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开展中—尼通道沿线冰川/冰湖变化及其相关灾害调查,对减少此类灾害发生、保障该地区安全、维护其在两国之间的经济、文化交流地位具有重要意义。中—尼通道地形陡峭复杂,现代冰川发育,在全球变暖的背景下冰川物质亏损显著,冰湖扩张明显,冰川相关灾害风险突出,已经引起国内外众多学者的广泛关注。本文主要运用遥感手段结合野外考察对中—尼通道沿线冰川及其相关灾害进行了初步调查,对直接影响干线通道的典型支沟流域上游冰川分布及其变化进行了统计,并初步分析了与冰川冰湖变化相关的灾害危险性。结论如下:中尼通道沿线13个子流域共发育冰川568条,总面积804.71 km~2,平均冰川覆盖率为12.89%,主要集中在海拔5000~6000 m,27年间(1991—2018年)三通道内的冰川平均退缩率达9.93%。共有冰湖74个,呈逐年扩张态势,20年间(1990—2010年)冰湖平均扩张率达86.5%,其中危险冰湖共计2个。三通道内近半个世纪以来共计发生冰川/冰湖相关灾害共计9起,未来有出现(次生)泥石流/滑坡、洪水、冰湖溃决等形式灾害的可能。发生于柯西河、吉隆藏布和甘达基河一些河段的各类灾害会对山区水库和相关水电设施造成重大影响。本研究可为探讨中—尼喜马拉雅山地区冰川/冰湖变化的时空特征、冰川相关灾害的引发机制以及可能灾害预估等提供资料参考。  相似文献   
The distribution of phytoplankton and its correlation with environmental factors were studied monthly during August 2012 to July 2013 in the Yantian Bay. A total of 147 taxa of phytoplankton were identified, and the average abundance was in the range of 0.57×10~4 to 7.73×10~4 cell/L. A total of 19 species dominated the phytoplankton assemblages, and several species that are widely reported to be responsible for microalgae blooms were the absolutely dominant species, such as Skeletonema costatum, Navicula sp., Thalassionema nitzschioides,Pleurosigma sp., and Licmophora abbreviata. The monthly variabilities in phytoplankton abundance could be explained by water temperature, dissolved oxygen, salinity, dissolved inorganic nitrogen(DIN), and suspended solids. The results of a redundancy analysis showed that p H and nutrients, including DIN and silicate(SiO_4), were the most important environmental factors controlling phytoplankton assemblages in specific months. It was found that nutrients and pH levels that were mainly influenced by mariculture played a vital role in influencing the variation of phytoplankton assemblages in the Yantian Bay. Thus, a reduction of mariculture activities would be an effective way to control microalgae blooms in an enclosed and intensively eutrophic bay.  相似文献   
The Subei Shoal is a special coastal area with complex physical oceanographic properties in the Yellow Sea. In the present study, the distribution of phytoplankton and its correlation with environmental factors were studied during spring and summer of 2012 in the Subei Shoal of the Yellow Sea. Phytoplankton species composition and abundance data were accomplished by Uterm?hl method. Diatoms represented the greatest cellular abundance during the study period. In spring, the phytoplankton cell abundance ranged from 1.59×10~3 to 269.78×10~3 cell/L with an average of 41.80×10~3 cell/L, and Skeletonema sp. and Paralia sulcata was the most dominant species. In summer, the average phytoplankton cell abundance was 72.59×10~3 cell/L with the range of 1.78×10~3 to 574.96×10~3 cell/L, and the main dominant species was Pseudo-nitzschia pungens, Skeletonema sp., Dactyliosolen fragilissima and Chaetoceros curvisetus. The results of a redundancy analysis(RDA) showed that turbidity,temperature, salinity, pH, dissolved oxygen(DO), the ratio of dissolved inorganic nitrogen to silicate and SiO_4-Si(DIN/SiO_4-Si) were the most important environmental factors controlling phytoplankton assemblages in spring or summer in the Subei Shoal of the Yellow Sea.  相似文献   
贡嘎山海螺沟冰川消融区表面消融特征及其近期变化   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
刘巧  刘时银  张勇  张盈松 《冰川冻土》2011,33(2):227-236
冰川消融过程与水热条件、气象要素、冰面局地和周边地形以及冰川表面状况等密切相关.利用海螺沟冰舌段GPS测量的结果,对冰舌段的冰川近期变化包括规模变化和厚度减薄进行了新的评估.结果表明:自1989年以来冰舌段冰川厚度减薄约26%,远显著于20世纪60年代以来冰川面积的减少比例4.05%.基于对海螺沟冰川消融区冰舌段详细消...  相似文献   
