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In intermediate-acid magmatic rocks,alkaline magmatic rocks,gneisses and migmatitic rocks K-feldspar is a rock-forming rock in which the contents of Pb are highest,just 2-10 times those of the whole rock,3-16 times those of mica minerals and 6-32 times those of quartz.The lowest contents of K-feldspar are recognized in Early Proterozoic and Achaean rocks,with Pb in the K-feldspar accounting for less than 10% of that in the whole rock;in post Middle Proterozoic alkaine magmatic rocks,K-feldspar-rich granites and metamorphic rocks the contents of K-feldspar tend to increase,with the proportion granites and metamorphic rocks the contents of K-feldspar tend to increase,with the proportion of Pb over that in the whole rock being obviously increased.In the alkaline rocks in which K-feldspar accounts for 50%-70% of the total in the whole rock,the contents of Pb in K-feldspar account approximately for 70%-95% of the total lead in the whole rock.Being accessible to hydrothermal alteration in the late periods,K-feldspar was conversed to sericite,calcite,quartz,etc.In the process of such conversion the lead would be leached out and then find its way into fluid phase.This kind of trans-formation can provide sufficient ore-forming material for later Pb metallogenesis.  相似文献   
首次将复模态法应用于钢框架结构的随机地震反应分析中,通过算例对钢框架结构在平稳地震激励下的抗震可靠度进行了计算分析。同时,提出了钢框架在非平稳地震激励下的反应统计量的求解方法。研究表明,钢框架结构在非平稳地震激励下的随机反应分析,可以利用扩阶的方法来进行,将求解结构非平稳随机响应转化为求解扩阶系统在均匀调制白噪声激励下的响应。采用复模态分析法可较方便地求解出结构在非平稳地震激励下弹性随机反应的协方差函数及均方差的解析表达式。  相似文献   
庐山不同高度雨滴谱分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
选取在庐山不同高度处测得的一次对流云降水过程资料,结合Hu等相关研究结果,分析了雨滴下落过程中各种物理机制的重要作用,并采用两种不同的水滴下落末速度经验公式,分别比对了不同高度处雨滴下落的末速度.所得结论如下:蒸发作用降低了小雨滴(D≤0.3 mm)和较大雨滴(1.5 mm<D<3.0 mm)的数浓度,增加了中等大小雨滴(0.3 mm<D≤1.5 mm)的数浓度.大小雨滴在降雨不同时期和不同高度对含水量的贡献是不同的.雨滴直径在0.5~5.0 mm区间内,下落末速度经验关系式V(D) =9.65-10.3e-0.6D适用于海拔较高处;雨滴直径大于5.0 mm时,经验关系式V(D)=3.778D0.67适用于海拔较低处.  相似文献   
库姆塔格沙漠东北缘浅层地下水补给来源   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
依据库姆塔格沙漠东北缘地表水和地下水水文、水化学和同位素相关数据,分析探讨了沙漠东北缘地下水的主要补给来源。结果表明,水体与周边流域地表水并无直接联系,主要受到南部山区贫重同位素水体的补给,但补给过程缓慢,因此,对周边地区水资源的开发非常敏感。根据地势条件和水文地质条件,祁连山沿党河洪积扇到谷地冲湖积平原可能存在一条地下水补给路径,冰雪融水和降水渗透到地下,沿党河洪积扇最终补给到疏勒河谷地。  相似文献   
地理系统非均质空间扩散定量研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
单卫东  包浩生 《地理学报》1996,51(4):289-295
地理系统的复杂性,导致不同地域地理环境存在差异,革新空间扩散的过程与行为将受控于地域的非物质性,从而在均质条件基础上的扩散模型与实际情况有较大出入。本文从非均质空间来考虑,将革新在客观现实中的二维平面运动转换为沿平面方向与地域自然,社会和经济合质量方向拓维随机运动,由此总结出非均质空间条件,革新的各向同性、各向异性、多源及动态扩散方程式。  相似文献   
施响  王士君  王冬艳  浩飞龙  李卓伟 《地理科学》2022,42(11):1889-1899
基于腾讯位置大数据,分析了2015—2018年中国368个城市间人口流动的空间格局,并基于指数随机图模型(ERGM)识别了与人口流入、流出相关的影响因素。研究发现:① 人口流动的空间分布格局相对稳定,形成了以京、深、沪、穗、蓉、莞为“中枢”的菱形空间结构。② 通过社区划分得到的城市子群结构表明,社区间呈现明显的地理临近和省际分异特征,既形成了以省会城市为核心、受省界制约明显的中心–腹地结构的小型城市子群,也形成了跨越省界的多中心结构的大型城市子群,但大部分城市以省界为主要流动圈层,省域内人口流动更为密切。③ ERGM模型确定的人口流入、流出网络影响因素与新古典经济学理论相一致,人口规模、城市化水平、时间成本、经济成本等市场因素和经济因素在人口流动中仍然具有主导性作用。④ 城市对外来人口的吸引力更大程度上取决于自身的属性特征,而城市人口外流更依赖于外部网络关联要素,一定程度上验证了推拉理论中城市“拉力”的主导力量,以及各类距离因素的综合作用。  相似文献   
针对当前网络环境下三维GIS在拓扑关系的建立与表达、地学数据共享和互操作方面存在的不足,该文提出了一种网络环境下的三维实体拓扑关系构建方法。以关系数据模型来表达点、线、面、体及复杂体5类拓扑元素间的拓扑关系,结合插件式虚拟现实技术,在分布式结构下建立真三维实体的网络发布平台,并实现了三维模型的可视化和三维空间实体拓扑关系的查询。研究表明,该方法能根据三维空间拓扑关系快速重建地理实体,为三维空间数据的交互和共享、网络环境下的真三维空间分析提供新的方案。  相似文献   
奥陶系庙坡组在中扬子地区广泛分布,其中湖北宜昌真金、重庆城口大槽和蓼子口等地的庙坡组均含丰富的桑比期笔石动物群,为华南桑比期地层的高精度划分对比提供了重要依据。宜昌地区庙坡组自下而上可识别出中奥陶统达瑞威尔阶"Hustedograptus teretiusculus带"和上奥陶统桑比阶的Nemagraptus gracilis带;城口地区的庙坡组底界已进入N.gracilis带上部,比宜昌的庙坡组之底高出半个甚至一个笔石带。这一现象证实庙坡组底界在中扬子区具有明显的穿时性。  相似文献   
