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中暑多发生在闷热的夏季,当气温超过34℃时,即有发生中暑的可能。此时身体只能靠出汗来散热,如果外界湿度过大或湿热高温,汗液的蒸发就会受到影响,人的体温调节装置就不能完成调节功能(一般在气温40℃、相对湿度30%;气温在38℃、相对湿度  相似文献   
毒砂具有较宽的As/S值范围,不仅可用作为地质温度计,也是成矿作用的良好指示剂[1,2].目前关于毒砂的研究主要侧重于对称性、双晶、晶体结构及相态变化的研究,而对于高压条件下毒砂的状态方程的研究尚未见报道.由于对毒砂的内部结构及其弹性的研究对了解含砷矿物在地球深部的存在形式有重要意义,因此,本文在金刚石压腔装置(DAC)上采用同步辐射角度色散X射线衍射(ADXD)技术研究天然毒砂的原位高压结构,以期获得毒砂结构在高压下的变化.  相似文献   
在谈到提高地质勘探工作效率的途径时,不能把勘探技术问题和方法上的任务分隔开来,因为对方法上的任务的布置能决定完成这些工作的一定的技术条件。因此,对某一个矿床的勘探工作采用先进的措施时,应该从编制地质勘探工作的设计开始。具体根据所采用的工作方法,选择最合理的组织技术措施,以最节约的方法完成这些工作。工作能否取得成就的关键在于是否根据了矿床的地质特征而采取了最合理可行的工作方法。为  相似文献   
世界上气候类型多祥,人们为了尽可能地造就一个舒适的生活环境,适应不同类型气候的特点,就创造了许多不同特色的住宅,有的住宅巧妙奇特,令人耳目一新。用“水”建造的住宅秘鲁的曼尼威克城,是一座小城市,这里房屋都是用“水”建成的。该城地下蕴藏着一种温度极高的水。当地下水流经石灰岩或石膏石构成的地层时,能使矿物质溶解,变成类似水泥性能的胶状溶质。当这种溶质流出地面,冷却后就可凝固成坚硬的石块.当地居民建房时,先从地下抽出水灌入砖模里,侍它冷却后变成一块块硬砖,人们使用这种“水砖”盖房子,用这种水砖建造的房…  相似文献   
0 引言 在现有的岩石部分熔融实验中,初始样品的状态可分为两种:粉末样品及块状样品.二者各自的特点,前人已有阐述[1-3],大体上说:粉末样成分均匀,较块状样品更容易达到化学平衡;而块状样品保留了天然岩石的结构,更能真实地体现自然界岩石的熔融过程.  相似文献   
1986年,苏联科学院地理所天山冰川工程队对注入伊塞克湖各条河流的水,高山带的积雪和冰川以及湖盆山麓区雨水的矿化度进行了观测。用 LK—563型试验电导计测得水的电导率,算出了水的总矿化度 M。  相似文献   
汤礼莎  龙花楼  戈大专 《地理学报》2023,78(6):1339-1354
乡村人居环境是城乡复合人居环境中不可分割的组成部分,也是乡村人地关系的综合体现。本文基于乡村人居环境弹性形成的理论框架,结合独立性权重法和回归分析构建乡村人居环境弹性形成指标体系,并进行综合测度,深入剖析人居环境弹性形成的空间分异特征和形成机制。结果表明:(1)洞庭湖区乡村人居环境弹性形成水平具有明显的空间差异,离湖区越近弹性形成值越高,离湖区越远弹性形成值越低,呈现“内高外低”的空间分异特征。(2)以灵活性、适应性和反应度测算结果为依据,将洞庭湖区的弹性形成水平从空间上划分为3个环带:华容—临湘环带、澧县—平江环带和石门—赫山环带。(3)乡村人居环境弹性形成受到外源性因素和内源性因素的综合影响,通过突变、延续、转型等,产生正负作用,从而形成或不能形成乡村人居环境弹性。结合洞庭湖区不同环带的地理区位、资源禀赋、社会经济等差异,遵循因地制宜原则,提出相应的策略,在乡村人居环境优化发展过程中,增强乡村人居环境地域系统的监测、预测和抗扰动能力,不断提升弹性,促进乡村可持续发展。  相似文献   
运用文献分析、实地调研、空间可视化等方法,基于江苏省盐城市泾口村案例地发展状况,揭示旅游开发与乡村转型发展之间的互动关系与机制。结果表明:旅游开发与乡村转型发展间的互动作用路径为“初始动力-正负效应-状态塑造-正负响应”,“外援动力-本底支撑-效应呈现”是影响旅游开发驱动力分向异化的关键因素。旅游开发对乡村转型发展的积极与消极影响相互渗透并反映于“空间-经济-社会”三维度,对乡村人口、土地、产业转型发展的作用也是正负两面相交融的。旅游开发与乡村转型发展间存在良性与恶性互动的交织统一,两类互动力在博弈中共同决定乡村转型发展的最终格局。泾口村旅游开发总体表现不佳,凭借现有旅游开发路径难以获得可靠的乡村转型推动力。  相似文献   
In this paper we establish a model that expresses the coupled relationship between grain yield and agricultural labor changes in China, and present a preliminary discussion of the coupled processes involved in changes in these factors at the county level. Thus, we develop two coefficients on the basis of county-level statistical data for grain yield and agricultural labor for the years 1991, 2000, and 2010, namely, the grain-labor elasticity coefficient(GLEC) and the agricultural labor-transfer effect coefficient(ALTEC). The results of this study show that during the transformation process of agricultural development in China, different kinds of coupled relationships between grain yield and agricultural labor changes co-existed at the same time. For example, between 1991 and 2010, counties characterized by three different coupled modes(i.e., increasing grain yield and decreasing agricultural labor, increasing grain yield and agricultural labor, and decreasing grain yield and agricultural labor) account for 48.85%, 29.11%, and 19.74% of the total across the study area, respectively. Interestingly, a coupled relationship between increasing grain yield and decreasing agricultural labor is mainly concentrated in the traditional farming areas of China, while a coupled relationship between increasing grain yield and agricultural labor is primarily concentrated in pastoral areas and agro-pastoral ecotones in underdeveloped western China. At the same time, a coupled relationship between decreasing grain yield and agricultural labor is concentrated in areas that have experienced a rapid development transition in agriculture, especially the developed southeastern coast of China. The results of this study also show that between 1991 and 2010, 1961 counties experienced a decline in the proportion of agricultural labor; of these, 1452 are also characterized by increasing grain yield, 72.38% of the total. This coupled relationship between grain yield and changes in the proportion of agricultural labor shows a stepped fluctuation and has continually strengthened over time. Data show that mean values for the GLEC and ALTEC increased from –0.25 and –2.93 between 1991 and 2000 to –0.16and –1.78 between 2000 and 2010, respectively. These changes in GLEC and ALTEC illustrate that the influence of agricultural labor changes on increasing grain yields has gradually diminished. Finally, the results of this study reveal that the ‘Hu Huanyong Line' is a significant boundary sub-dividing this coupled relationship between grain yield and changes in agricultural labor.  相似文献   
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