受全球气候变化的影响,近年来藏东南区域多数冰川退化加剧,冰湖的异动也更为频繁,冰湖溃决诱发洪水、涌浪、泥石流等山地灾害的风险激增。以多源时序合成孔径雷达(synthetic aperture radar,SAR)影像为数据源,从水体和非水体信号的强度差异出发,开展冰湖的分类方法研究,提出了一种基于时序SAR影像的强度标准化比值实施冰湖提取与动态监测的方法。为了验证方法的可行性,选取日本航天局的ALOS/PALSAR-1与欧空局的Sentinel-1A影像序列,针对位于贡巴冰川流域的典型实验区,在11 a的时间跨度上开展了冰湖动态提取和长时序变化分析。通过实验成功获取了贡巴冰川末端冰湖2007-2018年间的时空变化,进而发现近10 a间冰湖的体量呈高速增长的态势,这从侧面也印证了贡巴冰川消融加剧的现状。此外,2018年的新近监测结果表明,局部溃决涌道的扩张打破了冰湖固有的生存周期,甚至会诱发洪水和泥石流次生灾害的发生,有必要加强监测与防范。  相似文献   
温冰川冰内及冰下水系季节演化及其水文学分析   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
刘巧  刘时银 《冰川冻土》2009,31(5):857-865
针对温冰川冰内及冰下水系(又称冰川排水系统)演化及其水力过程,回顾了我国20世纪90年代在典型温冰川海螺沟冰川开展钻孔试验及关于冰下河堵溃问题的水文学分析,主要从水文学角度,探讨了消融期温冰川冰内及冰下水系的演化过程及其在径流过程曲线上的反映.利用径流-气温交叉相关分析方法,计算了海螺沟冰川2003—2005年逐日Q-T时滞,其季节变化在一定程度上指示了冰内及冰下水系季节演化过程及其水力状况,并针对典型时段,重点探讨了二者之间的相关性.  相似文献   
全球变暖背景下海螺沟冰川近百年的变化   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
海螺沟冰川是我国典型的温冰川之一,对100 a来各种观测资料的分析发现:海螺沟冰川自1823年以来末端海拔上升300 m,年均升高1.64 m,20世纪以来末端海拔上升速度加快;在20世纪呈现明显的退缩变化,76 a冰川后退1 821.8 m,年均后退24 m.运用冰川学方法恢复了海螺沟冰川45a来的物质平衡变化,45 a累积物质平衡值为-10 825.5 mm(水当量),年均平衡值为-240.6 mm(水当量).在全球变暖影响下,冰川雪线不断上升,冰川活动强烈,导致冰面形态发生了明显变化,具体表现为:冰川厚度不断变薄、大冰瀑布上出现巨大塌陷洞穴、冰面丘融化变形、冰面径流不断变大、冰川弧拱区裂隙密布等,冰川内部的径流冲刷和冰川表面的剧烈消融是海螺沟冰川表面形态发生显著变化的主要机制.总之,在全球变暖背景下,该冰川表现出以亏损为特征的退缩变化趋势.  相似文献   
中国香格里拉生态旅游区冰川旅游资源的特征及其开发   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
位于川、滇、藏三省交界的香格里拉生态旅游区,是三省自2002年以来协商共同打造的中国的最大的高原生态旅游区.这一区域具有独特的高原雪山、湖泊、草原、森林、野生动植物等自然景观,正是举世闻名的“香格里拉”描绘的写照.冰川旅游资源是香格里拉景观的一个重要组成部分,本文对该区域的冰川资源,即冰川数量、分布及其形态特征作了一个总结,并探讨了该区域冰川旅游资源的开发策略.  相似文献   
Great change, associated with global warming, has occurred at the Hailuogou (海螺沟)has retreated 1 822 m in the past 106 years, with an annual mean retreat of 17.2 m, and the front elevation has risen by 300 m since 1823. Comparison of glacier variations and temperature fluctuations in China and the Northern Hemisphere, over the last 100 years, indicates that glacier retreat stages occurred during the warm phase, and vice versa. Mass balance records during 1959/60--2003/04 have shown that the glacier has suffered a constant mass loss of snow and ice. The accumulated mass balance, -10.83 m water equivalent, indicates an annual mean value of -0.24 m water equivalent. The correlation between the mass balance and temperature is significant, which also indicates that climate warming is the crucial cause of glacier loss.Local hydrological and climatic data demonstrate that runoff from the glacier has been increasing both seasonally and annually.The correlation analysis and trend analysis indicate that ice and snow melted water is the main cause of an increase in the runoff. As the climate has become warmer, changes in the glacier surface morphology have obviously occurred. These include a decrease in glacier thickness, enlargement of glacial caves, and reduction of the size of clefts on the glacier surface. The ablation period has lengthened and the ablation area has expanded. A variety of factors thus provide evidence that the Hailuogou glacier has suffered a rapid loss of snow and ice as a result of climatic warming.  相似文献   
分析多种数据和资料,再现海螺沟冰川过去100年来的冰川进退过程,分析发现,冰川末端变化阶段在滞后期的基础上,与北半球和中国气温变化的阶段相对应。运用水量-物质平衡法恢复海螺沟冰川45年来的物质平衡变化情况,通过相关性检验发现,物质平衡变化与北半球和中国同期(1960~2004年)气温变化表现出显著负相关。20世纪80年代全球加速变暖,海螺沟冰川冰舌段消融速率为7.86 m/a,冰川河径流量年际和季节变化表明流量主要贡献者是冰雪融水。分析表明,全球变暖是冰川后退、持续亏损及径流量增加的主要原因。  相似文献   
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