NPF events,including growth rate(GR) and source rate of condensable vapor(Q),were slightly larger than those in previous literature.This suggests that intense photochemical and biological activities may be the source of condensable vapor for particle growth,even during winter in the PRD.  相似文献   
本文在GRAPES_TMM(Global/Regional Assimilation and Prediction System for Tropical Mesoscale Model)——中国南海台风模式版(面向南海和东南亚)中发展和引进了KA95(Kim and Arakawa,1995)地形重力波拖曳参数化方案(GWDO),并对2012年主要的9个登陆台风进行了试验对比研究,考察了不同标准Richardson数(Ric)的GWDO试验对台风路径和强度预报的影响。结果表明,在引入地形重力波拖曳参数化过程后,模式对台风登陆时路径和强度的预报能力均要有提高,对台风预报时长越长,GWDO的影响也更为显著。对双台风“SAOLA”和“DAMREY”试验结果表明,GWDO对台风外围距台风中心150 km的对流层中下层风速减弱较为明显,减弱了GRAPES区域模式对台风强度预报偏强的现象,对台风强度长时间预报改善更为明显。不同标准Ric对重力波拖曳力的计算较为敏感,当Ric取1.0时,动能迅速的在低层被频散,能量无法有效地上传;Ric取0.25时,大部分的能量在中高层被频散。总的来说,Ric取0.75时对台风路径和强度预报改进更为显著,其结果可为业务预报提供指导意义。  相似文献   
研究区位于邢台市北部,属高温地热显示区。为了解区内地热田的热储基本特征,通过采集区内11组水化学样品分析可知,研究区水化学类型较复杂,背斜轴部区地热水循环较慢、可视为\"静水\",背斜两翼区地热水循环较快。地下热水中Cl与Li的正相关性,显示地热流体可能来源于深部;与Sr相关性较差,表明研究区地下水的盐分可能主要来自于深部热液;与Si O2、温度的正相关性更进一步印证了研究区地热为深部热源。经阳离子地温计与二氧化硅地温计估算各热储温度为69~87℃。基于综合分析,背斜轴部异常区热水可更新性较慢,地下热水开发利用应合理规划,但深部可能存在干热岩资源。  相似文献   
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