This study presents an analysis of the spatial-temporal distribution of 230 archaeological sites in Guizhou Province, Southwest China for three selected time periods from the Paleolithic Age to the Shang-Zhou Dynasties. The relationship between archaeological sites distribution and environmental changes is also discussed based on paleo-environmental proxies of δ18O and δ13C recorded in stalagmites from Southwest China. The results show that: in the Paleolithic Age(260–10 ka BP), archaeological sites were concentrated in the central, northwestern and southwestern parts of Guizhou, where the high-altitudinal karst landforms with many natural caves suitable for human habitation are developed. In the Neolithic Age(10–3.6 ka BP), most of human settlements were concentrated in the central, northwestern and southwestern parts, while, a fewer sites were found on river terraces in the southern and eastern parts, and the intermontane basins in the central and western Guizhou. During the Shang-Zhou Dynasties(3.6–2.2 ka BP), the sites were mainly distributed in the intermontane basins and on river terraces, which were suitable for primitive aerial farming. The analysis of paleo-environmental proxies of δ18O and δ13C since 260 ka BP suggested that climate fluctuations had little impact on human settlements in this study area. The distinct physical environment, especially the spatial patterns of karst landforms and arable land played an important role in the archaeological sites distribution of Guizhou.  相似文献   
The temporal-spatial distribution features of prehistoric cultures since the Holocene in Zhejiang region were comparatively analyzed based on GIS spatial analysis. Results show that the prehistoric cultures expanded gradually in this region before 4000 cal. a BP. The notable expansions occurred twice, one in the Majiabang-Hemudu cultural period, the other in the Liangzhu cultural period. Meanwhile, the prehistoric cultures were disseminated from west to east coast along river valleys. After 4000 cal. a BP, as represented by the Maqiao Culture, the distributed area of each prehistoric culture contracted. This is obviously due to the termination of spreading trends to east coast, which was simultaneously accompanied by two different modes of production and economic transitions in the north and south Zhejiang region respectively. The distribution of prehistoric cultures was closely related with Holocene sea-level fluctuations, especially on the banks of Hangzhou Bay, where the distribution changes of prehistoric cultural sites were greatly affected by sea-level changes, with the closest relationships between them. After 7000 cal. a BP, the process of lowered sea-level and regression-epeirogenesis provided wider terrestrial living spaces for prehistoric inhabitants. Based on the comparative analyses of the changes of prehistoric cultures and the environmental evolution information recorded in the Qianmutian subalpine peat of Mt. Tianmu and muddy area on the inner shelf of the East China Sea, it is indicated that the changes of prehistoric cultures were synchronized with environmental changes in Zhejiang region. Before 4000 cal. a BP, the eastward expansion of prehistoric cultures in Zhejiang occurred under the background of the Holocene Optimum, and was the expansion and extension under the joint influences of agricultural civilization and maritime civilization. However, after 4000 cal. a BP, the geographical contraction of prehistoric cultures in Zhejiang occurred under the back-ground of dry-cold climate trend and deterioration of coastal marine environment. It is evidenced from the above fact that the development, expansion and contraction of prehistoric cultures are positively correlated to environmental change. The change of the climatic environment is just the underlying reason for these changes and transitions of production modes and economic forms. Therefore, the climatic environment is the dominant factor of prehistoric culture vicissitudes in Zhejiang region, which has exerted great influence on distribution, dissemination, expansion and transmutation of the culture.  相似文献   
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